Dragon Ball: The Galactic Sei...

By ShadyFellow

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An unknown being has entered Universe 7 and is now on a galactic rampage. It is up to Goku and Vegeta to go s... More

Chapter 1: Not who it seems
Chapter 2: Earth matters
Chapter 3: Answer me now, cat!
Chapter 4: Amongst friends and family
Chapter 5: A Mere Fraction
Chapter 6: Gauging the Kin
Chapter 8: Applying more pressure
Chapter 9: Inhuman Edge
Chapter 10: Expoit all options
Chapter 11: Did we win?
Chapter 12: Weighing our Priorities
Chapter 13: Is it a bird?
Chapter 14: A scheme always at play.
Chapter 15: Just what we need
Chapter 16: Alliance or something else
Chapter 17: Work with us
Chapter 18: Duties
Chapter 19: Rematch
Chapter 20: The Destroyer and the Collector
Chapter 21: Things that needed to happen.
Chapter 22: About time we left.
Chapter 23: shake it off.
Chapter 24: Welcome Party
Chapter 25: 4v1, Good Odds.
Chapter 26: This was the plan?
Chapter 27: Trick of the Trade
Chapter 28: Tides always shift
Chapter 29: Improvise
Chapter 30: A disperate act
Chapter 31: Hold your ground
Chapter 32: Too much at once
Chapter 33: Crash Course
Chapter 34: Scramble
Chapter 35: Puppet Strings
Chapter 36: Come to my Sied
Chapter 37: From dust to Ash, and again
Chapter 38: Grave digger
Chapter 39: Higher Plain
Once Again
Chapter 40: Boiling Point
Chapter 41: Another Perspective Part 1

Chapter 7: Stress Testing

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By ShadyFellow

Gohan lands next to his mentor, Piccolo. The Namekian stare up into the sky, arms folded, he then turn to his companion, "I sense a distress on in the cosmos. Not sure what it is, but its wiping out billions with ease."

"Hmmm, my dad and Vegeta was talking about some creature before I came here. I can be that." Gohan look up as well to see if he too can sense what's going on, sadly he couldn't, "Do you Know what's a Boomtube?"

Piccolo thought about it, wondering if it was related to a sonic boom, or maybe its an instrument of some sort. He answer the the boys question.

"Oh, thought you might have some clue what it is." Gohan reply, "I tried asking Whis, but when I went there they up and left."

"Guessing your father and Vegeta left with them. Nevermind, I sense that they are still here. Strange for them to be left behind."

Gohan nod, "I have been training, Yamcha, Tien and I." clenching his fist, Gohan thought of the time his father and Piccolo sacrifice themselves for the young Saiyan. He didn't want a repeat of that happening anytime, nor want to be killed in front of his own daughter.

In that moment, Piccolo felt a strange touch, like something smashing his skull in on the mental plane. "What is this?!" the Namekian cried out, clutching his head.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" with concern, Gohan tries comforting his mentor, "Piccolo, tell me what's going on."

In the Namekian head, he came face to face with the genius, the two stare each other down.

"Earth has nothing for you! Leave it alone!"

Brainiac scoff, he then points at him, "Ah, but it does. The very fact that those that reside there. Had made a name throughout the universe. Planets, lightyears away speak highly of this planet, thought their records at first claim it to be, primitive. That I will agree on, however, what interest me is the sudden spike in its popularity. So I took it upon myself to investigate further."

Piccolo wince at the pain being inflicted, "That's all? You went through all this trouble for us."

"Please don't get full of yourself. I would have run through this rock just like any other. But considering i have something of more importance. Why not gauge your strength while I do that. We call that multitasking."

"Screw you!" Piccolo free himself from Brainiac mind hold, returing to reality, shaking off the feeling, he warn Gohan on what is coming.

A ball of firing rocket through space, flying pass the moon, making its way to where Piccolo and Gohan stood. 

"I have to stop this!" Gohan shouts, charging his Ki

Piccolo stop him, then unleash his own attack, the special beam cannon slowing the object down. It crash in the middle of a rock formation, causing minor damage.

