Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


320 30 10
By belleofmarvel

Third Person POV

"That did not happen!" Chris yells out, grinning wildly as laughter bellows from deep within his chest.

Jameson slaps his hand against the table, enforcing the argument. "Lying doesn't look good on you, Evans. It most definitely did happen and, AND, I have a photo to prove it."

Laura and Lily's eyes go wide at Jameson's admission. "OOh! Yes! I'd like to see that proof, wouldn't you, Ope?" Lily squeals.

Opal looks straight across the table at her friend, pointing a newly manicured nail in her direction. "I already told you once, I don't ever want to play strip poker with you. But, I suppose things have changed now so if you want to see the goods, that's between y'all," she laughs as she flicks her finger between her, Chris and Spencer. "I mean, if you've got that kind of marriage."

"Keep that photo under lock and key, would ya," Spencer adamantly requests. Jameson throws his hands up in surrender, agreeing to keep the photo of a naked Chris from a wild night out from the Academy away from prying eyes.

The friend group burst out into another round of laughter, causing just a small handful of looks their way. Saturday night at Decker's is just as popular as always. "Sour puss," Laura complains with a shove into her husband's arm.

"You're a married woman, about to be a mom. Maybe it's time you stop looking at other men and their goods," Lily suggests before taking a sip from her wine glass. "Cause by the look of your husband, I don't think y'all have the kind of marriage that invites that craziness in."

Laura turns to face Spencer who looks back at her. "Look but don't touch, right baby?" she purses her lips waiting for him to agree with a kiss. His eyes narrow, "Maybe not the guys I work with," he suggests, waiting for her response. "Fine," she concedes with a sigh and welcomes a kiss from her husband.

Opal casts a glance at Chris down the table as he wears a very awkward look on his face. He catches her eye and offers a self deprecating smile before looking back at the beer bottle in his hand.

"I thought we were gonna find out what you're having today?" Rae questions the couple.

"Aw, is mama ready to get back to her baby boy?" Lily asks, nudging her friend in the side. "He's with Anthony at the hotel. I'm sure he's fine."

"I'm sure he is too, but," she shifts around in her seat, adjusting her top, "I'm getting a little sore here and will need to go pump soon."

"This is the turn our lives have taken. Instead of getting out on the dance floor or singing we're talking about open marriages and sore boobs. I need new friends," Lily complains, earning an eye roll from Jameson.

"I'm up for some dancing," Laura howls. "We aren't doing the reveal til tomorrow anyways." She smirks and blows a kiss to Rae. "Come dance, it'll get your mind off the soreness."

Rae gives her a knowing look. "You are in for such a rude awakening." She pushes back from the table, her cell and purse in her hand. "I'm catching a ride to the hotel. Some of us will be awake multiple times tonight, and not for any fun reasons," she looks over to both married couples. "I will see all of you tomorrow morning." She leans to one side to kiss Opal on the cheek. Laura gives her a quick hug before tugging Lily out to the dance floor.

"I'll come and wait with you," Chris offers even though Rae is already waving him off. "Seriously, I'm not letting you stand outside alone."

Opal gets up, pushing her own chair in. "Trust me, you're not gonna win against the Officer." She happens to catch the gleam in his eye, reminding her of the early days in their friendship when she'd use the term. Chris places his hand out in front of Opal, "She would know," he points out to Rae.

"Fine," she gives up in exasperation heading for the door while Opal leaves them to join Lily and Laura on the dance floor.

Rae's Uber driver was actually relatively close and within ten minutes Chris was back at the table with Spencer and Jameson.

"So, she's not given Laura much information, but where are you and Opal at in all this?" Spencer asks Chris. "Together? Not together? Seeing other people? What?"

Jameson gives the same questioning look at his best friend, interested in the same information.

Chris peels away the wrapping from his beer bottle, blowing out puffs of air from his mouth. "We are not together."

"But you talk, right?" Jameson inquires causing Chris to give a slow nod. "How do you go from being engaged and planning a wedding to just being friends?"

"That's a damn good question," Chris chuckles out. "I'm trying to figure that one out myself but I'm just letting her lead."

