Sonic X x Male Reader

By blueworrier

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At a base in the middle of the night. The evil Dr. Eggman took the seven Chaos Emeralds and a hostage. Sonic... More

S1 Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks
S1 Chapter 2: Sonic and Y/n to the Rescue
S1 Chapter 3: Missile Wrist Rampage
S1 Chapter 4: Chaos Emerald Chaos
S1 Chapter 5: Cracking Knuckles
S1 Chapter 6: Techno Teacher
S1 Chapter 8: Satellite Swindle
S1 Chapter 9: The Last Resort
S1 Chapter 10: Unfair ball
Mini part: A Talk Between Inventors
S1 Chapter 11: Fly Spy and Cool Guy
S1 Chapter 12: Beating Eggman Part1
S1 Chapter 13: Beating Eggman Part2
S1 Chapter 14: That's What Friends Are for
S1 Chapter 15: Skirmish in the Sky
S1 Chapter 16: Depth of Danger
S1 Chapter 17: A Regular Day
S1 Chapter 18: The Dam Scam
S1 Chapter 19: Sonic and Y/n's Scream Test
S1 Chapter 20: Cruise Blues
S1: Chapter 21: Fast Friends
S1 Chapter 22: Little Chao Lost
S1 Chapter 23: Emerald Anniversary
S1 Chapter 24: How to catch a Hedgehog
S1 Chapter 25: A Dastardly Deed
S1 Chapter 26: Countdown to Chaos
S2 Chapter 1: Pure Chaos
S2 Chapter 2: A Chaotic Day
S2 Chapter 3: A Robot Rebels
S2 Chapter 4: Head's up, Tail
S2 Chapter 5: Revenge of the Robot
S2 Chapter 6: Flood Fight
S2 Chapter 7: Project Shadow
S2 Chapter 8: Shadow Knows
S2 Chapter 9: Sonic's Big Break
S2 Chapter 10: Shadow World
S2 Chapter 11: Robotnik's Revenge
S2 Chapter 12: Showdown in Space
S2 Chapter 13: Defective Detectives
S2 Chapter 14: Sunblock Solution
S2 Chapter 15: Eggman for President
S2 Chapter 16: A Date to Forget
S2 Chapter 17: Mean Machines
S2 Chapter 18: Supersonic and Electrical Heroes Appear!
S2 Chapter 19: Prize Fights
S2 Chapter 20: A Wild Win
Mini Part: Sick Day
S2 Chapter 21: Map of Mayhem
S2 Chapter 22: The Volcanic Venture
S2 Chapter 23: The Beginning of the End
S2 Chapter 24: Running out of Time
S2 Chapter 25: Friends 'Til the End
S2 Chapter 26: A New Start
S3 Chapter 1: A Cosmic Call
S3 Chapter 2: Cosmic Crisis
S3 Chapter 3: H2 Whoa
S3 Chapter 4: An Enemy in Need
S3 Chapter 5: Chilling Discovery
S3 Chapter 6: Desperately Seeking Sonic
S3 Chapter 7: Galactic Gumshoes
S3 Chapter 8: Trick Sand
S3 Chapter 9: Ship of Doom
S3 Chapter 10: An Underground Odyssey
S3 Chapter 11: Station Break-In
S3 Chapter 12: A Metarex Melee
S3 Chapter 13: Mission: Match up
S3 Chapter 14: Clash in the Cloister
S3 Chapter 15: Testing Time
S3 Chapter 16: The Planet of Misfortune
S3 Chapter 17: Terror On the Typhoon
S3 Chapter 18: Hedgehog Hunt
S3 Chapter 19: Zelkova Strikes Back
S3 Chapter 20: True Dragoon (Part 1)
S3 Chapter 21: True Dragoon (Part 2)
S3 Chapter 22: The Cosmo Conspiracy

S1 Chapter 7: Party Hardly

6.3K 154 262
By blueworrier

Chris, Cream, and Cheese were in Chris's room.

Chris: Now, remember, Cream, you too, Cheese, stay inside while I'm gone, okay?

Cream: Okay.

