Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soul...

By DearPrudenceWithlove

294K 12.3K 3.2K

They need to find their soulmate. She needs to find a job during the worldwide pandemic. Will fate bring them... More

Authors Note & Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One
Five Years Later
Ten Years Later
Fifteen Years Later
Twenty Years Later

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two

652 33 15
By DearPrudenceWithlove

"Joe? Joe? Are you under the stairs again?" Emily smiled as opened the door to the dog area finding Joseph sat on the floor, being absolutely covered in dog kisses.

"You were terrified of Charlotte when your first met her, now look at you!"

"I don't need to speak to them to communicate, they make me calm and I can be me and they still love me" Joseph signed.

"Ok, well you come out when you're ready ok?"
Emily smiled sadly as she closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Jin frowned, as he walked into the lounge.

"Nothing, I'll talk to you later" Emily hugged him, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Ok, then. So what's the plan for today?"

"I've got therapy in a little while and then I promised Eliza we could go to the spa, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok are dancing in the practice room with the babies in baby jail, Carol and Oliver have gone sightseeing with Joon and Joseph is with the dogs"

"Ok then, well tonight how about we all go out for some dinner? Get a bit dressed up? I'll organise it all?"

"I would like that, you do the organising and let everyone know, thank you Jinnie. I mean it, You've helped so much this week, to make everything perfect, you all have and I'm grateful"

"Well, it's my night tonight and I'm going to choose your outfit for dinner so I'm sure you can think of some way to thank me"

"Mmm I'm sure I can, especially as I'm getting a fresh wax"

"You know how to make your Husband lose his mind"

"I might send you some pictures if you're good" Emily grinned.

"You're naughty, enjoy your day pumpkin"

"Love you, look after Joe for me"

"We will, we might go swimming, or play a video game. I'll make sure he has his phone with him so he can communicate with me too"

"Ok thank you, text me the details for tonight, we shouldn't be too long at the spa I hope" Emily smiled kissing his cheek.

"Take your time sweetheart, I'll send your outfit there as usual if you want? Then just come straight there? Do you think Eliza would mind if I sent her one?"

"Erm, I'll ask her and tell her to pack her own underwear, I do not want my husband choosing someone else's panties"

"Oh god, no, I didn't think of that, I'll ask one of the others or Minnie to find something for her to wear!" Jin looked positively horrified.

"Ok, Eliza is going to sit outside while I have therapy ok? So I won't be coming back, I'm taking Choi and Yang with us"

"Ok, mmmm be good" Jin kissed her.

"I'm not promising anything" Emily winked as Eliza cleared her throat.

"Seriously you guys are just so fucking lovey-dovey! I thought once you were married and had babies you turned into a stressed, grumpy woman who hated everyone"

"Oh, Eliza! I did turn into that woman when I first had them, believe me!"

"When you had them? You were a nightmare the whole time you were pregnant and now you just do it part-time"

"Carrying three of your children, I must add, you know what I said about later?" Emily raised an eyebrow

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry you were sweetness and light the whole time, you are a joy to be around" Jin held his hands up.

"Oh Eliza, is Minnie ok to choose an outfit for you? Jin usually sends one to the spa if we're going out afterwards, and tonight we thought we could all go out for an early dinner?"

"Oh err yes, sure, I'll grab some underwear so she doesn't have to go through that"

"No worries" Emily smiled as Eliza jogged off to the guest rooms, before returning and shoving a pile of underwear in her bag.

"Ok, ready?"


"Bye baby. Love you"

"Love you!" Emily pecked him on the lips.

"Bye Eliza"

"Bye Seokie"

"That's Oppa to you! I am your elder" He called after her.


"I can choose whatever treatments I want?"

"Whatever you want, this side is your time slots and you choose whatever fits from this side, I recommend you have your hair and makeup done last Miss" Hei-Rin smiled.

"Thank you Hei-Rin, can I just have my usuals done, but not a facial? We're going out for dinner afterwards"

"Of course Mrs Jeon, I'll book those in now. Choi-nim? Would you like your usual hand massage? And your friend also?"

