Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soul...

By DearPrudenceWithlove

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They need to find their soulmate. She needs to find a job during the worldwide pandemic. Will fate bring them... More

Authors Note & Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One
Five Years Later
Ten Years Later
Fifteen Years Later
Twenty Years Later

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine

995 38 29
By DearPrudenceWithlove

Emily had been practising the choreography for a week, and Taehyung was right, she felt like her body hated her, but she wasn't going to tell him that. She had no idea how they did this, and other songs choreography without passing out.

Today was the day she had promised to show them. Putting on some leggings that were made to make her bottom look better, and a sports bra, she decided to dance barefoot.

Warming up before she headed into the dance studio where the boys were, she took in a deep breath through her nose and closed her eyes.

"You ready baby? One foot out of line and you lose!" Taehyung laughed.

"I can do it" Emily smiled as the boys all sat against the mirrors.

As the song began, she began to move, almost instinctively, she had practised it so many times she knew which move came after the one before. Not daring to even look at them as she danced.

The boys were stunned, watching their wife dance in front of them, she didn't realise quite how talented she was, or just how attractive they found her barefoot with no makeup her long hair swishing around as she moved.

As the song ended and so did the choreography, the boys all hooted and cheered.

"Wow, that was. Amazing. I concede!" Taehyung picked her up swinging her around in a circle.

"Never underestimate me" Emily raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously your body is looking so good, like, you've been working out baby" Jungkook ran his hand across her bottom.

"Every day, except for Sunday"

"Well, damn you look good, I'm glad it's my night because I got plans for you later"

"Good, I'm hoping those plans involve the playroom?"

"And a red ass"

"Excellent, I'm going to go for a play on the pole so I'll see you later, are you here all day?"

"All day, would you like to have lunch together?" Jimin raised his eyebrows

"I'd love to, message me a time and I'll set some stuff from the fridge out"

"Mmmm, I love you" Namjoon tapped her cheek before kissing it.

"If you get bored you can always come and watch"

"You're naughty" he winked as she left them all.


It was an absolutely freezing night on the first week of February, and it's was the Lunar New Year's Eve, The babies had all had extra naps and were dressed in plain navy blue snowsuits, to match the boys' outfits for their performance. Emily already knew there would be a furore over who their biological Parent could be, but didn't want any kind of colour to add to the hysteria.

Emily tried to keep her own look smart but casual and warm, whilst knowing there was every likelihood she would be photographed. Wearing black knee-high boots, skinny black jeans and a big thick white woollen trench coat, her red hair hung down her back in loose curls and she had applied a little makeup. She walked into the venue, with Charlotte by her side in her own warm doggy coat. Because the boys were so busy and due to go on tour, the other dogs had gone to stay with the boys' parents, they all seemed to be enjoying the peace and quiet from screaming toddlers trying to dress them in dolls clothes or feed them fake food.

"Emily!" Hoseok jogged over kissing her a little more passionately than Emily would have liked in front of a room full of people.

"Are you ready? We're going to perform and then we will watch the other acts from the balcony while we countdown to the New Year"

"I'm ready, and the babies have their ear defenders and Minnie is going to take them home after the countdown and celebrations. I might go with them, I don't know. Oh, I hope it goes well" Emily smiled nervously.

"It will be ok, alright? We're only doing two songs and then we will bring them out, and chat and then we're doing a third if they're ok we will keep them with us, if not they can come straight off to you ok? Look at them, they're fine" Hoseok stepped aside to see three absolutely beaming toddlers in their ear protectors.

"I know, am I ok to watch from the side?"

"Of course you are baby, you don't need to ask. You could come on stage with them?"

"No, No. I'm absolutely fine at the side. Ok, go get 'em tiger " Emily internally cringed at herself.

As the boys performed, the first two songs seemed to both fly by and take forever. Emily knew the babies weren't going to stay a secret forever, especially as she had already been pictured pregnant, and then not. The boys were so proud of their children, and the babies absolutely adored their Fathers. This was important to them, and she knew it was better to be in a controlled environment rather than a paparazzi shot.

"Now, we need you to be a little quiet. We have a few special guests we would like you to meet" Namjoon beamed.

The boys picked up the three from the side of the stage where Minnie and Emily had been trying to keep them from running on.

"We would like to introduce you to our three children" The crowd quietly clapped as Emily saw people looking open-mouthed at them.

"Apppppppa" Daisy grinned at the enormous screen showing their faces.

"Is that you?" Namjoon pointed, as she nodded grinning back at him.

"Do you want to stay with us while we sing the next song?" Hoseok looked at Emily as she nodded with a smile.

"Yaaaaaaaaah" Felix clapped his hands, Emily didn't know how she had such happy babies, especially with so many people in front of them. It was as though no one but their Appa's existed.

As the chords began to play, a tear dropped down Emily's face. She was so proud she could burst. The boys dreamed of this. Their children watching them perform, and now they were performing in Central Seoul on New Year's Eve holding their children, who absolutely idolised them.

As Namjoon rapped Daisy starred at him with an open mouth and wide eyes. He passed her to Yoongi, and she did the same when he rapped, and giggled when he winked at her.

Lucy just snuggled into Jungkook's neck and stayed there. Just smiling and occasionally clapping her hands, when he began to sing, she looked at him in shock and giggled when he made funny faces at her.

Felix however clambered down from Hoseok's grasp and began to dance with his hands on the stage and his bottom wiggling in the air. Emily couldn't help but giggle, taking a video on her phone.

"When your son is a better dancer than you" Namjoon smiled to a wave of laughter.

As they said their goodbyes to the crowd and scooped up Felix. Emily kissed them all.

"Oh god, I'm proud of you, so proud" she smiled as another tear dripped down her face.

"Oh baby, you're so cute. I loved that, it went so well! Seriously nothing phases these three!" Jungkook lightly bounced Lucy.

"Are you going to go home with Minnie and see Halmeoni and Harabeoji? After we count down to midnight?" Taehyung grinned.

"I has milk?" Lucy smiled at Emily

"Yes, baby you can have milk before bed, ok?"

"Otay. Love you, Mama"

"Oh my god, you said you loved me" tears streamed down Emily's face.

"Mama sad?"

"No Mama is so happy, so so happy" Emily kissed Lucy's cheeks and bid her goodbyes to them.

"Right I'll just fix my face and grab a drink and then will I see you up there?"

"Yeah, we will head up there now" Hoseok smiled, as they carried the babies to the elevator.

"I love you" Yoongi smiled before he walked behind them.

"Oh don't! I can't believe she said it, our baby!"

"I can, you tell them you love them every day, she knows what real love feels like" he kissed her cheek, with a smile. Walking away.