Cheese: Chao.

Chris: I'll see ya later.

Chris walked out of there and both Cream and Cheese had sad expressions on their faces and they went out on the balcony.

Cream: I don't want to stay inside. I want to go outside and play.

She saw something outside and her face lit up.

With the others.

Tails, Amy, Sonic, and Y/n were in the attic of Chris's Garage and Amy didn't have her bandages on anymore.

Y/n: And that is how I tortured that guy into giving me his tools.

Amy: We didn't even ask, you just sat down and started talking about torture.

They then heard giggling outside.

Amy: Huh? That sounds like Cream and Cheese outside.

Y/n and Amy ran to the window Tails was close to and they saw Cream picking flowers.

Tails: I wonder what she's doing out there, guys.

Amy: I bet Cream's out there gathering some flowers.

Tails: She knows we're supposed to stay inside while Chris is at school. What's so important about going outside to pick flowers.

Y/n: And don't say to get a boy's attention.

Tails: Oh...


Tails saw Cream in a flower field and walked over to her.

Tails: Hi, Cream, what're you doing there?

Cream turned around with a bunch of Flowers in her hands.

Cream: I'm gonna surprise my mom by making her a crown out of flowers.

Back to present.

Tails: I guess she misses her mom.

Amy: Of course she does. I just wish... I just wish we could do something to cheer her up.

Y/n: I honestly don't understand.

Amy: What do you mean?

Y/n: Why would someone waste time just for someone else.

Amy became a little angry.

Amy: It's called love for a mother, not that you would even know what that means.

Tails: Yeah, you don't even talk about your mom.

Sonic grabbed a poster and ran out of there.

Tails: Huh?

Amy: Sonic? Where do you guys think he's going?

Y/n: It doesn't matter. Look, if you want to know something about my mother, fine. See this neck scarf I have?

They both look at his gray neck scarf.

Amy/Tails: Yeah.

Y/n: It belonged to my mother.

Amy: Aw, it's sweet that you keep something of your mother's around to remember her by.

Y/n: Look, I need to get Cream in here

He ran out of there as quickly came back with Cream.

Cream: What's going on?

Y/n: You are not suppose to leave Christopher's room.

Cream: But-

Y/n: But nothing. We do not exist, we are suppose to stay in the shadows, understand?

Cream looked down.

Cream: Yes.

Y/n: Now, that's a good girl.

He was about to walk out until Amy stopped him.

Amy: Do you wanna explain why you're always such a jerk?

Y/n: Why should I tell you?

Tails: Y/n, you've shown a lot of times we can trust you, so why can't you trust us?

Y/n: Trust is a two way street, Tails. You all have a long way to go before you earn mine.

Tails: How do we do that?

Y/n: I'm not inclined to tell you. Now, this conversation is over.

He was about to leave but Amy stopped him again.

Amy: You can't just end the conversation whenever you want.

Y/n: Get out of my way, Amy, or do you want to end up back in those bandages.

Amy hesitantly got out of the way and he went on the roof.

Amy: What a jerk.

In Chris's dinning room.

There was a lot of burnt food on his table and Chris's mom was wearing an apron while also holding a plate of burned pancakes.

Lindsey: It's marvelous to be back in the kitchen again. On my movie sets, the chefs won't let me cook a thing.

Y/n was outside watching them.

Y/n: I wonder why?

Back inside.

Lindsey: Here are your buttermilk pancakes, dear. Enjoy!

Y/n: If I killed her I'd actually be doing Christopher a favor.

Chris picked up a pancake but it broke apart.

Y/n: I can't watch this.

He ran back to the lab.

Amy: Where'd you go?

Y/n: Well, I had to leave before I watched Christopher kill himself on his retarded mother's cooking.

Amy gasped and covered her mouth.

Tails: Whoa, Y/n, there's no need to roll out the R word.

Y/n: Whatever.

He looked around.

Y/n: Where's Cream?

Inside the dinning room.

Ella walked into the dinning room.

Ella: Oh, my. I smell something burning. Oh.

