It's just you and me (5SOS Fa...

By iitsmee

1.4M 26.5K 6K


Class Schedule
Great News
Sleeping Arrangements
Leftover breakfast
'Back to the Future I, II, III'
A Text Message, A Story
First song
Meeting his band
That's So Raven re-runs
Teenage Dream
I missed everything
Bye Beautiful
Charlie Step's Party
I'll only be a few seconds
My Warrior
Catching Up
"You'll See"
16th Birthday
I Won't Dance
Study Rooms
Fade to black
Hospital Beds
Water Fight
It's Christmas
Rose petals & Rooftops
Calum's Present
New Years
Going away presents
Skype Call
Dance Studio
Pre-show Facetime
Last class
The Flight
The House
Grocery Shopping
Calum's birthday
Ice Cream
Day Out
Last Night In Scotland
Back Home

Krispy Kreme Donuts

25.3K 363 156
By iitsmee

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO PACK!" I was in a dilemma and I had a plane to catch tomorrow morning. 

"What's wrong hun?!" My Dad comes running through the door. 

"I've packed my underwear, bras and socks but now I don't know what clothes to bring" I sit at my two suitcases which lay open in front of me. 

"Okay well, let me help you out here" He walks over to my closet and pulls out all of the things that I could build many outfits out of and a few formal items, if we ever decide to go somewhere fancy, "Now these are the things you can wear on a regular basis" Dad waves his hand over the stacks of clothes, "And these are the things you can wear when you guys decide to do something a little more formal" He waves his hand over the clothes that were laying on my bed. 

The perks of having a gay Dad was that they could pick out your outifts for you logically, "What would I do without you Dad?!" I stand up from the floor and give him a warm hug. 

"I'm going to miss you so much, but just promise me that no matter what happens to them, or even if you end up getting discovered while you're over there, stay true to who you are" He holds out his pinky, implying for me to pinky swear.

"I promise" Our pinkies hook together, "Make sure that you stay safe while I'm not here, Max and Tori will be here if you need any help and if you're feeling too lonely or bored, call me and I'll be on the first flight back" 

"That won't be necessary sweetie, I've got enough work to do to occupy me until I'm rolling around in my grave" He laughs. 

"I love you Dad" I pull him in for another hug. 

"I love you too" He squeezes me tightly, "Now let's start actually properly packing your suitcase" 

"Sir yes sir!" I salute him before we resume back to packing. 


This was it. Today is the day, I go to London for 6 whole months. I peel the covers off of me and hop into the shower. I don't even know why I went to sleep last night, I mean I had to wake up at midnight anyway so it didn't really make sense. 

I step out of the shower into a room of steam, I dry myself off with a towel and throw on my navy blue robe, ever since the day i walked out practically naked in front of Calum I've always put on my robe before walking out of my bathroom. 

I had laid out my outfit for the trip on my FINALLY neat study desk, before I went to sleep so I wouldn't have to stress out. I slip on my loose denim button up, oatmeal knitted jumper and my black skinny jeans. I got out my thickest pair of socks and slipped them on before putting on my light grey converse. I packed a lot of shoulder bags and backpacks into my suitcase leaving out my shark detailed backpack, where I stuff in an olive coloured anorak, the thickest pair of gloves I owned, earphones, a 1000 pack of black bobby pins, a tonne of hair ties, wallet and my lipbalm. I had already packed my chargers in my suitcases. *EXTERNAL LINK*

All I had to do now was wait for Xavier to come and pick me up. I sling the backpack over my left shoulder (suitcases were outside) and walk out to the kitchen to see my Dad silently sobbing, I already felt the tears starting up in my eyes. 

"Dad" I run over to him and bury my head in his chest, letting myself cry in his arms. 

"Come on baby, you're a big girl now, you shouldn't have to be crying over this" My Dad was trying to stay strong for me but I knew what he really wanted to do was just cry over his cup of coffee. 

"I-I know, I don't know what I'm going to do without you" Tears were pouring from my eyes and weren't stopping any time soon. 

"You'll be fine over there, I trust Calum with everything and I know he will take care of you, don't worry I'll pop in from time to time, I'll call you everyday and I slipped a few of my special recipes into your music books if you missed my cooking" Dad smiles, his eyes were red and watery. 

I laugh at his attempt to make me happy. 

"That's what I like to see, my little girl smiling" He lifts my chin up, "I believe that you will have the most amazing time over there, maybe you'll even get to do a few shows, get your name out there" 

"I'll be too busy making sure they actually write songs in the studio and not screw around with the instruments" I sniffle. 

"Make sure you don't boss them around too much, I don't want them to send you home that quickly" He winks, "Come on, let's get those tears and that stuffy nose away, there are always new episodes of Big Bang Theory on at this time" Dad suggests. 

I nod and leave my backpack on the kitchen countertop, and join Dad in the Big Bang Theory marathon. We sit there, laughing at the smart remarks Sheldon makes as the door bell rings. 

