
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

17.7K 595 49

When my father left my mother and me for a better life, I was devastated and naively thought my life couldn't... More

Chapter 1 - Lacey
Chapter 2 - Ryder
Chapter 3 - West
Chapter 4 - Lacey
Chapter 5 - Lacey
Chapter 6 - Lacey
Chapter 8 - Ryder
Chapter 9 - Lacey
Chapter 10 - Lacey
Chapter 11 - Lacey
Chapter 12 - Dane
Chapter 13 - Ryder
Chapter 14 - Lacey
Chapter 15 - Lacey
Chapter 16 - Lacey
Chapter 17 - West
Chapter 18 - Lawson
Chapter 19 - Lacey
Chapter 20 - Saint
Chapter 21 - Lacey
Chapter 22 - Lacey
Chapter 23 - Lacey
Chapter 24 - Lacey
Chapter 25 - Lacey
Chapter 26 - Lawson
Chapter 27 - Lacey
Chapter 28 - Lacey
Chapter 29 - Ryder
Chapter 30 - West
Chapter 31 - Saint
Chapter 32 - Lacey
Chapter 33 - Matt
Chapter 34 - Lacey
Chapter 35 - Ryder
Chapter 36 - Lacey
Chapter 37 - Lacey
Chapter 38 - Lacey - Saint
Chapter 39 - Lacey
Chapter 40 - Ryder

Chapter 7 - Lacey

470 14 0
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

After driving around aimlessly for what genuinely felt like hours Saint finally turned the luxury car around and headed back towards the gated community that we all lived in. Not once did he look at me nor utter a single word? He just white knuckled the steering wheel and ground his teeth the entire time.

Fuck was I sick of his attitude towards me. As he punched in the key code for the gate, I flung the door open and started towards the house at a brisk pace, wanting to be away from Saint and his dark brooding. "What the fuck do you think you are doing Lace," he snarls viciously as he drives up beside me. "What the fuck does it look like I am doing Saint," I sneer back. Done with his bullshit. "I am fucking walking the rest of the way home," I say gesturing towards the house in the distance. "Whatever," he spits out before taking off and leaving me to angry march my way up the slope of the driveway.

By the time I reach the house my blood is boiling. Intentionally ignoring the guys and heading directly for my bedroom, wanting desperately to wash the night away and jump straight into bed where I can silently plot their brutal murders. Just as I am stripping out of my panties the door to the bathroom bursts open. Ryder is glaring savagely at me, his chest heaving convulsively. "What the fuck was that Lacey," he growls menacingly through clenched teeth. I don't bother responding, instead I stalk towards him and start hitting his chest as hard as I can, backing him out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

It isn't until I hear a collective sharp intake of ragged breaths that I realise the entire merry band of assholes are all gathered in my room. Awesome, I think sarcastically. Glaring at each and every one of them I notice they are slack jawed and openly staring at my lack of clothing. Seeing red, I snatch the closest thing to me and hurl it towards them, the vase shattering spectacularly against the wall as they swiftly move out of the way of the projectile. "Get the fuck out of my bedroom," I scream shrilly. "Now," Ryder snaps at his friends as he retreats from my room.

Storming back into my bathroom and locking the door angrily, I then drag the reading chair from its corner and push it under the handle. It won't stop them from getting in, at this point I don't think anything would, but it would at least give me peace of mind and a heads up if they try to enter once more while I am in the shower.

Flinging my underwear against the wall in a fit I march into the shower and stay there until the water has run cold and my fingers are wrinkled liked prunes. I kind of feel bad for using all the hot water, something that I would never have allowed myself to do at my mothers but am satisfied in a childish way hoping that the guys like cold showers.

My lips turn down when I realize that that is probably exactly what they will be doing after my little nude display earlier. Groaning I throw on a fluffy bath robe and head towards my bed, intent on calling Matt and apologizing once more for the guys appalling behavior tonight. Hitting dial on Matts number I sigh because after a few seconds I get a disconnected message from Matt's phone provider. Huh I think, that's weird. Taking the phone away from my ear, I look at the screen to make sure that I had indeed dialed the right number and sure enough Matts name is flashing across the screen. Weird. Huffing I hit end on the call and decide to text Dane.