Lindsey: Oh, Ella, it's so good to be home again. I have an idea. Let's have a big party.

Chris: Party?

Cream and Cheese were near the door listening in.

Lindsey: Yes, a dinner party, tonight. We can all dress up. I'm sure Ella can prepare something absolutely scrumptious.

Chris and Ella smiled.

Chris: A party is a great idea, and do you think you can invite your brother Sam to come over since he's my favorite uncle?

Lindsey: Of course, darling. You can have anything you want.

She hugged Chris.

Lindsey: Anything at all for my adorable baby boy.

Ella: If we're having a party tonight, this calls for heavy-duty cleaning. Time to clear some clutter.

Ella ran off.

Cream: Wow, a party! This is great. I love parties.

Y/n: There you are.

Y/n showed up and took Cream's hand.

Y/n: Come on.

They started to walk.

Cream: But Y/n, there's going to be a party.

Y/n: All the more reason we should go back into hiding.

Cream: Amy and Tails let me go.

Y/n: And guess where that got them.

They got to the attic and Cream saw Tails and Amy putting bandages on there arms and torsos.

Cream: Tails! Amy! What happened!

Tails: When we told Y/n you snuck past us-

Amy: He beat us like a couple of drums!

Y/n: You should have been more observant of her.

Cream and Cheese had and anger expression on their faces.

Cream: Why would you do that, Y/n?!

Cheese: Chao chao!

Y/n: That wouldn't have happened if you didn't sneak away from them, so next time just stay-

Chuck: (from downstairs) Hey, Y/n, could you help me out with something?!

Y/n: (sigh) I need to go see what Chuck wants, but this conversation is far from over. You two will watch her better

He walked down stairs and Cream sadly looked at her two friends.

Tails: Please, don't leave.

Cream: I'll just go back to Chris's room.

She walked down stairs while Cheese flew behind her and they both snuck past Y/n and Chuck who were working on some kind of device.

Y/n: Well, here's your problem. A gear is crushing this wire, which is what's disrupting the electromagnetic flow, I should be able to fix it in five seconds.

Chuck: Thanks, Y/n.

At Chris's school.

Chris was talking to him friends.

Green jacket kid: A party?

Chris: Yeah, my mom wants us to have fun while she's home. My uncle's coming for the party, too.

Overalls girl: The racer?

Chris: Yeah, he's the coolest, and he's the leader of the S Team.

Mr. Stewart was listening in on their conversation.

Back at Chris's house.

Cream was sitting on Chris's bed making a flower crown with white and yellow flowers.

Cream: This crown doesn't have enough flowers.

She laid The unfinished crown down on the bed and stood up.

Cream: (sigh) I better pick more.

She walked out the door with Cheese behind her.

In the lab.

Y/n: Where is she now?!?!

Tails: It's okay. She just went back to Chris's room, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't seen.

Y/n: I'm gonna check in there, and if I found out you lied to me, get ready to have a black eye each.

Amy: Fine, and we'll come with you, and if she is there then you owe me a free hammer shot.

Y/n: Deal.

Y/n grabbed Amy and jumped over to Chris's balcony while Tails flew over there with his tails and they all saw that the room didn't have anyone in there.

Y/n: Well, you both know what happens next.

Tails: Wait, Y/n please. We swear-

Y/n put Amy down and punched Tails in the eye before he could finish and that badly bruised it.

Y/n: Okay, Amy. Now you get yours.

Amy: Y/n, no, I'll do any-

Y/n punched her in the eye too and it got as badly bruised as Tails.

Y/n: Now that we got that out of the way, I need to go find Cream.

Amy: Okay, (sob) why do you care so much about Cream all the sudden?

Y/n: Just go back to the lab with Tails while i-

Chuck: (from far away) Y/n, if you're in there I need you!

Y/n sighed and ran to where Chuck's voice came from.

Y/n: What do you need?

Chuck: I'm sorry to bother you about this, but I need your help with a suit.

Y/n took a pause.

Y/n: And you try to prove to me that you're not senile, when you can't even get a suit on by yourself.

At Chris's school.

