Dragon Ball: The Galactic Sei...

By ShadyFellow

728 49 6

An unknown being has entered Universe 7 and is now on a galactic rampage. It is up to Goku and Vegeta to go s... More

Chapter 1: Not who it seems
Chapter 2: Earth matters
Chapter 3: Answer me now, cat!
Chapter 4: Amongst friends and family
Chapter 5: A Mere Fraction
Chapter 6: Gauging the Kin
Chapter 7: Stress Testing
Chapter 8: Applying more pressure
Chapter 9: Inhuman Edge
Chapter 10: Expoit all options
Chapter 11: Did we win?
Chapter 12: Weighing our Priorities
Chapter 13: Is it a bird?
Chapter 14: A scheme always at play.
Chapter 15: Just what we need
Chapter 16: Alliance or something else
Chapter 17: Work with us
Chapter 18: Duties
Chapter 19: Rematch
Chapter 20: The Destroyer and the Collector
Chapter 21: Things that needed to happen.
Chapter 22: About time we left.
Chapter 23: shake it off.
Chapter 24: Welcome Party
Chapter 26: This was the plan?
Chapter 27: Trick of the Trade
Chapter 28: Tides always shift
Chapter 29: Improvise
Chapter 30: A disperate act
Chapter 31: Hold your ground
Chapter 32: Too much at once
Chapter 33: Crash Course
Chapter 34: Scramble
Chapter 35: Puppet Strings
Chapter 36: Come to my Sied
Chapter 37: From dust to Ash, and again
Chapter 38: Grave digger
Chapter 39: Higher Plain
Once Again
Chapter 40: Boiling Point
Chapter 41: Another Perspective Part 1

Chapter 25: 4v1, Good Odds.

9 1 0
By ShadyFellow

"Wolf fang fist!"

Yamcha charged forward, slashing the drones down to the bit, parts, oil and wires litter the floor in his wake.

Goku jumped into the horde, mowing through the army, as he effortlessly dishes out punishment.

Vegeta was a bit more savage, not wanting to waste time on these jobbers,  he charged a beam, and sweep the room with it. If it was any other time that would have worked, but more enemies swarmed in, they weren't machines, but cyborgs. On jumped on him while he was charging another beam, but he broke his concentration to swat it away.

Frieza bombarded them with a hail of Ki blasts, and formed two Destructo discs, "LOOK OUT!" he cried. Goku and Yamcha hopped up into the air, as the disc bounced around the room, clearing up the remaining, plus it entered the hallway where the cyborgs came from.

Yamcha landed, "Heh, that wasn't so bad."

"Don't get cocky!" Vegeta barked, as he made his way towards the doorway, "They know we are here now, so the big guys will be coming soon."

Superman flew on ahead, meeting up with two walkers, they fired missiles at him, but he shot them out of the air. He grabbed one of its legs, ripping it off by the joint. He tossed it at the other, causing it to fall forward. Slicing the grounded one with his heat vision, and finishing off the first by punching it a couple of times.

"Amateur," Frieza commented.

"Something isn't right." Superman said with a worried expression, "He expected us."

Vegeta ask "How are you so sure?"

"He usually has shields up on the outside of his ships."

"So what, we got lucky."

Loud sounds came from the end of the hallway, the team fixed their focus in that direction, this time it was an armoured walker, as it beamed lasers at them.

"I got this!" Goku hopped forward, forming a massive spirit ball that blocked the attack, he then send it towards the walker destroying it.

"How pitiful, I was expecting an actual fight." Frieza reverted to his base, "This is making me doubt this thing can destroy the universe. So what game are you playing Superman."

"No games, Brainiac is up to something, to something."

Vegeta annoyed, continues down the hallway. Superman called out to him, but he bushed him off, "I don't want to hear it! So far this thing defences are not a challenge for us." A drone try to jump him but he caught it by the head, crushing it.

Watching them from his control room, Brainiac observed the team as they progress through the ship, "Yes my defence is awful, keep that mindset." A screen showed a loading bar at 77%.

