Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soul...

By DearPrudenceWithlove

294K 12.3K 3.2K

They need to find their soulmate. She needs to find a job during the worldwide pandemic. Will fate bring them... More

Authors Note & Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One
Five Years Later
Ten Years Later
Fifteen Years Later
Twenty Years Later

Chapter Ninety Four

1.1K 46 16
By DearPrudenceWithlove

The boys had been away for the week visiting their families for Chuseok. Emily had kept to her word and visited Namjoon's Great Grandmother with cake, flowers and some photographs of their wedding. They had sat in her beautiful garden, enjoying the sunshine, drinking some herbal tea, before Namjoon collected her with Choi.

"Emily you are always welcome my darling girl" she smiled as she waved goodbye.

"I'll make an appointment Jeungjo Halmeoni" Namjoon smiled and deeply bowed after being told to leave the girls to it upon accompanying Emily inside when she arrived.

The week ahead was bittersweet. Mattie and the tribe were flying back to Manchester. Emily wasn't sure if she could bear to say goodbye. Her heartfelt like it broke every time she thought about it.

A few days later they would be flying to the Maldives for their honeymoon. She had already packed her suitcase and carry on ready. She wanted to spend as much time as possible with Mattie.

Today they were going to the company, the boys were working, showing Archie what they did and Emily had promised Mattie she could meet TXT properly.

Alfie and Iris were both ready and waiting with a bouncing Mattie at the bottom of the stairs.

"How long does it take you to get ready?!" Mattie smiled.

"I could have taken two seconds and that would be two seconds too long"



"Hi, guys, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted you to meet my best friend Mattie" Emily stuck her head around the practice room door, thankful they were having a break.

"Oh, we met at the wedding didn't we? I'm Soobin" he bowed.

"Hi" Mattie's face was beetroot as she waved and returned his bow.

"This is YeonJun, BeomGyu, TaeHyun and Kai" Emily introduced them as they smiled and bowed. Mattie could barely contain her smile as she bowed.

"And who is this little angel?" Kai smiled down at Iris who was running around in circles.

"This is Iris and this is Alfie, they're Mattie's children, her soulmate is Archie, he's been with the boys this morning"

"Ahh yes, we met this morning, but only briefly. Congratulations by the way. Your wedding was beautiful. You looked amazing"

"Oh thank you. It was nice to see you guys there. Thank you so much for coming"

"So Mattie, what do you do?"

"I'm errrr I work at an estate agents, but I'm on maternity leave"

"Oh wow, that must be interesting?"

"I like seeing inside people's houses when I'm putting the listings together"

"Oh I bet"

"Well, our breaks over, but please stay, you can tell us where we're going wrong"

As they jogged off to the other side of the room, Mattie quietly squealed, sitting down with Iris on her lap and Alfie in his car seat on the floor.

The music began and the boys started dancing quickly. All perfectly in time. Mattie was beaming. Iris wriggled off her lap, and ran over to Kai, who picked her up mid-dance, spinning her around with him. Iris giggled loudly, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Why am I jealous of my own child?" Mattie mumbled quietly.

Emily was snapping pictures of Iris the whole time, as the boys passed her between them. The smile hadn't left her face.

"Well, we better go and find those husbands of mine. So I'll relieve you of this little monster!" Emily smiled.

"Would you like a photo? With us?" Soobin smiled widely at Mattie.

"Me? Err yes, thank you"

After several photos, Mattie waved goodbye. She was practically vibrating as they walked down the corridor.

"Oh my god, my god, my god. You are the best bestie EVER!"

"No, that's you silly!"

After spending some time with the boys, Mattie, Archie and the babies decided to spend some time in Seoul, sightseeing and shopping.

"Do you want to stay for a while baby?" Namjoon asked. Emily was sat perched on his knee.

"No, you know what? I might go home, and do some chores. Whilst the dogs are all with Yang for the day. I've missed cleaning and I've got some laundry to do. I need to make a start on going through the mail too"

"If you're sure. Don't do too much. Why don't we all go out for dinner tonight? Just somewhere casual?"

"That sounds good, should I message Mattie or is it just us?"

"Message Mattie. It can be her farewell dinner?"

"I wonder if Yang is free later. Maybe we could have a child-free dinner?"

"Good idea. If not Choi might be available"

"Ok. I'll be ready for 7ish?"

"No problem. We will be there"

"I love you" Emily leaned back kissing him, his hand sliding across her stomach.

"mmm, I love you too"

"I better go or we will both not get anything done"

"Mmm, it's a good job it's my night" he began to kiss her neck.

"Mmmhmmm it is. I look forward to later" Emily smiled standing up.