Taking the elevator to the private balcony, Emily had fixed her face with a little help from one of the makeup artists, she felt better.

"Mammmmma" Daisy bounced excitedly almost headbutting a dancing Jimin.

"Thank you for coming tonight Minnie, I really appreciate it"

"It's no trouble at all, my plans are all tomorrow, I'm going out with my friends tomorrow night. Tonight is so expensive and everywhere has a guest list and it means I get an extra day off"

"Me and Mattie always stayed over at my Grandmother's on New Year's Eve, she used to make a buffet to feed the five thousand and let us drink wine, way before we should have. It was disgusting but we felt so grown up. Everyone in the street used to pop in and at midnight everyone used to go outside to count down and my Grandmother always made sure I was first foot"

"That sounds like my Mom, I'm glad my Dad isn't working tonight. They're having a romantic evening. I don't want to even think about what that entails" Minnie grimaced.

"I bet they're probably both fast asleep by now" Emily giggled

"Probably! So will I meet your Grandmother when we go to the UK?"

"Unfortunately not, she passed away a few years ago, just after I met the boys. Before she could meet them properly"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know"

"It's ok, she lived a long life and I have many happy memories with her, I just wish she could have met the boys and the babies. My parents are also no longer with us, it's just my brother Joseph and I. We were both adopted, it's a long and very depressing story and no one wants to begin the new year hearing about it. So I'll tell you another time"

"Well, all I can say is I wish you a very happy New Year, and thank you for making mine so happy, I'm grateful to you" Minnie took Emily's hand and squeezed it.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm glad I met your Father and now you Minnie, I just need to meet your brother and I'll have collected the Choi set" Emily smiled.

"I'll have to ask Appa to introduce him one day"

"Emily, are you ready?"

"What for?"



"Happy new year" they all smiled as they crowded around each other. Emily hugging Minnie tightly.

"Happy new year Minnie"

"Happy new year, Boss" Minnie smiled.

As they all clinked their glasses and the babies became sleepy. Emily decided she would go home, and leave the boys to party she knew some of their friends were there, and they wouldn't be home until the sun was up.


"Yes, baby girl?"

"I'm going to head home with the babies and get them settled ok?"

"Do you want us to...?"

"No, I know you're itching to party with your friends, have fun, and as long as you don't trash the house again, I'll be in the big bed, so come cuddle me"



Taehyung's parents are going to look after these three monsters and take them out tomorrow, so we can all lay in"

"Ok, I'll see you later. Love you" he kissed her cheek relaying to the others what she had said.


Back at home, Minnie had gone home, the babies were fast asleep in the guest rooms with Taehyung's parents and Emily was ready for bed and tucked up with Charlotte, drinking some juice before she went to sleep. She had only been back an hour but she was exhausted, flicking off the light and cuddling into Charlotte, she heard the front door click shut and the alarm code being punched in, then footsteps, Charlotte didn't move. Emily assumed it was Yoongi again.

"Baby? Are you awake?" Emily flicked the lights on to find six smiling faces.

"How come you're all back?"

"We wanted to come home and cuddle our wife, start the New Year as we want to continue"

"You guys are so fluffing cute"

"Emily there aren't any babies around" Jungkook laughed.

"I know but Charlotte's still a baby"

"Emily she's almost eight"

"She could be 104 but she will always be my baby" Emily cuddled the snoozing chocolate Labrador's head.

"Well, the baby better move over as she's taking up all the room"

"Charlotte? Into bed!" Yoongi said sternly as she opened one eye.

"Into your own bed!" Yoongi frowned as she growled, and jumped off the bed with a huff, walking downstairs her claws clicking on the wooden floor.

"That's her in a bad mood until she forgets why she's in a mood" Emily shook her head.

"She's like her Mother!"

"Seriously? Are you getting in or are you just going to all stand there?" Emily eyed them all with a smile as they all shed their clothing and bounced on the bed.

"I'm glad we came back, this is what I wanted" Jimin laid his head on her arm.

"I'm glad you came back too" Emily smiled as the boys all surrounded her, using her as their pillow.

"Ohhhh I'm not sleepy now" Emily whined.

"I know something that always makes you sleepy" Jungkook grinned

"I'm not watching you play a game again, I only fell asleep because my brain died"

"That's not what I meant" he grinned as he kissed her bare stomach.

"Mmm, I'm down for that" Jimin grinned at the others all muttered their agreement.

"Urgh, I'm too lazy!" Emily moaned.

"Ok then pillow princess, you lay still and we'll do whatever we want to you" Yoongi smirked


"Oh baby girl you are going to be ruined" Hoseok grinned

"I doubt that Daddy, I don't think you have the stamina!" Emily smirked as she knew she had just lit a fire that was going to explode.

"Oh baby girl you are very very naughty" Jimin laughed as he bit her nipple.

That night the boys saw in the New Year, with their wife squealing in pleasure until the sun came up. Emily was drenched in sweat, come, saliva and lube, she was exhausted.

As Namjoon held her under the warm shower, washing her quickly and then applying some ointment to her lower half afterwards. Emily felt absolutely tiny next to him, his bulging muscles, his height, he had such a commanding presence. The other boys appeared with damp hair.

"Are you ready to sleep now, Princess?" Hoseok smirked as Emily nodded into Namjoon's chest.

"Come on then, we've changed all the sheets, and you've got a caffeine-free coke waiting to soothe your throat" Taehyung barely contained his laughter.

"Mmm, panties"

"You want some panties?"

"Mmm and the moisturiser for there" Emily could barely keep her eyes open.

"Ok, I'll grab them" Jungkook left the room returning with the moisturiser and a pair of absolutely enormous panties.

"What?! I thought you would want to be comfy"

"Kook those are my pregnancy pants" Emily shook her head.

"Are they ok?"

"Do I look pregnant?"

"Not at all"

"Just pass me the moisturiser, and I'll sleep naked"

"Good job Kook!" Jimin high fived him.

"Lay down baby, I'll rub this on, does it go inside?"

"No just the outside, oh make sure you get that bit where my lips meet my bum"

"Oh god, talk dirty to me baby" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Emily lay back as Yoongi expertly massaged her swollen pussy.

"My alarm is on for my meds and then I'll go back to sleep and get up to get ready and get the babies ready for dinner with your families. Oh my god, Mattie just messaged Namdaddy and who's the daddy are trending. She said you broke the internet" Emily laughed at her phone.

"Oh god. I wonder how many will get it right?" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're all Daddies to me, it should be guess the Appa!" Emily smiled.

"Come on Pillow Princess, sleep time" Yoongi tapped her pussy, earning himself a glare.


