Who Am I (A Jai Courtney Fanf...

By Osara-chan

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Book 2 of 'Who You Say I Am.' Jai and Meg met at chance encounter on a mission trip and fell in love. Jai en... More

Chapter 1-Jai
Chapter 2-Meg
Chapter 3-Meg
Chapter 4-Meg
Chapter 5-Jai
Chapter 6-Meg
Chapter 7-Meg
Chapter 8-Meg
Chapter 9-Meg
Chapter 10-Jai
Chapter 11-Jai
Chapter 12-Meg
Chapter 13-Jai
Chapter 14-Meg
Chapter 15-Jai
Chapter 16-Meg
Chapter 17-Meg
Chapter 18-Jai
Chapter 19-Jai
Chapter 20-Meg
Chapter 21-Meg
Chapter 22-Jai
Chapter 23-Meg
Chapter 24-Meg
Chapter 25-Jai
Chapter 27-Jai
Chapter 28-Jai
Chapter 29-Meg
Chapter 30-Jai
Chapter 31-Jai
Chapter 32-Meg
Chapter 33-Jai
Chapter 34-Meg
Chapter 35-Meg
Chapter 36-Meg
Chapter 37-Jai
Chapter 38-Meg
Chapter 39-Meg
Chapter 40-Jai
Chapter 41-Meg
Chapter 42-Jai
Chapter 43-Jai
Chapter 44-Meg
Chapter 45-Meg
Chapter 46-Meg
Chapter 47-Jai
Chapter 48-Meg
Chapter 49-Meg
Chapter 50-Jai
Chapter 51-Jai
Chapter 52-Meg
Chapter 53-Meg
Chapter 54-Jai
Chapter 55-Meg
Chapter 56-Jai
Chapter 57-Meg
Chapter 58-Meg
Chapter 59-Meg
Chapter 60-Jai
Chapter 61-Meg
Chapter 62-Meg
Chapter 63-Meg
Chapter 64-Meg
Chapter 65-Jai
Chapter 66-Meg
Chapter 67-Meg
Chapter 68-Meg
Chapter 69-Jai
Chapter 70-Meg
Chapter 71-Jai
Chapter 72-Meg
Chapter 73-Meg
Chapter 74-Jai
Chapter 75-Meg
Chapter 76-Meg
Chapter 77-Meg
Chapter 78-Jai
Chapter 79-Meg
Chapter 80-Jai
Chapter 81-Jai
Chapter 82-Jai
Chapter 83-Meg
Chapter 84-Meg
Chapter 85-Meg
Chapter 86-Meg
Chapter 87-Jai
Chapter 88-Meg
Chapter 89-Meg
Chapter 90-Jai
Chapter 91-Jai
Chapter 92-Meg
Chapter 93-Meg
Chapter 94-Jai
Chapter 95-Meg
Chapter 96-Meg
Chapter 97-Meg
Chapter 98-Meg
Chapter 99-Jai
Chapter 100-Meg
Chapter 101-Meg
Chapter 102-Meg
Chapter 103-Jai
Chapter 104-Meg
Chapter 105-Meg
Chapter 106-Jai
Chapter 107-Meg
Chapter 108-Meg
Chapter 109-Jai
Chapter 110-Meg
Chapter 111-Meg
Chapter 112-Meg
Chapter 113-Meg
Chapter 114-Jai
Chapter 115-Meg
Chapter 116-Jai
Chapter 117-Meg
Chapter 118-Jai
Chapter 119-Jai
Chapter 120-Jai
Chapter 121-Meg
Chapter 122-Jai
Chapter 123-Jai
Chapter 124-Meg
Chapter 125-Meg
Chapter 126-Jai
Chapter 127-Meg
Chapter 128-Meg
Chapter 129-Jai
Chapter 130-Meg
Chapter 131-Jai
Chapter 132-Meg
Chapter 133-Jai
Chapter 134-Meg