Emily had practically obliterated the dorms of any dust, dirt and dog hair. Every bed except hers had been changed. Every surface wiped, polished or hoovered, and everything was back in order.

The dorms smelled beautiful, the dog beds were clean and their food and water bowls had been thoroughly cleaned and refilled. Emily had deadheaded her wedding flowers and changed the water in the vases.

Yang had dropped the dogs off and they were all fast asleep in their beds. Emily plopped down on the sofa. Cleaning was her way of de-stressing. When everything was in order she felt calmer.

"Right, I'll have a cup of tea and then I'll get a shower," Emily said to herself.

"Hello?! We're back!"

"Mattie! Did you guys have fun?"

"Oh it was so good we went to the very top of the Namsan Tower"

"Oh the views are beautiful up there"

"Honestly, I've had such a good time over here. Thank you for having us. I don't want to leave!"

"I wish you didn't have to! Where are the babies?"

"Choi collected them, he is taking them to a raccoon cafe, and then to the play park, and then bringing them home and giving them their bottles before bed"

"Oh, he's a little superstar. Well, we are going out for a farewell dinner courtesy of the boys! I'm just getting a brew, want one?"


"No, I'm going to get a shower now before she hogs it"

"Oh Mattie I'm going to miss you guys"

"We're going to miss you. Iris had developed so much being here, she can talk so much more, she has so many people to love on her"

"No matter where we are we will always love you, all of you. We're just a phone call away"

"Right! Brew and then I want you to cuddle me on the sofa. We never do that any more. You've always got a husband attached to you"

"I've missed cuddling you. You're squishy"

"Less of the squishy you!" Mattie prodded Emily between her ribs with one finger.


"So what did you get up to this afternoon?" Jungkook asked between mouthfuls

"Mmm, we went to The Namsan Tower, and then mainly just wandered around, I picked up some lovely clothes and a few toys for the kids, then we came back and me and Emily spooned until we had to get ready"

"I'm sorry, you what?" Taehyung almost choked

"We spooned on the sofa. Emily made us a brew and we had cookies" Mattie's eyebrows furrowed.

"What she means is we cuddled on the sofa like spoons, not the type of spooning you think" Emily smacked her forehead.

"Oh, you thought we had sex! Haha no! Just cuddled. Before you guys came along, I was her resident pillow"

"Oh wow, that's an image" Jimin smirked

"That you'll be putting out of your head right now" Emily glared, knowing that smirk was never innocent.

"So, do guys have any plans once you get back to England?"

"Not as such, Archie is back to work a week after we get back. We're still adjusting to the house and getting things sorted out. I think we're going to decorate a room for Iris, she's almost ready for a toddler bed"

"She will love that, she's growing up so fast! I can't believe it"

" I know, it only feels like two minutes ago, she was laying in her cot and you saw her for the first time"

"That was what? Two years ago?"

"Just over. Have you any plans aside from your honeymoon?" Mattie broke the reminiscing.

"Too many plans. We've got a house to plan and build, babies to plan and then I need to get pregnant, these guys have a comeback, I have books to write. Honestly, I think I'm going to go into labour just to have a rest!" Emily laughed.

"So it's definite then, babies?"

"Once we come back from honeymoon, I'm getting my implant out, and then after three to six months we can begin the process"

"I can't believe you're going to have babies. You're still a baby! Ohh you're my little baby" Mattie ruffled Emily's hair.

"You have two children and you're the same age as me"

"I know but you've always been my baby!" Mattie smiled.

"And I always will be" Emily clasped her hand over Mattie's willing herself not to cry.

"I love you"

" I love you more"

"TO FRIENDSHIP" Jin clasped his glass raised in the air.

"To friendship" everyone clinked their glasses as the girls continued to hold hands.


"Oh my god, I'm so full! I'm glad they don't weigh you getting on planes because I'd have to pay an excess baggage charge" Mattie plopped down on the sofa, just as Choi walked into the kitchen.

"Jesus Mary and Josephine! You scared the life out of me"

"Sorry Miss Mattie. Children are asleep. I have sent pictures of the day to Miss Emily. They have prepared bottles for overnight and morning and have both had baths and been changed into pyjamas. Oh and I wish you a safe flight tomorrow. Miss Emily miss you terribly" Choi bowed.

"You are the best. Thank you. For everything for being there for Emily, for the boys, for me" Mattie broke down into sobs. Leaning into the elder's shoulder.

"Thank you for taking such good care of my babies"

"It ok. Miss Mattie. They're very good. You have lovely children. Patient with an old man like me"

"Oh Choi you're not old"

"You flatter me, Miss Mattie. I better go home to my wife. She wants to hear about the day"

"Oh yes. She will. Thank you, Choi. For everything. I mean it" Tears continued to drip down her face as he left, the others came in from taking pictures of the full moon

"Mattie, what's wrong? Are the children ok? Did Choi say something?" Emily rushed over.