"You've got everything?"

"Everything, if I've forgotten anything I'm sure I can pick it up there"

"Ok, make sure you call every day"

"I will, and I'll make sure to take pictures and videos"

"And make sure you give Joseph the train, and Eliza the new merch, and..."

"I'll give Mattie and Archie your love and the gifts"

"And we will see you in two weeks and three days"

"And your babies will watch you perform in a stadium"


"I love you"

"I love you too baby"

Jimin began to cry, he hated goodbyes as much as Emily and lately he had been extra clingy. The others were saying goodbye to the babies, who had absolutely no idea what was going on, but we're excited.

Minnie, Choi and Yang were standing with Charlotte in her crate, ready to go, all their luggage was packed and the boys had arranged for them to use the private plane to make it easier.

"Right, let's go, or I'll never leave. I'll call when I get to Mattie's ok? We should get there for Iris getting home from school"

"School? She's a baby"

"She is, but she's in full-time school now, luckily it's half term for one of the weeks we are there, I'm sure Sid and Nancy are going to pack their bags when they see that there are five children to play with them"

"And a dog"

"Yes, and Charlotte"


"Yes, Lucy?"

"Wuv ooooo"

"Aww I love you too, and you and you and you"

Yoongi booped his wife's nose.

"Bye guys, I'll see you soon" Emily slid into the van next to the babies.

"I'm so excited!" Minnie smiled.

"Oh, I got you this. It's a guide and phrasebook, and there a wallet with some English money, a prepaid credit card and a few numbers for taxis or emergencies. I printed off a few maps to places you might want to visit and stuff too" Emily passed Minnie a bag.

"Oh thank you, Miss Emily"

"You're welcome, these two got one when we first visited and know their way around now, if there's anything you don't understand or want to know just ask one of us. Archie speaks a little bit of Korean. I forgot to mention, there are two cats, Sid and Nancy, they're Norwegian Forest cats and are pretty big, they're treated like dogs, they'll go for a walk with Charlotte. I forgot to ask if you were ok with them!"

"Oh I love cats, are they friendly?"

"Very, especially if you have the treats"

"Oh good. If I was at home more I'd have a big long-haired Calico one"

"Ahh Jimin wants one of those, I said with so many dogs and babies, he can get one when the kids have left home"

"A while then?"

"At this rate, he will be looking at probably twenty years, maybe more. I feel bad now. Maybe you two could pet share?" Emily mused.


Stepping off the plane, it was raining, windy and trying to snow.

"Welcome to Manchester" Emily laughed.

"If you and Yang go through security with the babies, myself and Minnie will follow and get the luggage and meet you at Miss Mattie's?"

"Yeah? You're sure that's ok?"

"Of course Miss Emily, it's 2.30 pm local time, so you have time to get there before Miss Iris arrives home from school"

"Ok, thank you, Choi, Minnie" Emily bowed as she followed Yang who was pushing Lucy in her pushchair with Charlotte trotting by his side.

"Right kids, I know it's not the best first impression, but this where Mumma is from, this is England"


"Yes baby England"

Going through security and walking out of the glass doors, Emily fastened the babies into their car seats, and climbed in the front with Yang. Charlotte was fastened in her crate in the boot.

"Do you remember the way, Yang?"

"I do, Miss Emily, I have a good memory"

"Let's go then!"

Driving down the rainy roads, Emily pulled out her phone messaging the boys that she had arrived safely and the babies were all fine, and she would call a little later after she had surprised Iris.

Messaging their love, and some cute selfies, Emily tucked her phone back in her pocket, just as they drove up the road to Mattie's house, her Grandmothers house. This road was home.

Pulling up outside the door swung open

"Emmmmmmmy!" Mattie shrieked running out of the house in her slippers and picking Emily up spinning her around.

"Oh my god look at them, they're huge! When did they get so big? They look so much smaller on FaceTime!"

"They're practically walking, talking humans! It's going to be a fun couple of weeks!"

"Archie is collecting Iris with Alfie, he won't be too long, so let's get you all in and settled" Mattie waved.

"Ok, Choi and Minnie are getting all the luggage, they shouldn't be too far behind us"

"Brilliant, the kettle is on and I've made up the shed and two rooms upstairs, I wasn't sure if the babies would want their own room in the house or share with you in the shed, so Iris can always go in the Alfie?"

"They'll be better off with me instead of waking the whole house up, I don't want them to disturb the whole house with their midnight screaming"

"Ok, well I've put three travel cots in the shed and made a little play area for them too, there's Iris and Alfie's old baby bath and a few bits and bobs in there. I hope they're helpful?"

"Thank you, Mattie, it's so good to see you" Emily hugged her as a tear dripped down her face as Charlotte pushed past them both and let herself out of the dog door into the back garden.


"Yes, baby boy?"


"Ok, let's get you inside first and then we will see what we have ready for you hmm?"

"They're so cute!"

"Are you sure you're ready for this? Three babies and a dog?"

"And two security officers and a nanny" Mattie laughed.

"Of course, I can't wait for the house to be full to brimming! Imagine if the boys were here too?"

"We would be like sardines in a can"

"And we would need several extra bathrooms"


"Right, tea, cake, baby food, I put Charlotte some dog food and water out ready"

"Ok, when she comes in I'll let her know" Emily laughed.

"Where are Sid and Nancy?"

"Emily look at your children" Emily peered over the car seat handles to see the two enormous cats settled on Lucy and Felix's laps happily accepting toddler style pats.

"I was worried they would disappear for the entirety of our visit"

"Looks like you don't need to worry"

"Right let's get you out of your pushchairs and settled, then we can get tidied up a bit before your biggest cousin gets home, we've got twenty minutes" Emily smiled picking up Daisy and sitting her in her little rubber chair.

"Those are amazing! They can sit anywhere"

"I know, and they stack together and then you just slot the legs in if you need to, it's handy especially when you need three of them"

"Right babies, sorted, pushchairs under the stairs. Choi and Minnie are pulling up"

"Tea, cake, baby food, check. Wipe Charlotte's paws check"

"Mattie this is Minnie, Choi's daughter and the babies Nanny" Emily smiled

"Nice to meet you Miss Mattie" Minnie bowed.

"Oh god, just Mattie is fine, nice to meet you. Brew?"

"It's a cup of tea how I drink it" Emily explained

"Yes please, I'll just take my luggage upstairs and then I'll sort the babies things out if that's ok Miss Emily"

"Take your luggage up, and then come and sit down, have a drink and relax for a while, ok?" Emily smiled as Minnie bowed.

"Your room is the pink one, second on the right" Mattie called.

"Thank you. I'll be down in a second" Minnie smiled.

