I swear fealty to you (Clexa...

By waytoogae

183K 6.2K 2.3K

Popular artsy girl, Clarke Griffin goes to Polis High with her best friends Octavia and Raven. They navigate... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69 (hehehe)
For real this time

Part 66

714 20 11
By waytoogae

Lexa was making her way to Arkadia University to surprise her girlfriend. It had been a few months since they saw each other in person.

4 months, 11 days, 20 hours, 37 minutes, and 26 seconds, 27 seconds, 28 seconds, and counting to be exact, since they had seen each other in person.

Yes, they text everyday and call and facetime when they can, but it's just not the same.

Clarke also didn't actually know she was coming. She didn't exactly plan it. Lexa just got this need to go and see her and who was she to stop herself?

She pulled into the student parking lot and let out a breath.

She had been sitting in her car for about an hour and a half on the drive to Clarke's college. She got out, stretching her arms and legs before shutting the car door.

She had memorized Clarke's class schedule for the purpose of texting and calling so she wouldn't interrupt her in a class.

But now, Clarke was currently in class for another 30 minutes so Lexa decided to go up to her apartment that was only a block away from the campus to wait for her.

She got up to the building and knocked on the door. She had a key but she did it out of decency and didn't even get the chance to use the key when the door flung open.

"Lexa?" she said. Raven stood frozen in the doorway, a mix of disbelief and happiness resting on her face.

"Hey Raven, you going to let me in or just stare at me?" Lexa teased, a big smile coming across her face.

"Of course! Get in here Woods!" Raven said, opening the door and her arms as she wrapped them around Lexa, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"It's good to see you Rae," Lexa said, pulling away and looking over her body. She looked more mature than she did in highschool, they all did. But Raven still had her fun, childish spirit.

That would never change.

They walked further into the room so Raven could close the door.

"Look who I found?!" Raven said excitedly as she turned the corner. Luna looked up and her eyes widened.

"Lexa!" she said, running over and throwing her body onto her best friend, almost knocking her down.

"Hey Lun," Lexa said into the hug.

She had missed Luna. It had been far too long since they had seen each other and you could only go so long without your best friend.

They pulled away and Lexa looked at the two girls as Luna wrapped her arm around Raven's waist out of habit.

Raven had been rooming with Clarke for the entirety of their college years, they just couldn't bring themselves to separate.

Luna basically lived with them as she spent every night with Raven in her bed.

"I love that you are here but i'm guessing you're not here to see us?'' Luna said, raising her eyebrows knowingly at her.

"Speak for yourself Luna, I know Lexa came here to see me specifically," Raven joked, hitting her girlfriend on the arm.

"Of course, I came to see Raven," Lexa teased, playing along.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm taken Woods," Raven said, sending a wink to Lexa which was very noticeable because Raven could barely wink so the motion was very much over exaggerated.

"But in all seriousness, Clarke is still in her-" Raven started but was cut off.

"-her advanced arts class, I know," Lexa said, finishing her sentence because she knew exactly where Clarke was. Honestly, Luna and Raven would have been shocked that she remembered but then they realized it was Lexa they were taking to.

"I came to surprise her,'' Lexa said with a wide, cheeky smile that she couldn't even try to hide.

"Yeah, quite the romantic there Romeo," Luna teased, which just made Lexa blush even harder.

"Well if you will excuse me, I have been sitting in my car for far too long and would like to freshen up," Lexa said, making her way to the bathroom.

Lexa got in there and looked at herself in the mirror, her hands gripping the side of the sink as she took a big breath.

Yes, Lexa came here to see Clarke with no ulterior motive but it didn't stop the fact that she still needed to tell her something.

Well, all of them but it was still a big thing so she was nervous. It wasn't anything bad, it was just something Lexa had been working on for a while.

It's something she has been working on for  years.

Luna and Raven were talking in the living room after Lexa left them.

"Clarke's going to be so happy," Luna said, unable to let the sall fall from her face either.

"Yeah. someone is definitely going to cry," Raven said, smiling too.

