
Oleh xxitsmeimbitchesxx

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When my father left my mother and me for a better life, I was devastated and naively thought my life couldn't... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Lacey
Chapter 2 - Ryder
Chapter 3 - West
Chapter 4 - Lacey
Chapter 5 - Lacey
Chapter 6 - Lacey
Chapter 7 - Lacey
Chapter 8 - Ryder
Chapter 9 - Lacey
Chapter 10 - Lacey
Chapter 11 - Lacey
Chapter 12 - Dane
Chapter 13 - Ryder
Chapter 14 - Lacey
Chapter 15 - Lacey
Chapter 16 - Lacey
Chapter 17 - West
Chapter 18 - Lawson
Chapter 19 - Lacey
Chapter 20 - Saint
Chapter 21 - Lacey
Chapter 22 - Lacey
Chapter 23 - Lacey
Chapter 24 - Lacey
Chapter 25 - Lacey
Chapter 26 - Lawson
Chapter 27 - Lacey
Chapter 28 - Lacey
Chapter 29 - Ryder
Chapter 30 - West
Chapter 31 - Saint
Chapter 32 - Lacey
Chapter 34 - Lacey
Chapter 35 - Ryder
Chapter 36 - Lacey
Chapter 37 - Lacey
Chapter 38 - Lacey - Saint
Chapter 39 - Lacey
Chapter 40 - Ryder

Chapter 33 - Matt

431 18 1
Oleh xxitsmeimbitchesxx

I couldn't believe it when Lacey had texted me last night, asking for my assistance. I loved that she was starting to trust me and thought of me as someone she could count on. The text had me preening like a peacock, to be honest. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I was not too fond of the fact that something terrible had happened to her to contact me in the first place, however. Life had been undeniably cruel to her, but Lacey had rolled with the punches, never giving up. I loved the fire within her and how she took every blow within her stride. Her fierce little shoulders back and chin held high. Lacey reminded me of an adorable little kitten, one with sharp as fuck claws if you pushed her too far. I loved that about her.

The second she sat down beside me in maths class all those weeks ago, my heart stopped beating for a fraction of a second. All the air was stolen from my lungs when I caught a glimpse of her emerald green eyes and long, sleek raven hair. She was stunning. A real-life brat doll with an alluring aura surrounding her that had immediately drew me in. I knew at that moment that no past woman could hold a candle to her. That no other woman would be able to make me feel like Lacey had. And holy fuck, she had only sat beside me for fucks sake, and I already wanted to declare my love for her and get down on one knee. I couldn't help the smug smile on my face when Lacey had squirmed her way out of Lawson's arms in class that morning and made her way to the empty seat beside me.

On instinct, my arm had automatically curled around the back of her chair, my hand finding the silky-smooth strands of her hair making me groan and shift uncomfortably in my seat as my cock hardened painfully behind the zipper of my jeans. Smirking at West was, in hindsight, a dick move. I saw how he and his friends had all behaved in her presence in the parking lot this morning. They were all vying for her attention. That was until Lawson picked her up, slung her over his shoulder and strode off with a struggling Lacey into the school.

But still, I wouldn't regret the look I had given him. It felt good to poke the beast when Lacey had chosen to sit beside me and not them. It had been worth the beating Lawson had given me outside of the classroom. If I doubted their intentions for pursuing Lacey, it had been squashed right, then and there. Lawson had warned me to stay the fuck away from his fluffy bunny and that she would be his wife by the end of the year. I nearly choked on a laugh which only served to piss Lawson off even more. He was dead serious and had already staked a claim on the poor, unsuspecting girl. I didn't give up, in any case. No, I wasn't about to let them scare me off when Lacey had firmly wedged herself into a small piece of my heart. One that was growing slowly, consuming my heart and soul with fervour.

Spending the first few hours of the road trip trying to watch the road and study Lacey as she softly snored in my passenger seat had been a trial. I wanted nothing more than to pull the car over, so I didn't have to take my eyes off her every few seconds. She looked like an angel as she slept, so peaceful and beautiful. Truly carefree. When she had woken up, we spent the remainder of the drive talking about anything and everything. I was overjoyed when she had swiftly accepted my invitation to come over to my house when she returned from Bales. It hurt to find out that she had never had a pet growing up. I couldn't imagine life without my partner in crime, Frenchie. He was not just a dog, he was family, and I knew she would love him just as much as I did. The thought made my heart happy.