Chapter 26-Meg

33 3 0
By Osara-chan


"Daddy?  Did you need any gear?" I ask at the door. 
"No, sweetheart.  We're all set," he replies.  "We've got enough for everyone."
"Okay," I say putting my coat on.  It's warmer here than Chicago but still cool outside, plus the sun has already set.  We head out and Jai drives us.  I changed my laundry and I'm taking him to get a fishing license. 
We pull up to the lot and he parks.  "I've never been to one of these before," he mentions. 
"We can shop if you want.  The licenses are right up front, though," I tell him. 
We walk inside and he's looking around.  "This place has like a hunting theme park vibe," he tells me. 
"It does, doesn't it?" I agree grinning. 
We approach the service desk.  I tell them I need to renew my fishing license and Jai needs one as well. 
"Did you want to renew your hunting license?" the woman asks. 
"Maybe in the fall," I tell her. 
She nods and readies the paperwork.  We put our driver's licenses down and I can't help but notice how interesting his is.  The top is bright yellow with a large red flower on it beside his picture. 
"Is that a spider lily?" I ask. 
"Waratah," he says softly. 
"Like a state flower?" I inquire.  He nods.  I smile in reply.
"That's interesting," the sales lady comments.  "I've never seen an Australian license before."
Jai smiles at her. 
"Do you have a state flower?" he asks me. 
"The red carnation," I tell him.  "It's kind of boring.  Most of our state symbols like that are red."
"Like what?" the sales lady asks.  "I'm from Michigan originally."
"The cardinal is our state bird, the ladybug our insect, juice and fruit is the tomato," I say laughing.  "Tree is the Ohio Buckeye."
"Go Bucks!" she grins.  I laugh. 
"College football," I tell Jai. 
He nods but he's listening and grinning. 
"What else?" she asks. 
"Our gemstone is flint," I say. 
"That's a useful stone," she grins.  I smile and nod. 
"Animal is the white tailed deer, Hang on Sloopy is our rock song, and our motto is With God All Things Are Possible," I say. 
"I like that.  It's like Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," she replies.
"It is," I agree. 
She hands us our forms and Jai still insists on paying even though I brought my checkbook.  We thank the salesperson and I tuck our licenses into my purse gently. 
"Do you want to shop then?" I ask.  He nods. 
We step in further and he's looking around.  "What's up there?" he inquires. 
"Archery and guns," I tell him.  He motions that he wants to go up there so we climb the stairs.  He goes straight over to the desk.  "That's a lot of guns," he comments surprised. 
"Are you allowed to bear arms in Australia?" I ask. 
"Not really," he says. 
"Really?" I question confused. 
"They kind of confiscated them all years ago.  Self-defense isn't an acceptable reason to have one," he says.  "I think those that do probably hide them but I don't really know."
A salesman asks him if he needs some help but he waves them away.  "He'd probably be happy to show you some even if you're not buying.  There's no line and he's just standing around," I tell him. 
He does decide to look a little more closely.  The salesman is smiling telling him about this one and that.  He gets to pick them up and examine them. 
"These are pretty sick," he grins. 
"We could go hunting in the fall," I offer.  "You'd have to study for the license.  We generally leave the state to hunt but the Ohio license can be used pretty much anywhere."
"It depends on if I'm working," he says.  "I'm usually filming in Autumn here."
"How's that going to work?" I ask him as he sets the last gun down and thanks the salesman for his time. 
We walk over toward the archery section. 
He sighs.  "I don't know.  I'd honestly like to have you with me wherever I'm filming," he tells me and my heart constricts at the admission. 
"My schedule may be pretty free if this whole art thing continues to pan out.  One more sale like Saturday and I could buy a farmhouse and retire," I joke.
He laughs and pushes a stray hair out of my face.  "Do you really want to be a farmer?" he asks softly. 
"I don't know.  I wouldn't mind having a few animals but that means you're kind of stuck there.  If you go on vacation, your chickens usually die," I tell him. 
"You could hire someone to feed them," he grins. 
"No, what I mean is that when the alpha—the owner or rooster is gone—they may die from losing their leader.  They're flock oriented.  Some drastic changes cause them severe distress," I explain. 
"That's terrible," he replies surprised. 
"Yeah," I agree.  I pick up a compound bow and practice with it.  He caresses my cheek.  "You want me to show you?"
"Sure.  This one is less scary," he says. 
I show him how to hold it properly and release.  He's got it down quickly. 
"Maybe we could go to the range this week," I offer. 
"Sure," he nods.  He hangs the bow back up and wraps his arms around me.  He kisses me in the middle of the archery section.  I smile at him. 