Yang and Choi quickly sorted out their luggage and then put Emily's and the children into the shed. Before sitting down for a cup of coffee. Minnie came down the stairs, she had changed and put her hair up in a ponytail.

"Open Miss Daisy" Emily smiled as she scooped out some premade baby food as Mattie fed Felix and Yang fed Lucy.

"I can't believe how big they are now, it's mad! They eat so well!"

"They take after their Father's, they pretty much just have what we do, but whizzed up"

"How are the boys? Did they leave yet?"

"Tonight, well now their time. They'll be flying to Japan first"

"The jet-set lifestyle eh?" Mattie smiled.

"I'm exhausted for them" Yang smiled.

"Me too!" Emily laughed

"EMMMMMMY!" Iris ran in the door, not bothering to take any of her wet clothes off and launched herself into Emily's lap, covering her face in kisses.

"Iris! Surprise!"

"And babies too?"

"And Charlotte" Iris carefully looked at everyone before whispering into Emily's ear.

"Who's the lady?"

"Iris this is Minnie, she helps me to look after the babies, and I'll tell you a little secret, she's Choi's daughter"

"Minnie like Minnie Mouse not like our minnies?" Iris looked down.

"Yes like Minnie Mouse"

"And she's his daughter?"


"And Uncas like her"


"Ok then"

"Mumma, what's for tea?"

"Since it was your last day at school for a week how about we order something?"


"If that's what you want? Alfie do you want pizza?"

"Yes please," he shyly smiled by the door.

"Can I see the baby?" He looked at the floor.

"Which one there's three?"

"The boy one"

"Felix? Of course, I'll get him out of his chair but be careful he's only little ok?" Emily smiled.

"Can I play with the girls?" Iris beamed.

"Yes, We can all go into the lounge and play if you want?"

"Ok, can Minnie come too?"

"If she wants to?" Emily looked at Minnie who was smiling fondly at Iris.

"I'd love to"

"I got a new doll, I'll let you play with it if you want" Iris smiled holding out her hand for Minnie to take.

"Well that's high praise, we're not even allowed to look at it" Mattie laughed.

"Miss Emily we are going to go and stretch our legs if that's ok? We can take Charlotte for a walk?"

"Does stretch your legs translate as popping into the local pub for a beer and sitting outside eating a piece of cake from the cafe across the road?"

"Yes Miss Emily"

"Well then have fun, I told you if we're not going out you're not working, what did you want on your pizza? I'll leave it on the side if you're not back" Emily smiled taking their pizza orders and ushering them out.

"Minnie, did you want to go with them?"

"Do you mind if I stay here? I'm quite tired. Is it ok if I eat in my room and then take a shower?"

"Course it is, just bring the box down in the morning, and keep your door closed if you don't want a child or a cat in bed with you. There's no need to be so formal, relax, I've put some towels and a few toiletries on your bed in case you don't feel like unpacking right away. The tv is connected to Emily's Netflix and I think you have an icon?" Mattie smiled.

"Thank you, Mi... Mattie, Archie" Minnie bowed.

"Mats? I'm going to shower in our room and then I've got some work to finish upstairs ok?" Archie quietly kissed her cheek, with a smile.

"So how are you?" Mattie smiled as Minnie took Iris' waiting hand towards the toy box.

"I'm good, definitely getting back into our groove. I didn't realise it would take so long. I thought a few months after having them, I'd be back to my usual self"

"Iris is four and I'm still not back to my usual self"

"Honestly if I didn't have the help I do, I honestly wouldn't know where I would be"

"How is your mind? All good?"

"Yeah, all good. It's taken some time to get back mentally after these three, but yeah no episodes at all since my Grandmother passed"

"So when are the next ones due?" Mattie nodded at the give children and Minnie playing.

"Next what? Babies, maybe not for a little while yet. Jin's still away for well over a year, and honestly, I've just got back into a groove, in every way, I want to enjoy it, but I also want to be pregnant again"

"Every way? Hmm I thought you were looking happy"

"Yes exercise does give you a glow"

"Like the afternoon exercise, you used to do in the shed you mean?"

"The very same"

"How about you? How are you?"

"I'm alright you know, yeah, back at work three half days a week until Alfie goes to school and then I've arranged to work school hours four days a week, right now we're just doing a few house bits at a time, my parents have helped a bit too"

"I can see, it looks great, much more, you!"

"Yeah, at first I didn't want to do anything, it felt wrong, but the more I looked at paint samples and stuff, I got into it. We've only done here, the kids rooms and our room so far"

"Well it's great, it's like tropical meets, a stately manor. With all the dark green and big green plants," Emily smiled

"And you're still ok, you know with our arrangement?"

"Mattie, you don't need to ask. As long as you are, I am, ok?"

"Ok, we've been putting the money we would have used on rent into an account, it gives us higher interest if we don't touch it, so it's an incentive to only use it if we really need to"

"Good idea, has he sold the house yet?"

"Nope, says he wants £250,000 for it, we valued it at £215,000 he's had about six different agents trying to sell it, it's still empty. It must be damp by now, the last people in it were Choi and was it, Han? When your parents passed"

"Christ, that was a few years ago. These guys weren't even made"

"I know, if he just dropped the price it would sell, the longer he leaves it the more the price is dropping"

"He's an idiot, I still can't believe he gave you eight weeks notice and now it's been empty for this long"

"It's because he's greedy!"


"So how are those Husbands of yours?"

"They're good, they send their love and there's a gift bag for you in my luggage. I'm sure you'll see them at some point when I face time them. I think they're finding it tough without Jin, I know I am. God I miss that fucker"

"Seriously, I can't believe you let them take these three on stage, I mean my ovaries nearly exploded"

"Namjoon asked me, and I just thought what the hell. The babies have no idea what they actually do, and they don't really care about the crowds, they're more interested in the music. As they get older though I'd like to keep them away from everything"

"Honestly, I think the internet went into shock. Everyone is convinced Felix is Namjoon's, I think it was who was holding them, they think that's their bio dad"

"That's why we did that, they're all their Appa's. They don't know anything different. But yeah they keep asking when they can go to work with them again!"

"Army's are obsessed with when they'll next be seen, they're more excited about seeing them than the boys" Mattie laughed.

"I said they could on their last date, it's a stadium and New Year's Eve was a bit of a trial run to see how they coped"

"Is that why you're leaving earlier than you had planned?"

"Yeah, and then we will fly home together"

"Seriously you guys are so romantic"

"We're really not, honestly raising the Titanic would have less logistical planning than our relationship sometimes"


"Yes, Lucy?"

"I has pizza"

"Do you want pizza?"

