Solstice Souls Book 2: Black...

By edzooc8r

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The Cultivation world is in chaos as Wen Rouhan inches across clan territories looking for cultivators with a... More

And The Story Continues.....
Doubts and Dark Magic
Comfort, Cooking, and Compassion
One Man's Meat
When the Darkness Rises
The Eye of the Storm
No More Hiding
Back To The Beginning
An Apology With A Warning
Searching For Answers
A Daring Journey
Friends or Foes?
Hurricanes of the Heart
Filling in the Blanks
Under The Cover of Darkness
Breaking A Promise
Adaptable Truths
Seeds Of Doubt
Far From Home
True Colours
The Arena
The Purple Viper
The Light From Within
Friends In Dark Places
Love Note
Fight to the Death
Xue Yang
The Truth in Masquerade
Making Up The Numbers
Necessary Reassurances
Sneaking Happiness
Escape Plan
Out of the Frying Pan
Reassurances of the Heart
Every Man Has His Destiny
Flying High
Confessions of a Heart
Truth Be Told
Soul Searching
Meeting The In-Laws
Solstice Sons
Dinner Plans
Grace Under Fire
Story Time
Of Pigs and Cabbages
A Not So Welcoming Committee
Sugar and Salt
Growing Pains
Tricks of the Trade
Hidden Desires
A Time of Need
Lessons Learned
Favorite Place To Be

Unlikely Allies

862 111 30
By edzooc8r

Wei Ying POV

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying screamed.

The look of absolute rage blanketed Lan Zhan's normally calm face. To others, the Second Jade's expression would have been difficult to read even now. But to Wei Ying, his beloved's out of control emotions poured off him in catastrophic waves.

Bichen was hovering at the woman's pale and exposed neck, its sharp blade ready to draw blood. Wei Ying didn't know why it was there. Yes, the two Wens in front of them wore the robes of their enemy. His anger towards them was immediate because of them. But both he and Lan Zhan had watched the brother and sister help the victims of the attack from the burning buildings and give them medicine for their injuries.

When Wen Qing had bravely refused to engage them in order to treat an old man, Wei Ying began to examine the situation more closely. Listening to her explain that they were a small faction of healers, he had asked why they didn't leave and start their own sect or find refuge with another sect. And then he looked into her hazel eyes.

The fierce fighting spirit that was hidden just under her calm exterior was restrained by her love for her brother, Wen QiongLin. They couldn't just leave. Wei Ying had heard stories of Wen Rouhan's punishment for any clan member that tried to defect. Those that tried, never lived to give hope to anyone else who considered the same attempt at freedom.

Wei Ying placed a gentle hand on his soulmate's steady hand holding Bichen and moved in front of him, blocking Lan Zhan's view of the young woman holding her head high.

"Lan Zhan." he said calmly. He wasn't sure what had set off Lan Zhan's rage. So shifted closer to the man he loved slowly, never letting his hand leave the one holding Bichen.

But Lan Zhan's golden fury was still focused on the woman. He kept trying to look around Wei Ying's head like a toddler peeking at something but Wei Ying kept tilting to the left and right, blocking his angry jade's view of the two Wens behind him.

"Lan Zhan look at me." Wei Ying ordered tenderly.

Lan Zhan's eyes blinked rapidly. Wei Ying could see the confusion in them, swirling inside sunlit pools of uncertainty. He placed a warm palm on Lan Zhan's smooth cheek and pulled the older man's gaze towards him.

"It's alright, my love. You can lower your sword. They are not a danger to us or anyone here."

Each word Wei Ying spoke was firm yet sympathetic. He spoke slowly to make sure Lan Zhan heard each one. Gradually, understanding dulled the anger flooding through his jade's body. Wei Ying saw Lan Zhan's shoulders slump as the adrenaline coursing through his impressive body drained from his muscles. The steady arm holding Bichen dropped to Lan Zhan's side as if his spiritual weapon suddenly became too heavy to lift off the ground.

Wei Ying kissed those lips that were trembling like a baby hummingbird's wings. He coaxed them to respond with slow motions and light touches. Lan Zhan's taste lingered after each one and Wei Ying couldn't help but lick his lips trying to consume the flavor of crisp mountain air and jasmine. Silver eyes sparked as golden ones dilated with a dangerous need.

"Not now." Wei Ying whispered sadly. He pulled away from the man who owned his heart and soul, wishing for whatever was going to happen to happen quickly so they could get back to their room.

Lan Zhan's bottom lip protruded the tiniest bit and Wei Ying could not restrain the tiny giggle that escaped his throat. How did someone go from being angry enough to threaten someone's life to looking like a reprimanded child? That anger worried Wei Ying. Something must have triggered a deep seated hatred inside his well-mannered jade. Perhaps something that even Lan Zhan did not know was there.

Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a reassuring smile. "I promise to give you more kisses as soon as we get back to the inn. And then we're going to talk about what just happened, alright?"

Lan Zhan nodded in agreement and resheathed Bichen. Wei Ying turned back to the siblings. Wen Qing had deliberately placed herself between them and her brother. He admired that. It was something he could relate to.