"Oh most definitely, my money is on Clarke," Luna said confidently, looking at Raven who just turned to face her.

"No, it's going to be Lexa for sure. She is such a softy," Raven countered with a devilish smile.

"Want to put your money where your mouth is Reyes?" Luna said, stepping closer and challenging her flirtatiously.

"Oh, I already do," Raven said back with a smirk as she went up on her toes to reach Luna's lips.

They pulled away, smiling at each other before they heard the key in the door.

Clarke burst through the door in a fit of anger. That anger could easily be found at its source by the fact that she was covered in paint.

"I swear to god, people are idiots!" Clarke grunted angrily as she walked with a fast pace through the room, not bothering to even acknowledge Raven and Luna.

"Woah, slow down there Griff," Raven said, her head was spinning from Clarke's anger surge that rushed into the apartment.

You could just feel the negative vibes radiating off of her.

"You leave them to do one simple thing, ONE!" Clarke shouted, continuing to ramble on as she stormed into her room.

"How can one person be so clumsy huh? You're an artist, you are supposed to have steady hands!" she shouted, coming back out with a clean shirt in her hands that she was gripping tightly because she was too angry to put it on in her room.

Luna and Raven were standing wide-eyed at the blonde who was angrily tearing her way through the apartment. They didn't know what to do or if they should say anything.

"I mean honestly, how did he even manage to spill that much paint on me?!" Clarke shouted, stopping her incessant pacing to pause and look down at herself.

Raven and Luna were just smiling widely at the girl, not being able to hold back their happiness for the future events that awaited the blonde.

They just stared and smiled, it would have been creepy if Clarke had noticed but she was so wrapped up in her anger bubble to acknowledge them.

"I-" Clarke said with a grunt as she was angrily slipping her shirt over her head. She was so flustered with rage that it was taking longer to get her shirt off because she's kept jerking the shirt around and it wouldn't go over her head smoothly.

"-am so sick of this" she said with another loud grunt, making the shirt finally go over her head as it landed on the floor she let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Sometimes I just really hate people,'' Clarke said angrily but finally saying her peace as her rambling came to an end and her shoulders relaxed.

She finally looked up to her two friends for the first time who were standing in front of her.

She noticed their wide smiles that she didn't even get the chance to ask about.

"Not all people though, right?" Raven asked as her cheeky grin got even bigger.

"No, of course not. You know I love you guys," Clarke said, motioning to her and Luna like it was obvious.

"What about me?" a voice rang out from behind them.

Clarke froze, her back tightening as she refused to turn around. She knew that voice, she knew it very well. She was just scared that if she turned around, it wouldn't be real.

But she finally caved and slowly turned around until her eyes were met with the enchanting green ones that were burned into her brain.

Lexa was leaning up against the wall behind them with her arms crossed and with her signature smirk on her face as she looked at the shock on her girlfriend's face.

She was taking in all of the blonde's beauty, it had been way too long since they had seen each other and Clarke had only gotten more beautiful in Lexa's eyes.

"Lexa!?!" Clarke said, not wasting any time before running over to her. She jumped into her arms, wrapping her legs around her waist and her arms wrapping tightly around her neck as she squeezed the girl.

Lexa laughed and hugged her back just as tight with her arms around the girls back with her head in her neck. She took in the scent of Clarke that she missed so much.

Clarke pulled away for a moment, looking over Lexa's face, double checking to make sure it was real.

"It's real," Lexa said in a whisper, reading Clarkes face and knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"I missed you," Clarke said before pulling her face onto Lexa's, their lips colliding together sloppily as they were making up for all the months they were apart.

"I missed you too," Lexa said after she broke apart. Both of them were breathing heavily as they rested their forehead on each other, smiling widely as they looked up into each other's eyes.

Raven cleared her throat loudly and awkwardly as she and Luna had been watching the whole interaction.

Clarke and Lexa completely forgot they were even in the room with them.

"Cough drops in the bathroom Rae," Clarke shot back, not even looking at her before bringing her lips to Lexa's once again in a heated and passionate kiss.

