
De xxitsmeimbitchesxx

17.6K 595 49

When my father left my mother and me for a better life, I was devastated and naively thought my life couldn't... Mai multe

Chapter 1 - Lacey
Chapter 2 - Ryder
Chapter 3 - West
Chapter 4 - Lacey
Chapter 5 - Lacey
Chapter 6 - Lacey
Chapter 7 - Lacey
Chapter 8 - Ryder
Chapter 9 - Lacey
Chapter 10 - Lacey
Chapter 11 - Lacey
Chapter 12 - Dane
Chapter 13 - Ryder
Chapter 14 - Lacey
Chapter 15 - Lacey
Chapter 16 - Lacey
Chapter 17 - West
Chapter 18 - Lawson
Chapter 19 - Lacey
Chapter 20 - Saint
Chapter 21 - Lacey
Chapter 22 - Lacey
Chapter 23 - Lacey
Chapter 24 - Lacey
Chapter 25 - Lacey
Chapter 26 - Lawson
Chapter 27 - Lacey
Chapter 28 - Lacey
Chapter 29 - Ryder
Chapter 30 - West
Chapter 31 - Saint
Chapter 33 - Matt
Chapter 34 - Lacey
Chapter 35 - Ryder
Chapter 36 - Lacey
Chapter 37 - Lacey
Chapter 38 - Lacey - Saint
Chapter 39 - Lacey
Chapter 40 - Ryder

Chapter 32 - Lacey

318 15 1
De xxitsmeimbitchesxx

After I kick Saint out of my bedroom, unsurprisingly I can't sleep. I keep replaying our conversation over and over. His words had once again cut me deep. Why would I lie about something so personal and hurtful like that? When he knows my history and the horrors that I endure during my childhood. It hadn't been easy to reveal the truth of what happened on prom night; I had barely slept since then due to nightmares plaguing my mind most nights. The only thing helping me through my grief and anger was Dane. I talked to him most nights until I was tired enough to nod off into a fitful slumber. I couldn't stand to be here right now, so I texted Matt, crossed my fingers that he was still awake and would willingly help me.

Me: Hey, Matt. Are you awake? I am sorry if this text wakes you up.

Matt replies promptly.

Matt: Hey, Lacey. What's up?

Me: I was wondering if I could ask you a favour? I hate dragging you into my drama, but I don't have a car at the moment, and there is no way I am going to ask Ryder for help.

Matt: Sure, Lacey, anything. Is everything ok?

Me: Not really. I will explain later. That is, if you can help me, I may be asking too much of you.

Matt: Try me, Lacey, you might be surprised *smile emoji

Me: I wondered if you could pick me up and take me back to my hometown. I will understand if you can't. As I said, it is a big ask.

Matt: When?

Me: Now *blushing emoji

Matt: Like now now?

Me: You know what, never mind. I shouldn't have asked that of you. I am just overwhelmed at the moment and want to get out of here, but I can wait until the morning to catch a bus.

Matt: See you in ten minutes, Lacey *winking emoji

Me: You are the best! I will be ready and waiting at the front gates *smile emoji.

I run to my door, unlocking it as quietly as possible and peek into the hallway. All the lights are off in the house, and I cannot hear a single sound, thankfully. I don't want to risk running into any of the guys, not after everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours. Letting out the breath, I didn't realise I was holding. I tip-toe back into my room, grab the duffle bag from under my bed and hastily shove clothes and toiletries into it.

It might not be the smartest idea to run away from my problems, but there was no way I could stay here right now, not with everything that has happened and continues to happen. I need my rock right now. Looking around the room one last time, I spy my crumpled picture of the twins under my pillow and quickly put it in my front pocket. It was the only possession that I truly cherished.

