Who Am I (A Jai Courtney Fanf...

By Osara-chan

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Book 2 of 'Who You Say I Am.' Jai and Meg met at chance encounter on a mission trip and fell in love. Jai en... More

Chapter 1-Jai
Chapter 2-Meg
Chapter 3-Meg
Chapter 4-Meg
Chapter 5-Jai
Chapter 6-Meg
Chapter 7-Meg
Chapter 8-Meg
Chapter 9-Meg
Chapter 10-Jai
Chapter 11-Jai
Chapter 12-Meg
Chapter 13-Jai
Chapter 14-Meg
Chapter 15-Jai
Chapter 16-Meg
Chapter 17-Meg
Chapter 18-Jai
Chapter 19-Jai
Chapter 20-Meg
Chapter 21-Meg
Chapter 22-Jai
Chapter 23-Meg
Chapter 24-Meg
Chapter 25-Jai
Chapter 26-Meg
Chapter 28-Jai
Chapter 29-Meg
Chapter 30-Jai
Chapter 31-Jai
Chapter 32-Meg
Chapter 33-Jai
Chapter 34-Meg
Chapter 35-Meg
Chapter 36-Meg
Chapter 37-Jai
Chapter 38-Meg
Chapter 39-Meg
Chapter 40-Jai
Chapter 41-Meg
Chapter 42-Jai
Chapter 43-Jai
Chapter 44-Meg
Chapter 45-Meg
Chapter 46-Meg
Chapter 47-Jai
Chapter 48-Meg
Chapter 49-Meg
Chapter 50-Jai
Chapter 51-Jai
Chapter 52-Meg
Chapter 53-Meg
Chapter 54-Jai
Chapter 55-Meg
Chapter 56-Jai
Chapter 57-Meg
Chapter 58-Meg
Chapter 59-Meg
Chapter 60-Jai
Chapter 61-Meg
Chapter 62-Meg
Chapter 63-Meg
Chapter 64-Meg
Chapter 65-Jai
Chapter 66-Meg
Chapter 67-Meg
Chapter 68-Meg
Chapter 69-Jai
Chapter 70-Meg
Chapter 71-Jai
Chapter 72-Meg
Chapter 73-Meg
Chapter 74-Jai
Chapter 75-Meg
Chapter 76-Meg
Chapter 77-Meg
Chapter 78-Jai
Chapter 79-Meg
Chapter 80-Jai
Chapter 81-Jai
Chapter 82-Jai
Chapter 83-Meg
Chapter 84-Meg
Chapter 85-Meg
Chapter 86-Meg
Chapter 87-Jai
Chapter 88-Meg
Chapter 89-Meg
Chapter 90-Jai
Chapter 91-Jai
Chapter 92-Meg
Chapter 93-Meg
Chapter 94-Jai
Chapter 95-Meg
Chapter 96-Meg
Chapter 97-Meg
Chapter 98-Meg
Chapter 99-Jai
Chapter 100-Meg
Chapter 101-Meg
Chapter 102-Meg
Chapter 103-Jai
Chapter 104-Meg
Chapter 105-Meg
Chapter 106-Jai
Chapter 107-Meg
Chapter 108-Meg
Chapter 109-Jai
Chapter 110-Meg
Chapter 111-Meg
Chapter 112-Meg
Chapter 113-Meg
Chapter 114-Jai
Chapter 115-Meg
Chapter 116-Jai
Chapter 117-Meg
Chapter 118-Jai
Chapter 119-Jai
Chapter 120-Jai
Chapter 121-Meg
Chapter 122-Jai
Chapter 123-Jai
Chapter 124-Meg
Chapter 125-Meg
Chapter 126-Jai
Chapter 127-Meg
Chapter 128-Meg
Chapter 129-Jai
Chapter 130-Meg
Chapter 131-Jai
Chapter 132-Meg
Chapter 133-Jai
Chapter 134-Meg