I hadn't pressed Lacey about what she was doing in Bales or who she would be staying with while there, so I was surprised when the GPS had me pulling up outside of a rundown junkyard where she was met by an imposing guy wearing ripped jeans, a wife-beater and covered in grease. He looked like a gang member, covered in tattoos. But as soon as he had seen Lacey, his face lit up like a Christmas tree, morphing quickly from a heavy scowl to fierce love? Yes, I was sure this guy loved Lacey and judging by the tattoo above his brow with her name written in cursive, she meant a lot to him. Was this Dane? The guy she had once mentioned as being her best friend, the one she had grown up with? I couldn't help the jealousy that coursed through my veins, but I swiftly shut down the deep feelings. I had no claim to Lacey and knew he would never hurt a hair on her head. If Lacey had to run to this man to help her in the present, I would have to make sure I was there for her when she returned. I felt my chest swell when she openly embraced me in his presence. To his credit, his smile didn't slip. He was genuinely happy Lacey was here and wasn't jealous of her attention to me. The guy set the bar high for every man in her life, that was for sure. I was gutted when it was time to leave. Lacey's offer to stay the night had been tempting. I had almost agreed to spend more time with her but knew I had to get home and finish what needed to be done as soon as possible. Turning Lacey's phone on when I got home had me smiling like a loon at the thought of Ryder and co going crazy when her location pinged, and she wasn't at school. The idea had crossed my mind that I might be bringing the war to my doorstep, but I couldn't give a fuck right now. The thought of pissing them off after everything they had done to Lacey made it worth it.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I hadn't slept much since learning what Lacey had endured prom night. I wanted to kill that bastard Mr Marone, but Lacey had ensured me that she would handle everything, the conviction in her voice making me wait to see what she had planned before I meted out my justice. He didn't deserve to be breathing, let alone the same air as my angel. After a quick shower, I powered the phone on. Within seconds her screen lit up with a string of messages, texts and missed call notifications, all from Ryder, West, Saint and Lawson. I had to chuckle when I saw the names Lacey had listed them under. Saint–Lucifer. Ryder – Bicycle, ridden by anyone willing. West – Dora, the explorer. Lawson – A law unto his own. The group chat had been re-named the Four Horseman of Dickheadville, the name making me snort-laugh and spit my coffee on the floor. Lacey certainly was creative.

Curiosity ate at me, so I searched her few contacts until I spotted my phone number. My heart rate spiked; my cheeks grew hot. It was saved as hot stuff. Hot stuff! I threw the phone on the bed as an unmanly squeal left my lips with excitement. Calm down, Matt, I scolded myself, picking the phone up again and sending Lacey a quick text.

Me: Hot stuff huh *smile emoji *wink emoji

Lacey: Argh, I forgot about that. *gritted teeth emoji *embarrassed emoji

Me: Don't worry, Lacey, your secret is safe with me *wink emoji

Me: I am thrilled you think I am hot *heart eye emoji

Lacey: Don't let it go to your head *eye roll emoji

Me: Too late, you can't take it back now *wink emoji

Lacey: Not like you can talk. I am currently texting SEX ON LEGS

FARKKKKK, I had totally forgotten about that. SHIT SHIT SHIT. And I had been the one to suggest the swap, not even thinking twice about the incriminating stuff on my phone.

Me: Please don't read the messages between James and me, Lacey *embarrassed emoji

Me: Or look through my camera roll

Shit, what was I thinking, giving the girl I am infatuated with my phone?

Lacey: You mean the messages where you gush about how pretty I am or all the photos you have secretly taken of me. *grinning emoji *heart eye emoji

Lacey: Don't worry, hot stuff, your secret is safe with me *wink emoji

Tossing the phone to the bed once more, I sigh, running my hand through my hair until it sticks up like I had been electrocuted. Fuck my life. Another message lights up the screen. I hesitantly pick the phone up and open the message.

Bicycle, ridden by anyone: Where the fuck are you, Lacey? I have tried calling you several times and have sent numerous texts that you haven't bothered to reply to.


What the fuck was Ryder's problem. Scrolling through the group chat, it looked like they all had their knickers in a twist, with Lacey not being home. The need to control, possess and consume her is evident. The only one who showed any indifference was Saint. He had only made one comment, telling the others to leave the trash where it belonged. I didn't know what his problem was, but it made me furious how he spoke so callously about Lacey in a chat that included her, no less. I knew he was an arrogant rich prick, but this was a whole new level of assholery, even for him. Lacey deserved better. Someone like Dane. Someone like me, I thought bitterly.

Lacey: Ummmm Matt *embarrassed emoji

Me: Yeah *curious emoji

Lacey: Don't look through my camera roll

Me: You know I am going to now, right... *laughing emoji

Lacey: I'm warning you, Matt, you might not like what you see

Why the fuck I couldn't just listen to Lacey's warning was beyond me. I now had pictures, from every angle, mind you, of Dane's cock seared into my brain. I had to hand it to him; his cock was impressive. I was not jealous. Nope, not at all. It wasn't like I was lacking, but holy hell, I thought his personality was something to admire. The asshole was the whole damn package. When I didn't respond to Lacey right away, her phone chimed in my hands, where I was currently zooming in and out mindlessly on Dane's pictures.

Lacey: I warned you hot stuff *wink emoji

Me: Yeah, you did.... *pout emoji

Putting the phone away, I sit down at my desk and get comfortable. I had a lot of studying to do today and knew I wouldn't get anything done if I continued to snoop through Lacey's phone. Tomorrow was undoubtedly going to be interesting at school. Bring it on, boys I thought.

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