"Think it's time you try and take the reins back on that one?" Jameson questions. "Lily seems to think Ope's just waiting for you to make some sort of ultimatum demand before she gives in."

Chris' brow furrows as he eyes his friend. "You've known her for a few years more than me, but do you really agree with that idea?" Jameson laughs out in agreeance with Chris. "Exactly. Your wife is definitely wrong in the ultimatum department."

"But, maybe if you started dating again it would make her wake up," Spencer suggests. His eyes going to watch his wife on the dance floor. She catches him and waves for him to join them. He shakes his head no, enjoying the view from his spot at the table.

"Or make things a thousand times worse."

Jameson picks up his own beer bottle, clinking it against Chris', "I'm with ya on that one."

All three men lean back in their chairs, watching the women swing and sway their hips as the song "Slow Hands" plays through the speakers. And while Opal seems to be enjoying herself, she's not quite making the scene that the two married women are towards their husbands.

Lily and Laura's enticing finally wins over the men as they go to join them on the dance floor, causing Opal to remove herself and head back to the table.

"Finished so soon?" Chris teases as she flops in the chair across from him. She reaches down the table to grab her Shirley Temple from her previous seat.

"Not interested in making a marriage sandwich," she giggles, taking a sip before turning her attention back to her friends. "Oh mercy. Do you get the feeling-"

"It's about to become pornographic," Chris interrupts her in agreeance, shifting in his seat, turning away from the dance floor. Opal places her hand against her forehead, blocking her view of the dance floor. "Who do you think will cave first?"

"Laura," Opal says immediately, taking no time to even think about the question. Chris quirks a brow for explanation. "Extra hormones." He gives a reassuring nod.

Opal looks through her fingers back towards the dancing couples as the song hits its final notes. She nudges Chris with her foot under the table. He looks over at her as she quirks her head in their direction.

"We're calling it a night," Spencer says, clapping his hand against Chris' back. "The wife is feeling extra tired all of a sudden."

Laura leans down to hug Opal from behind the chair. "Tired my butt," she teases her friend, looking over her shoulder. Laura gives a wiggle of her brow before grabbing Spencer's hand, pulling him toward the exit.

"How much longer for the other two?"

Opal eyes her best friend again. "Hmm..." she hums. "Lily likes her dancing, but if Jameson gives the nod, they're out the door." She turns back to Chris. "Two more songs at most."

Chris watches the two for a moment longer. He shakes his head. "I say three."

"Wanna bet?" Opal taunts, a smirk prevalent across her lips.

Intrigued to see this side of Opal again, Chris leans up on the table, his arms crossing over each other as they rest on the table. "What are you wagering?"

Opal's eyes look towards the ceiling as she chews on the corner of her lip. "A kiss?" her eyes drop to her drink quickly.

Chris' head cocks to the side a bit, her favorite smug smirk prevalent. "A kiss? If you win? Or if I win?"

Her eyes finally meet his, a playful light dancing within them. "If you win, you get a kiss."

Chris' scratches a spot by his mouth with the back of his thumb. "What makes you think I want a kiss?"

"Well, you do keep staring at my lips," she says quietly, "Sergeant."

His head rolls back as an audible groan leaves his mouth, realizing she has him right where she wants him. "And if you win? What do you get?"

Opal motions her head towards the stage. Chris' face falls as he shakes his head from side to side. Opal nods her head up and down, her smile growing. "Seriously?" he asks.

"Not so confident in your choice now?"

He sits up straight in his chair, adjusting the ball cap on his head before extending one hand across the table. "You've got two, I've got three. I win, I get a kiss. You win, you get a song."

"Perfect," Opal says, taking his hand in hers for a betting agreement shake.

Chris pops his hands on the table, causing a loud thud. "Well, I'm gonna go get another drink."

"Oh no you don't," Opal reprimands. "You're gonna go tell Jameson to keep dancing for three songs. I know you, Evans. Your cute butt is staying right in that chair until this bet is settled."