Many times he had placed himself between Jiang Yanli and the peacock, Jin Zixuan. Betrothed or not, Wei Ying would never allow the young, arrogant Jin heir to treat his sister like she was not worthy of him and his rich family. Insulting his shijie was something that angered him like a raging beast. Jiang Yanli was the sweetest most thoughtful person he had ever known. And no one had the right to make her feel unworthy.

Fortunately for Jin Zixuan, A-Li always brought Wei Ying back to his senses before he could regret anything. Yet it was satisfying enough to see the flicker of fear in the peacock's eyes when he left.

Wen Qing looked like a lioness protecting her young. His eyes happened to catch a glint of metal in her hands. Three long, painful looking needles were neatly tucked between the fingers of her right hand. He wasn't sure what she could do with them but he definitely did not want to find out.

His stance changed as he bowed slightly towards her and her brother. He witnessed the small change in the way they stood, thankful that the tense situation was beginning to dissipate.

"Thank you for helping the children and their families." he said kindly.

Lan Zhan also bowed but deeper. "I am sorry for threatening you. Inexcusable. My deepest apologies."

Wei Ying's heart hurt. A realization slowly crept over him. Lan Zhan had probably always been in control of his emotions. All the meditating and rules and music to keep one's mind calm had been drilled into him since he was a tiny child. And, if Lan Zhan had never really experienced the world outside of Cloud Recesses, then powerful negative emotions like anger and hate were all new to him.

Wen Qing returned her needles to a small bag hidden inside her robes and Wei Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

"I suppose all of our emotions are on edge. We accept your apology, Hanguang-Jun." she responded graciously.

Wei Ying paused, his breath stuck in his throat. "How did you know?" he asked cautiously.

Wen Qing looked up at both of them. "I met...well, rather I saw Hanguang-jun in Cloud Recesses about two years ago. I was there attending a conference for sharing medical knowledge."

Wei Ying looked at her carefully. Then he turned his steely gaze to his jade. "Was there a conference? Do you remember her?"

Lan Zhan nodded. "Yes, there was a conference. I did not attend any of the talks."

Wen Qing smiled. "Your brother said you didn't like to be around people. It sort of reminded me of my didi. But I did see you with your brother sharing a meal in the dining hall a few times while I was there. I thought it was fascinating how much the two of you look alike and yet are not twins."

Wei Ying huffed a giggle. "You definitely are a doctor at heart, Wen Qing. Any other girl would wonder what was under their robes. But you wanted to know why they looked alike."

"Shameless." Lan Zhan chastised under his breath.

He could see Wen QiongLin stifle a giggle of his own behind his hand. The act and the young man's demeanor lowered Wei Ying's defenses. This brother and sister seemed honest in their motives. Nothing about them screamed cold-blooded killers. So, he took a risk and decided to trust them.

"Can you tell us why Wen Zhuliu is taking children?" Wei Ying asked. He noticed the slight tilt of Lan Zhan's head and took his jade's hand in his.

Wen Qing noticed the unexpected gesture. "You are....together?" It was more of a statement than a question. Her brother's eyes landed on their joined hands, his face softening at their joined hands.

Wei Ying's smile spread until his bunny teeth beamed bright. His silver eyes danced with the love he felt for Lan Zhan as he automatically found his beloved's face. Leaning against his jade, he answered happily, "Yes. We are to be married in three months."

"Congratulations, young masters!" Wen Qionglin cheered. His own smile widened and Wei Ying saw the innocence of his soul. No wonder his sister protected him with such ferocity. That kind of innocence was hard to find, especially in a Wen.

"Thank you." Wei Ying replied. "But you still have not answered my question."

Wen Qing sighed and lowered her head. "He's looking for someone who can control resentful energy."

"I thought that was impossible." Wei Ying wondered out loud. Lan Zhan's grip on his hand tightened fractionally. He returned the squeeze to acknowledge his jade's curiosity.

"Wen Rouhan doesn't think so." she answered. "Not if someone has a specific core able to harness the energy."

"What kind of core?" Lan Zhan inquired flatly.

Wei Ying held back the proud smile about to burst onto his lips. His jade was playing along. Knowing that Lan Zhan was following his lead made Wei Ying's heart swell.

Wen Qing looked between the two of them. Her eyes were sharp and wary.

"I'm not sure." she said.

Wei Ying pondered her response. She could be lying, she was a Wen. But something in the way her face shifted, the tightening of her jaw, the pressing of her lips, made him think she wasn't. Frustration at not knowing why their clan leader was laying siege to small villages and hurting innocent lives was evident in her young features.

"Why children?" Lan Zhan snapped.

Wei Ying felt the constriction of his beloved's hand around his. Elegant fingers that created the most beautiful music were now wedged painfully between his. Slowly, Wei Ying began drawing small circles with his thumb across the top of Lan Zhan's strained hand. Little by little, his jade relaxed his grip.

"We don't know." Wen QiongLin interjected. He was obviously as distressed about things as his sister. "We....we only know that W-Wen Zhuliu takes them be-because our clan leader believes a ch-child will be more easily convinced t-to help us."

Before Wei Ying could process what the young man had revealed, Lan Zhan's grip tightened again.