I jump up and go get the door, "Hey X!" I give him a hug. 

"Hey Dee! Who's ready to go to London?!" He cheers, "I'll go load the car and you go say bye to your Dad" 

"Wait aren't you coming?" I turn around to my Dad standing up from the couch. 

"I'm sorry sweetie, I don't want to make any of us cry and Mr Jones said that if I don't come to work today I will lose my job" Dad explains, "I'm so sorry" 

"Oh ohk, no it's fine if you lose that job I wouldn't be going to London now would I?" I force a smile. 

"Don't worry, I'll join you there soon" 

"I love you Dad" I wrap my arms around him, holding back my tears. 

"I love you too Andie" He kisses my forehead, "You better get going, you wouldn't wanna keep Calum and the others waiting at the airport would ya?" He lets go of me, "Have fun over there, listen to what your heart tells you" 

"Will do Dad, I'll see you soon?" 

"Sure thing sweets" He smiles as he escorts me to the front of the house. 

I give him one more long, warm hug before getting into the car, "Take care Dad" 

"Look after yourself and if Calum does anything to you, just let him know that I'll be there quicker than you can say 5SOS" 

I laugh as I get into Xavier's car, "Drive carefully" Dad waves from the front porch. 

Xavier sticks his hand out of the car and waves, as we reverse out of the driveway and onto the road. Now the journey is about to begin. 


We arrive at the airport, Xavier wheeling in my suitcases, as I clutch my passport and ticket close to my chest. I pull up at the screen which tells me where to check in and I try to find the words Qantas and London.

"Dee I'm gonna go get one of those trolley things, I'll be back" Xavier says before getting a trolley.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to find Calum grinning at me, Luke, Ashton and Michael trailing behind him. 

"CAL!" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I've never seen you so happy to see me before" Calum laughs as he gives me a hug.

"Oh I'm not, I just thought that you were the penguin oops" I joke, as he gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hilarious babe" He pulls away from me. 

"Lukeehhh" I announce before hugging him. 

"Andeeehhhh" He mimics me, sniffing my hair, "You smell good" 

"Not too shabby yourself" I stuff up his hair, as he chuckles. 

"Who's ready to freeze in the cold weather!" Michael says as he engulfs me in a hug. 

"More like die to not having internet!" I laugh. 

"WHY DID YOU REMIND ME?!" Michael gasps. 

"Don't worry we'll die together" 

"Don't forget about mee!" Ashton butts in. 

"Of course not" I smile giving Ashton a hug. 

It's like some sort of tradition that whenever I see these boys even if it had only been 1 hour before I saw them again we'd hug eachother, every single time! Xavier comes back with the luggage trolley, Michael helps him put the suitcases onto the trolley. 

"Jesus what's in here Dee!' He grunts as he drops it on the trolley. 

"What are you on about Michael?" Luke walks over and picks up my luggage case in one hand. 

"Well ... WELL!" Michael tries to come up with an explanation about why he couldn't lift it up. 

"Okay as soon as we get there we're hitting up a gym" Ashton suggests. 

"My weights are my xbox controllers and that's all I'll ever need" Michael protests as Xavier puts on the other bag. 

"Oh god" Luke rolls his eyes. 

Ashton and Xavier get 2 more trolleys to put everyone else's things on them. They all pile their luggage on the trolley.

"Let's check in shall we?" I put my arm around Calum's shoulder. 

"To the 'E'!" Calum announces referring to our check in gate, as he pushes a trolley. 


We've all checked in our bags and now we were just sitting in the foodcourt. Since it was only 3 in the morning not much was open except for Krispy Kreme and subway. 

"I'm gonna go get a donut" I stand up from my chair. 

"I'll go get it" Calum says sitting me back down. 

I can see Calum's mum giggling at Calum's reaction, "I've never seen him act this way before Andie" She says to me. 

Calum, Michael, Luke and Ashton's families were here, they were all very lovely people. 

"Are you sure? He's gotten things for other people before" I say. 

Renee laughs a little more, "Yes I know, but it's just different, he's always happy and even when he's feeling down when you walk through the door his mood is instantly turned up, he's really in love with you" 

I blush at this information, "I'm sure he loves you twice as much" I chuckle. 

"That's because I'm his Mum and he HAS to love me or he wouldn't be going to London" Renee jokes. 

"It's true Andie" Mali speaks, "His other girls, yeah they were sweet Cal was happy but not as happy as he is now" 

"My boy's a good kid Andie" Calum's Dad says. 

"I know he is, and that's why I'm happy that he's in my life" I smile. 

Calum comes over and sits down next to me, "One cookies and cream donut" Calum sets a paper Krispy Kreme bag on the table. 

"Thanks Cal" I grin. 

"So what'd I miss?" Calum asks as he sets an arm around me. 