He can't hold back his chuckle, causing Opal to laugh and question him. "You said my butt is cute."

Opal rolls her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. "I've seen better."

"No you haven't."

'True,' Opal thinks to herself, hiding her smile around the straw of her drink. "Maybe you've just got a big head from all those women hitting on you when you try to arrest them." He gives a visible shudder at her statement, causing her to laugh again.

They both look at the dance floor, taking inventory of the couple as one song ends and another begins. "Question," Chris starts, causing Opal to turn her attention back to him as he continues looking at the crowd. "What happens if they last past three?"

Opal thinks on that for a moment. "We each lose?"

"Fair enough."

As the song hits the last chorus they keep their eyes on Lily and Jameson, waiting in anticipation to see if Opal's guess is correct. But, the song ends and goes straight into another, the couple still dancing.

Chris faces Opal once more, his grin big as he licks his lips and nods his head. "Get ready to pucker up, Ope." She holds one finger up, silently telling him to pause as she continues watching them. Chris turns back to see what she's looking at as Lily and Jameson step off the dance floor. His face immediately falls.

"What's with that face?" Jameson asks as he takes the last pull from his bottle.

Chris points to the dance floor. "Get out there and finish this dance with your wife," he persists.

"Nope. Calling it a night," Lily says, grabbing her clutch off the table in front of Opal. "See you killjoys tomorrow."

Opal watches them walk to the door, biting her cheek from smiling any wider. "You don't win," Chris announces. "They didn't stop after the second song. If anything, I won because the third had already started."

"Closer to the end of mine, than the end of yours," she replies. "Pay up, Evans."

"And if I say no?"

Opal pulls her cell from her pocket. "Then I call an Uber right now and end this night too."

Chris acts as though he's giving her ultimatum actual thought, knowing good and well he'll do whatever he has to keep her here with him longer. "You know, I've missed your sass." He pushes back from the table.

"Bet you've missed more than that," she says cheekily as he walks past her. He takes a couple more steps, turning to face her. He picks his hat off his head, turning it around, the bill facing the back. Opal pouts, making his smirk grow as he recognizes his win as he continues walking backwards until he gets closer to the stage.

"Alright, ladies and gents! Looks like Officer," the DJ pauses, "sorry. Sergeant Evans is gonna grace us with his first performance in months. Where's your wingman?"

Chris' head falls forward with a chortle as he takes the mic. He can hear Opal's laughter from the table. She's changed seats, facing the stage now, her arms crossed against her chest with a warm smile on her lips.

Oh darling
There's not much that you can say
To stop me from falling in
Like I am
Oh darling
Even waves can't wash away
Our names in the sand
Never could, never can

You are my everything
I gave up everything
Show me the darkest parts of your heart, I ain't gonna run
Every dance is slow, every kiss is whoa
They say you know when you know, well I know
I know you're the one

Some people bring you a million blessings
Some people teach you a million lessons
All that I learned, it wasn't my turn
It wasn't thе right time
Some peoplе come in your life for a reason
Others they come in your life for a season
But baby, you are a lifetime

Oh darling
There's no word that can describe
The way that I feel, tonight
Oh darling
I would walk that broken road
Time and time again
If it led me to your hello

You are my everything
I gave up everything
Show me the darkest parts of your heart, I ain't gonna run
Every dance is slow, every kiss is whoa
They say you know when you know, well I know
I know you're the one

Some people bring you a million blessings
Some people teach you a million lessons
All that I learned, it wasn't my turn
It wasn't the right time
Some people come in your life for a reason
Others they come in your life for a season
Baby, you are a lifetime
Baby, you are a lifetime

  As Chris sings, he goes back and forth between singing with his eyes closed, feeling the lyrics and singing them directly to Opal who isn't moving her gaze away from him, not even once.  He watches as she dabs the corner of her eyes with the back of her hand.

  "Baby, you are a lifetime. Baby, you are a lifetime," he finishes softly as the music fades. The DJ immediately flipping to something upbeat, the crowd shifting their direction from the stage back to the dance floor.

