Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


344 24 12
By belleofmarvel

*Last update for a few days, so I made it a long one.

Opal POV

  "Someone remind me why we didn't fly?" Lily asks, climbing out of Jameson's truck at a rest stop.

  "Because we couldn't get a flight with all of us," Anthony pipes up. "And you both could've rode with us, but then you'd have had to listen to the baby." He opens the back door of his own SUV to lift the car seat out. "And we all know where you stand on that."

  I slide out from the back seat, arching my back to stretch it further than the car allows. The simple act of stretching causes a very loud and long yawn to escape my lips. "Rough night?" Lily asks me with a Cheshire cat grin. I look back at her, completely emotionless. She comes closer, swinging an arm around my shoulders. "Couldn't have been as rough as mine." I look back at her to see the wiggle of her brows and proceed with pushing her off of me.

  "Good gosh, woman! I told you to keep that to yourself," I chuckle before walking into the restroom. I take care of my business and spend a few extra seconds at the sink, splashing my face with cold water.

  Lily saddles up to the sink next to me. "But really, did you have a bad night? We assumed you crashed once the babysitting job was over."

  Patting my face dry with a paper towel, I cover another yawn. "The 'job' as you call it, never ended."

  "What do you mean?" she asks before sticking her hands under the hand dryer. I roll my eyes as I wait for her to finish because I am refusing to yell over the noise of the dryer.  She gazes at me impatiently, causing me to point to the dryer which earns me an eye roll before she pulls them away from the loud machine. Grabbing a paper towel to finish drying off she pushes me to answer her.

  "Chris thought it would be nice for us to watch Giovanni the whole night so Anthony and Rae could have a quiet night themselves."  I push the door open, leading the way back out towards the parking lot. Lily pulls my hand towards a coffee vending machine.

  "Oh, so you got G down and then you and Chris had lots of time to catch up for, right?" Her eyes are wide with excitement.

You'd think she'd take a look at my own and realize that I don't look like a woman who just had the night of her life. "You really are clueless when it comes to babies aren't you?" She shoves the cup of hot liquid into my hand and pushes me towards the counter to fix it the way I like.

  Lily pushes the button to release her own cup. "I never wanted to have kids, you know that. No reason for me to learn about them." She takes a sip of the straight black liquid.

  "You drinking it like that makes me understand your soul," I quip but laugh a little as she gives a shrug in agreeance.

  We take the walk back to the cars in a slow stroll, letting the warm morning sun kiss our skin. "So, what happened then?"

  I sigh before bringing the cup back up to my  lips. I look ahead of me as I swallow. "Just a rough night." Lily puts her hand on my arm, stopping my walk. I shake my head, knowing what her unasked question is, "not like yours."


  This night at Chris' apartment is much like most of the others I've spent, with one exception. This time I am neither snuggled up against Chris on the couch, or in his bed, rather I'm laying on the edge of one side of the bed with a bassinet next to me.

  As soon as Giovanni took his last bottle around 9 PM, we called it a night. Chris and I had been flipping through the channels on the television in his bedroom while feeding G. Once I burped him the last time Chris turned the volume down low, passed me the pacifier and then climbed off the bed. He kissed G on the head before doing the same to me.

  I don't know whether he fell back on our routine, or truly meant to do it but it brought a tiny smidge of joy to my heart.

  The shy smile he gives me over his shoulder tells me it could've been either one. He pulled the bedroom door close to closed, leaving it cracked.

  I held Giovanni just a moment longer until his eyes grow heavier. I placed him in the bassinet, swaddled snuggly, just the way he prefers. Laying myself back onto the pillow, I attempt to will myself to sleep quickly, unsure if my body will betray me tonight, or take note of Chris close by and allow me a decent night's rest.

  An hour passes, still no sleep. I can't freely toss and turn for fear of waking the baby, who thankfully, sleeps silently next to me.

  I flip to a boring infomercial, hopeful that it will be dull enough to bore me to sleep. Another hour later and I've become too engrossed with figuring out how the items mechanism actually works.

  By the time midnight hits I'm actually happy to hear the baby stir awake for another bottle. I had resorted to trying to count the stars through the floor to ceiling windows. After picking up G I tiptoe to the kitchen, surprised to see the couch empty, and officially become startled when I see Chris already warming the bottle.

  "I didn't mean to wake you. I thought I grabbed him up quick enough."

