Dragon Ball: The Galactic Sei...

By ShadyFellow

728 49 6

An unknown being has entered Universe 7 and is now on a galactic rampage. It is up to Goku and Vegeta to go s... More

Chapter 1: Not who it seems
Chapter 2: Earth matters
Chapter 3: Answer me now, cat!
Chapter 4: Amongst friends and family
Chapter 5: A Mere Fraction
Chapter 6: Gauging the Kin
Chapter 7: Stress Testing
Chapter 8: Applying more pressure
Chapter 9: Inhuman Edge
Chapter 10: Expoit all options
Chapter 11: Did we win?
Chapter 12: Weighing our Priorities
Chapter 13: Is it a bird?
Chapter 15: Just what we need
Chapter 16: Alliance or something else
Chapter 17: Work with us
Chapter 18: Duties
Chapter 19: Rematch
Chapter 20: The Destroyer and the Collector
Chapter 21: Things that needed to happen.
Chapter 22: About time we left.
Chapter 23: shake it off.
Chapter 24: Welcome Party
Chapter 25: 4v1, Good Odds.
Chapter 26: This was the plan?
Chapter 27: Trick of the Trade
Chapter 28: Tides always shift
Chapter 29: Improvise
Chapter 30: A disperate act
Chapter 31: Hold your ground
Chapter 32: Too much at once
Chapter 33: Crash Course
Chapter 34: Scramble
Chapter 35: Puppet Strings
Chapter 36: Come to my Sied
Chapter 37: From dust to Ash, and again
Chapter 38: Grave digger
Chapter 39: Higher Plain
Once Again
Chapter 40: Boiling Point
Chapter 41: Another Perspective Part 1

Chapter 14: A scheme always at play.

17 1 1
By ShadyFellow

The man of steel floats near the blue giant, his arms stretch as his wounds he sustains from battles far earlier than the one he just ended healed. Its warmth sued his mind, but the thought of what Brainiac might be scheming at the moment got to him, shattering his blissful breath. He then wondered how long he had been away from his earth, and what had been going on in his absence. He wished a certain someone didn't reach there before him, or else it would be trouble for him since he was tasked with protecting it. That thought soon faded, as it would mean they were successful in warding off Brainiac forces, but another question flew in his head how is this earth fairing against this treat? Are they as welcoming as the ones from his earth? Or are they like that of earth 3? There was only one way to find out, and that is to go there himself.

"I better make use of this amount of solar energy while I can, because I wouldn't have this much time to rest. Especially now that Brainiac knows I am here, hope he is here as well, can't deal with him myself." he nodded, then prepared himself to travel through the stars once again, puffing his chest the man of steel position himself, but then.

"WORM!!!" from beneath him a ball of golden fury slammed into him, it was Frieza, now sporting a huge bump on his noggin, "It is the last time a low life being lays its finger on me. First those disgusting monkeys, just as i was on my way to finish them off and that stupid back water planet."

Superman rockets out of the sun, now all his cells are fully charged. "Thanks for the extra boost, wasnt needed," He pulled back for a punch, "NOW YOU WILL REGRET IT!" 

Frieza put up an energy shield to absorb most of the impact, it was too slow to do anything, so most of his body took the impact. It felt familiar, it was as if this being went super saiyan, just like Goku. He glanced at Superman before he flew off, "No, it looks like one of those earthlings that is always next to those monkeys." this angered him more, so he chased after him, blasted at Superman who was just a blur to Frieza, "Stop moving earthling, let me kill you like those other i have extinguished."

Superman stopped on a dime then vanished, this left Frieza perplexed, wondering where he did go, but that question was answered with a fist to his ribs, "What did you say about earth?" Superman asked sternly. 

Still coiling from the pain he turned his back to the man of steel, "Well you see, that chunk of nothing is home to a bunch of disgusting creatures, and I did this to the planet!" he spun around, blasting Superman in his chest, he then unloaded another, then flew towards the man of steel to punch him, but he caught it. He then beamed Frieza with his heat vision, then punched him down to another planet. From the smoke, to glowing red dots approach the down conjurer, he coughed up blood and muttered under his breath, "Impossible."

"I will ask this once more, do you aline with Brainiac?"

Frieza huffed, this angered him even more, being talked down to by a low life scum, worse yet, they assume he works with another scum. He clenched his fist, crushing the rocks between his fingers, "I told you once, I DON'T WORK WITH WEAKLINGS!!"  He jabbed at Superman, his fist overflowing with energy which destroyed not just the ground beneath their feet, but the mountains behind the man of steel, clearing the sky and reshaping the terrain.

His fist was badly bruised despite being encased in Ki, then from the dust, Superman stool there, not a scratch on his face, nothing showing any sign that he was hit, maybe the dust, but other than that, he was fine. Frieza, was speechless, his words became incoherence, causing him to return to his normal state, "No....No way, you can't be human!!"

"You will come to know what I am in due time," said Superman, "Now I know how to deal with your type thanks to Batman, so let me plant a seed in your head to understand why you need to help me. Brainiac is a collector, he is not going to stop till collects all the life knowledge in this universe and adds it with what he already has. You want to rule the galaxy, well, when Brainiac gets bored with his your universe, say good bye to that dream."

Stumped by what Superman just said, Frieza muttered, "That thing.....has the power to destroy the universe."

