Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soul...

By DearPrudenceWithlove

296K 12.4K 3.2K

They need to find their soulmate. She needs to find a job during the worldwide pandemic. Will fate bring them... More

Authors Note & Disclaimer
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One
Five Years Later
Ten Years Later
Fifteen Years Later
Twenty Years Later

Chapter Twenty Seven

3.1K 137 27
By DearPrudenceWithlove

Emily had been making so many improvements to herself, but there was one thing, one thing that was constantly gnawing away at the back of her mind other than her secret.


They hadn't done anything sexual, they kissed, they hugged, he cuddled her on the couch, he even slept in her bed, he was an extremely touchy person not with just her but the other boys too, but that was as far as it ever went.

He didn't even seem to physically stop himself from more happening, it just never did. Emily didn't want to bring it up with him, and for him to feel like she was pressuring him because she wasn't, she was just worried.

Maybe he didn't want her like that? Maybe she wasn't what he wanted physically? Maybe she should speak to one of the other guys? But she didn't want to talk about him behind his back.

As Emily walked into her bedroom, she put her bag down, and a small envelope on her bed caught her eye.

Her name was on the front in beautiful calligraphy, as she turned to open it, she worried who it could be from? It could be from her parents. Oh no, how would they get in here?

But, as took the card from inside, her heart felt like it would burst, it was from him, Taehyung. A beautiful pen sketch of a wooden cabin surrounded by trees. With what she assumed to be her and Taehyung at the entrance, the other boys were dotted around the picture.

She turned the card over, to see a message...

"Emily, my love,

Pack your luggage, we are going away for a week. Just us for the first few days and then the rest of the guys will join us with the fluffy gang.

Pack some warm clothes and some boots, and don't forget some lingerie 😉 I'll take care of the rest.


Tae x

P.S there's hardly any phone signal where we are going so make sure you message Mattie and let her know, so she doesn't call the police."

Emily was so excited she felt like she could burst. As she read the last bit, her stomach lurched. Mattie.

Since Mattie left, they hadn't spoken, just the odd text here and there. Emily wasn't sure if she was embarrassed for the way she behaved or if it was a simple case of "out of sight, out of mind" but she mentally promised herself she needed to be there for her best friend, as she had been for her.

She pressed FaceTime and as the screen lit up, Mattie's sleepy face came in to view.

"Ems what's up are you ok?"

"Oh shit sorry, I always forget about the time difference! I'll call back later"

"No, no it's fine. Don't worry, I'll just go into the lounge so I don't wake Archie though" Mattie whispered into the phone rustled as she trudged through and heavily sat on her sofa.

"So, stranger, what's going on with you and the megastars? Did you tell them yet?" Mattie smirked

"I know I'm sorry, I really should keep in touch more. Just after everything with my parents and.." Emily explained

"I know, I know. I should keep in touch more too, I've been so caught up with work and planning the IVF schedule and.."

"Wait? IVF? When did this happen?"

"Well, that's what I had to leave you for when I flew over. I had an appointment with a specialist, I'm sure I told you? But anyway, apparently we're both able to have children, but I don't have as many eggs as they would like. So they're going to extract them, do the dance with no pants in a lab jar and then pop them back in me!"

"Oh my god! That's amazing! When are they doing the popping you know"

"Well, we're hoping in about three months as I have a few weeks off work to cope with the side effects of the egg harvesting and hopefully fingers crossed we might have a baby by the end of the year!"

"Oh my god! I'm going to be an Aunt! I can't wait to tell the boys! Does this make them Uncles?" Emily squealed!

"It sure does! Namjoon has been very sweet! He sent me flowers on the day of my appointment! You've got some amazing guys there Emily!"

"He did? Aww, he never said, although things weren't exactly great then! But they're so much better now, that's actually what I was calling to tell you.."

"Oh my god, you're pregnant? Are you getting married? No wait let me guess..."

"Mattie, your guesses are rubbish! None of the above. No, we're going away to a cabin for a week, and Tae just wanted me to let you know that the signals pretty rubbish, just so you don't call the police!"

"Oh well, that's good! So how's all the dick you've been getting then? Are they good? Spill" Mattie cackled.

"Oh my god Mattie, but so good, so fucking good! These guys are talented! And kinky as fuck!"

"So Suga wasn't just boasting about his tongue skills ehhhhh?" Mattie laughed.

"No and Hobi is as dom as you said he would be"



" I haven't done anything with Tae yet, like nothing, nada, zilch and I have with the others, and I don't want to pressure him but..."

"But... you want some of that Taeconda!"


"Seriously Ems have you not read anything about Tae, apparently he's huge, like huge! Maybe he doesn't want it to rip you in half" Mattie laughed

"Oh god! That's all I'm going to think about, but seriously. Maybe he doesn't find me attractive?"

"Then why would he tell you to bring lingerie? Hmm, you said it was his first time, maybe he just wants it to be special? Maybe he's nervous? You could always grab the bull by the horns so to speak?"

"Yeah maybe! Anyway, I better get packing and I've got to shave my legs, umph I hate that!" Emily groaned.

"Don't forget to prune your lady garden if Taeconda might be stopping by" Mattie cackled

"You read too many fanfics, but seriously I promise to stay in touch more, I love you, and message me about dates and stuff!"

