It's My Life • Shawn Hunter

By _BlackWolf02_

465K 8.3K 612

Zoey Francis is best friend with Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter. Join their adventure when the three of them... More

- introduction
- graphics
1| Pilot
2| On The Fence
3| Father Knows Less
4| Cory's Alternative Friends
5| Killer Bees
6| Boys II Mensa
7| Grandma Was A Rolling Star
8| Teacher's Bet
9| Class Pre-Union
10| Santa's Little Helper
11| The Father/Son Game
12| Once In Love with Amy
13| She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
14| The B-Team Of Life
15| Model Life
16| Risky Business
17| The Fugitive
18| It's A Wonderful Night
19| Kid Gloves
20| The Play's The Thing
21| Boy Meets Girl
22| I Dream of Feeny
23| Back 2 School
24| Pairing Off
25| Notorious
26| Me and Mr. Joad
27| The Uninvited
28| Who's Afraid Of Cory Wolf?
29| Wake Up, Little Cory
30| Band On The Run
31| Fear Strikes Out
32| Sister Theresa
33| The Beard
34| Turnaround
35| Cyrano
36| I Am Not A Crook
37| Breaking Up Is Really, Really Hard To Do
38| Danger Boy
39| On The Air
40| By Hook Or By Crook
41| Wrong Side Of The Tracks
42| Pop Quiz
43| The Thrilla' In Phila
44| Career Day
45| Home
47| The Double Lie
48| What I Meant To Say
49| He said, She said
50| Hometown Hero
51|This Little Piggy
52| Truth And Consequences
53| Rave On
54| The Last Temptation of Cory
55| Train Of Fools
56| City Slackers
57| The Grass is Always Greener
58| New Friends and Old
59| A Kiss Is More Than A Kiss
60| The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter
61| Stormy Weather
62| The Pink Flamingo Kid
63| Life Lesson
64| I Was A Teenage Spy
65| I Never Sang For My Legal Guardian
66| The Happiest Show on Earth
67| Brother Brother
68| You Can Go Home Again
69| Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow
70| I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More
71| Fishing For Virna
72| Shallow Boy
73| Janitor Dad
74| Singled Out
75| Dangerous Secret
76| Sixteen Candles and Four-Hundred-Pound Men
77| Turkey Day
78| Easy Street
79| An Affair To Forget
80| B & B'S B'n B
81| Wheels
82| Chick Like Me
83| A Long Walk To Pittsburgh: Part 1
84| A Long Walk To Pittsburgh: Part 2
85| Uncle Daddy
86| Quiz Show
87| Security Guy
88| Cult Fiction
89| Learning To Fly
90| Brothers
91| Boy Meets Real World
92| It's Not You... It's Me
93| Fraternity Row
94| The Witches of Pennbrook
95| No Guts, No Cory
96| I Love You, Donna Karan: Part 1
97| Chasing Angela: Part 2
98| How To Succeed In Business
99| Last Tango In Philly
100| A Very Topanga Christmas
101| Raging Cory
102| The Eskimo
103|Heartbreak Cory
104| First Girlfriend's Club
105| Torn Between Two Lovers (Feeling Like A Fool)
106| And Then There Was Shawn
107| If You Can't Be With The One You Love...
108| Eric Hollywood
109| Starry Night
110| Honesty Night
111| Prom-ises, Prom-ises
112| Things Change
113| Graduation
114| His Answer: Part 1
115| Her Answer: Part 2
116| Ain't College Great?
117| Friendly Persuasion
118| Better Than The Average Cory
119| Hogs and Kisses
120| Everybody Loves Stuart
121| You're Married You're Dead
122| Poetic License: An Ode to Holden Caulfield
123| And In Case I Don't See Ya
124| Santa's Little Helpers
125| Cutting the Cord
126| We'll Have A Good Time Then
127| Getting Hitched
128| Road Trip
129| My Baby Valentine
130| Resurrection
131| Can I Help to Cheer You?
132| Bee True
133| The Truth About Honesty
134| The Psychotic Episode
135| State Of The Unions
136| Show Me The Love
137| For Love and Apartments.
138| Angela and Zoey's Men
139| No Such Thing as a Sure Thing
140| You Light Up My Union
141| They're Killing Us
142| It's About Time
143| The Honeymooners
144| The Honeymoon is Over
145| Pickett Fences
146| What A Drag!
147| Family Trees
148| The Provider
149| I'm Gonna Be Like You, Dad
150| The War: Part 1
151| The Peace (AKA Nine The Hard Way): Part 2
152| She's Having My Baby Back Ribs
153| How Cory and Topanga Got Their Groove Back
154| Brotherly Shove
155| As Time Goes By
156| The Wedding
157| Angela's Ashes
158| Brave New World: Part 1
159| Brave New World: Part 2

46| My Best Friend's Girl

5.9K 70 4
By _BlackWolf02_

Over the summer holiday, Zoey had been down at the beach with her mother and had a wonderful time. She made lots of friends down there but something was missing deep down, she had extremely missed both Shawn and Cory. Zoey had been writing to Shawn mostly every day of Summer, missing being with her boyfriend.