I made my way as fast and quietly as possible down the stairs. Once I am out the door, I sit on the front steps, hastily lace my converse up, and then jog down the driveway to wait for Matt. It isn't long until I see headlights down the road, and I sigh in relief when he pulls up beside me, leaning across the centre console to open the passenger door for me. "Hey, Lacey", Matt chirps despite the late hour. "Hey", I reply, trying for the same level of cheerfulness and no doubt failing miserably. "Everything ok?" Matt enquires, waiting patiently while I stow my duffle between my feet and put my seat belt on. "Just the usual with Ryder, Saint, West and Lawson. Nothing new, really," I reply. "Two questions. Whose ass do I have to kick? And where are we going?" he replies with a mischievous smile, knowing exactly how to diffuse my shitty mood. Matt was great like that. He always knew what to do and say to make me feel better about myself or the situation. I was grateful to have a friend like that. Especially now. Matt had dropped everything to help me out once again. "This might sound crazy, but I was hoping I could get a lift to my hometown. I am going to stay there for a few weeks," I reply to the second part of his question, unsure how to answer the first.

There were so many people in my life who could use a good ass-kicking, but that was something that I wanted to do myself in time. "Your hometown is Bales, right?" Matt questioned. He was such a good listener; I am sure it had only come up in conversation once before, and he had somehow retained that information. His brain was a sponge that absorbed information, unlike mine. I had to study hard to achieve the passing grades I got, and half the time, I took educated guesses, not smart, I know, but it had worked for me so far.

"As I said earlier, if it is an inconvenience, I am happy to wait till the morning to book a bus ticket. I don't want to put you out," I mumble. I truly didn't want Matt to think that he didn't have a choice and was honest when I said I didn't mind if I had to wait until the morning. "Nonsense Lacey. There is nothing I would rather be doing right now. A road trip with you sounds amazing. You can even pick the music," he replies, putting Bales into his car's GPS and then slowly pulling away from the front gates with a smile on his face. I return his smile, reach across and squeeze his hand in thanks. "Thank you, Matt. I appreciate everything you do for me," I reply. I connect my phone via Bluetooth to Matt's sound system and nod off while listening to Rebel by Call me Karizma.

A short while later, I awake with a start. "Shh, it's ok, Lacey. I just made a quick stop to get some gas and thought you might be hungry," Matt says in a soothing voice, the hot coffee and bagel in his outstretched hands making me grin like a loon. "Thanks, Matt. That is sweet of you," I reply as I take a sip of the deliciously smooth coffee. I sigh in appreciation as the taste and aroma bring me back to life. "We have a few hours driving left. Want to talk about why you are running away in the middle of the night?" Matt queries. I steadily blow out my breath and then fill him in on what went down, how the guys had somehow found me at work, shot a guy and kidnapped me. I told him all about confessing to Saint about what happened at the prom and his reaction to it. Matt sat silently while I spilled everything that had been weighing on my mind, never once interrupting me.

By the time I had finished, tears had formed in my eyes, and I slumped back into the seat, emotionally exhausted. Matt pulled off the road and onto the shoulder, reached over, unbuckling my seatbelt and lifted me gently into his lap. "I know you probably don't want to hear this, but it sounds like those dickheads love you but don't know what to do with their feelings. They are going about it the wrong way, that's for certain. Not that I mind," Matt laughs dryly before continuing, "How they have treated you is unacceptable, Lacey. You have been through so much and deserve so much more. Especially loyalty, understanding and love. Those wankers should be treating you like the queen you are, and I hope that they regret their treatment of you for as long as they live". I don't know what to say; instead, we sit on the side of the freeway for half an hour while I sob quietly into Matt's chest. I know the guys like me in their own fucked up way, but I knew deep down that Matt was right. I deserved to be treated better. My crazy heart still pined for what I thought we had been building, there was a side to them that made me feel special and loved. I hadn't known them long but felt a sense of belonging with them once I got to know them, and it hurt that they could believe someone like Lyndsay over me. They were blind to her and what a real snake she was and hoped that one day she burnt them too so that they would open their eyes and see her for who she really was.

Reassuring Matt with a kiss on his cheek, I climb back into my seat. "Do you know anything about tracking apps on mobile phones? I think the guys are tracking me. I can't think of any other way they could have found where I was working," I say as we pull back onto the freeway. "I can have a look at your mobile when we stop next if you like? If you are worried about being tracked, turn your phone off. If we can't figure it out, I am happy to swap phones until you return. It would be hilarious for them to think you are staying with me," Matt responds with a wicked grin. I can't help but laugh at his suggestion. It is an excellent one, I must admit.