It was less sloppy this time, more filled with need and desire of her love that was pouring out of her by the second.

"And that's our cue," Luna said, grabbing her girlfriend's hand and leading her out of the apartment. Lexa and Clarke didn't even notice that they left, nor did they care for that matter.

"Lexa?" Clarke said in a hot breath but not continuing her question as she replaced it with her lips on hers.

"Yeah," Lexa said, answering the question Clarke didn't even get to ask.

Lexa gripped Clarkes waist harder as she started to move and the pressure against each other made an almost inaudible moan come from Clarke that Lexa most definitely noticed.

Lexa carried her through the apartment, almost blindly as their lips moved without separation.

She pushed open the door, slamming it shut with her foot as she made her way quickly over to the bed.

Clarke wasted no time and hardly any effort, moving to sit on Lexas lap on the edge of the bed, their lips only taking a break when air became absolutely necessary.

"I. can't. believe. you. are. here." Clarke said each word in the breaths they took before reattaching their lips together.

"I missed you so much, you have no idea,'' Clarke said, starting to ramble as she felt Lexa's hands make their way under her skirt and squeezed her hips tightly, pushing their bodies closer together.

"Clarke?" Lexa whispered in her ear, her voice deep and clouded with desire, placing a kiss on her neck, under her jawline which made Clarke move her head to the side to give more room for her.

Lexas teeth grazed right under her ear before placing a kiss over top of it. 

"Mhm?" she mumbled, unable to form words over the heat she was feeling from her girlfriends lips pressing and trailing on her skin. She missed that feeling so badly.

"I'm going to need you to shut up," Lexa said in a deep voice as their eyes met right in front of each other, their noses rubbing against each other as their heavy breathing was felt on each other's skin. The dark green and blue piercing each other deeply and becoming one once again.

Clarke bit her bottom lip and nodded her head as Lexa reattached their lips in a hot and passionate kiss that sent electricity all the way down their bodies.

Lexa took this power that Clarke gave her and flipped them over, pushing Clarke's back into the bed as she crawled over her, making sure to keep their lips connected.

Lexa began trailing kisses down the blonde's jawline and neck, making red marks all the way down.

Her lips trailed over Clarkes soft skin as the blonde threw her head back, her body pushing up  into Lexa's. This caused the brunette to groan against her skin at the sudden contact.

Lexa went lower on her body until she got right to the top of her breast. She took her time, planting kisses on the exposed skin until she had enough of the fabric that separated Clarke from her touch.

"Take it off," Clarke moaned and Lexa smirked, wasting no time before pulling her shirt over her head so she had better range to her breasts.

Lexa stopped for a moment, her eyes focused on the necklace that hung right above Clarke's breast. Her finger gently touched it as she looked back up to Clarke, her eyes more gentle than before.

The necklace holds a lot of meaning between the two girls. After their first year apart, the times were really tough between them as they struggled with the long distance between them.

After an argument about the fact they hardly ever made time to text or call each other, Lexa drove all the way out to be with Clarke, to hold her just because she needed it, they both needed it.

Similar to now, Clarke needed Lexa even if she didn't ask for it, Lexa knew she needed her.

When they came together, they promised each other to make time for each other more. Lexa gave Clarke this necklace. It has an infinity sign at the end of it that matches Lexa's tattoo. It was her mother's.

Lexa's mother gave her the necklace and she kept it with her all the time. She kept the necklace when she had to leave her house to get away from her father, she took it with her when she even left Clarke's house.

It was one of the few things she had left of her mother so it held great value to Lexa.

Clarke wears it all the time and never takes it off. Under no circumstances, does she ever take it off. It dangles near her heart so it is like a part of Lexa is always with her, in her heart at all times and she would be damned if she ever took it off.

Seeing it still resting around Clarke's neck just made Lexa fall in love with her more as she saw the symbol of their love resting on her heart. It made her desire for the blonde grow rapidly faster by the second.

