
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

17.7K 595 49

When my father left my mother and me for a better life, I was devastated and naively thought my life couldn't... More

Chapter 1 - Lacey
Chapter 2 - Ryder
Chapter 4 - Lacey
Chapter 5 - Lacey
Chapter 6 - Lacey
Chapter 7 - Lacey
Chapter 8 - Ryder
Chapter 9 - Lacey
Chapter 10 - Lacey
Chapter 11 - Lacey
Chapter 12 - Dane
Chapter 13 - Ryder
Chapter 14 - Lacey
Chapter 15 - Lacey
Chapter 16 - Lacey
Chapter 17 - West
Chapter 18 - Lawson
Chapter 19 - Lacey
Chapter 20 - Saint
Chapter 21 - Lacey
Chapter 22 - Lacey
Chapter 23 - Lacey
Chapter 24 - Lacey
Chapter 25 - Lacey
Chapter 26 - Lawson
Chapter 27 - Lacey
Chapter 28 - Lacey
Chapter 29 - Ryder
Chapter 30 - West
Chapter 31 - Saint
Chapter 32 - Lacey
Chapter 33 - Matt
Chapter 34 - Lacey
Chapter 35 - Ryder
Chapter 36 - Lacey
Chapter 37 - Lacey
Chapter 38 - Lacey - Saint
Chapter 39 - Lacey
Chapter 40 - Ryder

Chapter 3 - West

586 15 0
By xxitsmeimbitchesxx

Sighing with frustration, I give up trying to style my curly black hair. Rushing down the hall I call out a hasty goodbye to my mother as I head out to the garage. It is the first day back at school after the term three holidays and I am keen to see my friends. I know, I know. It sounds weird since I spent the entire holidays with them. Unlocking my black Dodge Ram I slam it into reverse, turning up Pumpkins scream in the dead of night by Savage Ga$p as I floor it out of the estate that Ryder, Saint, Lawson and I live. It was a gaited community for the rich and only five minutes to the prestigious school we all attended, Saint Gabrielle High. Or Saint G, as it was commonly referred to as. After one of my best friends, Ryder, had told me over the weekend that his new stepsister was moving in with him and would be starting school today I was curious and more than a little hopeful that she would be in some of my classes. Fresh meat and all that, recycling women was getting old. I had pestered Ryder for details about her but apparently, he had never met her before even though his mother, the bitch, had married her father several years ago. All Ryder could tell me was that he had seen a photo of her from when she was thirteen and that she had black hair. Great description bro I thought with a snort, pressing down harder on the accelerator making the quick drive to school even quicker.

Pulling into my reserved car park at the front entrance of Saint G I notice my best friends have already arrived. As I shut off the engine, I notice that there is a small crowd around West and Saints cars but noted that Ryders's car was missing, weird I thought. Ryder is usually the first one of us here every morning, I swear that fucker didn't sleep, and of course I was running late this morning due to having problems with trying to tame my wild mane. Climbing quickly out of my truck I sling my backpack over my shoulder and stride confidently towards my friends. Fist bumping Saint and Lawson as I pass them, I toss my backpack onto the ground and lean back onto Lawsons neon pink 1978 XC hardtop Cobra. Fucker had a thing for matching his cars to his pink hair and I'd be damned if it didn't suit his crazy ass. No sooner had I leant back and lit a cigarette a high-pitched squeal assaulted my ears before a tangle of blonde hair and limbs was sitting precariously in my lap. "Lyndsay" I say while blowing smoke in the blonde's face. She was the typical blonde bimbo cheerleader who had clung to our sides for the last few years trying to snag one of us solely for our status. "Aww West, aren't you happy to see me? You sure were happy to have my lips around your and Ryder's cocks on the weekend" She purrs in what I can only assume she thinks is in a seductive tone. "Speaking of Ryder, why isn't he here yet" I question Saint while trying to keep Lyndsay from unbuckling my belt in the carpark, her bimbo friends cheering her on. Just as Saint is about to reply I hear the unmistakable rumble or Ryders black 1971 Holden HS GTS Monaro pulling into the school. As he parks the group surrounding us suddenly starts whispering and walking towards Ryder as he gets out of his car with a huge fucking grin on his face. "What's up with Ryder. The fucker is never happy" Lawson asks as we watch Ryder stalk swiftly to his passenger jaw. Shit, colour me fucking curious. Ryder never allows anyone in his car, moments later I finally see why he is grinning like a loon on crack.

