Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


329 24 12
By belleofmarvel

*Unedited, and probably not the greatest after the weekend I've had. Hopefully you enjoy anyways.*

Pops POV

  I can't help but watch the two of them together, thinking back to the first time I saw the pair.  While the location is similar, the people in front of me are nothing like they were that first day.

  Well, maybe that's not entirely true. Chris still looks at my granddaughter with constant admiration that has only grown into a love that reminds me of how I felt when looking at my Rosie. 

  But, Opal is a different story. The first day she came with the Officer she was very reserved, kept him at a distance greater than arms length. She could blame it on being too concerned with me, but I know her too well. That story would never pass and she knows it. However, now I see a constant smile on her face that gives me a peace that I don't think she'll ever fully understand.

  Someone could ask me when I knew there was a shift between the two. What point Opal really began to let down her guard? I know for her it was after the break-in, Chris surprising her by coming down to comfort her. Although I believe for Chris it occurred during that first wedding weekend. His desire to want to do whatever he could to put her at ease concerning my health. 

  That boy has pursued my girl every day since meeting her in Atlanta. Never once has he given up on her, even with as much as she's questioned his motives. I've never made a better decision than giving him permission to marry my baby girl. 

  Even now as he holds her hand in his own as she holds mine, the smiles they share with one another, the glimmer in each of their eyes, holding a secret between the two of them. "You two seem different."

  A look passes across Opal's face. Reminds me of the times I caught her in lies as a teen. Chris shrugs his shoulders while Opal asks me what I mean. I narrow my eyes, thinking of how to broach the subject. "Am I getting that great grandbaby, Ope? Are you pregnant?"

  Her head drops while shaking back and forth. I see that beautiful smile start to grow as she speaks. "That's not possible, old man."

  I'm not convinced. She's hiding something from me, but I'll choose to make a joke over the issue. "Poor swimmers, Christopher?"

  Opal gasps, her hand going to cover her mouth while her eyes go wide. "Did you lose all your manners while you were unconscious?"

  "Never had them to begin with. I'm old. I can get away with saying what I'm thinking." I trade my focus towards Chris now who also looks shocked by my words. "Well, Officer?"

  I silently chuckle to myself as Chris tries to speak, but really he's just sputtering out nonsense.

  "Pops," Opal taps against my hand carefully. "I didn't think I'd have to have this conversation with you. But, when a man and a woman love each other-"

  I swat my  hand at the little brat in front of me. "I know about the birds and the bees you silly girl."

  "Well, apparently not." She looks over at Chris who gives a small nod. "Because Chris and I haven't had sex, so a baby is not possible right now."

  I take a deep breath, my focus moving from my granddaughter to my future grandson. "I like you even more now."

  Chris immediately falls into loud laughter before we join him. 

  "Sounds like a party going on in here," Dr. Wagner says, announcing her presence and interrupting our moment.

  "Just trying to liven up the sterile atmosphere," I assure the doctor as Opal stands up from my bed and Chris pushes his chair back further. He stands, offering the seat to Opal instead. "How am I doing, Doc?"

  "All things considered?" I give her a nod. "Not too bad, Mr. Lucas."

  "Wonderful!" I exclaim. "When am I going home?"

  She laughs as if I'm not being serious with my line of questioning. My expression becomes more serious. "Oh, no David. You're not going anywhere for a few days."

  "Now why do you have to bust my balls, Doc? I'm ready to go home."

  "Hush and listen to the doctor, old man," Opal scolds me as she nudges my shoulder.

  "I'm off the vent. I'm awake. I'm good to go." My gaze moves from Opal back to the doctor. "So let me go."

  "Two more days," she assures me, although I'm not so sure I believe her. "I'll be back tonight or first thing in the morning."

  I shoo her out of the door,  unhappy by the news that I can't go home yet. "Listen here, Pops. You should be happy they're not gonna send you off to rehab or a nursing home." Again with the scolding but this time she includes her finger too. 

  "A little help here, Sergeant?"

  Chris waves his hands in front of himself, taking another step back. "Not my monkeys, not my circus."

  "This here is too your monkey," I remind him, pointing at the stubborn woman in front of me. "Come get her." I watch him chuckle before kissing Opal on the cheek, saying he's going to grab all of us lunch.

  "She's still your monkey until that ring is on her finger," he calls out over his shoulder as he leaves.

  Opal's smile grows even more as she watches him walk out of the room. "So, ya wanna tell me now what's going on with the two of you?"

  Her eyes dance around between my face and the rest of the room. She's contemplating. "I, well, we, uh-"

  "Good grief, Ope. Spit it out."

  She drops her head into her hands before she begins talking quickly, her words jumbling together. "Weflewtovegastogetmarried."

  My face lights up. I reach over to pull her hands away from her face. "You're married?" I ask, although I don't seen Rosie's ring on her finger.

  Sadly, she shakes her head. "Never got the chance. We got the calls and messages about you and came right back. Don't be mad at me, okay?"

  "Ope," I give a chuckle before continuing. "How can I be mad at you for doing the same thing Granny and I did?"

  "It was different for y'all though. Her parents didn't want you together. But, you, well you've encouraged this craziness from the beginning. I would've taken the big culmination from you."

  I pat her hand between mine. "My sweet girl. Still, always thinking of others even after I told you to put yourself first for a bit. You never did take that advice did you?"

  "I did so!" She disagrees with me quickly. "That trip to Boston and New York, and going up to Atlanta early for Laura's wedding. Those were all selfish."

  Slowly and subtly I shake my head. "No, baby. You're still not doing things for yourself just because you want to. You still checked in with me before those." She opens her mouth to try and speak. "Last I checked, you're an adult, Ope."

  "An adult that still needs her big old grumpy teddy bear of a grandfather." She lays down next to me in the bed, her frame hugging me the best it can.

  I brush my fingers through her hair, wanting to keep this moment for as long as possible. "You know, I had a bit of a dream while I was unconscious."

  She nuzzles her face into my chest a bit further, careful of any remaining wires. "Oh really? Tell me about it."

  I hum quietly, knowing she feels the slight rumble in my chest. I adjust the nasal canula before returning my hand to her back.

  "Well, you and your Officer were coming to the house to pick something up. You'd just gotten back from a date or an event or something, who knows."

  "That doesn't sound out of the ordinary, although I am usually dropping stuff off to you, not picking up." 

  She can't see the smile or the tears that begin to fill my eyes as I remember the dream. "Oh, well this item you dropped off and picked up."

  Opal shifts a bit so that she can look up at me, taking note of the tears clouding my eyes. "Pops, why are you crying? What could I possibly drop off and pick up that would have you in tears?"

  "Babies, Opal. You were picking up two beautiful brown haired, brown eyed baby girls."

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