The only person I talked to was Dane, and I would be with him; if Matt wanted to talk he could text me on his phone. "That sounds like an excellent plan, Matt. Let them stress for once," I counted with a giggle. "Ignore any messages, phone calls from them. They like to send group messages quite a bit. If there are any calls or texts from my father, could you let me know as soon as possible, please? I will call him later today, though and let him know what is going on and where I am". "Want me to add any bare-chested pictures to the group chat?" Matt replies, wiggling his eyebrows at me like two hairy caterpillars. "If you feel like you can't help yourself, Matt, you can send them to me. I'd rather ghost the guys for a while if that's ok," I reply. "Ok. Prepare for your phone to be blown up, then Lacey. I am not even kidding. With you gone, I will be sad and lonely and will have to message you a ridiculous amount of stupid shit daily to function," Matt quips.

We spend the remainder of the road trip discussing light-hearted topics, getting to know each other a little more outside of school. It feels nice to share a little about myself with someone I can trust and that I genuinely want to open up to. I learn that Matt is an only child like me who has ambitions to become a Lawyer. He also has a dog called Frenchie, no guessing what breed he is. I snorted at the originality of the name but couldn't help but be envious. I had never owned a pet before and agreed hastily to the invitation to meet his dog when I returned. Toss in a dog to play with, sign me up! I mean, hanging out with Matt was hardly a hardship as it was.

By the time we reach Bales, I feel much better about the day and my decision to take some time away from the guys and the madness surrounding them. As soon as I got a chance, I would call my father and the school to organise my course load being emailed to me so that I wouldn't get behind on my schoolwork. I had planned on a bullshit story of wanting to see my stepfather's grave and visit my mother in her time of need. The lie made me want to vomit, but as far as anyone else was concerned, they would be considered reasonable excuses for being here. They didn't have to know that it wasn't the truth and that I would be staying with Dane. I had requested Matt keep my whereabouts to himself while I was gone. I wasn't stupid, in any case. I knew that sooner or later, Ryder would ask my father where I was. It was just a question of what he was going to do with that information when he discovered it, I wondered.

Pulling up outside of Dane's uncles' workshop, I hop out of the car and grab my duffle bag. Matt comes around to my side of the car with a sad smile. "One day, I hope that you will be comfortable enough to run to me," he says while looking at the ground, his hands in his pockets. I cover the few short steps between us and envelope him in a bear hug and reply, "Matt, I am comfortable with you. I would not have contacted you in the first place nor aired my dirty laundry with you if I wasn't. I need to get away for a while. I can not thank you enough for saving me once again. I owe you big time," I reply in earnest. "It has been a long drive. Why don't you stay with me tonight and head back tomorrow?" I continue, still embracing Matt as I speak. "As much as I would love to, Lacey, I have an important assignment I need to work on for legal studies. Here, don't forget my phone. I will turn yours back on when I get home, so the GPS shows my location," he responds. "Shits about to get funny". A noise behind us startles me. I turn around in Matts's arms and see Dane standing in front of the workshop, a slow smile spreading across his handsome face. "Stay in touch," I say to Matt, kissing him on the cheek and then moving out of his embrace. "You know I will", he replies with a cheeky smile. I watch as he drives away and then walk over to where Dane is waiting for me.

"Hey, babe," he says with a grin, kissing me until I am a panting mess. "What do I owe the pleasure" he continues, peppering kisses all over my face. "I just needed to get away for a while. I hope you don't mind me showing up here unexpected," I reply with a shy smile. Maybe I should have called him before I decided to come here.

Suddenly I am nervous about my plan, worrying that he will reject me like Ryder, Saint, West, and Lawson continually do. I need not have worried, however. Within seconds, Dane has dropped the tool in his hand and has lifted me so that I am forced to wrap my arms and legs around his body, his hands leaving greasy fingerprints on my body. "Mind? Babe, it is as if all my Christmas's have come at once," he growls, calling over his shoulder to inform his uncle that he is finishing work early today and not to expect him tomorrow. This right here is why I loved Dane. If only the guys took a page out of his book and treated women like they meant something to them instead of being a shiny possession. "Come on, babe, let's go home", Dane whispers in my ear as he kick starts his motorbike to life.

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