As Ryder opens the passenger door a creamy, slender hand grabs hold of his offered arm followed by the most gorgeous female I have ever seen in my life. Clutching onto Ryder's arm tightly she steps nervously out to stand beside him. "Fuck me" I groan while standing up to get a better view of the vixen. My lust filled vision fades quickly when I hear a screech coming from below me. Whoops, I forgot what's her face was sitting in my lap, she is pissed off at the humiliation of being dumped on her ass in front of everyone and when Lyndsay notices where all our eyes are pinned hers narrow into jealous slits. Shrugging my shoulders at Lyndsay, I step over her and stride confidently towards Ryder and the newcomer, hoping like fuck that it is his stepsister that will be living with him. "Ryder" I acknowledge as I approach, not taking my eyes off the goddess in front of me. She is like a doll with big green, doe eyes, hourglass figure with the longest, straight black hair that has me instantly fantasizing about wrapping it tightly around my fists as I fuck her from behind. Ryder clears his throat, quickly pulling me out of my fantasy. Adjusting my hard cock in my jeans I offer her my hand, wanting to touch her so badly. Looking to Ryder she hesitantly places her small hand in mine pulling a moan from my lips at how soft they are. Holy shit was she tiny, she couldn't be any taller than 5'4 and was deliciously dwarfed by my hulking 6'2 frame. "And who might you be sweetheart" I ask, mourning the loss of her hand in mine as she nervously wraps her arms around her tiny waist, pushing her lush tits up higher in the process. "Lacey" she replies shyly in a soft voice that sends sparks of electricity straight to my balls. Before I can ask her any more questions, Lacey is suddenly lifted in the air by Lawson who shouts "Mine" as he starts to run towards the front door of the school carrying her like a caveman causing everyone around us to break out into laughter. Looking at Ryder I can see the muscle in his jaw ticking, pissed off that our crazy fucking friend has somehow managed to snatch Lacey away from us within minutes of her arriving. Lawson is crazy but has never shown such a public display towards a woman before, so I knew I was not the only one smitten with Lacey already. By the look on Ryder's face, he too had some interest in his stepsister, interesting. It seemed he was willing to take a crack at her too. Looking back over my shoulder I wink at Saint, he of course wore the same perpetually angry look on his face as he tells me to fuck off and storms towards the school just as the bell rings. Laughing I head in after him, wondering if I would get a chance to see Lacey again before class.

Making my way into first period it doesn't take me long to find Lawson, what takes me longer to process is the fact that he still has Lacey tightly in his arms, squirming in his lap, face flushed with embarrassment. The poor girl looks uncomfortable and close to tears, for some reason I take pity on her "Lawson, let her go man". I'm totally not jealous at all. To that he simply laughs and releases his death grip on her but not before being a total creeper and running his tongue from her collarbone to ear, making little Lacey shiver. From lust or disgust I couldn't tell; I only knew I was jealous. Ok, there I admit it. I am so fucking jealous. Glancing towards Lawson we both rearrange our junk. "That's wifey right there bro" he says with a grin that is threatening to split his face in two as he watches Lacey scurry away towards an empty seat at the front of the class.

"Good morning class" Mr Marone calls from the front of the room, effectively quieting the entire room of its chatter. No doubt everyone has noticed the new girl, especially the guys. The thought pisses me off. Even more so now that I realise that Lacey has sat between two of the biggest twats at Saint G, Matt Evergreen and James Branson. Both of whom were fighting for her attention, making me narrow my eyes at them, wishing looks could kill. Feeling my gaze Matt turns around in his chair, smirking at me as he draps his arm casually on the back of her chair, making Lacey stiffen in her seat as he runs his fingers through her long, silky black hair. Bastard. Before I can do anything stupid Mr Marone cuts through my murderous thoughts. "As you are probably aware we have a new student joining us today, Lacey could you please stand up and introduce yourself". What a complete dick. Didn't he realize that not one single person liks to stand up in a room full of peers to talk about themselves, judging by how stiff Lacey currently was I knew she had been hoping that the teacher wasn't going to do her dirty like that. Not only was he a dick for putting Lacey on the spot but the way he openly trailed his perverted eyes down her body, licking his lips made me want to beat him into pulp so badly that he couldn't see for weeks. Dirty fucker.