"I told you I would always keep it on me, keep part of you with me at all times," Clarke said softly, noticing Lexa's pause. She put her finger under her chin, lifting it up so their eyes met again.

"To keep you near my heart," Clarke said in a raspy whisper.

Clarke tilted her head up more and reconnected their lips. It was soft and sweet but quickly heated up as they deepened the kiss and their hands began to wander once again.

Clarke was slowly unraveling under her as the brunette made her way slowly down her body, placing kisses down her body. She was pulling the back of Lexa's shirt, urging for the skin to skin contact that awaited them. Lexa obliged by her wish and removed her shirt quickly before reconnecting to Clarkes lips again.

There was still too much clothing between them for her liking. Clarke quickly started undoing the buttons on Lexas jeans that separated her from her touch.

"Clarke," Lexa said in a guttural moan as she felt the blondes fingers dance over the fabric right above her core.

"I thought you said not to talk," Clarke whispered in her ear in a seductive tone that made another moan escape from the back of Lexa's throat.

Lexa fingers moved down Clarke's body, tracing over every inch of skin she memorized as their tongues danced in each other's mouths.

She slipped her hands down Clarkes body and into pants, resting right over the spot she knew would break Clarke but didn't make any motion to go further.

Clarke squirmed under her, her body pleading her to go farther.

Lexa's lips connected to her neck and when she looked up,  Clarke's head was back and her eyes were shut.

Lexa slipped the blondes pants off so there was no longer anything in between them, just skin against skin.

"Please," Clarke begged as she exhaled sharply at the new contact that sent heat between her legs.

Clarke was squeezing the sheets with her hands on either side of the bed with her back arched slightly as Lexa gave her more pressure right on her core.

Lexa kissed her way back up to Clarke's body and took Clarke's bottom lip as her own as her teeth grazed over it, causing another moan out of the blonde.

They had been apart so long and now she was going to give Clarke what she desired and longed for all those months apart.

Lexa slipped two fingers inside of her and instantly Clarke's back arched up and she let out a groan.

Lexa put her other hand on the small of Clarke's back to support the girl as she pumped in and out, slowly increasing the speed as she rubbed her thumb over Clarke's clit.

"Lex," Clarke said, barely in a breath as her hands found the brunette's hair and she tangled her hands in her, pulling slightly.

Clarke was crumbling under her. It had been a while for them and they were bound to fall apart sooner than usual.

Lexa saw Clarke coming close so she increased the speed and clenched her fingers, curling them along her walls, sending Clarke into overdrive.

"Fuck," she whisper in Lexa's ear as her fingers dug into Lexa's back, scraping deeply from the pleasure.

"Lex, I'm close," Clarke breathed out as she felt her orgasm coming closer.

"I know," Lexa said back softly as her eyes darkened as she watched Clarke begin to unfold. She tried to attach their lips but Clarke couldn't connect over the moans that were seeping out of her quickly.

Lexa instead made her way down Clarkes neck and chest instead, leaving even more purple bruises along the way, marking her once again like she had all those months ago. Like she dreamed of doing for months.

She felt Clarkes wall tighten around her fingers as the blonde moaned against Lexa's shoulder.

Lexa kept her pace a bit as Clarke rode down from her high to ease her comfortably down from her orgasm.

Lexa moved her head up to reattach their lips in a slow and deep kiss and the remainder of Clarkes shaken body was slowed by the pressure of Lexa's body over top of her, trapping her under as their skin stuck together from the beads of sweat that laid across Clarke's skin.

"I miss that," Lexa said with a smile as her face sat an inch away from Clarkes.

"Me too," Clarke said back, more out of breath than she has been in a while. But a good kind of out of breath.

"You know what else I miss?" Clarke said as her eyes darkened as her eyes jumped from Lexa's eyes to her lips.

"What?" Lexa asked back, a smile forming on her lips.

"Oh, you will find out," Clarke said as her hands traveled down the side of Lexa's body, resting on her hips so she could flip them over.

"You will find out," Clarke said again in a whisper as her lips made their way down the brunette's body.