"Oh yes, yes please" Choi smiled, since the first time Emily had booked him in for a reflexology hand massage, he got one every time, and was always first-in-line to accompany her to the spa.

"Ok that's all booked, if you pop into the changing area and then out to the pool, your therapists will call you, if you two gentleman step this way, they're ready for you"

"Thank you Hei-Rin you're a star" Emily bowed

"Oh, all part of the job Mrs Jeon" Hei-Rin beamed.

"So I've booked in for a full body massage and exfoliation, seaweed wrap and then a manicure and pedicure before I get my hair done, is that ok?"

"Absolutely fine Eliza whatever you want, I shall be being tortured with hot wax in a frog position"

"Oh, lovely! That sounds.. fun!"

"I get a hot stone massage afterwards as compensation, and I'll probably be with you for your manicure and pedicure as I've got one at the same time" Emily pointed to the paperwork

"Ok, seriously people are so nice here. Like actually nice not paid to be nice, nice" Eliza grinned

"They are nice, everyone is, to be honest"

"You're nice you know, thank you for doing everything you have for me, and for us. I hope you know I appreciate it?"

"I do, and it's no trouble honestly. I enjoy your company"

"You're kind of sweet once you get to know you"

"Err thanks I think"

"No at first you kind of have an intimidating kind of aura, I guess about you, a shell. But once you get past that you're like sweet"

"I get what you mean Tae once called me an armadillo"

"Yes, crunchy on the outside soft on the inside!"

"I don't even mean to have such a resting bitch face, it's just.. happens"

"I know, people think the opposite of me, they think I'm really approachable and lovely, when in fact I'd rather they stayed the fuck away!"

"Oh you're funny" Emily cackled.

"You know Minnie?"

"The babies Minnie? Yes"

"Is she like, you know?" Eliza looked sideways

"Is she like? I have absolutely no idea what you mean?"

"Is she you know... on the team?"


"You know is she gay?"

"Oh that team, I don't know? I've never asked, why?"

"Well, you know, I kind of like her, but I don't want to make a tit of myself"

"Oh, you're...."

"Bisexual, yes! Both teams, both cakes, not at the same time, well occasionally at the same time, but yeah"

"I can try and find out, I mean her Dad is just over there if you wanted to get in with the parents?" Emily laughed.

"Oh god no, if she isn't I would die, could you maybe ask one of the boys and see if they know?"

"I will ask and put you out of your misery" Emily smiled, picking up her phone

Group chat- Baby Daddies

Guys, is Minnie gay?

Baby Daddies- Yoongles
Yeah, why? Oooh, you thinking what I'm thinking?

No, I'm not thinking what you're thinking, I prefer sausages rather than tacos, but I think Eliza might be interested.

Baby Daddies- JiJi
They were flirting in the kitchen the other day, I didn't know Eliza was gay? I thought she wanted the Genius?

She's bi, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Baby Daddies- Yoongles
You just said you weren't thinking what I was thinking?

Not that, I feel some matchmaking coming on

Baby Daddies-Daddy
Oh no. This could either go very well or very badly. I don't even know if Choi knows she's gay. Be careful ok?

How do you guys know about her if Choi doesn't?

Baby Daddies- Sir Hobi
Dance studio, company, dancer, floor. My eyes still haven't recovered.

You saw them having sex?

Baby Daddies- Taeto
Ooh I haven't thought about that in a while

Oh really? Seriously why is two girls together such a turn on for guys?

Baby Daddies- JiJi
Maybe I should ask why two women together are such a turn on for you? I've seen your internet history.

Ok back to the subject, shall we give them a little nudge? Invite Minnie to dinner tonight on the proviso of looking after the babies, but sit her next to Eliza ok?

Baby Daddies- Yoongles
Fine, but don't think we've forgotten about your internet history.

We can talk about all of your internet histories while we're there if you want? Yeah? Didn't think so!

