The mafia Queen (EVA DE LUC...

By Nihalika27

462K 9K 793

Eva de luca (king) , an assassin, racer, fighter, hacker, and billionaire. Antonio king, father of 5 sons an... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
Part 15
Part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32

part 21

12.4K 239 27
By Nihalika27

I go inside my room and cuddle with liam to watch his favorite cartoon.  I spend times with him to replenish my mood. No , they can't affect me like that. I feel like killing someone today because of that. I need to vent my anger on someone so i text Addy to check if i have missions to do.

"Did the sun rise in the wrong direction today" he reply immediately. Yeah, i know that i didn't take missions like in 2 months but i am feeling like killing someone today.

Ok , i will send you the target information in 10 minutes  and please make sometime for your mafia also . You can't throw all your works on me . Ok bye , send me the information quickly.  I avoid his texts as i know what he will complain .

For what i pay him if he cannot handle this much workloads and he is not ashamed to tell a 16 year old to work , yeah i know i am the boss but still.

After sometimes later, i received his text and saw my target . Seeing how he looks like and his information, i tell liam to check his location and texts.

I could even do that but liam love to do that he get thrill to help me to eliminate bad people like him. People like him  are completely sinners and they  don't deserve to like even a moment.

Target photo and information

Name : vincent grey


Crimes: child trafficking, kidnapping, rapes,murdered small girls,selling drugs.

Liam hacks his location and tells me his address. He even told me that he will go at the new club named star tonight.

It is the perfect time to kill him there as the club is mine . I could do anything without getting caught and even if the club was not mine , i could still not get caught as i am the powerful assassin.

During lunch time  , i went downstairs and eat my lunch in silent with liam without even talking with anyone. After the lunch, i went to my room to do my skin care routine and did for liam also. I took some cute pictures of him as  he was helpless and he couldn't refuse me . So he lets me take some pictures and i also took some together with our masks on.

After that we went to the cinema room and watched some Netflix while munching on popcorns and snacks. I don't know when but we did fell asleep.

At 5.30 pm , i woke up and pick liam to go to my room. I put him on the bed carefully to not wake him. I went to dress up for my mission and decided to wear a sexy dress as the target is a pervert.

It will easily attract him and it will  not waste my time on that. So i wear a black dress and a matching heels. I put a smoky makeup and let my hair loose on my back.

My dress

My heels

My makeup looks

My car

I kissed liam's head and told  him to take care . He also kissed me and wished me luck  and he turned on his ipad to play games. I went downstairs to tell Ace to help liam to eat even if liam didn't need help.

I walked downstairs and met everyone angry  glares but they were trying to control their angers . But my father couldn't and yelled at me . "Where the fuck are you going like that" ,he told me .  "Yes , i was going to say that and go to change , i can't let you step even one foot outside looking like a slut by wearing this",kyro said in his angry tone.

I don't need your consents to wear something i like and please stop trying to control me . It won't work . To inform you all ,i am going clubbing with my friend  so enough with this looks on your faces.

And Ace please take care of liam and make him eat his dinner . I am counting on you and if you don't took care of him well , you wouldn't be forgiven from me.

With that i walked towards the garage and enter my car to drive to the club. Jamming to the music while driving to the club where my target are , I think of ways to kill him and i will definitely make sure  ,he will regret all his sins he has done.

Parking down the car in the parking area , I get out and made my way to the front door by cutting the lines that was infront the door .

When the bodyguard saw me he immediately opened the door to let me in . I heard some complain from the people like 'who the fuck is she', 'why did she get to cut the line', 'maybe she is a whore' but i ignore them and make my way inside. If you will listen to people comment, you will not be able to success in life .

Making my way through the  people dancing and drinking,  i sit at the bar and wait for the bartender to see me. When he sees me  he gave me a knowing nod and turns around to make me my regular drink as he is my people .

After sometimes, he gave me my drink and i drink it in one gulp. My eyes was roaming here and there to look for my target. Finally , i saw him in the VIP section he was in. His gaze met mine but i acted as i didn't notice but he stood up and walked towards me.

He came near me and place a hand around my waist and he started smelling my hair by coming closer to my neck.

"Whats a beauty but you looked lonely?"he questioned as he pulled a chair and sat closer to me.

He again placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer." My boyfriend cheated on me and i came here to forget about him ", i told him in a heartbroken expression.

He eyed me with lust and he was licking his lips . "Maybe I can help you to forget him baby " He whispered seductively in my ear. I carry forward my act and nodded my head eagerly.

He took my hand and walked me towards the VIP rooms were. When i entered the room he quickly closed the door behind us and i smirked looking at him.

He slowly made his way towards me , like a lion to his prey and with his lustfull eyes. I seductively pulled his collar down and kissed him . I really wanted to vomit right there but i continued to act. 

He started to kiss  my neck and while he was kissing me ,i silently take my knife from my long sleeve. I quickly stabbed him on his back and he started screaming loudly in pain . It was like music to my ears and he tried to fight back but i twisted his arm hardly and i doubt if it's not a broken bone. He fell to the floor and started crying and screaming. 

I stood near and looked over his trembling body on the floor with fears on his face. I stabbed him correctly in his stomach, ribs and i removed his lever from his body. He was barely breathing and he was breathing his last moments.

"You know what you have committed to do that,"  I told him angrily. Walking out the room , i looked at the guards there who were waiting for me to finish and deal with body. I gave them a nod and walked past them to the back exit.

Walking towards my car i felt someone behind me but the person didn't have any malicious harm towards me. Too tired to look back , i just kept walking but until someone grabbed me and slammed me into my car behind me. Looking up , i met my brother eyes . I was so shocked to even speak.

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