Superman tried using his x-ray vision to find brainiac, but there wasn't any sign of him. However, he noticed that the machines were working hard, but didn't take stock of it since all the machines were working and he had no clue what they are supposed to do. But he shared the information with his team.

"Huh," Goku said when he got the news,  "Vegeta, think that means something?"

"It means we are interrupting his plans, nothing more. We just came while he was doing something."

"But didn't he communicate with us on the ship? Maybe he knew we were coming and thought the robot could have stopped us, or at least kill one of us."

That caused Vegeta to stop, he turned to face the team, sizing them up. He knows of Goku and Frieza's strength all too well, as for Superman and Yamcha, they were the uncertainty, to him, the weak link.

"No one is going to get killed on my watch." He continued heading in the direction, "We came here as a team, we here as a team."

Another swarm came towards them, this time surviving the beams, so they resort to ripping them apart by hand. Then another, tougher than the last, each time the progress they meet up a horde, though they were getting somewhat harder, they wanted a threat to anyone there.

Superman felt uneasy, this wasn't like Brainiac to have intruders and not taunt them.

Some more drones came down a different hall, this time armed with laser guns. Vegeta tanked the attacks, laughing at the desperate attempts at keeping them away. Freiza shared the same feeling, as he grew bored of the weaklings being tossed at him. Meanwhile, Yamcha and Goku were apprehensive about what was taking place, since they are aware of the effects of Brainiac's beam, the one that tagged Gohan.

While walking ahead, Superman noticed a piece of metal stuck in his forearm. At first, it didn't bother him, however, that was strange that it even pierced his skin. Moreover, he couldn't see as far with his x-ray vision.

They arrived at a large opening, it resembles that of a training facility, Goku marvelled at how large it was, while Vegeta and Frieza ridiculed it.

A port opens from above, like a heavy object crashing in the middle. Everyone on the team brace themselves, for what stood before them, harboured interminable energy.

Superman shouted its name, "Brainiac!"

"Yes, me. Now that I got a proper look at you, I finally figured out who you are...Jon Kent."

"Huh? Who's that?" Goku asked, as he looked at the man of steel, who was revealed to be the son of Superman.

"Took your father's name, and his idiotic nature, how-"

"Enough yabbering! Give me Bulma!" Vegeta rushed the droid, flying it with a powerful punch.

It landed, causing a massive shockwave, and damaging the room. But not Brainiac. The Saiyan was stunned, so he kicked him in his shin, then the gut and uppercut the machine. Not once did it flinch.

So the Saiyan powered up to Super Saiyan 2, firing as a charged beam, roasting everything but the droid, going in for another combo, two hooks, another uppercut, he rockets up and came down with an axe kick to its shoulder.

"Wow, it didn't flinch," Yamcha commented.

Backing off again, they tackled the thing in super Saiyan god, stopping dead in his tracks. Vegeta pushed with all his might, then in a blur started attacking it all over its body, but not a scratch, nor movement.

Fed up with the annoyance, Brainiac grabbed him, punch him in the gut so hard at it pushed the rest of the team into the wall behind them, and destroyed a good chunk of the room.

"Now where was I, ah yes. About you, superboy, I don't know if your father's whereabouts, last I have seen of him was when he pushed me in the Boomtube, I tried following with my droids but...I ended up here. However, knowing that body, being my original, it's safe to speculate...." An uncanny grin appeared, "...most likely dead."

The boy slammed his fist on the wall, and roared "NO!" He flickered towards Brainiac, red hot rage boiling his blood, the young Kryptonian fired his heat vision at the droid, as it blocked it with an empty palm. He pulled back, about to lay a powerful attack, but before he can reach it, Brainiac jabbed but missed him, despite calculating his positioning.

"I missed. No"

Brainiac watched as Yamcha held the boy back.

"Strong enough to hold back an angry Kryptonian, impressive. I will-"

A beam engulfed his head, he turn to face the person, but he felt something grab his leg. It was an injured Vegeta, who muttered "Final flash."