Chapter 27-Jai

37 4 1
By Osara-chan


I rise early, shower quickly, get dressed in most of my gear and head down for a pleasant brekky with Meg's fam.  We have scrambled eggs with veggies, sausage patties, gravy, and Southern American biscuits—not Aussie style bikkies.  Hannah packed us all a lunch to take and she kisses Nick while she stands in her robe in the kitchen. 
"Fish for dinner," he smiles.
"I know," she grins back.  She kisses him again and waves us all off. 
Nick and I load a couple eskies in his boot and some other gear including a bucket.  We climb in and I let Megan sit in the front. 
"Are you sure?  There's more space up there for you?" she asks. 
"Yeah, no worries," I tell her. 
She smiles and kisses me.  I can't help but think that I want what Nick has with her.  I kiss her once more and climb in back.  I notice how cute she looks in her fishing gear.  She's got on a blue cap with a pink and blue flannie.  She's wearing a thick pair of grey overalls—Carhartt brand.  Her hoodie is thick, probably as warm as mine and ours match—black. 
We drive off and I see tonnes of blokes lined up alongside the river.  I'm in shock and wondering how they'll all catch something fishing shoulder to shoulder like that.  I'm also wondering about my fishing skills since I'm not, in all honesty, the best fisherman like my dad.  I mention my concern to Megan and she says we'll go to where it's not so busy.  We actually drive much further down the river to an area I've never been to before.  We cross a bridge and Nick pulls into a small car park.  I look around and see a miniature CBD.  It's actually larger than Megan's town, though.  We climb out and I do see a few people out fishing but not many. 
Nick motions to a porta john if I need it and I laugh and nod.  We gear up and I can't help but want to take a picture of the two of us in front of the river.  It's different here and wider.  I see some green starting to sprout from the trees and wonder what this area will look like in spring or summer even.  I thought it looked kind of dead and barren like the dessert but I think that was just winter here.  She poses us and I help to hold the phone up and capture us. 
"You look beautiful," I tell her. 
She smiles and kisses me. 
We climb down the side of the river and I can't believe I'm actually getting into this muddy thing.  I help her in and then she assists me down.  The current is actually pretty strong so we walk a ways down where it's a little more shallow with a bit of land jutting out to block the current.  She gets settled and shows me how she casts here.  I observe her for a moment and then try myself.  This line is different from what I'm used to.  It's not like a nylon cording that I'm accustomed to using. It doesn't tangle up which was always my problem. 
"What kind of line is this?" I ask her. 
"It's a braided fishing line," she tells me. 
"I bet my dad would like some of this," I say. 
"Where does he usually fish?" she asks. 
"Piers, shores, boats usually," I reply. 
"So he's got all types of poles and lines," she nods. 
"Yeah, he does," I say surprised that she knows all this.  I honestly don't know much about it since it was never my thing.  "How do you know that?"
"I went deep sea fishing with my family in Myrtle Beach.  We used some seriously large poles and strong lines.  We had to rent them since there was no use in investing in it for the few times we'd gone out.  They sell some of those here at the store but we don't use them regularly.  This is more of a lightweight type of fishing that doesn't need many tools or effort," she explains. 
She catches one already and reels him in.  She holds it up and shows me. 
"He's kind of little.  I think I'll let him go," she says. 
She holds her pole under her arm and carefully removes the hook.  She sets him back in the water and lets him swim away out of her fingers.  I smile at that.  But then I feel a tug. 
"I think I got one," I laugh.  I've never caught one so fast before.  I reel him in and he's not putting up much of a fight. 
"Careful when you get him here," she warns.  "His teeth and dorsal fin are sharp."
"No worries, love," I say but I'm glad for the heads up. 
I put my pole under my arm like she did since there's no setting it down and grab the line.  It is really nice.  I get ahold of him from underneath.  He's bigger than what she caught but I'm thinking still on the small side. 
"Is he too small?" I ask for confirmation. 
"Yeah, we'll get bigger later on.  In the afternoon, the bigger ones will probably surface.  Right now is just for practice and the sport of it," she tells me. 
"Alright," I reply.  "Could you help me, love?  I don't want to hurt him?"
"Sure," she says.  She steps closer and holds her pole under her arm.  She gently grabs him from underneath.  I watch as she carefully removes the hook and pulls it aside before he squirms.  We both set him in the water and he slowly swims out of my grasp.  I kiss her gently and she smiles at me. 
We spend a while fishing, talking, laughing together.  Her dad watches us from a distance.  He's grinning at our interaction.  Artie finally shows up and joins us. 
"Where've you been?" Nick asks. 
"I didn't realize Yvette had an early morning doctors appointment.  She only told me twenty times.  I needed one more," he jokes.
I chuckle at that. 
"Good to see ya, mate," I say. 
He tells me the same. 
"Daddy?  Are your eyes itchy?" Megan asks. 
"There's some Benadryl in the car," he tells her. 
"I'll be right back," she whispers.  I frown. 
"Yeah, we all have occasional seasonal allergies," Art tells me.  "I took something when I got up."
"How are the ankle biters?" I ask. 
He chuckles casting out.  "Good.  I think we're through Tabby's growth spurt now and she's back to normal.  She heard her grandma say you were in town and asked when you're coming over.  She wants to introduce you to her chickens and my tarantulas," he grins. 