"Yas in dimdams"

"Ok, if you have a bath then you can have pizza in your pyjamas before bed"

"Yay! Mama say yas" Lucy wobbled over to the others.

"I wonder where she got that idea from! Seriously they're so sweet. I love that you're all here. Do you want to just chuck them all in the bath together? We've got bath toys, and I'll sort them while you sort things out a little, and then come and collect them?"

"That would be great, Do you have towels?"

"No Emily, we just air dry naked"

"You never know"

"Kids? You're all having a bath together ok? No splashing, no whinging and no pooping" Mattie smiled.

"Yeeeeessss!" They all cheered.

"I'm going to go and quickly sort a few bits of my luggage out and then I'll bring up their pyjamas and pull-ups"

"Ok, then we'll order pizzas"


"Can I do anything?"

"No, no. Just relax, sit down and chill Minnie"


"Oh my god, I am so full! I swear pizzas are bigger over here"

"Oh yeah blame that, not like you ate about fifteen chicken wings, the way you sucked those clean I was almost jealous of your Husbands and Archie looked like he might choke on his food" Mattie laughed.

"Mama, I done"

"Ok baby. I'll pop it over in the fridge in case you want some tomorrow"


"Ok let me just finish this slice and I'll clean up then we will all have a hot drink before bed ok?"


"He's at work baby"

"Appa in pone?"

"I can try, Hmm we'll call them before bed ok?"


"They're so good, seriously watching you be a Mama blows my mind. You're so good at it"

"I wouldn't go that far, I have a lot of help, and some days I look like I've been fished out of a bin"

"Some days?" Mattie laughed.

"Right then you two, come on, leave these babies to sleep, I'll read you a story?"

"Can daddy do it, he does the voices properly"

"Ok, I'll ask him and then I'll go and cry and my lack of story reading prowess" Mattie rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you in the morning, is it ok if Charlotte sleeps in the kitchen?"

"Absolutely fine, I'll close the door and leave a note for Choi and Han to not turn the dog door off so she can take herself for a wee if she needs to"

"You're a star"

"Goodnight Emmy. Love you"

"Night night Emmy, night night babies" Iris and Alfie both blew kisses.

"Good night you two, see you tomorrow" Emily smiled as Mattie called Charlotte after her.

"Right babies, let's get tidied up and then we will call your Appa's before bed? Hmm?"

"Yasses or no sweeeeeps"

"Oh, dear! But you have to sleep so Mummy can sleep"

"No Appa, no sweep" Daisy folded her arms.

"Ok, I'll tidy up" Emily picked them up popping them into their travel cots with some toys, whilst she tidied away the leftovers and made their bedtime milk up, making herself a hot chocolate.

Yawning Emily put the drinks on the nightstand and pulled out her phone.

Pressing dial on the group chat, Yoongi answered.

"Baby! Are you ok?"

"Yes are you?"

"I am now I've seen your beautiful face"

"Well, I have three babies who refuse to sleep until they've seen their Appa's. Let me pop you down and I'll grab them"

"Ok, I'll just grab the others so we can say goodnight"

Emily picked up the three babies, settling them on the bed with her before she picked up her phone.

"APPPPPPA!" Daisy squealed as Namjoon picked up the phone.

"Baby, are you ok?"

"I eat pizza in dimdams and play and swim in baffs" Lucy excitedly bounced

"Wow! That sounds like fun!"

"And now am in bed with Mama"

"Are you tired little one?" Hoseok smiled on the screen

"Now I see Appa" Lucy yawned.

"Aww baby, you three make sure you sleep so you can have fun tomorrow ok?"

"Yassss. We go see Doe"

"Oh, you're seeing Joe tomorrow? That'll be fun" Jungkook grinned

"He no tak"

"No Joe doesn't talk but he does use sign language and he can hear you"

"Yas and cake"

"You're having cake?" Jimin almost fell onto the screen.


"You're very lucky"

"Ok babies, we have to go ok? We will see you tomorrow in the phone"

"Mmmhmmm love ooooo"

"And we love you, Ems?"


"Are you ok? Everything good there?"

"All good. I'm just tired, I can't wait for a bed, that's why we're going so early, so even if they don't sleep so well, I'll still be able to have a few hours extra to normal"

"Ok, well if you need us we're here, just message"

"I will, I'll take plenty of photos too"

"Ok. Love you, baby Mama"

"Love you baby Daddies" Emily smiled.


"Joe! You look so good" Emily ran and hugged her brother.

"Thank you so do you" he signed.

"Joe, meet your nieces and nephew in-person" Emily smiled

He waved.

"Daisy, Lucy and Felix?" He signed and pointed.

"Yes! I thought we could go to the park? This is Minnie, I think I told you about her?"

"Yes, you did, she's the babies Nanny?" He signed

Minnie stepped forward and perfectly signed her greeting much to Joseph's surprise. His face lit up, quickly signing back as Emily just stood smiling at the two of them.

"Right should we go to the park? Joe, did you want to show Minnie where it is? I'll grab us some hot drinks and some cake. I've got milk in my bag"

"Like a picnic?" Joseph signed with a grin.

"Yes, like a picnic"

"What a nicpic?"

"A picnic is when you eat outside"

"Oh we have nicpicss a lot"

"Yes, you do. I'll see you in a second, I'll bring Charlotte"

"No cholot come us"

"Ok, but don't let her off the lead until I get there ok?"

"We won't, don't worry" Minnie grinned, pushing the pushchairs with Joseph.

Emily grabbed the hot drinks and three slices of cake, and three mini fairy cakes for the babies, and a dog sausage for Charlotte. Stumbling out of the cafe laden down with the bags. Emily made her way the short distance across the road to the play park where Joseph and Minnie were already pushing the triplets on the swings, all laughing loudly.

Taking out her phone she took a video and sent it to the boys.

"I come bearing cakes"

"Caaaaaaake" Felix wriggled in the swing holding his arms up to be picked up.

"Felix if you have a cake you have to sit and eat it nicely in your pushchair ok?"


"Ok, come on then you three pushchairs and cake, let me take a photo of you to send to your Appa's" Emily held up her phone taking a photo of the three gummy grinning toddlers with Joseph and Minnie in the background.

Joseph tapped Emily's arm holding up his phone and waving it.

"I've just sent it to you, make sure you send it to your parents, ok? Oh, I've got a gift bag for you and Eliza, I'll drop by next week if you ask them if that's ok?" Emily smiled as Joseph nodded and typed quickly.

"How's work? Joe?"

"It's good, I have to take my holidays soon before they expire. I have three weeks off. I work five full days a week now. I like seeing people" he smiled with a hint of sadness.