Chris was getting his backpack out of his locker and Mr. Stewart approached him.

Mr. Stewart: Hey, Chris.

Chris: Huh?

Mr. Stewart: I haven't been teaching here long, but I just wanted to say thanks. I'm really lucky to have so many intelligent and talented kids in my class.

Chris: Uhh...

Mr. Stewart: You kids are terrific and I want to know all of you better. So I'm coming to visit you and your family later today.

Chris's face became more panicked.

Mr. Stewart: Huh, I can't wait to meet your mom and get her autograph.


Chris got back home.

Chris: Hey, I'm home!

Mr. Tanaka greeted him.

Mr. Tanaka: How was school today, Master Christopher?

Chris: It was pretty good, Mr. Tanaka.

Lindsey walked to Chris and hugged him really tight.

Lindsey: Oh, Chris, darling, you're home.

Chris: I hope it's okay, but my teacher mr. Stuart's coming over today to visit, and it sounds like he's a really big fan of your movies, Mom.

Lindsey: That reminds me. What am I going to wear? I should've had the studio send over a gown.

Chuck: I feel sorry for dogs.

Chuck was walking down the stairs with a suit over a green button-up shirt and a red a tie with a collar.

Chuck: How do they stand it? This collar's killing me.

Chris: How come you're wearing those clothes, Grandpa?

Chuck: Mr. Tanaka said I couldn't wear my lab coat to the party. I don't see why not.

Y/n peeked out from the stairs railing.

Y/n: Yeah, my father always wore his lab coat whenever he hosted dinner parties.

Chris: (Whispered: Y/n, what are you doing out?)

Y/n: (Whispered: I'm trying to find two certain someone's.)

Chris: (Whispered: Who?)

The three of them looked into the living room and saw Cream and Cheese a putting up a child made decoration and both Chris and Chuck gasped.

Chris: It's Cream and Cheese.

Y/n: And it's who I'm looking for.

Lindsey walked up out of nowhere.

Lindsey: Is something wrong?

Y/n hid behind the railing while Chris and Chuck waved their arms around so Lindsay couldn't see the living room.

Chuck/Chris: (frantically) Uh, no, nothing to see here.

Lindsey: Uh, what's the matter with you two?

Chris: Everything's okay here, Mom. You better hurry up and get ready. Me and Grandpa will take care of the rest of the decorating for tonight's party.

Lindsey: But there's still plenty of time.

Chris: Yeah, but you know how time flies when you're putting on your makeup. Right, Grandpa?

Chuck saw Y/n was getting ready to strike Lindsey.

Chuck: Uh... Yes. And don't forget all of the food that has to be prepared, too.

Lindsey: Oh, well, I'll go see how Ella's doing in the kitchen.

She walked off and both Chris and Chuck made a sigh of relief.

Y/n: Come on, let's go get Cream.

Chris and Y/n ran into the living room.

Chris: What are you two doing here, Cream?

Ella opened another door that went into the living room but Y/n grabbed Cream and ducked down.

Y/n: I told you to stay up in the lab, what are you doing here?

Cream: Me and Cheese only wanted to help Chris get ready for his party.

Mr. Tanaka: Master Chris might understand, but Mr. Y/n not so much.

They looked up and saw Mr. Tanaka was viewing them over the couch.

Mr. Tanaka: It is very thoughtful of you to help us get ready, Cream.

Y/n: Before you ask. Yes, he does know about us, Christopher, and he's agreed to keep it a secret.

Chris: Well, okay.

They all turned to where Cream and Cheese were but they were gone.

Chris: Hold on! They're gone.

Y/n: Let's split up.


Lindsey was getting ready.

Lindsey: This should do... at least for my entrance.

Her phone started to ring.

Lindsey: Interruptions.

She picked up.

Lindsey: Hello. (gasp) What's that? The starring role? I'll catch the next plane. Oh, actually I'm having a little party for my son tonight. I'm afraid I'll have to leave tomorrow morning.

Cream was walking and stood in front of Lindsey's door.