"So what you're telling me is, I can't bring my guns to Australia?" I ask. 
He laughs.  "Probably not the best idea," he grins. "When do you want to go?"
"Let me talk to Artie tomorrow since Tabby will be mad if you were in town and she doesn't get to see you," I tell him.  "Maybe we can go over there this weekend.  After that, it'd probably be fine.  I'll have to find someone to cover for me at church."
"Alright," he smiles. 
A thought occurs to me, though.  "Where would I stay?" I ask. 
"With me," he shrugs. 
A wave of nervousness washes over me.  "I don't know about that," I reply softly. 
"I have a guest room at both of my houses.  We wouldn't share a bed," he tells me. 
"I'll have to talk with my parents... see what they think," I tell him. 
"Alright," he agrees.  "We could get you a hotel room or maybe rent an apartment but it probably wouldn't be anywhere near me."
I nod.  "We'll see," I say gently. 
We walk the top floor and Jai laughs at some of the hunting gear.  Some of it is a bit much—especially since our hunting season for guns in state is practically a weekend.  My bow gives me more time. 
"So you said you've caught a deer?" he asks examining the taxidermy display. 
"Yeah, white tailed," I nod. 
"Bow or gun?" he asks. 
"Both," I shrug. 
"Do you eat it then?" he asks me. 
"Yeah, my dad makes deer sausage.  We eat steaks from it and dry lots of jerky.  We have extra deep freezers in the basement for hunting season and fishing season," I explain. 
"So no wasting the animals," he says. 
"No, I've eaten everything I've killed.  I wouldn't shoot them for a trophy or sport.  That's just cruel in my opinion," I say. 
"What about these?" he asks motioning to the stuffed skins.
"I would hope they ate them," I say.  "They do have some weird things here though that I don't know if it'd be worth it.  I doubt bear or wild dog taste good," I mention motioning to the taxidermy.  "I guess I'd make an exception for killing them if it was self-defense."
He nods.  "Your country is so different from mine," he comments softly. 
"I've heard kangaroo can be aggressive," I tease. 
"They can be," he nods.  "If you see them, you usually should leave them alone."
"I've heard of one attacking someone's dog," I say.  "The guy fought the kangaroo to get it to stop hurting the dog."
He laughs.  "I don't think I've seen that but it's possible."
"Can't some get pretty muscular?" I ask and he laughs. 
"They've been known to," he grins.  "So... I've never fished in waders before.  What other duds do I need?" he asks me motioning to the waders. 
I grab him a pack of wool socks since we'll probably be cold.  I get him a warm hooded sweatshirt that'll be like a coat underneath. 
We go downstairs and he watches the local fish in the tank.  "This is pretty impressive.  It's kind of like your zoo," he mentions. 
"Yeah, Artie's girls like to come here and look at them.  We always have to tell Jojo not to hit the glass," I say.
"Do you take them out often?" he asks me. 
"When my mom watches them, she usually takes them somewhere.  We brought them here to see Santa... but his beard was real," I smile. 
He smiles back and I realize he doesn't have a beard.  She's going to recognize him.  She liked the Divergent movies and watched them with me.  I covered her eyes for Insurgent but she hated Eric in that. 
"She's going to recognize who you are.  I let her watch Insurgent with me and she hated your character," I tell him. 
"How long ago was that?" he laughs. 
"A couple years," I say. 
"She's an ankle biter.  I'm sure she's forgotten," he dismisses it. 
I shake my head.  "She has the best memory.  She remembers everything, even from years ago."
"That's strange," he comments. 
"That is unusual.  She's the smartest kid, too," I explain. 
"Then we'll just have to talk about the difference between fantasy and reality," he says pulling me closer.  He kisses me gently and then deepens it.  I sigh at how amazing he is.  "I love you, Meg," he whispers. 
I tell him the same... because I truly mean it and it comes so natural for me with him.  We shop around on the bottom level.  He checks out the camping gear and actually looks interested. 
"I honestly didn't think you enjoyed the camping experience," I say. 
"That was different.  I barely fit into those tents.  Theses have separate rooms in them and look, I can stand up," he says walking through the display.  "There's raised platforms, and inflatable mattresses.  This is pretty nice." 
He takes a seat on a strong folding chair that can support his weight.  "Maybe we could go camping like this sometime," he suggests. 
"That's still kind of close quarters," I point out for the sleeping arrangements.
"So," he replies. 
"Maybe when we're married," I tease not even thinking about it.  Then I realize what I've said and I go pale.  I didn't mean to say that. 