But when summer was over it was back to school. Zoey casually wore a pair of jeans and a white singlet with a purple flannel, while her hair was down past her shoulders.

Zoey currently walked through the schools hall but stopped when she saw Topanga standing in the middle of the hall. Topanga was finally back from her summer trip. She had change in the slightest, a little older just like Zoey.

"Topanga." Zoey greeted, approaching her. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Zo. You also look gorgeous." Topanga said, smiling warmly before they two crashed into a tight hug. "How was your summer?"

"It was great." Zoey responded, pulling apart from the hug. "I just went to the beach with my mum. What about you?"

"It was fantastic. My family and I had the best trip." Topanga said with a bright smile.

Zoey chuckled. "So... any cute boys on your trip?"

"Zoey! Of course not." Topanga replied.

Zoey laughed slightly and made her way over to her locker, placing her bag into it. Then unexpectedly hands wrapped around Zoey's waist and suddenly her feet were no longer on the floor. She squealed as Shawn lifted her higher, chuckling as she laughed.

"Okay, okay, you can put me down now!" Zoey giggled happily as her boyfriend laughed, putting her back down on the floor.

The two smiled for a couple seconds before they crashed into a tight hug. Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck while Shawn's arms were around her waist tightly. A small full of heat built up in her cheeks.

"I'm missed you." Shawn said.

"I've missed you, too." Zoey muttered into his shoulder. The two continued to hug a couple seconds before they both stepped out of the embrace.

Zoey leaned forward and captured his lips into hers. Shawn grinned against her lips, unable to help himself.

"What just happened over there?" Cory asked as he walked up to the couple, causing them to pull apart. "Hey, Zo. I mean, I'm talking you two fine, but over there with Topanga, I became a... a... sea monkey."

"That's a bad animal, man." Shawn told him.

Then the school bell rang. Mr. Turner appeared around the corner and rushed down the small flight of stairs, towards the three of them.

"Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys... You didn't hear, did you?" Mr. Turner asked.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"This year when the bell rings, it means get to class." Mr. Turner said.

"Sorry, Mr. Turner." Zoey apologized.

Shawn, Zoey and Cory walked into the classroom and sat down in their usual seats. Topanga was up in front of the class as Mr. Turner was handing her stacks of paper.

"Cor, here's your chance. Just ask her out for movie night." Shawn whispered, leaning forward.

"Try and stop it." Cory challenge as Topanga came over, passing out papers. "Topanga." She turned around and faced Cory, who raised his piece of paper. "Thanks for this." He then saluted at Topanga. When Topanga had left, he turned to his friends. "I saluted."

Zoey sighed. "We all saw."

"Cor, you're making too big a deal out of this. Just act natural." Shawn told him.

"You're right." Cory admitted before he got out of his seat. "So, uh, Topanga. Friday night, what's going on?"

"I don't know." She replied.

"Neither do I. Okay, then." Cory responded, giving her a thumbs up before sitting back down in his chair. "Guys. I did this."

Zoey watched awkwardly as Cory gave them a thumbs up. She then turned to Shawn, who was already looking in her direction.

"Shawn, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Zoey asked, lowering her voice so Cory couldn't hear.

Shawn slowly nodded. "I think so."

"We start Mission: Get Cory and Topanga together. And I think I just know the first step." Zoey responded with a smirk.


Later during the day, Zoey entered the cafeteria and walked over the vending machine where Shawn stood near by. He noticed his girlfriend and nodded at her, meaning that he had already done it..

Zoey narrowed her eyes when Cory approached the vending machine and banged his head on it a couple of times before a soda finally came out.

"Can you get me an orange?" Shawn asked, gesturing to the soda.

"Topanga has a date for the screenings." Cory explained with a frown. "You were right, Shawn. I mean, you warned me this would happen."

Shawn nodded. "I did."

"Yeah. You said Topanga looked hot. And if I waited too long some other guy was gonna move right in." Cory added.

"I did." Shawn said.

"I brought this on. I can only blame myself. I just wonder who asked her." Cory said.