Lindsey: Oh, I didn't realize. We have to shoot on location first thing tomorrow morning? I know. You can't put a $100-million production on hold for a party. I'll leave immediately. Goodbye.

She hung up and the lights in her room turned off.

Lindsey: Why does it always have to happen this way? I don't even have time to spend with my little boy. I may be a great actress, but I'm a terrible mother. Please forgive me, Christopher.

She started to cry.

Y/n: Well, she definitely doesn't get hired as an actress for her acting skills.

Cream and Cheese turned around and saw Y/n behind them.

Cream: Y/n?

Y/n grabbed Cream's wrist and dragged her into Chris's room.

Y/n: Why do you always wander off?

Cream: I'm sorry, Y/n, but did you hear? Chris's mom has to leave.

Y/n: Good, Christopher would be a lot better off without that retard around.

Cream: What's a retard?

Y/n: Not your concern right now, what is your concern is that you will be locked up in this room until Christopher's teacher and Uncle leave, understood?

He saw that Cream and Cheese left again.

Y/n: Cream!

Later with Chris.

Chris went up into the lab and saw Tails and Amy holding ice packs to their eyes.

Chris: What happened to you two?

Tails: Well, Y/n decided to make us his personal punching bags.

Chris: I'm sorry to hear that.

Tails: Why are you here, anyway?

Chris: I'm looking for Cream and Cheese.

Chuck: Weren't they with you and Y/n?

Y/n got into the lab through the window and looked around real quick.

Y/n: Just my luck, instead of finding the people I was originally trying to find, I found a bunch of other guys I don't really care about.

Amy made a less than amused face.

Amy: Nice to see you too, Y/n.

Chris: Hey, why'd you hit them, Y/n?!

Y/n: That's not important. I finally got Cream and Cheese again, but they somehow got away from me without me noticing.

Chris: Oh.

Y/n: Also, your mother.

Chris: (sigh) What rude thing are you going to say about my mom now?

Y/n: Actually, I was going to tell you she abandoned you again.

Chris: Oh, no way!

Y/n: Look, we don't have the time to talk about this. We need to work together and find those two brats.

Amy: Fine. We'll help you, but you're going to pay for calling her that later.


Y/n was going through the trees and he was looking for Cream and Cheese until he saw her behind a curtain inside.

Y/n: (Thinking: All right, as long as she stays there she should be fine.)

He looked at the rest of the room and saw Ella, Chris, Chuck, Mr. Tanaka, and the guy who chase him a mouth back was also there.)

Sonic showed up with a bunch of white flowers in his hand.

Y/n: (Whispered: Where have you been this entire time?)

Sonic: (Whispered: I was getting some special flowers for Cream. Why are we whispering?)

Y/n: (Whispered: Because a bunch of people are in there, and I do not want to get caught. So, just go.)

Sonic: (Whispered: Okay.)

Cream walked out from the curtain until Ella grabbed her and picked her up.

Y/n: (Whispered: Oh no.)

Chris took Cream from Ella and Y/n let out a sigh of relief cuz he guessed that Chris probably convinced Ella that Cream with a doll not long after, the guy who chased Sonic and Y/n a while back walked through the door.

Y/n: (Thinking: Great, this idiot again, and he's Christopher's uncle.)


Sam was laughing while everyone else had a deadpan face.

Sam: There are only two guys who are faster.

He thought back to that night.

Sam: I never seen anything move that fast before, yet a loan two at the same time. But don't you worry, I'll catch up with them one day, and don't make one of them pay for killing my buddy.

Mr. Stewart: Really? What did they look like?

Sam: It's weird, but they were like some blue Hedgehog. They had spikes-

He looked outside and saw Sonic.

Sam: Hey, there's one.

Y/n grab dystonic and pulled him out of the view before anyone could see him.

Sam: The light blue one took him away and is probably going to kill him.


Y/n punched Sonic really hard on the nose.

Sonic: Ow!

Y/n: I told you not to be so over confident that you won't be seen.

Sonic: But I wasn't, was I?

Y/n punched Sonic again and he heard Cream talk and run of of there crying.