Me: Hey Dane, how are you? Hope all is well. I miss you so much xx

In a matter of seconds my phone lights up and a reply pops up on my screen.

Dane: Hey babe. How are you? It is Friday night; shouldn't you be out enjoying yourself? Xx

Me: I was until my stepbrother showed up

Dane: Wanna talk about it?

Me: Never mind. How about you? Spending your night partying? I hope you are. You deserve to have fun Dane.

Dane: Nah. I am working over time at my uncles garage.

Me: Why? I didn't think you got along with your uncle.

Dane: I don't

Me: Why then?

Dane: I want to see you babe. I miss you so much. My heart hurts that you are not here. That I can't see or touch you. I guess I never knew what love really was until you left.

Me: Sorry Dane. I didn't want to leave you. And you know how I feel. I don't want you waiting around for me. You deserve to be loved now.

Dane: Does that mean you don't love me anymore Lacey?

Me: Of course not you big goof. I love you so much my heart hurts. But you know the old saying set someone free and all that bullshit. I just don't want you to be lonely.

Dane: I am working so much over time that I don't think I will ever be lonely babe xx I have an end game that I am working hard towards. Us. I am your ride or die baby. I love you Lacey

Argh how am I supposed to reply to that let alone continue to push him towards seeing other people when he writes such pretty words. Not that that is all they are. I know Dane means them. My heart starts to flutter in my chest a little and then is swamped by my feelings of guilt and shame. I miss him so much too. More than he would ever know. Dane has always been my ride or die. Always been there for me to pick me up when I hit rock bottom. Over and over again.

Me: I love you too Dane. I hope you know that xxx

Dane: I do. That is why I am working hard to come and see you babe xxx I have to get back to work, my uncle is calling me a lazy dog for being on my phone *eye roll emoji. Goodnight Lacey xx

Me: Goodnight Dane xx

Sighing I lay back down on the bed. Wishing that Dane were here with me. Hell, I'd even take spending the weekend with my mother and rapist just to see Dane right now. My stomach rumbles ridiculously loud and reminds me that I never got to eat dinner tonight. Clutching my stomach in an effort to shut it up I sit up in bed, tucking my phone into the pocket of my robe and pad silently towards my bedroom door. Placing my ear to it, I listen eagerly to try and distinguish if anyone is loitering in the hall. When I am confident that no one is there I drag the chair back to its previous position and unlock the door slowly. Silently opening it and peering into the hallway.

Satisfied that no one is around I leave my door open and make my way towards the kitchen, hoping like hell that the cook has left something delicious in the fridge that I can microwave quickly and run back to my room to eat.

Not finding anything I fancy in the fridge I grab an apple and head back towards my room. Thankful not to run into one. At the top of the staircase, I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise once more tonight and turn around coming face to face with West. I narrow my eyes at the boy standing before me. "What do you want West" I all but whisper, all my anger from earlier in the night gone?
"I just wanted to see if you wanted something to eat. I noticed you grabbing an apple and know that you must be hungrier than that" he replies, shrugging his shoulders with a sweet smile hovering over his lips. "An apple is fine thank you," I snap, what was with these guys trying to feed me. Was it because they were sorry for my trailer trash ass for growing up poor?

Before I can even blink the apple is sailing over the balcony of the stairs and landing with a thud on the floor below. "Was that necessary West," I ask incredulously. "Yes sweetheart, it was. Come on. The rest of the guys are in the pool house drinking. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I can cook. Come on. I won't bite, promise" West replies, extending a hand towards me.

Tentatively taking his large hand in mine, wanting to believe that he is genuinely being nice to me with no ulterior motive other than making me food. Once my hand is in his, I hear the quick intake of breath that West takes, and I risk a peek at him immediately wishing that I hadn't. Fuck me. He is looking at me like I just gave him the world. West lets out a shaky breath and then starts tugging me gently back towards the kitchen where he instructs me to sit on one of the stools at the island bench.