"That's not a bad idea," he shrugs and climbs up.  He walks around continuing to look at other camping accessories.  I feel ridiculous still at what I said.  I'm not trying to coax a proposal out of him and I didn't mean to be so casual... or forceful... or even flippant about things between us.  I also don't know how I feel about that.  We've barely known each other and it's been such a short time that we've actually even been together. 
We eventually make it to the men's clothing section and he picks out a few things for tomorrow.  He's a quick shopper.  He grabs what he likes and doesn't even try them on—just looks for his size, picks it up, and moves on.  We wait in the checkout line. 
"You've been quiet, love," he whispers gently to me.
I shrug. 
"No worries," he says softly to me... possibly understanding my discomfort.  He kisses me gently as we wait and holds me while we continue to stand in line. 
A fan recognizes him in line and chats with him.  He's more casual and friendly though, not even asking for an autograph or pictures.  He asks him what he's doing in town and Jai says playfully that he's here for the walleye run. 
"How'd you hear about this area, though?  There's walleye in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and I even hear there's some in Mississippi," the guy mentions. 
Jai looks to me as if deciding something.  "My girlfriend lives here.  She's from the area," he divulges. 
"That's awesome.  Lots of fishing and game hunting in this part of the country, though I leave Ohio for game.  Hunting season's too short here.  I hunt the weekend but go elsewhere for the rest of the season," he tells us. 
The guy looks to me and I see recognition there.  "What high school did you go to?" he asks. 
I tell him.  "Me, too, though I'm sure I'm closer to his age than yours," he says motioning to Jai.  "How do I know you?" he asks himself. 
I shrug. 
"Homecoming queen?" he questions.
I nod. 
"Thought so," he laughs.  "You and Ryan, right?"
"Yeah," I smile. 
"He's always had the biggest crush on you," he tells me. 
"I know.  I'd turned him down so many times," I admit.  "How do you know him?"
"Little brother.  I know your dad, too.  I work in the same business subdivision as him.  We've hunted together a few times," he tells me. 
"Small world," I smile.  "Are you going out in the morning?" I ask noticing his purchases. 
"Yup, and finally dragging Ryan with me.  He doesn't have class tomorrow and he got the day off.  He said they've had more business because of you and hired a larger staff.  He got a raise, too," he tells me. 
"Well, that's good news.  I'm so glad they're doing well," I say. 
"Maybe I'll see you both at the river tomorrow," he says tipping the bill of his hat at me and nodding to Jai.
"It was a pleasure," Jai says.  He responds the same. 
We put his purchases on the checkout counter and the salesgirl starts ringing him up.  I hand her my point card and she scans it as she continues.  I put my card away in my wallet and look to Jai. 
"Homecoming queen?" he asks.  "What's that?"
"You don't have high school sports events where you have dances afterwards?" I question.
He shakes his head.  "We have a deb ball but it's not always associated with the schools.  It's more of a fundraiser," he explains.
"Well, our school had some dances.  Homecoming was an end of season football game event with a dance the next night.  Prom was kind of a dance only for juniors and seniors.  There were other dances but I never really went to those," I say. 
"Why not?" he asks swiping his card. 
"I wasn't allowed to date.  They were kind of indecent events as of late.  A couple got suspended from school for doing I don't want to know what on the dance floor at homecoming.  I didn't care for the music, the dancing was lewd...  I honestly only went because I was voted homecoming queen.  When I saw that I was nominated, I laughed.  I thought it was a joke but I went out and got a dress because I had to be present for the ceremony at the game.  I had to get out of marching band for that but my teacher was happy for me.  When they gave me the crown, I was kind of in shock. Ryan won, too, and I knew I'd have to go and dance with him.  Then we both won prom king and queen also.  I think my school thought we'd end up together," I say. 
"So, why'd you turn him down?" he asks me. 
"The first time was because I wasn't allowed to date.  He asked me out several times actually.  We were friends and always had classes together.  I kept giving him the same answer.  When he finally asked when I could, I told him after I graduated.  So he asked me at graduation.  I still told him no and he asked why.  I gave him the same answer I gave you—that he wasn't a Christian so I couldn't be with him.  I honestly didn't think he was that serious.  I guess he was," I shrug. 
"Not as dedicated as me?" Jai grins.  He pushes a stray hair out of my face.  He grabs his bag and then my hand.
"I guess not," I say as we walk out of the store.  But as I think about it... I was never romantically interested in Ryan.  I always wanted Jai... so there was a big difference.

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