  "I've not fallen asleep yet," he admits, releasing a yawn which makes me follow suit. "And by the looks of it, I'm guessing you haven't either?" I shake my head side to side, blinking rapidly trying to push away how tired I'm beginning to feel. He smiles and passes me a glass of water. "Would you prefer warm milk too?" he asks with that precious side smirk.

  "Ha, ha," I laughingly mock. "Although I've never tried that. I wonder if it actually works?"

  Chris shrugs while he pulls the bottle out of the warming water. "Might be worth a shot."

  I take the bottle from him once he's tested its warmth. "If I'm still up at 2, I'll try anything." I move to go back towards the bedroom.

  "You don't have to go in there. I'm not gonna sleep knowing you're awake." He motions over to the couch that in fact had not yet been slept on for the night.

I take the corner that holds his pillow, positioning it against the armrest for a bit of extra cushion as I give G his bottle. Thankfully he doesn't seem to be too wide awake. "I'm thinking he'll eat, get a change and be back out in no time."

I expect Chris to sit on the opposite end of the couch, or even the recliner, but instead he takes the spot next to me. His calloused hand runs over G's hair so gently before giving a sweet kiss to the top of his head.

Right ovary: officially exploded.

We sit in the quiet, listening to his suckling noises in between the burbs. Within fifteen minutes he's finished eating and with a clean diaper he's back in the bassinet. I lay the pacifier against his lips and watch with a smile as he roots for it. "Sweet dreams, sweet boy," I whisper as my finger trails his cheek.

"Same to you, sweetheart," Chris quips from his spot against the door frame. I start to giggle but it's interrupted by a yawn.

"Good night, Chris." I climb back into bed, pulling the covers over me. He gives a small nod and leaves the door cracked again. I hear the creak of the couch this time, along with the sound of him fanning out the throw blanket I gave him back at Christmas.

Just as I begin to slip into a dream, Giovanni wakes up whimpering. My hand fumbles around in the bassinet for his pacifier. He takes it but immediately spits it back out, the whimpers turning into light crying.

I sit up further, my hands automatically reaching under him to pick him up. Just as I sit him against my chest, Chris pushes the door open. "Sorry," I mumble, patting G's bottom to try and get him to settle.

"It's alright," he answers honestly. "Can I try?" With a nod of my head in assurance he comes and lifts him from my arms. He rests against his chest as Chris pats his back, continuously shushing in his ear. Just a few moments later he's settled again. I offer him his pacifier once more and Chris places him in the bassinet. "Let's try this again, G-man." Chris lays his large hand over G's chest, almost covering it completely, the baby beginning to drift off again thanks to the extra weighted comfort.

"Thanks," I whisper as he steps away again.

After a quick run to the restroom for myself I climb back into bed, laying on my side away from the bassinet, but facing the clock. 2 AM is a time I've been use to seeing, but only because I've fallen asleep too early. My snuggle against the pillow ends abruptly as this time G begins screaming. Just as quickly as I shoot up from the bed, Chris is back in the room as well.

"Oh no, Mr. Man! Not the crocodile tears," I say playfully as I bring him up to my shoulder. I grab the burp cloth from the edge of the bassinet and toss it over my shoulder before I switch him to the other side. I pat his back repeatedly thinking he may need to burp again.

Chris stands behind me, trying to talk to Giovanni and calm him down. "G-baby, you're gonna wake the neighbors man." His hand caresses his pudgy tear stained cheek.

We walk into the living room, into the kitchen and back through the living room, trying to help him calm down. I shift a bit, laying him belly down on my forearm and begin rubbing against his back. It seems to help a bit. "I think he's got a gas bubble."

"Ouch. That's gotta suck as a baby," Chris winces. "Doesn't seem like it's gonna go away anytime soon, so how about," he pauses, picking up his remote, "some music?"

I start to roll my eyes, but having had these moments with Giovanni before I know that music does tend to help soothe him. A quick look at Chris tells me he's waiting for my go ahead. Giving a simple nod, I watch Chris flip to a random Pandora station. 'You Drive Me Crazy' by Britney Spears flows through the speakers causing me to cock my head at Chris. Thankfully Giovanni agrees with my questioning and let's out a wail.