Once I am seated to his satisfaction, he runs his fingers through my still damp hair, inhaling sharply. "Fuck you smell like a snack sweetheart," he murmurs in my ear before ducking away to grab ingredients from the fridge. And fuck me if his words don't go straight to my traitorous core. Squeezing my thighs together tightly as I watch him move around the kitchen gracefully like he is at home cooking.

West makes quick work of cooking and in no time there is a mouthwatering plate of chicken Caesar salad before me. "Are you not eating" I enquire, noticing that he has only plated food for me. West just shakes his head at me slowly, his eyes twinkling with what I can only assume is anticipation of me trying what he has whipped up for me.

Picking up the fork I can't help but groan when the first bit of salad passes my lips. It was good. Like next level Master Chef shit good. The smile on West's face broadens, and I can't help but return it. West is ridiculously good looking, and he knows it the bastard. I am quickly learning that there is more to West than just a pretty face though.

Finishing the food in no time, almost ashamed of how fast I consumed it but looking at West makes me feel like I have done the right thing by eating everything he served me. "Thank you, West. That was beyond delicious" I say appreciatively as I wash the plate and cutlery up. "Any time sweetheart. Do you want desert," he asks with a devious wink. Man am I tempted to take him up on that. The way he is looking at me has my pussy groaning with want. Pulling my robe tighter, suddenly self-conscience that I am in the kitchen in the middle of the night wearing nothing else, I bid West goodnight and stand ready to head to bed.

"How about a movie. Just the two of us" West asks. "I don't know" I begin to reply "No string attached. Come on sweetheart. It is Friday and the night is still young. I will even let you choose the movie" He rushes to continue. "I will even make popcorn" he adds on, pleading with his eyes.

Oh my god, West with puppy dog eyes, no female in their right mind would be able to resist. "Ok, but let me get changed first, I can't stay naked all night," I reply, gesturing to the robe that I am wearing. West releases a choking sound "Your naked under that? Damn sweetheart, I wish I knew sooner. I may not have been so sweet during dinner," he replies, eyes wide and roaming my body as I start to walk away. Swatting West playfully on the arm as I walk past I let him know that I will be back, decent, in a few minutes.

Once I have pulled on yoga pants and my fave Corpse Husband hoodie I find West in the theatre room and narrow my eyes at him as soon as I see he has made a nest of pillows and blankets on a double recliner. "What" he says, raising his shoulders in question "I said I wouldn't bite. What movie do you want to watch sweetheart" he continues, seemingly to dismiss my unspoken question. Deciding to ignore it for now, I take a seat and flick through the options available on the screen. I ask West if he likes horror, hoping like hell that he does because I am not watching any action bullshit the guys most likely prefer.

"Sure," he replies easily, making himself comfortable beside me. I put on The Nun since I have not seen it and snuggle into the lounge, actually thankful that West has gone to the effort to make us comfortable. Out of all the guys, West seems the most approachable and so far has done nothing but be nice to me. He is not as intense as the others and I find myself relaxing.

Halfway through the movie West yawns and stretches his arms above his head with a ridiculously fake yawn, bringing his arm down around my shoulders. "Smooth," I snort. "Hey, it worked didn't it? You haven't shrugged me off nor told me to fuck off so I will take that as a win," he whispers in my ear gently. Sighing I leave Wests arm around me and turn back towards the screen. To be honest it feels nice to be in his arms and let's face it, I am no virgin and enjoy having the freedom to now be able to choose male touch instead of it being forced on me.

West was gorgeous and I would be lying if I said he didn't give me butterflies so I lean into his embrace and rest my head on his shoulder, allowing myself to get comfortable and breath in his manly scent like he did to me earlier. The move pulls a low rumble from West who tightens his hold on me before he relaxes again and starts drawing patterns on my arm with his fingers. I am unsure if he is aware of what he is doing or not, all I know is that I don't want him to stop. Within minutes the soothing pattern has my eyelids growing heavy and I don't fight it, falling asleep in Wests strong arms.

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