"We were just talking about how we'll technically be spending most of our time with Andie's dad, when you guys are away" Calum's Dad makes up. 

I give him a smile as Calum plays with my hair, "What are you doing?" I laugh. 

"I don't know! I'm just happy" Calum grins at me, before kissing my temple, which makes me giggle. 

I look up to Calum's family who were wriggling their eyebrows at me. The other guys, including Xavier, come back from getting food at subway and sit down at the table with their families as well. 

"Maccas wasn't open" Michael pouts. 

"Don't worry we'll eat it as soon as we get there" Ashton reassures him. 

We walk around the airport until the gates were open. We stand in front of the departure gate, as a group of at least 5 girls approach us. 

"Hey guys!" One of the girls say. 

They all looked incredibly sleepy, after all it was 4:30 in the morning. 

"Hey girls! What are you guys doing up so early?!" Ashton says giving them hugs. 

"We're here to wish you goodluck!" Another girl smiles. 

"Aw, you guys are sweet" Luke smiles. 

"Let's take photos!" Michael suggests. 

"Here I'll take the photos" I say taking each of their phones in my hands, putting 3 of them in my pockets. 

"Okay, but we want one with you too okay?" Another one says. 

I was shocked, this was technically my debut fan photo, I was pretty excited, "Really? O-ok" I smile. 

I take each of their photos and get into a group photo with the girls.

"I'll follow you guys on twitter, write your names on my arm" I say getting out a black pen and pulling up my sleeve. 

"Okay" They grin. 

Each of them sign my arm, with a little message on top. I seriously love their fans so much, they weren't like other fanbases who would treat their girlfriends like crap, they were accepting and loving. They really were technically family. 

"Thanks for coming guys!" Calum smiles giving each of them one last hug. 

"Have a great time there! Don't forget about us alright?" One of the girl tease. 

"We love you all!" Ashton shouts as their fans walk off. 

"The 5SOS Family are the best people in the world" I smile, putting an arm around Calum's waist. 

"We've taught them everything they know" Luke pops his collar, as we all laugh.

I look over to the parents who were already sprouting tears, Xavier was even getting a little teary too. 

"Go say bye guys" I whisper to them as I walk over to Xavier. 

"Remember the first day we met, you were so tiny but you were an amazing dancer" Xavier laughs, as we sit down on one of the benches in front of the departure terminal. 

"Were an amazing dancer?" I nudge him, "Well I wouldn't be as good as I am today without you" 

"Aww shucks" Xavier playfully hits my shoulder, "I know we can win that competition to go on tour' 

"I believe in you guys, you can do it" 

"Be careful over there ok? If anything happens call me straight away and I'll be there" 

"Got it" I smile, "You look after yourself and the crew, I put all the mix tapes in my top drawer okay?" 

"Look at you, still looking after us even when you're half away around the world" 

"Well I want you guys to be joining me in London! Even if it means me forcing you guys to practise through a computer screen I'll do it!" I laugh. 

I look over to the boys, hugging, crying, saying bye to their families. Michael's mum was meant to be the first one to look after us but it turns out it all changed because Adam already is in London. Xavier pulls me onto my feet and leads me over to the boys and their families. 

Calum steps aside from Mali and I walk over to her, "Aw come on stop crying Mali" I give her a hug, rubbing her back. 

"Make sure he takes care of you Andie, you're honestly the best thing that's ever happened to Calum" She sniffles. 

"Don't worry he will, now you look after yourself and I'll see you in London soon okay? When Xavier and the rest get over there, make sure you're on the plane with them" I tell her. 

"If it's the last thing I do" She wipes the tears away from her eyes.

Calum's mum and dad pull me into their arms, "We'll be back soon don't worry" I smile.

"Have a good time over there, make sure he doesn't get into any trouble okay?" Renee says to me. 

"I'll be the responsible one, don't worry" I laugh as she brings me in for another hug. 

"Be good Andie, we'll see you soon ok?" Calum's Dad hugs me. 

"Will do, will do" I start feeling my eyes to water but I quickly wipe the tears away before saying goodbye to the other boys' families. 

Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke run into my arms crying, "Aw come on guys! Don't make me cry!" I look up to everyone else, they were laughing and taking photos. 

"Going straight to instagram" Mali sniffles. 

"Come on you guys better get going, before you miss your flight" Luke's mum says as she wipes away her tears with a tissue. 

The boys pulls away from me and giving their families one last hug as I walk over to Xavier.

"I'll see you soon right?" I say hugging him, "Look after Dad"

"We'll call you as soon as we get the news and I will" Xavier says as we give eachother side kisses on the cheek. 

Calum, Ashton, Luke, Michael and I link arms, wave back to our friends and familiy before walking off into the international departures terminals. This was it. I would be living in London for 6 months with a band, my bestfriends, my boyfriend. 

I LOVE YOU ALL <3 this chapter just kept on flowing out of me. 

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