In the epicentre of the explosion, the droid still manages to grab Vegeta, and tossed him aside, he was caught by Goku, who handed him a senzu bean.

Now energetic, Vegeta wiped the blood from his mouth, "Alright Kakarrot, it's usually just us, but we have back up."

"Right, let's do this together."

They both powered up and charged at the droid, Vegeta still in his gode mode aimed for its head. Jamming his knee into its face, Goku punched it in the gut, Vegeta flipped over blasting it in the back of its head, with Goku stepping to the side-firing a spirit ball. They attacked it relentlessly, but it didn't flinch, this flinch. Frieza came in with a Destructo Disc. This however caused the droid to move, as he calculated that thing with cutting him in half.

'It finally moved!' Yamcha still on the sidelines, unsure about his standing, 'Damn, I think I am way over my head, me and Superman.' He turned to where he left Jon but the boy already left to attack.

Superman crashed into the droid's chest, "This is for my father!" He screamed as he unload an untold amount of punches into one area.

In a swift motion, the droid slapped the boy aside, it rushed to add some more pain, but it was knocked back by Vegeta, "Where is Bulma!" He shouted as he manhandled the droid for a moment, but it regained its footing. It punched at him aiming for the head, Vegeta feinted, blasting at its hip joint. It did nothing, so he backed off as it charged forward.

Working together Goku and Frieza blindside the droid, both sending Destructo disc at it, they missed, but it was distracted, Vegeta took that moment to style on the droid. Pinning it around as it helplessly tries to take back control.

However, when it did, it didn't look good for the team.

Frieza taunts it while he charges a Destructo disc, "Worm, time for you to go back to the dirt!"

"Are you talking bout me?" It flickered behind Frieza, "Or yourself?"

It kicked Frieza with enough force to send him ramming through all the levels out of the ship into the vacuum of space. Vegeta was almost blindsided as well, but he manages to block it, but the collision still knocked him back.

It set its sights on Yamcha, who was fast enough to dodge it completely. Brainiac attacked with great precision, but his opponent was faster, no, they knew his next move before him. So he fired his eye laser, but Yamcha dodged, and screamed, "Wolf Fang Breaker!"

The droid was sent back flipping, but it sprang back up, closing the distance before he can react. Lucky Superman, tackled it in time, but he was flung aside, not before receiving a blitz.

Vegeta came back for another round, tagging up with Yamcha. Vegeta powered up to Blue, not wanting to give this one a break, he was much faster than before, clobbering the droid bit and backing off, it seemed to work wonders.

Yamcha aimed low, he punched the knee of the droid, causing it to drop, it counters with a backhand, only its middle finger connected with him, slashing his torso. Brainiac noticed how fast he is, taking note of the focus on Vegeta annoying him a little too much.

Out of nowhere Goku and Jon, fire attacks him, heat vision and Kamehameha throw him for a loop, Vegeta pile on the pressure while Yamcha as well.

Brainiac stood up, taking in all the attacks like nothing. "Remember Goku, it tickles."

The Saiyan was perplexed "Huh?"

"Goku!" Yamcha cried out

Vegeta saw it as well, "Kakarrot!"

Using methods unknown to our heroes, Brainiac manage to appear behind Goku, he grappled with him, firing his eyes lasers continuous into his back.


The trio did their best to free Goku. Superman and Vegeta try ripping the arms off, while Yamcha charged an attack he believes might be enough to break him out.

With intense focus, he formed a triangle with his thumbs and index fingers, he flew up. Aiming for the droid head, it halted, then fire at Yamcha instead. It had the man running around the arena, doing his best not to get hit.

A ball of ki formed in Vegeta's palm, and he jammed it in the eyes, he grabbed Superman and shielded him from the explosion.

"You ok?"

Superman nodded, "We have to free Goku."

"No need!"

Brainiac grabbed a hold of the boy's cape, slamming him around like a ragdoll, then fired a red laser that he, Vegeta tries to intervene but he reverted to his god mode. Superman was tossed at him, this time a bloody pulp.

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