"Oh that's great Joe, I'm proud of you, we all are" Emily beamed, she really was proud of him.

"I bought the babies a present each, is it ok if I give them it?" He signed

"Of course" Emily smiled as he pulled out a small bag from his pocket. Taking out three small wooden trains, obviously made for babies. He signed for you three times as a handed them to them.

"Chooooochooooo" Daisy smiled.

"Thank you, Joe, that's very thoughtful. They love your train, and in our house, there's a train-themed guest room, for when you want to visit"

"A train room?"

"Yes I've decorated it like a train carriage"

"Wow, I would like to see that"

"Well, we will work on when you can come and visit, maybe Carol and Oliver could come too? And Eliza?"

"Maybe yes" Joe looked at Minnie with a smile.


"Oh, excellent was it nice?"

"Yeth, slide"

"Just give your milk a minute to settle and then you can go back and play ok?" Emily took a sip of her now cold hot chocolate.

"How are your parents Joe?"

"They're well, Mum cut her hair, Dad says it's too short"

"Oh, I'm sure it looks nice"

"No, it really doesn't. Eliza asked if she had upset the hairdresser, so now Mum has been wearing a hat"

"Aww your poor Mum, you're so mean to her"

"I said it looked different, she didn't seem to appreciate that either"

"I can see why" Emily shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Mammma swide" Felix grabbed her hand.

"But my bottom might get stuck"

"Hope not" Felix deadpanned

"Me too"

Emily climbed up the tiny little ladders to the top of the slide and placed Felix on her knee, sliding down the metal slide, Emily couldn't help but grin.

"Meeee" Daisy bounced excitedly.

They spent almost an hour going up and down the slide together, the babies were all asleep in their pushchairs and Joseph had decided to go home as he was feeling tired, but he said he would see Emily next week when she arranged to go and visit Carol and Oliver.

"Miss Emily I got some wonderful photos of you, Joe and the triplets, it really is beautiful here. I didn't imagine England to be like this" she gestured around

"Oh thank you, Minnie, I haven't had that much fun at a play park since I was a teenager and there wasn't much sliding done then. What did you imagine it would be like?"

"Like one big city and then the rest was just countryside with hills and mountains and lakes"

"That's kind of how Manchester is I suppose but no, we're kind of like the rest of the world, lots of cities, lots of countryside and little villages"

"Where to next Miss Emily?"

"I think I'm going to message Mattie and then Choi and Yang and we'll go grocery shopping if you're ok to stay with the babies whilst they nap, then I'll cook something for dinner?"

"Of course Miss Emily, no trouble at all. Will Mattie go with you?"

"I'm not sure? She doesn't finish work for a few hours, and I doubt she will want to walk around a grocery store once she has picked up Iris and Alfie from her Mum's"

"True. I can help you cook if you need?"

"I'd like that. Right, groceries, cook, collapse in a heap"

"Miss Emily you're funny"

"I wasn't joking, I run on half battery at all times now with these three, one play park and I'm on empty"


"I'll get some pre-cooked chickens, and some bits and bobs for tonight and then I'll do an online order and get it delivered. Do you think?"

"Yes Miss Emily, that sounds perfect"

"Then before I leave I'll stock up on some bits I usually get and ship them to myself"

"That's a good idea, Miss Emily"

Emily grabbed the chickens and some flatbreads, salad things and some dressings. A big chocolate brownie dessert, some ice cream and some drinks, putting them in the trolley Choi was pushing.

"Oooh it's on offer, I'll get it now otherwise it won't be when I come back" Emily scooped up as many cocoa butter bottles as she could manage, then her body oil and finally her hair oil.

"They do foot cream too!" Emily piled an armful of those in.

"When was my last period?!"

"Oh, I'm not sure Miss Emily?" Choi blushed

"Don't worry Choi I was talking to myself" Emily smiled putting tampons and pads in the trolley, mentally reminding herself to check her app.

"Ok, just some chocolate and we're done" Emily picked up a few boxes of her favourites knowing they were also everyone else's favourites too.

Checking out, and packaging the bags. Emily's phone rang.


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just grabbing some food for tea?"

"You're a star, I thought we were going to have to order in again"

"No I've for stuff for tonight, and then I'll do an order later, we can do it together so we get everything delivered"

"Ok, we can do it before dinner, what did you get?"

"Cooked chickens, salad, and flatbreads"

"Brilliant, that will take five minutes"

"And chocolate brownie and ice cream for pudding"

"I knew I loved you"

"I'll be about ten minutes, we're on our way out now"

"Thanks, Ems"

"See you in a minute"

Getting back to Mattie's, it's was all quiet, Emily practically hyperventilated concerned they were entering danger nap territory.

"Emily they're all awake, they're watching some cartoon film in the lounge with Minnie and Archie. I've got to be honest the characters freak me the fuck out, but Iris loves them and your babies are entranced"

"Jesus, I panicked I thought it was going to be a long night"

"From one mother to another, I wouldn't do that to you. To one best friend to another I totally would" Mattie cackled.

"Right, it's not tea time, they're busy, I'm going for a bath, to call the boys and then we can do a grocery order?"

"Yeah, I'll put these away"

"Sure? Ok, I'll just grab this stuff that's mine" a Emily picked up the bag packed with cocoa butter and coconut moisturiser and dragged it with her.

Lazing into the hot bubbly water, Emily checked her period app- two days, Emily was due her period in two days.

"Oh, Joy! Good job I stocked up and at least I'm not on when I see the boys"

Emily decided to take a sexy selfie, arranging the bubbles, she held the phone up, snapping a few photos and choosing the best one.

Group Chat- Baby Daddies


Miss you xx

Baby Daddies Yoongles-
Shit. I miss you. The things I want to do to you.

Baby Daddies- Nammi
Red ticket, Red ticket. I am claiming one of my red tickets from my Christmas jar.

What do you want baby boy?

Baby Daddies- Nammi
FaceTime five minutes.

Baby Daddies- Taeto
Why didn't I think of that?

Baby Daddies- Sir Hobi
Did she just call him baby boy?

Baby Daddies- JiJi
She sure did 😳

Emily quickly got out of the bath, pulling the plug out and drying herself off, locking the shed door and closing the blinds, rooting through her luggage for her vibrator and settling herself on the bed with it.

Her phone rang and she answered

"Baby boy you're very naughty"

"You sent the first photo, now show me those nipples, I want you to stroke them for me" he smiled as Emily did as she was told, holding the camera high enough so he could see.

"Touch your pussy"

"Ok, I'll set you down on the table so you get a better view"

Emily stood her phone in a stand and went back to the bed, opening her legs wide in front of him as she slowly parted her folds, rubbing her clit slowly.

