Power Rangers Dino Thunder|Gr...

By chocolatelover_111

30.5K 620 90

[completed] Seven years after Tommy Oliver left the Turbo Rangers, he comes to Reefside, California as a high... More

1.Day of Dino (1)
2.Day of Dino (2)
3.Wave Goodbye
4. Legacy of power
5. Back in Black
6. Diva In Distress
7. Game On.
8. Golden Boy.
9. Beneath The Surface.
10. Ocean Alert.
11. White Thunder (1)
12. White Thunder (2)
13. White Thunder (3)
14. Truth And Consequences.
15. Leader Of The Whack
16. Burning At Both Ends.
17. The Missing Bone.
18. Bully For Ethan.
19. Its a mad mad mackarel
20. Copy That
21. Triassic Triumph.
22. A Star is Torn.
23. A Ranger Exclusive.
24. Tutenhawkens Curse.
25. Dissappearing Act.
26. Fighting Spirit.
27. The Passion Of Conner.
28. Isnt it Lava-ly.
29. Strange Relations.
30. Thunder Storm (1)
31. Thunder storm (2).
32. Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Wear Helmets.
33. House Of Cards.
34. A Test Of Trust.
36. Thunder Struck (1)
37. Thunder Struck (2).
38. History
39. Wormhole
New Book!

35. A loop In Time.

428 14 2
By chocolatelover_111

The future

"Attention everybody. There has been a breach in the command center. Remain calm and Please clear the area immediately. I repeat remain calm"

The alarms were ringing throughout the entire building and people were running out of it. Suddenly the whole building started to shake, and people watched as a time ship starts to light up, everyone's eyes widened. The time ship flies into the sky and as the portal opens it zooms right into it.

There in the rumble, A hand sticks out and a groan is heard. The person uses all their strength to remove the big stone off them. The person is then revealed to be Trip. The green time force ranger.

He breathes heavily looking around the damage that has happened. He looks at his morpher. "Guys we've got a problem. A big problem."

Captain Logan who stood in the command center looked at his staff. "How many escaped?"

The person sighed. "2 sir." He slowly nodded. "What year did they escape to?"




In the cybercafe, Ethan sat next to Rhea both of them had a controller in their hands looking intensely at the Tv screen. They were playing a video game while Conner, Trent and Kira sat doing their assignments.

"Ethan you are so going down." Rhea said as she pressed a few buttons on the controller. Ethan smirked shaking his head. "Don't forget your talking to the king of video games. You can't beat me."

Rhea pressed a button making her character kick Ethan's character a few times. Ethan smirked and moved backwards and punch Rhea's character.

"Okay so you wanna play like that huh?" She sent fireballs at him and he created a wall to block it. He then sent back some fire balls at her and she jumped onto the tree to dodge them. "I am so going to win this."

"Haven't you heard that winning against Ethan isn't hard it's impossible."

Rhea shook her head. "Well there's a first for everything."

"Come on!" They both screamed at the tv. The other three looked at them annoyed.

Conner got up and stood in front of the tv. "Dude move out of the way."

Rhea tapped randomly on her controller. Conner rolled his eyes. "Guys we are trying to finish our assignments here. Don't you guys have work to do too?" They both shrugged.

"We were here early in the morning finishing it while you guys were asleep." Rhea continued to tap buttons on the controller.

Conner sighed and moved out of the way and as he did Ethan's eyes widened. "No how did you win?"

She smiled. "Haven't you heard? Rhea never looses." She smiled and sat the controller down and walked towards the others as Ethan pouted. Suddenly the whole cybercafe started shaking.

They all stumbled. "Earthquake. Everybody get down." They all quickly got down under the tables as things started to fall down.

After a while the earthquake stopped and everybody got up. "Everyone okay?"

They nodded. The rangers looked at each other. "Okay that was very weird."

"Yeah don't you think there would have been an earthquake warming or alarm or something?" Conner asked.

"Maybe it's something else?" Trent said.

They sighed.

The rangers went back to the base where Hayley and Tommy were already there. "Guys did you feel that earthquake?"

Tommy nodded. "Yeah we did but It wasn't an earthquake. There was a tear in the atmosphere." They looked at him weird. "What does that mean?"

"It means an unknown force entered the atmosphere and landed right here in reef side." Hayley told them. "We better go check it out."

Tommy looked at Hayley. "Hayley call us if anything else happens." She nodded. "Lets go guys."

They all left the base morphed with their bikes.

They reached the site where the breach in the atmosphere occurred. They got off their bikes and walked forward. Tommy looked at all of them. "Stay alert guys we don't know what could be out there." They nodded and split up.

Rhea and Trent went together in one direction. They walked around cautiously. After a few minutes Rhea groaned. "I don't think there is anything out here."