"Lan Zhan? What's wrong? Tell me."

Wei Ying could see the silent struggle in those golden eyes staring back at him. Lan Zhan's emotions were waging a turbulent war inside him. Instead of rushing his soulmate to express himself, Wei Ying waited patiently for Lan Zhan to process what he was feeling, hoping that whatever was bothering him would reveal itself soon.

Through clenched jaws, Lan Zhan said, "Children innocent. Impressionable. Easily manipulated to believe things not true. Should be cherished. Loved. Protected."

Wei Ying's eyes blurred from tears of seeing his beloved trying to deal with something that was manifesting itself within him. His own rage was making its presence known as his demonic energy began to stir inside his core. Taking a deep breath, Wei Ying focused his control and extinguished the building spark of resentment. Losing himself to the darkness within would not do anyone any good right now.

For some reason, Lan Zhan's emotional state was unstable. Wei Ying needed to get him alone.

"Thank you for your help and information." he said, bowing to the siblings. "We must be going."

As he wrapped his arm around Lan Zhan who was still shaking with anger, Wei Ying paused when Wen Qing asked, "Who are you, exactly? And why are you investigating the missing children with Hanguang-jun?

He looked back at the young woman who spoke so boldly. He liked her. She had guts. She was intelligent and inquisitive. However, if she truly was a doctor, then her bedside manners needed work. A lot of work. He giggled to himself but quickly stuffed his amusement back into its place.

Wen Qing stood there, unmoving, waiting for an answer. Her brother was looking between her and Wei Ying, seemingly understanding that something was passing between the two but unsure of what it was exactly.

Wei Ying grinned devilishly. "My name is Wei Ying, courtesy name Wuxian. And let's just say that my fiance and I want to stop whatever it is that Wen Rouhan is trying to accomplish. Messing with resentful energy is very dangerous. Trying to control it is....well, a crazy idea."

Wen Qing eyed him carefully. She cocked her head and added, "It's not crazy if he can actually do it. And from what I've seen, he's close to finding the person he's been looking for."

Wei Ying's blood chilled like the glacial stream feeding Cold Pond. "Who exactly is he looking for?"

Lan Zhan took a protective step in front of Wei Ying. Wen Qing did not miss the Second Jade's movement. Wen QiongLin tugged on his sister's sleeve in a tiny, fearful motion. Wen Qing placed a hand over her brother's and patted it for reassurance.

"I overheard Wen Zhuliu dictating a message to Wen Chao. Something about him finding someone who passed the test. A man. Not a child. And that the trap was set. That's all I know."

Wei Ying's heart drummed inside his heaving chest. His mind raced with a thousand possibilities, none of them good. The world was dropping out from under him in a sickening motion. Dread tunneled his vision until he could only see images of his family and friends hurt and suffering because of him.

"Wei Ying!"

Lan Zhan's voice sounded so far away. Yet the strong hands wrapped around his upper arms were definitely close. Wei Ying tried to shake off the paralyzing fear that was threading its way through his heart but the resentful energy inside him was hungry for more. Its tentacles pulled at his body forcing him to push back. Just as the darkness was about to swallow him, warm lips pressed against his own and a calmness filled his soul.

His soulmate's white energy began fusing with his demonic energy. The two powers swirled around each other, white and black merging with familiar ease. Wei Ying surrendered to Lan Zhan's love and his body. Their kiss deepened, their longing insatiable. Tongues caressed madly and lips demanded hungrily as the two men took refuge in each other's arms.

This was Wei Ying's world. Lan Zhan was his world. The power surging around them was wiping away any doubt he had about being able to save everyone he loved. Courage and determination obliterated every insecurity that had taken root inside him. Wei Ying leaned into the kiss, wanting more from his jade. His arms snaked their way around his jade's neck and pulled the helpless man even closer until not even a thread could be passed between them.

When Lan Zhan broke the kiss, Wei Ying chased after those amazingly talented lips with a whine. A light cough forced his eyes open. Golden eyes stared at him with an intense fire, melting Wei Ying's insides like wax under a candle's flame. One final peck on the tip of his jade's strong nose and Wei Ying slid out from Lan Zhan's safe arms.

"Not that I don't enjoy seeing two people in love, but that was.....impressive." Wen Qing remarked with a lift of her eyebrow. She removed her hand that had been covering her younger brother's innocent eyes and asked him to check on the children and their parents before they left.

Wei Ying saw the apprehension on Lan Zhan's face. He felt it, too.

Wen Qing took three steps towards the two waiting men until she stood toe to toe with Wei Ying. Lan Zhan stood next to his fiance, his body language an undeniable warning to the woman who dared get so close to Wei Ying they could smell each other's breath.

"If I were you," she whispered. "I would run as far away as you can. Don't stop. Don't look back. Don't come back. He will destroy whatever and whoever gets in his way of capturing you. Both of you."

Her eyes moved slowly from Wei Ying to Lan Zhan. "If he gets what he wants, his power will be unmatched. No one will be able to stop him."

Wei Ying locked his silver eyes dusted with flecks of red on her flawless face. With a crooked grin and an eyebrow lift, he answered, "Except us."

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