"Put your fingers inside of yourself"

Emily dipped her fingers in her pussy, knowing by the sound he was jerking off. Making sure she increased the volume of her moans so he could hear better.

"Make yourself come for me baby, imagine it's me, making you squirt"

Emily flicked on her vibrator holding it to her clit as she dipped her fingers into herself, curling them into her gspot, as her back arched and she moaned.

"Oh god Joon, you fuck me so good, oh so good" Emily moaned as she could hear his skin slapping.

"Such a good boy making me come so hard" As Emily reached her climax quickly she heard his moans stutter and him curse as she saw his white come spurt all over his hand.

"Fuck, that was good. I love watching you come"

"Same, I'll just clean up, then have you got time to chat?"

"Yes the babies are watching a cartoon film on tv with Archie, Iris and Alfie and me and Mattie are going to do a delivery order soon, so I'll just put my clothes on, in case she wanders over"

"Ok, I'll just leave the phone on, two minutes" He smiled getting up and walking away.

"Right pants on, vibrator away. Put the bed straight, wash hands. Unlock the door, open blinds. Oh god put pyjamas on"

"Ok, I'm back" he smiled sitting down zipping up a jacket he had just put on.

"Me too!" Emily breathed.

"So how are you? How is the tour?"

"It's good, really good. We've had lots of interview in between we're all tired already. Catching up on sleep where we can. How are you? The babies?"

"All good, we went to the park with Joe this morning and had a cake like Lucy said. It was nice, I think I was more exhausted than them after going up and down the slide over and over again"

"How's Joe doing?"

"Really well you know? He's working five days a week at the shop now. He's sad he has to take his three weeks holidays before they expire. He said Carol had her hair cut and nobody likes it, she's wearing a hat!" Emily smiled with a shake of her head.

"You should invite Joe over to visit if he has such a long time off, when is it?"

"A few weeks after we all get back I think? I'm calling in next week to see Carol and Oliver so I'll ask then. You wouldn't mind if they came over too?"

"Not at all. Maybe ask Eliza? She would be good company for Joe if his parents were busy and he might feel more at home"

"Mmm, I'll think about it, I'm not sure I could cope with her eyeing Yoongi in front of me"

"Oooh, are you jealous wifey?"

"No, I just like to keep what is mine protected"

"That's a very clever way of saying you would scratch her eyes out if she looked at him for too long"

"Hmm. Anyway. Sid and Nancy have really taken to the babies, and the babies are so gentle with them, I'll have to send you some of the photos"

"It's probably being around the dogs, they know to be careful with them?"

"Yeah, that's true. Right well better go, baby, I'll call you soon"

"EMILY! Are we doing this grocery order? You better not be asleep?" Mattie's dulcet tones echoed through the shed.

"I'm awake and ready, I'm just on the phone"

"Oh shit sorry, who to?"


"Oh, I take it back, Hi Namdaddy! How are the thighs coming along?"


"What? Don't pretend you didn't zoom in when I showed you the pictures and don't pretend you haven't been watching all the sexy imagine TikTok's with me"

"Shut up!" Emily hissed

"Oh, really Baby Mama. You're naughty when you're with Mattie"

"You'll have to punish her" Mattie laughed

"I will, thank you Mattie" Namjoon winked.

"Bye Baby, love you!" Emily waved goodbye her face beetroot coloured.

"Love you! Behave" Namjoon smiled jokingly as he waved.

"Seriously Mattie, oh you'll have to punish her? What the fuck!"

"You'll love it when he does"

"True, right come on let's do this order. I've added a fair few things I want to get, and things I think we need"

"Ah brilliant, I've got a list here I checked the fridge and freezer to check we've got space and stuff. Just let me know how much we owe you"

"You know I'm not going to"


"Don't Emily me, you're putting up with us, four adults and three babies, oh and a dog. I know it's not easy for you or Archie. Let me show my gratitude"

"Fine, but tomorrow you're mine. Archie's off work and Minnie has agreed she will work. We're going into town for shopping and get a manicure and have some food"

"Ah I can go to Primark, I miss spending a pound on a pair of knickers"

"Your knickers probably cost more than my wardrobe"

"Your wardrobe is beautiful" Emily rolled her eyes.

"So how are they?"


"Your Husbands?"

"They're good, tired, but good"

"Have you heard from Jin?"

"Yes we get a letter every week, and I've been watching the videos he left for me and the babies, and I read the notebook he left for me. I didn't realise just how well he knew me, and knew how I would be feeling"

"They all seem to know you so well, as you do them. But I know that hasn't come instantly, and you still want to strangle them"

"We're like any other couple, we still lose our shit with each other. But I've always said I'll support them in front of others and disagree with them privately, other than you obviously"

"Obviously. Your Grandmother was a wise woman with that saying"

"She was, I wish she got to meet the triplets you know?"

"Oh she would have doted on them, as she did you"

"She'd make sure they knew every embarrassing story about me"

"Oh don't worry about that, I'll do that and I know far worse than she did" Mattie laughed

"Right let's get these things added before I kill you, it's coming at the end of the week, is that ok?"

"Sure we're out tomorrow, and there's stuff here that can be used up"

"Right, I'll bring this into the kitchen and we can start dinner"

"No you won't, I'm sitting here enjoying the peace, do you want a coke?"

"Oooh yeah, when did we become this?"


"We're hiding from our children in the shed, drinking coke, doing a grocery order and enjoying peace"

"I know, the other week I sat in my wardrobe for five minutes"

"And that is why we have Minnie!" Emily laughed.

"She's good with them isn't she?"

"She really is, they love her, she's got the spark I was looking for, remember I said they all lacked that something?"

"She has it?"

"Yep! I just wish she had someone in her life, to love her, she sometimes seems so sad, I know she has her friends and her family, but I wish she had a soulmate"

"She doesn't have one?"

"No, she never got her mark"

"Oh wow, poor Minnie"

"Mammmmma?" Daisy's head poked through the dog door as she crawled through.

"Oh god, they found us" the other four children came through the door the same way bouncing to the bed.

"Sorry, they wanted to come and see you" Archie smiled

"We couldn't escape forever"


"Carol! Oliver! You both look great! How are you?" Emily smiled

"We're both wonderful, look at you, I can't believe you had babies, where are the others?"

"Yang is just bringing them" Emily smiled at Lucy as Yang unfastened the other two car seats allowing the two toddlers to wobble over to Emily and taking his leave.

"This is Daisy, Lucy and Felix"

"Babies these are Joe's Mama and Papa"

"Oh gosh, aren't they gorgeous?! Why don't we go into the garden where they can run around a bit" Carol beamed.