Y/n: Great.

Y/n ran off and stopped Cream as she was running and crying.

Y/n: Why would you do that?!

Cream: Do what?

Y/n: You just had to talk and expose us.

Cream: I had to say something! I couldn't just let Chris talk about his mom that way!

Y/n: Well, she deserved every word he said and a lot more. After all, what kind of mother would just leave their child for a stupid movie role.

Tails and Amy finally caught up.

Tails: What's going on?

Cream: Well, he's lucky he can call his mom on the phone whenever he wants while I can't talk to my mom ever!

Y/n: Well, you're lucky to have a parent at all!

All three of them looked at him in shock.

Amy: Have... a parent at all?

Cream: W-What do you mean by that?

Y/n realized what he said.

Y/n: I-I said too much.

He ran off and that left Cream sitting there thinking.

Cream: (Thinking: Does he not have a mom or and dad at all?)

Later at night.

Ella, Cream, and Cheese were in the kitchen.

Cream: Sonic and my other friends we'll find a way to get us back home, until then you can take care of me.

Ella: (crying) I will, Cream, I will.

Cream: Thank you, Ella.

Cream looked down.

Cream: You know, there is another one who takes care of me and I don't think I was very appreciative of him.

Y/n was with Chris in his room and was laying on Chris's bed.

Y/n: So, you told Ella everything, huh?

Chris: Yeah, it felt like it would make things a lot easier.

Y/n: You're right, Chris.

Chris smiled and realized what Y/n said.

Chris: Hey, you called me Chris instead of calling me Christopher like you usually do.

Y/n looked away and blush a bit.

Y/n: I meant to call you Christopher.

Sonic walked in with a bandaid on his nose.

Chris: Let me guess, Y/n?

Sonic: You guessed it.

Chris sighed and looked down.

Sonic: What's wrong, Chris? Why are you sad?

Chris: I didn't mean it when I complained about my mom missing the party, but Cream got really angry. I didn't even think about how bad she misses her mother. I just hope she doesn't stay mad at me.

Y/n: I wouldn't worry about it too much. After all, she was in the wrong.

Chris: What?

Y/n: I don't know what you said about your mother, but I do know whatever you said she deserved it, and if Cream gets mad at me, well then I couldn't care less.

Chris: Y/n, what's bringing this on?

Y/n: Lots of people miss their mothers, so why does Cream act like she's the only one. Plus, Cream is only six, she probably forgot why she was mad at you in the first place.

Cream ran into Chris's room with two flower crowns.

Cream: Hello, Chris. I made this specially for you. Do you want to put it on?

Chris kneeled down and Cream put one of the crowns on his head.

Y/n: I told you she wouldn't be mad.

Cream got on the bed with Y/n.

Cream: Y/n, I want to say two things to you.

Y/n: Is it about the conversation we had earlier?

Cream: No, the first thing I want to say is I'm sorry.

Y/n looked at her at with confusion.

Y/n: Sorry?

Cream: I knew I shouldn't have came out of either the room or the lab, but I left anyway.

Y/n: (sigh) I'll forgive you this time.

Cream: The second thing I want to tell you is thank you.

Y/n got even more confused.

Y/n: Thank me? For what?

Cream: You took care of me, and brought me food, and to both thank you and apologize to you.

She got out the other flower crown from behind her back while had light blue and orange flowers on it.

Y/n: Wha?

He took the crown from her.

Y/n: But I was... mean to you.

Cream: I know, but I made you a crown anyway.

Y/n stared at the crown for a minute and then put it on. He then looked at Cream and pated her on the head.

Y/n: Thank you.

Cream hugged Y/n and then walked to the door.

Cream: Now I'm gonna go give Ella her flowers.

She waved bye to Y/n and Y/n waved and smiled back. When you noticed it his smile disappeared and he blushed.

Sonic: Come on, Y/n, we all know you have a soft spot.

Y/n: Shut up.

Sonic: You and Chris should feel honored. Cream only gives her flower crowns to the people she likes a lot.

Y/n felt a warm feeling inside his chest.

To be continued.

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