"No. He was so kind, and thoughtful, and I'm going to miss you so much, and I'm just sad" Mattie began to sob harder as tears rolled down Emily's face.

"I'm going to miss you too. Choi always knows the right thing to say or to do. Don't worry he has this effect on me" Emily began to cry

"I just want to see you every day and everyone is so kind here and oh... god I'm ugly crying. You're ugly crying"

Emily turned around to find the boys all just standing staring at them both ugly crying.

"You two take my bed. I think you need some time together hmm?" Hoseok smiled.

"Is that ok?" Emily asked looking at Namjoon.

"Of course it is. Now two hot chocolates?"

"Yes please"

"Right Archie, if you sleep in the playroom upstairs, we'll look after the babies so you can have a good nights sleep before the flight"

"Is that ok? You're sure?"

"We're sure. But if you look behind the screen, anything you see is on you"

"Oh, Mattie's told me all about what goes on behind the screen!" He smiled.


That night Emily and Mattie barely slept. They cuddled and gossiped and reminisced and laughed until they cried.

Emily was so grateful to the boys for giving them this time together.

Walking through to the kitchen the next morning, she was even more grateful. Breakfast was laid out ready, the babies were washed and dressed, Iris was eating something mushy from a spoon that Taehyung was pretending was an aeroplane whilst Hoseok gave Alfie his bottle.

Emily felt like her heart would explode.

"Good morning gorgeous! Did you sleep at all?"

"Mmm about an hour. Thank you for doing all of this"

"You're very welcome. What would you like?"

"Bacon on bread with ketchup and tea please"

"Oooh did I just hear a bacon buttie mentioned?" Mattie breezed into the kitchen like she had slept for twelve hours. She was washed, dressed and looked three times more awake than Emily.

Iris squealed loudly as Taehyung pretended to reverse her next spoonful of food.

"Seriously Ems. These guys are going to be the best Dadd.."

"Don't even say that word concerning children. They will be Appa's"

"Ok. Babygirl" Mattie mocked.

"Did I say I would miss you?" Emily glared with a smile.


"And you've got everything? You're sure"

Emily was fussing around like a mother hen, Mattie and Archie were being taken to the airport with Choi and Yang as Emily couldn't bear to sob in the airport.

"Ok. I love you, and you, and you and definitely you" Emily finalised by picking Iris up and swinging around with her.

"Emmy Babye"

"Yes I have to stay here with the boys, but we will see you soon"

"Emmy no come roo?"

" I can't baby. I'll see you in the phone though ok?"

"Tata no come?"

"No, he has to stay here"

"And dodo"

"Yes, this is their home. Don't worry they will be in the phone too" the lump in Emily's throat was like a boulder.

"Right, we better go. Thank you for having us. I'll call as soon as we get back. Enjoy your honeymoon! I love you, Emmy. I love you boys"

"Right. You go before I stop you. I love you too, and you Archie. Be good and if you can't be good"

"Be careful" Mattie smiled with tears in her eyes as she walked out of the door closing it behind them.

As soon as the door clicked, Emily broke. Falling onto her knees she sobbed like her heart was breaking in two.

Yoongi sat with his back against the door and pulled her so her head was resting on his lap. As she sobbed, he gently rubbed her back and stroked her hair.

"I hate saying goodbye. Why can't we live in the same country?" Emily sniffled

"I know baby. I wish she could too"

"I'm so tired Yoongs"

"Sleep tired or mentally tired?"

"A bit of both"

"Well, I think Taehyung is making a hot drink, and Namjoon has booked in a day off, he hoped you could take a bath and nap together. Then I think you have a therapy session tomorrow. So how about later on we can all cuddle on the sofa and watch a new episode of midspring killings or whatever it's called"

"You mean Midsomer murders?" Emily snorted laughing.

"I know what I said" he smiled with a wink at her.

"Hot chocolate for the queen" Taehyung announced whilst doing an over the top bow.


"I've missed you"

"I haven't gone anywhere"

"No, I mean having you all to myself"

"Ahh, I know. I miss Mattie but I'll be glad once we come back from honeymoon and we can get into a routine again"

Emily was laid with her head on Namjoon's shoulder, surrounded by hot bubbly water. She had missed her bubble baths with them. It felt like forever since they last had time like this.

"Did you know something"


"This is our first bath together in this house as husband and wife"

"So it is... so many firsts as your husband"

"Well, we haven't really had time together properly. Maybe we could have a few more firsts together?"