"Good idea, I wouldn't want them to break anything indoors" Emily laughed.

"So Joe tells me you wanted to talk to us about something, is everything ok? it's not Laura again?"

"Oh no, no. It's nothing bad, I wanted to ask, Joe has some holidays he has to take and I wanted to invite you to stay with us for a few weeks"

"The three of us?"

"No, I wanted to invite Eliza too if that's ok?"

"I'll see what she says, I know the flights might be too expensive for her though"

"Don't worry about the flights, just check your passport still has more than six months on it, check what jabs you need and I'll book the flights"

"Oh love you don't need to do that..."

"I want to, I thought if you wanted to explore a little alone, Joe would still have someone from his family with him. I know it's overwhelming"

"Have you asked him?"

"Not yet, I know he finishes work soon, that's why I came a little earlier. I wanted to ask you both first and see what you both thought"

"Oh love he's going to be over the moon"

"I hope so, we have a little self-contained guest area, so you won't be on top of us, and I made a guest room with Joe in mind, it's train-themed"

"Oh, he will love it, let us know how much we owe you for the flights ok?"

"Carol, I'm inviting you, the boys are inviting you"


"Yes, baby?"

"If dese do's Mama and Appa are they yours?"

"No baby, my parents are in the sky"

"Oh, ok then" Felix wandered off to play with his sisters.

"They're so good, honestly it takes me back to having our three" Carol began to reminisce.

"Doe here" Daisy pointed as Joe waved, walking up the garden in his uniform.

"Hello Doe, hug?" Daisy waddled over hugging Joe's legs, as he patted her back gently before standing up and waving, grasping onto Daisy's hand and guiding her back to the table.

"Hi Joe, good day?"

"It was busy, very busy" he signed.

"Doe, I has a hug too?" Lucy tapped his leg as Joe nodded, Lucy climbed into his lap, resting her head on his chest, as he sat slowly rubbing her back. Like he had done it a hundred times before.

"I think someone's tired" Emily smiled as Lucy began to fall asleep.

"Joe I wanted to ask you something, you can say no and I won't be upset, but you know you have some holidays coming up and you might be a little bored?"

He nodded in response, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well, the boys and I were wondering if you, your Mum and Dad and Eliza if she can would like to come and stay with us for a couple of weeks?"

"In South Korea?"

"Yes. You would be staying in the train room and you could spend time with the babies and the dogs and..."

"Yes. Thank you, Emily. I would love that, as long and my Mum and Dad are with me"

"That's great, I'll forward you all the details ok? Let me know your favourite foods and I'll make sure we have them in stock"

"Mum? Mum? Where are you? I've had such a fucking shit day! I fucking hate that absolute twat of a boss, honestly, he can literally go and fuck himself up the arse with a fucking fat carving knife... ohh" Eliza stopped wide-eyed staring at the babies.

"Err Hi, sorry I forgot you were visiting"

"It's ok, hopefully, they won't have heard you"


"Ok then. It could have been worse"


"Don't worry Jungkook taught them boobies"

"Haha oh that's brilliant, I saw them at the New Year's Eve concert. I can't believe you kept them a secret, well not from us, for so long. Everyone like totally freaked out"

"I know, I saw, Mattie showed me all the comments, some of them are hilarious. I thought after the pregnancy photos leaked, everyone would know, but I think everyone thought I had just the one or I was just fat? I was huge then, I was only halfway through too. I don't know how they all fit in here"

"Seriously I don't know how you kept it so quiet"

"Honestly, we didn't even try that hard. As long as the boys don't go out all together with them to busy places, we can get away with a lot. Masks help too"

"Yeah, I bet" Eliza smiled with a wink.

"So I came here to ask you something, Joe and your parents have already said yes, but would you like to visit South Korea with them and stay with us for a couple of weeks?"

"Like, in your house?"

"Yes, there's a guest area"

"Like with Min Yoongi there?"

"Yes Eliza, Yoongi will be there since it's his home"

"Oh my god, obviously I'd love to, but I'm not earning nearly enough and my boss has dropped my hours to zero for the rest of the month, as he "doesn't need me, and needs to save money" tightwad"

"Eliza, we will sort your flights, just check your passport still has more than six months on it
and get the jabs you need to"

"No fucking way, eeeeee, I'm going to have to make a list of all the places I want to go. Does Yoongi walk around shirtless?"

"Ok, rules"


"You leave my Husband alone, You post nothing on social media until you get back, you don't share any videos, or pictures of me, the boys or the babies, and you tell no one where we live"

"Of course not, I'm not Laura" Eliza rolled her eyes.

"Eliza!" Carol frowned

"What? Just saying, it wasn't me who went all cray-cray stabby-stabby was it?"

"Oh, the boys sent you this. Another merch update" Emily smiled passing Eliza the bag.

"Oh my god, seriously? I'm going to wear everything while I'm there"

"Joe they sent this for you" Emily handed him the bag, of some merchandise from their new clothing and a new edition model train that hadn't been released to the public yet.

"It's good news about Ji..." Eliza smiled just as a piercing scream filled the air, waking Lucy.

"Oh baby Daisy, did you hurt yourself? Come to Mama, what did you hurt?"

"M...y " Daisy continued to sob as she pointed at her scraped knee.

"Oh no, we will get you cleaned up and then we have the magic princess plasters"

"But Appa isn't here to kiss it better"

"Appa's kissed all the plasters just in case, so you wouldn't have to worry, ok?"

"I s'pose" Daisy frowned as Emily pulled out her little first aid kit, cleaning off the graze and putting some antiseptic on it before putting on the bright pink Princess plaster, Emily leant down and gently kissed the plaster.

"And one for good measure. All good?"

"Mama cuddwle"

"Come on then, up you get. Felix you good?"

"Mama I found a thing" he held up a snail carefully.

"Ok baby, if you put him back down where you found him to keep him safe"


Emily smiled at Carol and Oliver who were both beaming at her.

"You're a natural at this"

"Oh don't you believe it, I have a lot of help, I'd be rocking in a corner without it. It helps that they are very very good with me" Emily laughed.

"No, being a Mum comes naturally to you, no matter how much help you have, you can't fake that"

"Thank you, that's really nice of you. I think we better get going before all three of them are asleep. I'll call you tomorrow and we can sort out flights and stuff like that?"

Saying their goodbyes, Yang collected them all, Emily noticed two cake boxes on the front seat, narrowing her eyes.

"Yang? Did you get me a cake?"

"Yes Miss Emily, I bought us all a few slices"

"Did you have some carrot cake whilst you were waiting?"

"Yes Miss Emily the lady gave me a big slice, she said I was a growing boy" he beamed.

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