"What are you looking so smug about?" Eliza narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing just messaging the boys. She's on the team"

"Oooh yes! Aww look at your cheeks, they're so red! You guys are so cute, honestly! I can't believe you've been married for two years and have three babies, you act like teenagers"

"Oh we have our moments believe me. But, I wouldn't change us for anything"

"I wish I had someone like that..." Eliza smiled sadly at her bare arm.

"You will, one day. Believe me, I never imagined that I would find or have soulmates like these guys. Take a chance with Minnie, who knows?"

"I will, when it's the right time. I still can't believe you had no idea who they were"

"I know, looking back I must have been under a rock, but I suppose, I didn't watch tv, I only had Netflix and my music taste is so different to anything they do"

"It's kind of nice in a way though, because you only know them, not who you thought they might be"

"Yeah, it was all such a learning curve, I hated them at first you know?"

"No way, how could you hate them, they're so cute?"

"I didn't want a soulmate, I didn't want seven men, my parents, my adoptive ones told me that everything bad that happened was because of soulmates. So when I arrived here to work and was met with these seven big oafs I couldn't. I screamed, I slammed, I hated them, and they were so nice to me"

"Oh my god really?"

"Yeah, that's why my nickname is little dragon because apparently, I breathe fire"

"Wow, I always thought it was like love at first sight and you all lived happily ever after"

"Oh god no, we argue like any other couple or soulmates, honestly, We've gone days without speaking if we've argued. But honestly? I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed for leaving toast crumbs!" Emily cackled.

"God yeah, you must be having so much sex"

"We do alright"

"Hmm, I bet you do!" Eliza raised an eyebrow.

"Miss Hagen? Mrs Jeon? We're ready for you"

"I'll see you in a bit! Have fun!" Eliza waved


"Fucking hell do we have to leave? I could live here" Eliza quietly giggled

"I'm afraid so, you're hair looks beautiful!"

"Do you like it, I thought it would make a change from the blonde" Eliza fingered a bubblegum pink curl.

"It suits you, and it goes with your outfit, Minnie has good taste!" Emily smiled at the baby pink tailored suit with a plum lace vest underneath and plum high heels.

"She does" Eliza smiled shyly

"Aww, you're so cute!"

"Says you, who almost melted into a puddle when you read the note from your husbands"

"They're cute, I can't help it"

"Your hair looks nice like that, it suits you!"

"Do you think? I just wanted some more volume, thankfully they unclip. It grows at the speed of light, but just doesn't you know poof up?" Emily smiled, she had some hair extensions fitted that meant her hair waved down her back. They had been coloured and curled to match her now blonde highlighted auburn locks, she felt like a Disney Princess.

"You always look great, I always wish I could grow my hair long like that woman that rode a horse naked... I could use it to cover my bits and bobs"

"You mean Lady Godiva?" Emily laughed until tears formed in her eyes.

"Yeah, that's her"

"Right, I think I'm ready" Emily smoothed down her skirt in the mirror.

"Seriously you look, I'm not trying to come on to you, fit"

"Thank you. Jin has good taste and he loves picking my outfits" Emily smiled she had on a tight-fitting pencil skirt in dark green, with a black sleeveless blouse tucked in and some black pointed stilettos. Underneath Jin had chosen her black silk lingerie.

Jin always knew how to dress her to give her a confidence boost, he knew when she needed to feel that little bit sexier or when she needed to be comforted by her clothing.

Tonight she felt like she had her shit together, she felt like an adult. She was an adult of course, but sometimes she forgot.

"Just leave your stuff here, it'll be dropped back at the house later on"

"Wow, this shit is insane"

"Come on or we'll be late" Emily smiled as they left.


"How was your afternoon Joe?"

"Good, I spent time with the dogs and then I went swimming with Jin, and then we played video games and then Jungkook almost cried because I beat his score and then I spent some more time with the dogs and then Mum and Dad came back and then I got ready" Joseph signed quickly, as Carol kindly translated as it was too fast for Emily.

"I did not nearly cry" Jungkook pouted

"Awww poor baby" Emily chided.

"Joe taught the dogs all a new trick"

"You did?"