"I will. Oh and Emily please tell them, they need to know. It's important, they won't judge you. I love you too Ems, now go and get some!"

Emily jumped in the shower, shaved until there wasn't a hair in sight, exfoliated and did her usual routine. She rushed out patting herself with a towel and rubbing in body oil quickly.

After drying her hair and putting on some comfy travelling clothes, with some beautiful lingerie on underneath, Emily smiled knowing she was ready for any eventuality.

Emily knew Taehyung was a very talented photographer, so grabbed her Vintage Leica camera her Grandmother had found in a charity shop and bought for her, and her mini Instaprint camera, she checked she had the spare films, and packed them.

Emily had just finished packing her bag, she grabbed her camera bag and made sure she had everything she might need, reaching in her top drawer and grabbing something just in case, being needy and stuck in the middle of nowhere could get boring.

A knock on her door dragged her out of her thoughts, and Taehyung stood there smiling, his hair damp and curly and his round spectacles balanced on his nose. Wearing a cream hoodie and some dark ripped jeans he stood in the doorway, Emily could eat him up right there.

"Ready?" He smirked knowing full well she was just checking him out.

As she took his hand, she was happy, happy to spend some time alone with him, happy to forget about what she needed to tell them.


They drove up a muddy pathway, Taehyung was holding Emily's hand on top of the trucks gearshift.

She had watched him drive, his large veiny hands gripping the wheel. The way he bobbed his head to the playlist he had made for the journey.

She had watched his mouth close around the sweets she was feeding him. She was getting warmer and warmer, well a certain part of her was.

As they slowed to a stop Emily looked out of the window, her mouth agape at the enormous wooden structure in front of her, a cabin didn't quite fit what was before her, it was a mansion.

The sound of her door opening, jolted her out of her thoughts as Taehyung offered his hand for her to take, as she took his hand he lifted her, carrying her bridal style toward the door. He only set her down to take out his keys and open the door. He ushered Emily in, as she walked into the hall, it was huge, it smelled like pine and vanilla.

"I had it freshly cleaned and the fridge and cupboards stocked, so we don't need to go out for anything but exploring" Taehyung smiled as he brought in their bags.

"Why don't I show you around and then maybe we could take a dip in the hot tub before dinner?"

Emily nodded eagerly.


As they both lay in the bubbling water looking out over the darkening forest. Taehyung broke the silence

"Baby, can we talk?"

"We are talking" Emily laughed lifting her head from his shoulder to look at him.

Taehyung lifted Emily so she was straddling him, his hands resting on the small of her back.

"No about us... I know we haven't really done anything, and I don't know if you've noticed, but I just wanted to take my time with you. I also didn't want to be interrupted or wake up with everyone piling in, I just want it to be us, just for a little while"

"I get that Tae, I do. I was worried you didn't find me attractive or there was a problem. You know you can always talk to me, right?"

"Not find you attractive are you kidding. I've been trying to find the right moment for months. I'm sorry I should have talked to you sooner."

As they lay in the hot tub cuddled together. The sound of an owl punctuated their bliss.

"Shall we get out and eat? I'm starving!" Emily was already climbing out of the hot water shivering in her towel.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what there is, but I'm sure we can make something! The housekeepers usually fill the fridge from top to bottom" Tae laughed.

"Oh but Emily..."

As Emily turned around Tae was inches away from her, he pulled her into his warm embrace, gently kissing her. As she stood bathed in the moonlight. This felt like a Princess Diaries' Foot Popping kiss it was gentle but Emily never wanted it to end, their mouths moving in sync, the world melting away from around them until he broke away.

"I hope you never doubt how much I want you again" Taehyung rasped into her ear as she smiled walking into the house in a daze, a kiss induced daze.


They had cooked steak, homemade potato wedges and vegetables, well Emily had, Taehyung had watched as she danced around the kitchen. Finding ingredients, chopping and preparing. He was in awe of her. He was happy with her, she didn't treat him any differently to anybody else he was never 'V' from BTS he was never an idol to her, he was always just Tae her soulmate, she was always supportive of all of them, but if the laundry needing folding or trash needed to go downstairs she didn't hesitate to tell one of them.

She also supported each of them, she would watch dance practices or listen to songs until the early hours, she would rub sore muscles and she would say if she thought something wasn't right. He was so proud of how far she had come since she arrived in Seoul.

As she just plated up the last steak and put the peppercorn sauce in a jug, Taehyung arms slipped around her waist as he gently kissed her neck "I'm not sure what I want to eat first, you or the food" he smiled into his kisses.

"Well Mr Kim, if you wanted to eat me, you should have thought about that before I cooked. So now you will have to wait, sit " she said pointing at the table set romantically.


After finishing their food and cleaning up, they both sat snuggled into the love seat, both full, but happy with just silence surrounding them.

Emily realised when she was with Taehyung they didn't talk very much, it was comfortable almost like they didn't need to say a word to be connected. Taehyung was her go-to cuddler, he would cuddle her with his whole body. He made her feel safe.

As they went to bed, she couldn't wait to feel him, she felt safe in his arms, knowing he did want her. She felt content. Her heart was happy.

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