"If left along long enough, yes." he then outstretched his hand to the defeated Frieza, "I don't trust you, but I am sure as hell you want a universe to rule. So what do you say?"

He looked at the man of steel hand, he grimaced at the gesture, but then thought about the alternative which he had already turned away. Gears start turning in his head as ideas popped up left and right, slapping away the hand before him, he started "Don't think for a moment this means I am lesser than you worm, I am only doing this for the universe sake. I lord Frieza only does what I want, and consider this a chance to get you and that other rat out of my universe." He folded his hands and turned his shoulder, sticking his nose up in disgust.

Superman just shrugs, "If you say so, now if YOU are to stop him and send us back, YOU have to go to earth. BUT, YOU destroyed it."

He began twitching, "I....said no such thing, I was simply planning to do so. I did killed a few humans, they were much more powerful than you."

"Right, well I race you there." Superman jolted off into the heavens, cracking the already decimated terrain.

Frieza scoffed, annoyed at the fact he is relying on a human to save the universe. It's bad enough he had to stoop so low to help those saiyans, now he is going to need there help once again. "When the time comes, and both sides are weakened, they shall know despair.

At the Galactic Patrol HQ, its utter chaos as they try to respond to the untold amount of reports. Planet after planet is being destroyed, doomed or outright terraformed into weapons, the Galactic King, showed signs of concern by the sudden uproar that have been occurring. Many of the members that have been sent to investigate haven't return, if they did they were in critical condition, it didn't help that they had no idea what the treat was, since it wasn't on any of their records.

"Jaco!" the King shouted, "This is pandemonium, planets are going off the map like flies, get me Goku and Vegeta, we need there help this instant!"

"I have been trying sir, but I am not getting a hold of Bulma sir." Jaco responded, "I think they must have gotten hit by whatever this thing is."

"Nonsense. If they handled Moro, whatever this is they shouldn't sweat them. Go to earth and bring them back here this instant."

Jaco tried to contact Bulma one last time, this time she did answer. "Bulma, thank goodness, I have been trying to contact you for so long. Is Goku or Vegeta close by, we need help with a situation." he waited for a response from her, but all she did was look into the screen, menacingly, "Are you ok Bulma, what's up with your face, why is it like that?"

"Sorry, this new ship has a few kinks," she put on a bubbly smile, "Any way, I just on my way to meet you."


"Yeah, I am not too far, you might feel a sudden jerk before I get there."

"What jerk? and why are-"

A portion of the base went up in flames as the alarms went off. One of the offiers as what's happening got instantly killed by a laser, it was from one of their own officer, he then fire off some more that the panicking crowd, some fired back at him, but he didn't fall, instead his skin change from a yellow to a green, while three circles appeared on their head. Meanwhile, in the med-bay, all the injured Patrol Officers that were sent out begin healing and the same markings appeared on their bodies. Some cried out in agony, while the sound of flesh began to fill the room. Blood caked the walls as some burst through slaughter those in the hallways, some unlucky few were inducted and suffered the same faith as the injured, forced to serve Brainiac.

Jaco was confused at the sudden onset of madness that unfolded in seconds, "Bulma, don't come here, they reached the HQ."

"I know, " she responded, no emotions now, just a dull monotone, "I wanted to initiate it much sooner, but Brainiac said to wait for the bodies to pile up, it would be easier that way. He was right, he was also right about the sight, seeing all those people become enlightened, they are no longer ignorant."


"They have become knowledgeable, they have become the dominant, they are no longer shackled by your foolish dogma, now they serve the will of the of the truly powerful."

Jaco shut down the call, then proceeded to escape, along with the other members that haven't been inducted or killed, he hesitated to shoot his fellow squad-mates, but didn't share the same sentiment, he pass bloody scene after bloody scene, he saw one try fending off themselves, only to have their skull caved in. It didn't help that the base was now shifting, as wires start coming out of the wall while metal bend and twist, adding more fuel to the flame, some of the prisoners that was being held escape, they were planning to use the chaos to escape. Leaving through various holes made but the inducted, yes, they left the cells, but they didn't escape, they simply went from the pan into the fire. Outside, a ton of droids lay in wait, blasting anything that left the HQ. Bodies just float past the windows, as the pressure from within leaked out sucking whoever is unfortunate to be in those sectors. 

Somehow, managing to make it to the deck, Jaco hid behind some containers, he was in a bad shape after fighting one of his close friends. He kept telling himself it was a mercy kill, as he watch their blood on his hands. He wanted to sob, but he was in no position to do so, as he saw a number of droid swarming to go inside, the fired at whoever was beyond his line of sight, till it was only the droid's blast being heard. Their heavy metal feet stomped away, giving him just enough of a change to hobble over to a docked ship, it was analog, lucky him, nevertheless it was still unfortunate since he has to fly manually and it wouldn't be as fast as his own. 

He started it up, which caught the attention of a lone droid, he quickly set up the warp sequence, the screen flashed error, as he was still in the bay, it would be dangerous. On any other day, he wouldn't dare do something this stupid, the ship then hover, but her droid jumped on. It started slashing at its underside, causing more error signs to pop up, "You are not getting me!" he grunted, as he fought to press the button with his limp hand, it shot forward causing the droid to get ripped off by the speed. The pain he felt running through his arms as he tried to keep the ship steady, more warning popped up, he had no time to focus on them, too bad, he would have seen the one that said slow down but he didn't, only to hit an asteroid that threw him off course.

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