Trent smiled. "Are you bored already?" She nodded. "Yeah whatever came through is long gone by now I don't think--" Before she could finish her sentence she hit an invisible force making her stumble back. "Woah."

"You okay?" He asked. 

Rhea nodded. "Yeah. I think there is some invisible force there stopping us from entering." Trent hummed and put his hands against it and tried to push through but was unsuccessful. 

"Yeah there is definitely something." Rhea looked at her morpher. "Guys I think we found something." No reply.

"Guys?" Again no reply.

Trent looked around and then at the invisible force. "I think this thing is blocking our communication systems." Rhea sighed. "Okay lets go back and look for the others and bring them here."

Trent nodded but before they could move a monster appeared in front of them. "Not so fast!"

They quickly took a defensive pose. "Didn't someone tell you it's rude to invade someone's place."

Trent scoffed. "Uh I think it's you who is invading our place."

The monster smiled. "Well in that case..." He blasted them making them go flying towards the invisible force but this time they fell through it. They landed on the ground with a groan.

Conner and Kira met up with Tommy and Ethan. "Did you guys find anything?" They shook their head. "No."

"What about Rhea and Trent where are they?" Ethan asked. They shook their heads. "No idea. They aren't responding to their morpher."

Tommy sighed looking at his morpher. "Hayley we've got a problem."


Back in the future, Jen, the time force pink ranger walked alongside Captain Logan. "We are sure that there were 5 mutants who escaped through."

"We have to go after them." Jen replied. He shook his head. "No it's too risky you might be putting yourself in danger by going back into the past." They stopped when they reached the other rangers. Lucas, Time force blue ranger and Katie, Time force yellow ranger.

"With all due respect. Its our mess we cannot let the past suffer because of our mistakes. And we all know Trip is there too." Captain Logan looked at her and nodded.

After a while, Jen, Katie and Lucas all sit in the time as it is set to the past. Lucas nodded. "Off the year 2004." With that they pressed the button and a portal appeared and they went right through it.



Rhea and Trent walked together as they tried to find their way out of it. "Do you see a way out?"

Trent shook his head. "All I see is trees and grass. And we can't contact anyone cause our communicators are blocked." She sighed. "Well that's just great. Could this day get any worse."

Suddenly out of nowhere cyclobots surrounded them. They both stood alert and looked at them. Trent looked at Rhea. "You had to ask huh?"

"What are these things anyways?" Trent asked. Rhea shrugged. "I don't know but they don't look friendly."

They looked at each other and nodded. "Ready?"


"Dino thunder power up HA!"

"White ranger dino power."

Nothing happened. They both looked shocked. "Huh?" They tried clicking their morphers again but nothing happened. "The thing blocking the communicators must also have blocked us from morphing."

They looked around at the cyclobots and sighed.

Tommy, Conner, Ethan and Kira all stopped as they reached the place where Trent and Rheas morphers were last located. "Okay Hayley we've reached place."

"I'm getting a weird energy reading in front of you guys. Be careful"

"We will." They ran ahead but soon got pushed back by the invisible force just like Trent and Rhea earlier. "Yup there is something right there."

"How do we get inside then?" Conner asked. Suddenly they felt the same earthquake they had felt earlier happen and they all stumbled trying to get a hold of themselves.

They looked ahead to see the sky tearing up and a time ship enter into their atmosphere landing right next to them. They stood defensively as they watched the door open and out came three people. It was the time force rangers.

Kira's eyes widened. "Aren't those the time force rangers?" Jen smiled walking towards them. "Good to finally meet you guys. My name is Jen. This is Katie and that's Lucas."

"What are you guys doing here?" Tommy asked. "After we captured all the remaining villains we had restored peace to the earth. But recently, we had a containment problem and 2 of our villains were able to escape into your time zone."

"Wait are you saying that the villains that came through the first time are from the future?" Ethan asked. They nodded. "That is so awesome."

"We need your help to find them and get them back to the future." Lucas said. They nodded. "We would love to help but we can't get passed the barrier."

They walked towards the barrier to look at it. Jen looked at them. "We can try to break it with our morphing strength?" They nodded and they all morphed.

Trent and Rhea fought the cyclobots kicking them to the ground. Some were able to over power them. Trent groaned. "There are too many of them"

Suddenly someone came out of nowhere and kicked the cyclobots one by one. He looked at the two rangers. "Leave them to me guys." He started fighting them one by one.

"Who is this guy?" Trent asked. She shrugged. "I don't know but he looks kind of familiar."

They watched as he destroyed all the cyclobots. After he did, the two ran towards him. "That was so amazing." He smiled. "Thank you. Uh my name is Trip."

Rhea's eyes widened. "Oh my god I know you. Your the time force green ranger." He smiled and nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Trent asked. "wait hang on do you know these monsters?"

He nodded. "Yeah they are called cyclobots."