Clarke was laying with her head on Lexa's chest as Lexa ran her finger up and down Clarkes body. Clarke was listening to Lexa's heart beat slow down after their... uh....activities finally ended.

Their naked bodies lay together, wrapped up in each other and the sheets. Clarkes finger ran over Lexa's abs, tracing them before moving on to find something else.

*4years ago*

It was the day both Clarke and Lexa dreaded. The day Clarke left for college.

Lexa wanted to go with her to get her settled in her dorm but she knew if she went, she would never bring herself to leave, and besides, Clarke had Raven to help if she really needed it.

"I'm going to miss you," Clarke said with tear filled eyes as she looked up at her.

"I'm going to miss you too," Lexa said back, feeling the tears come to her as well but she pushed them away as best as she could. 

Clarke pulled herself up on her toes and attached her lips to Lexa's in a desperate kiss. As soon as she did the tears finally broke the surface and came crashing down her cheeks.

Lexa placed her hands on Clarkes cheeks to prevent the girl from shaking under her tears.

The kiss was filled with longing in sadness as they both knew they were going to be ripped apart when she left.

They pulled away slowly and Lexa wiped Clarkes tears with her thumb.

"You are going to visit me right?" Clarke said, swallowing her doubt.

"Of course, whenever I can,'' Lexa said truthfully, quickly shutting down those thoughts to try and put her at ease.

Clarke's tears were falling down her face and Lexa could see the thoughts swirling around her head.

"Clarke, everything will be fine" Lexa said, trying to reassure her.

"How can you know that?" Clarke said back, wiping the tears from her cheek.

"Well for starters, I will never let you get away from me." She said, moving Clarke's blonde hair out of her face.

"I would be absolutely out of my mind if I let Clarke Griffin go. I would never let that happen," Lexa responded with a smile that put a small one on the blonde's face as well.

"And even if some insanely crazy thing happens and we somehow manage to separate, it won't matter. Because you, Clarke, are a part of me. No matter what happens, I always want to remember you because you made such a big impact on my life, you changed me forever. You saved my life Clarke Griffin, without you, I would not be here right now and I want to remember that, always. I promise I won't let anything happen to us, no matter what goes on. I swear fealty to you, Clarke Griffin. You are the love of my life and nothing will ever change my mind," Lexa said, delicately placing her hands on Clarke's cheeks as she looked into the blue eyes that started to fill with water once again.

"I love you," Clarke whispered with a smile as she brought her lips to Lexa once again, feeling all the emotions that surrounded them as they put it into the kiss.


Clarke turned, repositioning herself in the bed so she could look at Lexa.

"What are you smiling at?" Lexa said, regarding the big grin on Clarke's face.

"You," Clarke said, leaning up and connecting their lips together.

"ARE YOU DECENT?!" a voice shouted behind the door, popping the bubble that they had trapped themselves in.

Raven, of course.

"Yeah, we are fine," Clarke responded, throwing a large t-shirt over her head and handing one to Lexa to do the same so they wouldn't scar their friend, even though their eyes had been scared many, many times by Raven.

Raven came in merely seconds later. She opened the door slowly with her hands over her eyes which would have been effective except two of her fingers were separated and she could see through them perfectly. Which was exactly her intention.

"Hey Rae," Clarke said casually, continuing to dress.

"You guys done?" Raven asked cautiously, her hands still over her eyes like she hadn't seen that they were clothed.

"Yes Raven, you can drop your hand," Lexa said, pulling her brown waves out of her shirt so they fell down her shoulders.

"Hey, you can never be too sure," Raven said, dropping her hand from her eyes.

"Yeah, you're one to talk," Clarke mumbled as she finished dressing herself completely.

Raven opened her mouth to protest but shut it immediately. She knew Clarke was right and she simply didn't care.

"You need anything or did you just come in for fun," Lexa asked, crossing her arms and smirking playfully at her.

"Uh," Raven said, trying to think up an excuse but her mind was blanking.

"Jeez Rae," Clarke said, chuckling as she shook her head.