"Yes, to bring their toys back and put them in the baskets when you tap on them"

"Oh good! That's brilliant! Well done Joe"

"It took a few treats and lots of cuddles and Mickey flatly refused, but that's ok" Joseph beamed.

"You should work with animals, you absolutely love them and they love you just as much!" Emily smiled.

"So Carol, Oliver how was your day?"

"I'm exhausted, she's dragged me here there and bloody everywhere. Oooh, we need to see this, oh look at that, my feet don't even know they're connected I've walked that far. Then she tells me that there was a train. She's butchered Korean from her guidebook so many times, I started pretending we weren't together. Those poor bloody shop keepers" Oliver smiled.

"Walking is good for you look we've done almost 27 thousand steps" Carol showed Oliver her watch.

"I've never seen a happy walker, have you? I've seen a happy man having a pint in peace"

"Oh, Oliver!" Carol shook her head.

"So, how about you El? you look like you've had fun"

"Ah Mum it was lush, honestly I felt like a queen, they just pamper the shit out of you, it felt so good. Seriously I'm glad I didn't get waxed like Emily, I couldn't be bothered with some woman in me flaps"

"Eliza! Do you have to be so vulgar" Oliver shook his head.

"What? If a women's going to be down there I at least want an orgasm out of it!" Eliza laughed.

"Jesus girl, you're a nightmare" Carol shook her head.

Emily looked at Minnie who was pretending to be smiling at the babies, her face tinged in pink.

"So what have the rest of you been up to?"

"We've been choreographing, well, trying to, these three wanted to join in, so we did some baby dance, and then while they had their naps we carried on. But yeah, nearly done I think" Hoseok nodded once, looking thoughtful.

"Can I ask something?" Yoongi looked at Emily curiously.

"Erm.. yeah?"

"Is your hair real? I'm sure it wasn't that long this morning and it seems to have got err bigger" he eyed her hair curiously.

"Oh no, I had some clip-in extensions put in, just for some volume, since having the babies my hair isn't quite as thick as it was"

"Oh, I remember that well, I had about three strands of hair left after I had these. Honestly, it was an awful comb-over"

"I remember unclogging the drain every bloody week, it was like pulling something out of bloody gremlins out of there" Oliver heartily laughed.

"Right, so we ordered a bunch of stuff and we just share, you just kind of stab your chopsticks in and hope for the best" Emily smiled as the wait staff began to bring out dish after dish to the large table.

"And we have beer" Emily smiled.

"I don't like beer it'" Joseph signed

"You can have whatever you want that's why I popped a drinks menu by you ok Joe? Me and Minnie are both having Pepsi" Emily smiled.

"Do you not drink Minnie?" Eliza looked across at her.

"Oh no, I do, just not when I'm working and I'm looking after the babies. I like whisky, a really good whisky"

"Oh I love whisky, a good single malt but no ice, no water"

"I have these stones that you freeze to keep mine cool" Minnie grinned as the two girls began chatting, Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Emily who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"So, Emily? How are your next set of books coming along?" Carol smiled

"Terribly! I just cannot get what I want to convey into the paper, I've almost gone through a whole notebook of screwed up pieces of paper, and I've practically chewed the end of my pen to death!"

"Oh gosh, love, I'm sure it'll come. One day it'll just click into place"

"Hopefully one day soon, so it's before my deadline, the others came so easily but this one is just not flowing"

"Maybe because it's such a difficult subject, and I know how hard things have been you still have a little wall there love?"

"That's true actually my therapist suggested that, she said I have such a strong need to protect myself, that I just will not let myself walk down those paths"

"The human mind is an odd but magnificent thing," Oliver remarked thoughtfully.

"It sure is, even if it malfunctions occasionally" Emily laughed trying to break the slight air of thoughtfulness.




"You want some of this one?"


"Ok, I'll just chop it up for you ok?"

Emily quickly chopped up the folded gimbap putting it on the small child's plate and putting it on the tray of Lucy's high chair. Picking up some little chopsticks and feeding her slowly.