"How did they get here?" He sighed. "That's a long story. But a short version, Our systems failed and allowed 2 mutants to escape and come to your timeline."

"Woah." He nodded. "And do you know why our morphers aren't working?" 

He sighed. "There is a Jammer right there." He pointed ahead of them. "It stops your morphers or communicators to work and it is also the thing that holds the forcefield that won't allow your friends to find you."

They nodded. "So lets go destroy it that way we'll be able to get our friends in here and help you get all the mutants back to where they belong."

He looked at them smiling and then nodded. "Lets do it."

The time force rangers and dino rangers morphed hit the barrier with everything they've got but it was no use the barrier was way too strong.

"I don't think this is working guys." Conner told them. They sighed. "So what do we do now?"

Their morphers beeped. "Please tell me you've got good news Hayley."

"I figured out how to break the barrier. But it has to be done from the inside."

"So its up to Trent and Rhea to get the barrier opened."

Jen shook her head. "Not necessarily them alone. I think Trip is in there too." She showed them her scanners which was showing them that Trip's location had also stopped right where Rhea and Trent's stopped.

They were walking and Rhea looked at Trip. "So tell me about the future?"


"Like is there uh better cars? maybe cool new bikes. Better food?" He chuckled. "I don't know the cars over here aren't so bad."

They came to a stop when they reached the end where they could see the machine clearly. "We made it."

"Wow that was easy." Trip muttered. Rhea shook her head. "Don't say that cause someone says that something is bound to go wrong." Suddenly they were blasted making the three of them fall to the ground screaming.

They looked to see in front of them an army of cyclobots and the two monsters that had escaped. "Your not going to be able to be taking us back."

"well we'll see about that." Trip looked at the other two and they nodded. They ran and attacked them. They kicked and punched the cyclobots to the ground. The two monsters then blasted them making them fall to the ground.

"We can't beat them alone and without our powers." Trip said. Trent nodded. "I've got an idea. Lets make them use their blasts on their machine."

"How?" Rhea looked at them. "I can do it. But first We have to rile them up." They nodded. They got up and looked at the two monsters. "Is that all you've got? That's weak."

"What?" The monster grunted. 

"Yeah I thought mutants from the future had to be stronger. Guess I was wrong." he monster snarled at her and blasted her. "Please work." She was able to dodge it.

she  looked at the monster. "Is that all you've got?" Both the monsters started shooting at her and she started to dodge it. 

She then landed behind them next to the machine that was blocking them from morphing. "Come on give me you guys best shot." Both monsters created energy balls ad sent them towards her she jumped out of the way using her enhanced jump and instead of hitting her the energy balls hit the machine completely destroying it.

She landed next to the other two. "Yes you did it!" She smiled.

"No! You've ruined our plans and you three are going to pay for it!" The cyclobots surrounded them. They looked at each other but before they could do anything, Someone blasted the cyclobots.

The three turned around to look at who shot them. They smiled when they saw it was both their teams. "Hey guys thought you guys could use some help."

They nodded and ran towards them. The two monsters looked at them and shook their heads. "It won't matter how many you are we are going to destroy all of you."

"Dream on." Tommy looked at the time force rangers. "How about a little team up."

"Oh yeah."

"You guys ready?"


"Dino Thunder power up HA!"

"White ranger dino power"

"Time for time force!"

They morphed.

"Power Rangers, Defender of Earth!"


They attacked and trip and Rhea teamed up. They kicked and flipped and destroyed as many cyclobots as they could. "Tanius saber." She used it to destroy them.

"V3." Trip removed his weapon used it to destroy the cyclobots. After they destroyed them the two high fived.

They went and joined the others. "Lets combine our weapons!" 

"Good call!"

"Zerex blaster."

"Chrono sabers"



"Fire." They blasted the two mutants and as all the rangers turned around both mutants fell to the ground and got destroyed.

"Yes we did it!" They all cheered.

They were all saying goodbye to the time force rangers as they got ready to go back to their time zone. Jen looked at the dino rangers. "Thank you for helping us today."

Tommy shook his head. "No thank you, now we know that the future is in good hands." Jen smiled nodding. "Unfortunately you won't remember any of this once our time ship passes your atmosphere. If you do it could jeopardize the future."

Rhea sighed. "We get it."

They said their goodbyes and the time force rangers all entered the time ship and started it up. The dino rangers all stood back and watched as the time ship took off as a rift opened up and it disappeared.

They smiled as they watched it go and all their memories of it with it. They blinked and looked at their surroundings. "Uh why are we in the forest?"

Tommy shrugged. "I don't know but lets get back to the base."

They nodded and started walking. "Hey guys don't you think Mesagog has a plan? As in like he isn't just attacking us for no reason right?"

Tommy sighed. "I guess time will tell." 

Guys I don't really know how this chapter turned out. It isn't my best work but i guess its okay.

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