"Sorry Clarke, is it a crime to want to be in my own home?" Raven shot back playfully.

"If it's in my room with my girlfriend that I haven't seen in months, then yes," Clarke shot back with a grin and Raven gave up.

"It's fine Raven, I need to talk to you guys anyways," Lexa said and Clarke lifted her eyebrows and turned her head to look at her girlfriend.

"And why is that?" Clarke asked.

"It's nothing bad, don't worry," Lexa responded, kissing the blonde's forehead as she dragged her out of the room.

"Finally," Luna said, exaggerating her words as she sat up on the couch when she watched Lexa and Clarke exit their room, hand in hand.

Raven sat down and cuddled up on the couch next to her girlfriend while Lexa and Clarke sat down.

"Hey Clarke you got a little uh...something right there," Raven said, pointing to the blonde's neck.

Lexa looked to where Raven was pointing and her eyes widened as she saw the purple hickies left on her skin. She smirked as she looked up at Clarke who was surprisingly calm.

"I don't care, I wear them with pride," Clarke said confidently as she kissed Lexa in the nose, making her blush ridiculously.

"Gross," Raven gagged at the interaction.

"At least it will keep the thirsty boys away from your girl Lexa," Luna said with a grin.

"Boys?" Lexa said, raising an eyebrow at Clarke.

"Yeah, a few boys think they are lucky enough to score one with Clarkie here, but she's too loyal to your dumb ass to do anything fun," Raven said and Lexa smiled, not breaking eye contact with Clarke.

"Yeah, some of the guys in my classes are total assholes about it too. Since you are here, you should just come pick me up from my classes tomorrow and scare them shitless," Clarke said as her eyes brightened at her idea.

"Oh I am most definitely going to do that," Lexa said enthusiastically.

"Can we come? Please!" Raven said happily as she bounced up and down in Luna's lap.

"Please do," Lexa said and Raven squealed with excitement. She wanted the audience if she was going to do this.

"Okay so anyways, so what exactly do you need to tell us," Luna said as she steered the conversation to calm Raven who was happily shaking next to her.

"Well, it is kind of what I have been doing back home for the past few years," Lexa said back, her demeanor completely shifting.

She was a little shy about it and didn't know how they would react but she was definitely proud of herself, which is new for her.

Clarke seemed to sense Lexa's hesitation because she squeezed her hand and rubbed circles on her back to calm her down.

"Yeah, and?" Raven asked, waiting for an answer.

"So, 4 years ago, back after the uh... situation with my father," Lexa said as she paused. They hadn't talked about what happened in a long time but they knew what she was referring too.

"Well, I don't know if you guys remember this but, an officer pulled me out of class one day after it happened," Lexa said as she looked up at everyone.

They all seemed to be intently thinking but nodding their heads like they remembered.

"So, he told me that because I was the last living member of my fathers family, I inherited everything he had," Lexa said with a big breath.

"Like all of it?" Raven asked and Lexa nodded her head.

"Yes Raven, all of it," Lexa said and Raven looked a little impressed.

"So for the past 4 years, I have been working with a few people back home, and we have officially completed our project," Lexa said, a smile starting to spread across her face.

"I put everything my father gave me, and I mean everything he had. I sold his house and all his things. I put everything towards building a shelter for domestic abuse victims so that they have a place to go when they can't go home. I built a place for others like the one I needed when I was younger, like the one I found with you guys," Lexa said happily, looking directly at Clarke when she said the last part.

"I have been working with a few people on it. Surprisingly, John Murphy and I have gotten pretty close over these few years. He didn't go away to college either and he stayed in town so he helped to oversee the building of the shelter. And he's also not a total ass anymore so that's great," Lexa said with a chuckle.

"And Abby was a big help too," Lexa said, turning her head to look at Clarke whose eyes were wide with shock.

"She convinced a bunch of her coworkers to help volunteer and take shifts in helping anyone with any severe injuries that are bound to be presented at the shelter." Lexa said and Clarke smiled warmly at the thought of her mother working on such a good cause that was so close to both their hearts.