After a couple of tense seconds, you could have heard a pin drop as everyone waited for her to rise. Lacey finally got to her feet, slowly turning around to face the class. "Hi" She says sweetly in such a low voice it makes me unconsciously scoot forward in my seat so that I didn't miss a word she says. "My name is Lacey Silverton" she continues hurriedly before hastily sitting back down. Curious. Lacey is as timid as a mouse. It would make wooing her so much easier if I played my cards right, she would be mine in no time. I had never wanted anyone in my life as much as I wanted her in that moment. Fuck the no dating rule we lived by. Lacey must be mine. And soon.

The class drags on and I find myself staring at Lacey more often than not. Leaning over my desk I ask Lawson what he thought of the new girl, stupid question I know since his earlier display but I suddenly had to know if Lacey was going to become a problem for us. "Hey pinkie pie, you chasing that" I ask trying to keep a bored tone to my voice. "You know I am" he replies without hesitation, dragging his eyes off of her long enough for me to see the wicked glint in his eyes. A soft laughter reaches my ears, sending shivers down my spine at the delicious sound of it followed by a stab of jealousy for not being the one to have produced that sound from Lacey. Lawson must have been thinking the same thing as the next second he is out of his chair and striding towards the front of the class, startling Lacey as he yanks her from his seat and carries her back to where we are sitting bridal style. The room erupts in cheers and cat calls at the display as Lawson unexpectedly dumps Lacey in my lap. I don't get a chance to ask him what he is doing before he turns around and stalks back towards Matt, grabbing the front of his jacket and hauling him to his feet in one swift motion. Lawson is 6'1, jacked and crazy so he makes the move seem effortless. Mr Monroe starts to protest but Lawson glares at him as he drags a struggling Matt towards the door, we practically owned this school as our families had founded it as well as funded it. We are untouchable here and the prick knows it.

Lacey stills in my arms, thankfully as her squirming has my dick straining against the zipper of my jeans uncomfortably, having her on my lap I could see why Lawson hadn't wanted to let her go earlier. She smells like jasmine and sin all wrapped up in a delectable body. "What is he going to do to him" she asks in a small voice, turning her head slightly so that she can see my face. "Nothing that he doesn't deserve sweetheart" I reply in a breathy tone. Shit was this vixen screwing with my head right now. "Because he talked to me" she asks, her eyes wide in horror and struggling against my hold of her. Not bothering to reply I just wink at her making her gasp in shock. "Please let me go, you are embarrassing me, I don't want you and your friends manhandling me" she whispers, all eyes suddenly on us. "Let them look sweetheart, the sooner they realize they don't have a chance with you the better". Before Lacey can reply Lawson bursts back through the door and I catch a glimpse of Matt laying crumpled in the hallway before the door swings shut. Within seconds he is lifting Lacey from my grasp and placing her back in his lap. "Please let me go" she implores. "Shhh I am trying to pay attention to Mr Monroe" Lawson whispers back through gritted teeth. Crazy fucker. Looking down to his knuckles I notice that they are busted and covered in blood. Shit, he has it bad by the looks of it. Lawson is usually the last one of us to use his fists.

Time passes quickly as I am lost in my own thoughts before the bell rings excusing us from class. Not that I have a single clue what was even discussed or even if we were given any homework. My mind only has thoughts of Ryders new stepsister. I knew without a doubt whose house we would be spending all our time at now. Lacey shoots out of Lawsons lap at a speed I wouldn't think possible as she races for the door, trying to put some distance between us and herself. "Rock, Paper, Scissors for her" Lawson asks casual as fuck as we make our way down the hall to our next class. "For whom" comes Ryders voice from behind me. "Who do you think dickhead" Saint replies sarcastically as he joins us at our lockers as we grabbed our books for our next class. "There is only one shiny new toy, your new stepsister" he spits with contempt while shoulder barging me and walking off. "What's his problem today" I question, eyebrow cocked. "He looks like someone kicked his fucking puppy". "He just thinks that Lace is going to be a problem, he has seen the way you two dickheads have lost your heads over her and she has only been in school an hour" Ryder states, a small smile hovering on his lips. "Lace huh, already giving your sister cute names. Man, you've got it bad". Ryder doesn't deny my statement, instead he punches me hard in the shoulder and walks off. I look at Lawson who is smiling like a loon at the exchange, so I hold my fist up "Paper, scissors, rocks" I say holding eye contact with him. Looking down I curse to myself; fucker has my paper beaten with scissors. "Best out of three" I call desperately as he saunters cockily away from me. "I think not bitch, I won fair and square" he replies as he opens the door to enter his next class. Fuck my life I groan.

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