Gohan cheer "Well done." 

"Is not over."

In the crater, the strange object morph into a humanoid shape, still having its metallic shine, but resembling that of a skeleton. It look up at the two with is glowing purple, it then dim a little, making a strange scratching noise.

"Not another android."

"No Gohan, this one is different."

The robot step out of the crater, "He is right. I am different. This machine is the combination of 38 different build schematic all harvested from 140 planets I have, liberated."

Piccolo gasp, "Is you, you are the one that was messing with my mind."

"Yes. I can again if I want to, however I have other plans." it begin to scan the half saiyan and Namekian, "Interesting, a hybrid. How lucky of me to stubble upon you. I shall test the upper limits of both of you."

Lasers blast from its eyes, Gohan swoop down, flying at supersonic speeds, he punch the machine, who flew back into a mountain side. Lasers then fly toward the half saiyan again, Piccolo rush it, a flurry of attacks, which the entity block a few that was targeting its major weak spots.

A kamehameha caught the bot off guard, sending it deeper into the mountain.

Gohan scoff, taking a stance in case the bot tries something. "Its not as tough-" his train of thought was interrupted by the blinding speed at which it escape the tunnel. It punch him a couple of time, then send him into the air with a laser blast from it eyes. It twist on of it arm from behind to shoot a laser from its palm Namekian attack.

The two struggle, the bot having the upper hand at first, then Piccolo screams, adding more power to his attack. It engulf the droid  burning away the surface layer of its metallic skin, leaving it glowing a brilliant red. Wasting no time Gohan barge it, his fist flying so fast it couldn't be perceive by his opponent nor his mentor, he then kick it into the air, following up with a super dash into and elbow to it mid section, the metal sink into is chest, he swirl around it, punching wildly.

Brainiac caught one of his fist, Gohan swing with the other, which it caught as well, it spun the half saiyan, tossing him away like garbage. He was about to chase him, down, but Piccolo wrap his arm around its body, it shot a laser at him, severing the Namekian arm. Brainiac freed himself, only to get tackle from behind, Gohan slam him to the ground, he then began pummeling the droid, slamming one fist after the next, the speed increasing with each.

A laser bean struck him in his eyes, blinding him for a brief moment, in that moment, he felt the heated fist of the droid dig into his skin and bones, the attacks were follow up by sharp edges tearing up his flesh, Piccolo step in but got slice, however he regenerated instantly, catching the droid off guard.

He was charging a beam cannon, which he unload directly at Brainiac head, blowing it off, the upper torso and the mountain behind the droid. It stumble back a bit, then return a powerful beam of its own, which Gohan grab Piccolo, and block it with a powerful Ki blast.

This saved two, who took a moment to catch their breath.

"It's strong," Gohan comment "but there is no way this is the one that Vegeta and my Dad faced."

Piccolo nod, he agree with his observation, the robot spark where hi attack landed, leaving a headless silhouette standing before him. He can still feel Brainiac clawing at his mind, fighting him both in the physical and mental is taking a toll on the Namekian stamina.

The headless bot then grab the severed arm, and absorb it, this cause its upper torso and head to reform. Its menacing eyes glace at the two, who was shocked at its recovery.

"But...How!" Piccolo cry out.

"Don't worry. Your attack isnt going to work again." Brainiac flex the arm of the machine, then twist its head a full 360 degrees, "This bot is just an experiment. Think of this fight as a stress test."

"No big deal." Gohan took his stance, blood dripping from his hands, "Just have to blast him till every bit of him is erased." Ki surge around Gohan, the energy shaking the ground in which they stood on, his hair stood up but remain black. His gaze much more fierce than before.

Piccolo sense the sharp increase in his student power, he too follow suit.

Brainiac observe the energy flowing around them, he had seen it before, but never seen it utilized, "Interesting, it seems there is much to learn from you two."

Gohan shout, "Yeah! You are going to learn not to mess with earth!"

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