"Daisy? We use our inside voice now" Namjoon frowned as Daisy frowned back at him.

"Keemthee appi" Daisy almost whispered.

"Good girl" Namjoon put a spoonful on her little plate and began feeding her the spicy cabbage, one small piece at a time while continuing to chat.

"So Joe, we were wondering if you would like to come to the company with us one day next week? We can show you around?" Yoongi smiled.

"Can Emily and Eliza come too?"

"Of course and your parents are welcome too"

"We would love to, as long as we wouldn't be any trouble, we're quite happy amusing ourselves, the guidebook you left us has been amazing, so helpful. I didn't dream I'd be here"

"You're never any trouble" Jin smiled.

As the night wore on and the food had long been finished and the drinks had flowed, everyone except Joseph, Minnie and Emily were at least tipsy. Jin had been whispering the rudest of things into Emily's ear, making her clench her thighs together, having an idea Emily excused herself popping to the bathroom and removing her panties, balling them in her hand and walking back to the table, sitting down she stuffed them quickly into Jin's pocket. As he looked at her curiously and put his hand in her pocket raising his eyebrows, he began to grin.

"I'm starting to feel quite tired, I think maybe we should go home, the babies need to be going to sleep soon" he flustered.

"But Hyung" Jungkook whined.

"Ok, why don't you guys who want to stay out go somewhere private and those who don't can come home? I don't mind at all if you want to stay out and have some fun" Emily suggested

"Yes! I knew you were the best wife"

"Minnie? Will you stay?" Eliza grinned

"Miss Emily is that ok or..."

"Absolutely fine Minnie and remember to ask the car to drop you off at home on the way back ok? And don't worry about tomorrow, I'll see you after the weekend"

"Oh, thank you, Miss Emily, that's very kind"

"Have fun and be careful ok?" Emily smiled as Her, Jin, Namjoon, Joseph, Carol and Oliver stood to leave.

"Joseph? How about we walk the dogs together, their last walk, after the babies have gone down?" Namjoon smiled, as Joseph nearly nodded himself into a neck injury.

"Why don't we have a glass of wine on the patio Ol?"

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

"What if I was?" Carol smiled as Joseph covered his ears before signing that he wished he was deaf.


"Joseph?" Jin smiled

"Can they call me Joe please Emily?"

"Jin, he wants you and the others to call him Joe"

"Sorry Joe, did you want to sleep in Emily's room tonight? To save you being disturbed, by those two drunkards" Jin smiled at Carol and Oliver who were badly singing at each other.

"But where will she sleep?"

"She will be with me, don't worry"

"Is that ok?" Joseph looked at Emily.

"Absolutely fine, they're clean sheets today"

"Thank you, can I help put the babies to bed?"

"Of course, that would be brilliant, so they have a bath first and then we get them changed and then it's story time" Emily smiled.

Joseph carefully helped Emily the whole time, the triplets were absolutely in love with him. The way they communicated without saying a single word to each other. He was careful not to get water in their eyes, and made sure all their toys were played with while he helped bathe them.

Towelling them dry, and putting on fresh nappies and pyjamas, Emily asked Joseph to pull out a book to read. He chose The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Emily loved the book, as she began reading she noticed the triplets all staring at Joseph, who was signing alongside her. The babies were trying to copy his movements for certain words and Emily had tears pooling in her eyes, she loved the uncle her brother was, she loved the brother he was, she loved the person he was, with every bit of her heart.

As Emily finished the book and said goodnight, Joseph signed goodnight and Lucy copied him perfectly. Making Emily tear up all over again, hugging Joseph tightly, Emily looked up at him.

"I love you. Please don't ever change. You are the best big brother"

"I love you, little sister. But I love the dogs more. Goodnight " Joseph signed as he walked to a waiting Namjoon holding a handful of leads.

"Well! I know where I come in the pack" Emily laughed as they took the dogs out.

"My naughty little wife? I have something to discuss with you downstairs" Jin came up behind her.

"Oh, you do? Shall we take the secret stairs?"

"That's a good idea" Jin held out his hand.

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