"I've honestly got a thing with arachnids," I admit. 
"Meg used to as well but being around them more has helped to alleviate that," he says. 
"Alright.  I'll give it a go.  But I can't guarantee I'm not running out of your house screaming," I laugh. 
He chuckles, too. 
We make plans for Saturday to spend the day there. 
Meg joins us just as her brother reels one in.  And then I get a bite as well.  I look over to see her rubbing her eyes with her sleeve. 
"Don't touch them," Nick warns.  "You'll end up with an infection.  Just give it maybe thirty minutes and it'll kick in."
Megan nods but I see her kind of squirming in discomfort.  I pray for her since that must be awful.  I pull in the fish and take the hook out carefully.  He's still a little one so I let him go. 
I look back to her and she already looks better.  She glances to me and smiles as I see her reeling one in as well. 
Eventually, Ryan from the hotel and his older brother, Hunter, join us.  I greet them both and Ryan looks surprised to see me, doing a double-take.  He talks to Megan a little but I'm not worried one bit.  I think he defo still has the hots for her but she's not showing any sort of interest. 
He comes over and joins me. 
"Congratulations," he nods to me. 
I grin.  "Thanks, mate," I reply. 
"So, I hear you converted," he says surprised. 
"I did actually," I nod. 
"So, what changed?" he asks. 
"She told me no.  I figured I'd do anything for her but she wanted it to be real for me.  She didn't want me to fake it.  I went home and started going to a local church.  I read quite a bit of the Bible and asked a bloke at the church some questions.  He had a real answer for every one of them.  He seriously knew his stuff—the history, translations, the meaning behind everything.  And somehow through all of that I met Jesus.  I always thought that religious stuff was just ritual and meaningless.  But it's real.  So, I said the prayer and got baptized and came back for her," I explain. 
I glance to him and he's staring at me confused.  "I've never heard of that.  My boss is always trying to get me to come to her church—kind of subtle hints and invitations.  She's the sweetest lady, her husband, too.  I'd just never thought that church stuff was for me," he shrugs. 
"It'll defo change your life," I tell him.  "I'm honestly a little lost now.  I know it'll change what I do.  But I'm also not worried about it either.  I've seen too many unbelievable things.  I know everything will work out in the end."
"Wow," he says softly. 
He catches his first and releases it.  We chat a bit and he's a pretty decent bloke.  Meg comes back and joins my side.  We all talk and spend the morning catching and releasing.  We take a late morning break for some tucker sitting on the riverbank enjoying some simple sangers and good convos. 
We get back at it and start to notice the crowd is filling in.  I get a bite on my line and observe the size of the splash.
"Love?  Look at this," I signal to her.
"He looks like a keeper.  You want me to take a video?" she offers. 
"Sure," I agree.  I keep him where he is while she reaches into the chest pocket of the waders for my phone.  I give her the code and she opens it up and signals that she's recording.  I reel him in and he is substantial.  I glance over to her and smile.  I pull him in.  "He's a beaut!" I exclaim getting a hold of him.  I pull the hook out and pose for a picture with him.  Nick holds a bucket out and takes him back to the 4WD. 
"Those were babies we were catching earlier," I mention. 
"They're going to get more aggressive," Megan informs me. 
"Bring it on," I chuckle. 
"Our limit is six per person per day," she tells me. 
"That's a lot of fish," I comment but I realize we've been out here all morning and I've probably caught maybe fifty little ones. 
Everyone starts catching some big uns.  I get another on my line and it's a serious biffo to bring it in. 
"Oh she's beautiful," Megan comments beside me.  I actually let her take the fish off my line.  "Do you mind if I release her?" she asks me.  "She's got some business to attend to," she says.  I see the engorged belly and I get it. 
"No worries, love," I tell her.  I'll get another one.  She's right.  If we take them all before they reproduce, then there won't be as many.
We keep fishing and I see people passing on a boat in the middle of the river.  Someone calls out to me and I wave to them.  They come back around since they're on a motorboat.  They ask for a picture and I insist taking one with Meg. 
"Just a minute.  Let me reel this one in," she says. 
"I like this one better than your last," someone comments grinning. 
"You and me both," I chuckle. 
"You sure have good taste," one of the guys compliments.  "Pretty and a fisherman.  I didn't know those existed."
"My dad'll love it when I send him the pics," I say. 
"Where does he fish?" they ask curiously. 
"In Sydney.  He prefers deep sea but he does fish off the docks and in the peninsulas.  Usually by boat like you blokes," I explain. 
They clap for Megan as she hauls in the largest male I think I've seen today. 
"Man, can we get a shot of you with that?" they ask. 
"Sure," she agrees.  She holds onto him and we take a picture together for the group.  Then I ask them if they'll take one for me.  I hand them my phone and they take the shot. 
"I didn't know you were a sportsman.  I'm going to have to see more of your movies," one of them says handing me back my phone and shaking my hand. 
"Thanks, mate," I smile. 
We wave to them as they go further down stream. 
"I think you've just expanded your fan base," Meg teases. 
"Maybe," I grin.  I realize she passed off her catch to her dad.  I pull her closer and kiss her.  "This was fun," I tell her. 
"It is," she agrees.

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