"I did." Shawn told him.

"What?!" Zoey exclaimed, pretending to be hurt.

"Huh?" Cory asked in confusion.

"I asked Topanga out." Shawn said.

Cory look at his best friend with a hurtful expression. "You asked Topanga out?"

"What? You said yourself, she's a woman now." Shawn responded.

"I can't talk to you right now." Cory said, looking away from Shawn, clearly annoyed.

Shawn nodded. "Cool. See you."

Zoey watched Shawn make his way towards her. The two gave each other small fist bumps before Shawn walked out of the cafeteria. Zoey frowned and pretended to act like she was upset.

"How are you doing, Zo?" Cory wondered, standing beside her.

"I feel great." Zoey answered with a frown, wiping a tear that rolled down her face. "I mean, my boyfriend had asked out your crush, that's all."

Zoey marched out of the cafeteria, pretending to act sad around everyone until a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her towards a closet. Shawn pulled her in with him.

"That was amazing acting back there." Shawn whispered, staring at his girlfriend in amazement.

"Thanks." Zoey said with a smile.

"I'm going back to Turner's place, I would ask if you wanna come over but... you know." Shawn said.

Zoey nodded. "Yeah, I know. I just have to pretend I'm sad all time around you."

Shawn chuckled before he placed his lips against Zoey's. She couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck and pull him closer. Her back hit the wall of the closet and she could feel him caress her cheek. But after a few seconds, she pulled away and laughed softly.


After school Zoey had to pretend to be upset with Shawn all today, which was difficult for her because she loved him so much.

Cory had basically dragged her all the way over to Mr. Turner's apartment, and when they got there, Cory opened the door and walked straight inside.

Zoey followed behind, acting awkwardly as she stood beside the door. She then noticed Eli Williams - Mr Turner's friend. Him and Mr. Turner were standing in the kitchen while Shawn laid on the couch.

"All right, where is he?" Cory demanded as he approached the adults.

"You don't believe in knocking?" Mr. Turner asked.

"No, I don't believe in anything anymore. I demand to know where Shawn Hunter is." Cory responded with determine in his voice.

"I'm right here, Cor." Shawn said as he got up from the couch.

"Aha! I've found you." Cory said, turning to his friend that he didn't like now.

"Is this about Topanga?" Shawn asked.

"What were you thinking, Shawn? You do not ask out your best friend's girl." Cory told him, before looking over at the adults. "Am I right?"

"How long have you been dating her?" Eli asked.

"Never!" Shawn exclaimed. "He didn't even make a move."

"Yeah, but I was going to." Cory responded.

"This sounds like a clear violation of the gentlemen's code of dating." Eli pointed out.

"Yes." Cory said to himself.

"See, a true friend doesn't ask out a girl that his buddy likes or has just broken up with." Eli explained, turning to Mr. Turner who had a guilty expression. "Right, John?"

"Yeah, well, you know. Whatever. I mean, there's always exceptions to that rule." Mr. Turner casually responded.

"Yeah, and would one of these exceptions be a certain Miss Cynthia Harp?" Eli wondered.

Mr. Turner sighed. "Eli, will you let it go, man? That was ten years ago. Besides, you dumped her for that Spanish transfer student whose only word of English was 'yes'."

Eli smiled. "That was my favorite semester."

"Excuse me." Cory called, gaining their attention. "Knife in the back here."

"All I did was ask out a girl who didn't have a boyfriend." Shawn simply said.

"But you were dating me?!" Zoey exclaimed, approaching Shawn with a hurtful expression. "Did you care about me?"

"Sorry, Zo." Shawn apologized before making his way to the phone. "Which reminds me. I think I'll go call Topanga and firm up pans."

"Oh, go ahead, Hunter. Firm your little heart out. Firm up your plans for Friday night. And every night for that matter, my friend. Or should I say my ex-friend?" Cory wondered. "Zoey and I are outta here."

Zoey placed a hand up to mouth, trying not to laugh when Cory walked straight into the closet.

"Who's gonna tell him he's in the closet?" Eli asked.

Cory walked out of the closet, holding his black and white sweeter. "And I'm taking back my sweater."

And with that, Cory grabbed Zoey's hand and walked out of Mr. Turner's apartment.


After school the next day, Cory had asked Zoey to go to Chubbies to get something to eat. The two were currently sitting in a booth, eating some chips. Zoey felt so awkward but the plan was working.

"Cory, I'm glad you decided to talk to me. I mean, that whole Shawn and Topanga thing..." Zoey trailed, pretending to be sad. "It really hurt me."