  Chris' heart is racing, his hand fiddling with the chain around his neck as he walks back to join Opal. His confidence wavering as he knows he took a risk. The internal debate of acting like it meant nothing in order to go back to the playful banter before the song battling against laying everything out there again.

  Opal stands from the table, her cell in the palm of her hand. "I think it's time for me to go," she says quietly when Chris rejoins her. He motions towards the door, letting her walk out in front of him.

  "Do you want to stay with me?" he asks tentatively, unsure if he's being presumptuous or just hopeful.

  "I've got a room at the hotel." She fumbles with her phone, trying to get her Uber app to work.

  Chris placed his hand over her phone, pushing it away. "Put your phone away. I'll give you a ride," he offers, guiding her with his hand on the small of her back. He feels her sigh at the gesture. "Where are you staying?"

  "The uh, the hotel you had me stay at the night..." her voice drops out towards the end.

  "Oh. Um, okay," he responds, taking the keys from his pocket. Opal starts to veer away from Chris. "Where ya going?"

"You don't need to drive me. I'm just gonna walk. It's only a couple blocks."

Chris guides her back towards him, his hand not as gentle as it was earlier. "Not happening, woman." Her eyes find his, her mouth opening to speak. "Not arguing with you, Ope."

She falls back in step next to him until he's opening the car door for her. He takes a couple of deep breaths on his way to the driver side. "What made y'all choose that hotel?"

Opal clears her throat. "Oh, uh they remembered how much I raved about it after that night," she fiddles with the hem of her blouse as she watches the nightlife outside the car's window.

He notices and tries to change the subject. "Why didn't y'all just stay at Laura and Spencer's?"

"Hormones, remember?" she giggles. "But really, I don't know that they could've fit five of us."

"You know you're always welcome to stay with me," he reminds her, placing his hand on her jean clad knee. She moves her leg slightly, causing him to move his hand away.

The couple of blocks to the hotel are spent in silence after the awkward moment. Once the car is parked, Chris cuts the engine. "What are you doing?" Opal asks, confused.

"Walking you to your room," he answers simply. Again, she starts to stop him. "Opal, just don't."

She concedes and unbuckles. Of course he opens her door before she even has the chance to. A quick roll of her eyes, is masked by turning her head away from him. Chris smiles to himself, having missed these moments over the last couple of months.

"So, you never told me what else you found that night?" He opens the door to the hotel, holding it for her to pass. He follows her directly to the elevator, pressing the up button.

"Oh, um it was a lot of old photos." She pauses, debating on mentioning the rest. "And a key, to a safe deposit box."

"Oh really?" The elevator dings and opens, revealing an empty cab. Chris puts his hand out to hold it open for Opal to enter. "What was in it?"

Opal stands opposite of Chris, leaning back against the mirrored wall. "Seventh floor." Chris pushes the button for the seventh floor. "I don't know yet. Haven't gone."

Chris nods silently, watching Opal shift from foot to foot nervously. "There was a picture of me in mom's wedding dress when I was three," she whispered, a small smile creeping across her face.

"Seriously?" Chris asks, matching her expression. "You should've sent me a picture of it."

"It was nothing special."

Chris' arms are folded across his chest. He lifts his gaze to meet hers. "Everything about you is special, Ope."

'Ding!' the elevator door opens to the seventh floor. Opal steps out first, pointing to the right towards her room. Chris keeps a couple steps behind her as she reaches her door. She passes the key card in front of the lock and turns the handle at the sound of the click.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow for the big reveal," Chris mentions, his hands in his pockets.

Opal turns back towards him, away from the door. Taking two steps towards him she leans up pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. Taken by surprise Chris doesn't have time to react before she's pulling away. He stares back at her, noticing a twinkle in her eye. "I figure it was technically a draw," she says with a lick of her lips as she pushes her door open again.

"Good night, Ope." Chris begins walking down the hall back towards the elevator. His forehead crinkles as he realizes he should've heard Opal's door click shut by now. Looking back over his shoulder he sees her leaning against the doorframe, watching him. He cocks his head, silently asking her what's wrong.

"Stay," she says timidly.

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