"Mmm. I'd like that. But I want to take my time, do it in bed. I want to make love to my wife"

"I want you to make love to me, my gorgeous husband"

Getting out of the bath they both took turns in drying each other slowly, then rubbing lotion into each other's bodies. Each touch interspersed with kisses. Namjoon held out his hand for Emily to take, they walked hand in hand through to the bedroom. He turned to face her, moving her closer to him, as they both melted into a deep kiss. His hands stayed splayed across her lower back, as her arms were hooked under his armpits and her hands rested on his shoulder blades.

He sat down on the bed with his back against the headboard, as Emily straddled his muscular thighs. Chest to chest they continued kissing, with slightly more fervour. His hands roaming across her chest and her bottom, as her hands gently tugged on his hair.

Emily began to grind on his semi-hardened cock, her arousal acting as a lubricant. He moaned into their kiss, as his hands plucked at her rosy nipples that were beginning to harden.

Leaning down and kissing her neck, Emily's back began to arch, his hands moving, one to her lower back and one to her core. Finding her clit, he began to slowly rub in small circles as he dipped his head, licking an erect nipple in the same motion.

"Oh god. Joon. So good"

Emily reached her hand down to his now hard cock, and gently stroked it, before lining it up with her entrance and guiding it slowly inside her. With a slow movement of her hips, she felt him reach her peak.

She slowly began to gyrate her hips, the movements slow and deliberate, as he circled her clit and her nipple. Her hands on his hard shoulders keeping her balanced, as she began to speed up. Still not bouncing, just moving her hips enough.

"Oh baby you're so beautiful" he looked between her eyes.

"I love you" she smiled before leaning in to kiss him. Their tongues tangling with each other's, as they kissed, and his fingers fluttered over her clit, she felt the familiar pull in her stomach. But she wanted to wait for him.

"Let me know when you're ready, I want to come with you"

"Just let go. I'm ready whenever you are" he smiled, resuming kissing her as Emily began to bounce lightly.

"Oh god, ohhh god" she spluttered into his mouth as her orgasm flooded through her veins, just as she had almost finished, she felt Namjoon stiffen and silence as he spurted his hot come into her. She lightly bounced just to make sure every drop had been collected.

"Baby. That it. I'm done" he managed to whisper.

"I don't want to move" Emily whispered back.

"Then don't. Come here" he opened his arms out, so she could just lean forwards and rest on his still heaving chest.

"I love you, my wife"

"I love you, my husband".

After a lovely long nap, being spooned by a very naked Namjoon, Emily felt refreshed. Thankfully they had cleaned up before they slept, so Emily didn't feel gross.

Stealing one of his T-shirt's and slipping on a pair of clean panties. She strolled down the stairs. No one was home yet. Not even the dogs were around. Strange.

Making herself a cup of tea, she opened the fridge, almost empty. Excellent. They were leaving the day after tomorrow.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts. A pair of hands encircling her waist brought her out of her thoughts.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm, I did. Did you?"

"I didn't even feel you get up"

Turning around Emily was met with her shirtless husband.

"Do you know where everyone is?"

"No idea. Let me grab my phone".

"Ahh they're walking the dogs and they'll pick up dinner on the way back"


"What shall we do while we wait?" Emily asked with a smile.

"Well, we could..."

"HELLO?! We're back!"


"Ok so tomorrow, the dogs are being collected, I need to finish packing, I have therapy, then I've got an appointment to get my nails and hair done before we go away"

"Emily, sit the fuck down, tonight is a chill night not plan every hour we have left precisely. Now, we got your favourite" Yoongi smiled



"Chicken and broccoli?"



"Oh for godsake! We got you a bacon double cheeseburger with loaded fries and some chicken nuggets"

"Ooooh, my favourite!" The boys all collectively sighed.

As the theme tune began, Emily snuggled into Jimin's side happily eating her burger, sauce smeared around her face. The boys were watching her more than the screen. They loved seeing her happy. Even if it meant sitting through another excruciating murder mystery.

"I said it was him" Hoseok fist-pumped the air.

"You always choose the least likely one, and this time you happen to be right" Emily frowned.

"Just because you're a sore loser Wifey"

Emily stuck her tongue out.

"Be careful baby. You know how I love to punish you"

"I'll count on you punishing me, but tonight I'm with Joon, and he won't"

"I won't?"

"No, because I'm a delicate little flower, who just wants to cuddle, and I'm getting a wax tomorrow and I'd rather not explain why your handprints are across my backside"

"Good point, but the moment I can get my hands on you. I will show you just how dom I can be. Wifey" the look Namjoon gave her sent shivers down her spine.

"I'll Look forward to it! Now I'm going to get ready for bed. See you soon" Emily smiled as she walked up the stairs.

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