"I also reached out to Maya and Harper who have started their own clothing company, and they agreed to send clothes in case anyone needs them. They also made blankets and sheets for people who stay and need warmth in the winter." Lexa said happily as she remembered her friends from highschool.

"Luna, do you remember Anya?" Lexa asked, looking at Luna who seemed to be thinking.

"Anya, as in the Anya who took care of us in foster care?" Luna asked and Lexa nodded her head.

"Oh my god, it's been so long, how is she?" Luna asked in a soft tone, reminiscing about the woman who took care of them, protected them, snook them extra food and blankets and comforted them after being rejected by another family.

"She's good, and now owns her own restaurant. I reached out to her and she agreed to send over food for the people staying there. She actually went as far as to send over a few of her younger cooks and they cook food for everyone who wants it," she said, a glimmering in her eyes as she spoke.

"And I also got officer David Miller, who is the police officer who talked to me by the way, and his son, Nate Miller, to help investigate and arrest the abusers if they want and only if they ask for it," Lexa said proudly.

"And I know it's hard to win cases like these, especially when it's just by word of mouth. But when they are ready, we have the doctors there right up a report and take DNA to help the case. It helps tremendously and we have already arrested quite a few abusers," Lexa said. You could really see the love and passion she had for what she was doing.

"I didn't want anything my father left behind, I didn't want any part of him anymore. I wanted to build my own life without the shadow of him lurking around me. So, I think the least I could do was actually do some good with his money and help save someone else's life who may need it," she said as she looked at everyone else who had been quiet the whole time.

"That's amazing Lex," Luna said first, getting up and going over to hug her friend.

"That's wicked cool Lexa, it's an amazing thing you did for all those people," Raven said with pride in her words, doing the same as Luna and hugging her.

Lexa turned to look at Clarke who had been quiet the whole time. She looked worried at the blonde because she had tears in her eyes when she looked at the brunette.

"I'm so proud of you," Clarke said quietly, pulling her close and wrapping her arms around her.

"Really?" Lexa asked into Clarke's neck where she nuzzled her head.

"Of course," Clarke said, pulling her head away and cupping her face.

"You have such a good heart, and this thing you did, it is so amazing and thoughtful. And I am so, so proud of you Lexa," Clarke said, leaning forward to put their foreheads together.

"You were my shelter when I needed it, and now, I am bringing it to everyone," Lexa said, looking into Clarke's blue eyes that were so filled with love and admiration.

"I love you so much," Clarke whispered back, connecting their lips with a slow kiss, filled with many emotions.

"Yeah, we are still here," Luna said, clearing her throat awkwardly next to Raven. Lexa and Clarke smiled as they backed away and looked at their friends.

Luna was kind of awkwardly watching while Raven stood there, smirking at them with her arms crossed, as confident as ever.

"Yeah, I just don't care," Lexa said, grabbing Clarke's chin and pulling her back into a kiss. It didn't deepen as they both laughed after they pulled apart.

"I'm glad to have you back Lex," Luna said, patting her friend on the back as she and Raven moved to the kitchen, giving the two girls some space.

"I'm glad to have you back too," Clarke said, laying down and putting her head in Lexa's lap.

"I love you," Lexa said, brushing the hair out of Clarke's face and kissing her nose.

"I love you too," Clarke said back, earning a smile as she pulled Lexa back down by the collar of her shirt to connect their lips.

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Love always finds its way. Let's witness a blooming, or a tragic story that will make us believe that love is always there, forever. A Clexa Fanfic...
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Clarke Griffin moves to a new town after her dads death Lexa Woods has a haunted past and is the schools uptight stone cold bitch But something about...
94.2K 3.2K 52
(this is kind of poorly written) Clarke lives in TonDC, New Jersey and she's seventeen. She's been bullied almost all of her lie. She has no friends...
114K 5.4K 53
Clarke Griffin is a 26 year old artist and art teacher, whom she believes that her life would end as a fairy tale. Marrying the person she loves, sta...