"Well, you are my friend." Cory replied with a small smile. "And I don't think it's fair to you that Shawn just suddenly broke up with you. You're probably one of the coolest girls I know."

Zoey smiled. "You're sweet, Cor."

"Well, I need to ask you something." Cory began. "I think you need to be with a guy who treats you with respect. Asks you want you want -"

"Cory." Zoey called, interrupting him. "Are you asking me out?"

"Uh..." Cory trailed off as he looked and saw Shawn and Topanga walking down the staircase. He then quickly reached over the table and took Zoey's hand. "Yes. Yes, I am. Friday night. Movies. You and me. Will you?"

Zoey glanced over towards Shawn and noticed that he glaring at them holdings hands.

"Well, of course, Cor." Zoey replied with a smile.


Friday night came quickly. Cory and Zoey were almost late the movie as they rushed into the gym. Mostly everyone from school were in their seats before Cory pulled Zoey to find a seat.

"Come on, Zo. There are two over here." Cory said, leading her down to the two empty seats beside Shawn and Topanga.

"Hi, Cory. Hi, Zoey." Topanga greeted. "I like your hair."

"Oh, thanks." Cory said, reaching up to his hair.

"I think she meant Zoey, Cor." Shawn told him.

"Hey, you wanna step outside?" Cory challenge.

"Cory." Zoey softly called, pulling him back beside her.

The lights went out and the previews began. Zoey glanced over to Shawn and saw him wrapping an arm around Topanga.

"Some people can't even make it through the cartoon." Cory muttered.

Zoey then decided to cuddle into Cory's chest. "Cor, I'm cold. Will you keep me warm, my little badger?"

"Just for you." Cory said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, earning a glare from Shawn.

Zoey glanced over to Shawn, who wrapped his arm tighter around Topanga before dumping breath mints into his mouth. Cory suddenly turned around and went for a kiss. Zoey quickly placed her hand over his mouth and kissed her own hand, so it seemed that the two were kissing.

"I only did that because it looked like we kissed." Zoey whispered.

When the cartoons was over, Eric stepped onto the stage.

"Hey! How about that coyote? What a moron, huh?" Eric asked and everyone applauded. "Well, on behalf on the Film Society, and their friends, we would like to thank you all for responding to the underground invitations stuffed into your lockers. And now, here to introduce Leon's Revenge, the man you've all been waiting for. He played Leon the Gut Sucker in parts, one, three, and four. Here he is, direct from the pits of hell, your worst nightmare. Come on. Here he is."

Everyone began to clap as the curtains opened and lights darkened. Zoey noticed that it was just Mr. Feeny with a flashlight shining below his face.

"Boo." Mr. Feeny said.

"It's Feeny!" Joey yelled from the back of the room.

Everyone ran out of the gym, including Shawn and Zoey as they looked out the small window in the gym doors, watching Topanga and Cory.

"Hey, I think it worked." Shawn said with a smile, but Zoey crossed her arms and gave him a look. "What's with the angry look for?"

"Were you trying to make me jealous on purpose?" Zoey wondered.

Shawn hesitated for a moment. "What if I said yes?"

"Shawn!" Zoey exclaimed.

"What? It's cute when you get jealous." Shawn stated, smiling down at her.

"I do not." Zoey argued.

"Really?" Shawn challenge. "Then, what was with the scrunched up face at me for?"

"You went too far with the mints and lovey dovey eyes." Zoey told him.

"Hey, you and Cory kissed!" Shawn shouted.

"We didn't." Zoey said, walking closer to him with a teasing smile. "We just made it look like it, you silly doofus."

Shawn smiled before the two of them walked into the gym to see Cory and Topanga kissing. Shawn and Zoey both clapped for their pair.

"Man, it's about time." Shawn said.

"We are so lucky this worked, Shawn. I nearly kissed him." Zoey said.

"Wait, it was a setup?" Cory wondered.

"Yeah." Shawn and Zoey answered in unison.

"You played Cupid?" Cory asked Zoey, who nodded with Shawn. "Come here." The three walked with Cory to the back of the room. He paused for a moment before throwing his arms around them. "Oh, thank you."

Zoey chuckled. "Now go back there, you little sea monkey.

Cory walked over to Topanga. "So.... Where were we?"

The two kissed once more.

"You little badger." Topanga said.

Zoey and Shawn walked to the exit of the gym before pressed his lips to Zoey's. He wrapped an arm around her waist as one came up to tangle itself in her hair. Pulling away from her, he rested his forehead against hers.

PUBLISHED: March 31, 2018
WORDS: 2509

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