"Okay, okay. 90s Pop is out, I got it," he chuckles flipping back to the main page and chooses a new station. This time I laugh out as 'The Next Episode' by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg starts to play. I think quickly and cover G's ears to drown out the cuss words, my eyes wide as I look back at Chris who's rocking his shoulders and head to the beat. I can't control the roar of laughter this time which earns me a 'Sh' from Chris.

"Well he didn't scream that time, but he still looks like he's in pain," Chris takes note before flipping to the next song. Neither of us can keep the grin off of our face as Backstreet Boys 'I Want it That Way' starts playing, reminding us both of the night we officially met. But, as Giovanni let's out a very loud sound from his bottom, it's Chris that can't control his laughter. "I'm with ya on that one, G-man. Boy bands are poo." He gets down close to G's ear. "Although that's where I met your Godmother. The night that changed my life," he whispers to the baby, cutting his eyes at me.

I know my cheeks are a rosy pink now that I heard those words. I rotate Giovanni back onto my shoulder. He still whimpers a bit, but nothing like before. Another flick of the remote and the softer melody of Michael Buble that plays seems to soothe him further.

"Okay, G-baby. So you like the crooners, huh?" Chris asks him, his thumb running along the back of the baby's neck. His hand slowly moves down the baby's back until it rests on top of mine. "He's got good taste. Must take after his Godfather Chris."

This time I do roll my eyes, but it's short lived as I feel Chris's hand wrap around my waist, keeping his other hand over my own that rests on Giovanni's back. "What are you doing?" I ask quietly.

Chris gives me a look that I am all too familiar with, and my heart begins to race. "I am dancing with you and our Godson." He pauses, licking his lips. "Is that alright with you?"

A nibble of my lower lip follows a nod of my head. We begin to sway to the soft music, and I can't help but think there was a reason we were right here in this moment together. The song all too relevant to the both of us.

Every time my hand reaches for yours
I feel the hesitation
I'm sure that you're not sure
Every time your lips are kissing mine
I taste the indecision
It's messing with my mind

I know there's a part of you
That's terrified to love again
But I promise to the end

I'll never run
Leave you behind
I'll never hurt you like he hurt you
I'll never make you cry
I'll treat you right
I'll stand by you
And no matter whatever happens
I'll never not love you

All of me, it's diving in the deep
You're standing at the shoreline
The waves are at your feet
Trust will never happen overnight
But if you give me more time
I swear you'll see the light

I know there's a part of you
That's terrified to love again
But I promise to the end

I'll never run (never run)
Leave you behind (you behind)
I'll never hurt you like he hurt you
I'll never make you cry
I'll treat you right (treat you right)
I'll stand by you (stand by you)
And no matter whatever happens
I'll never not love you
Ooh, ooh
I'll never not, I'll never not...

I know there's a part of you
That is terrified to love again
But I promise 'til the end
Yeah, I promise 'til the end

I'll never run (never run)
Leave you behind (you behind)
I'll never hurt you like he hurt you
I'll never say goodbye
I'll treat you right (treat you right)
I'll stand by you (stand by you)
And no matter whatever happens
I'll never not love you
Ooh, ooh
I'll never not, I'll never not love you

I know that if I look up at Chris right now, I will see him looking back at me. I know that the look will push me further into his arms, and further away from my decision of separation. But, I'm just not willing to risk it. Instead I focus on the baby that appears to have fallen asleep on my shoulder, his nose nestled against my neck. Chris leans over, kissing my temple, his hand holding onto the spot where my neck and jaw meet. His lips linger longer than they probably should, causing me to shuffle to the side, stepping out of his reach. "Let's try this sleep thing again, bubs."

Setting him down in his bassinet makes him wake up immediately, his little lip poking out and shaking as he starts to cry again. Another quick scoop up into my arms and back onto my chest calms him down.

"Looks like he wants to be close to you," Chris mentions. "Can't say I blame him."

"Chris," his name releasing in a sigh.

He shakes his head, holding his hands up. "Sorry." He motions for me to come back into the living room. The soft music still playing helps the baby calm down almost immediately. Chris moves to the end of the couch, laying back on the pillow. He lays closer to the back of the couch, opening his arm up for me to join him. He signals for me to pass him the baby, laying him gently on his chest before I slip in next to him just as I did last night at the hotel. My head resting on his arm as I place my hand on Giovanni's back, over Chris' hand.

Chris gazes down at our hands resting over the baby's back before looking over at me. A tender smile pulling at his lips as he closes his eyes.

Left ovary: obliterated.

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