Power Rangers Dino Thunder|Gr...

By chocolatelover_111

30.5K 620 90

[completed] Seven years after Tommy Oliver left the Turbo Rangers, he comes to Reefside, California as a high... More

1.Day of Dino (1)
2.Day of Dino (2)
3.Wave Goodbye
4. Legacy of power
5. Back in Black
6. Diva In Distress
7. Game On.
8. Golden Boy.
9. Beneath The Surface.
10. Ocean Alert.
11. White Thunder (1)
12. White Thunder (2)
13. White Thunder (3)
14. Truth And Consequences.
15. Leader Of The Whack
16. Burning At Both Ends.
17. The Missing Bone.
18. Bully For Ethan.
19. Its a mad mad mackarel
20. Copy That
22. A Star is Torn.
23. A Ranger Exclusive.
24. Tutenhawkens Curse.
25. Dissappearing Act.
26. Fighting Spirit.
27. The Passion Of Conner.
28. Isnt it Lava-ly.
29. Strange Relations.
30. Thunder Storm (1)
31. Thunder storm (2).
32. Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Wear Helmets.
33. House Of Cards.
34. A Test Of Trust.
35. A loop In Time.
36. Thunder Struck (1)
37. Thunder Struck (2).
38. History
39. Wormhole
New Book!

21. Triassic Triumph.

430 12 2
By chocolatelover_111

The four rangers entered storm charges and walked towards Hayley who was smiling brightly. "Someone looks pretty happy today."

"Oh hey just so good to have Trent back." She replied. "Yeah with a new attitude adjustment he's lost likeable." The others shook their head as Trent walked towards them. "I heard that."

He walked towards Hayley. "Two more cyber berry blasts please." She nodded and went to get it. Conner looked at Trent. "So how's it going?"

"Fantastic I feel like a new man." Kira nodded. "We're just glad the old man is back." Rhea laughed ad they looked at her. "What she called him old?"

They shook their heads and turned back to Trent. "Your one of us now. No more secrets."

"Youd right." He nodded as Hayley out the 2 glasses on his tray and he took it and sighed whispering. "No more secrets." He went to serve it.

The four sat down on the table doing their homework. Trent came and collected their empty glasses. Ethan looled at him. "Let's go. That report ain't going to write itself."

I'll catch up with you at the library." He said and fist bumped him walking away. Conner noticed something and got up looking at a guy holding a football. "What's he's deal?"

The three got up and stood next to him looking at the guy. Cassidy and Devan went to talk to the guy before he left. "Alexi parpara. Exchange student soccer genius so what do you think about the soccer scene here at reefside? And do you think we have a shot at superball."

Alexis looks around and Devan looks at Cassidy. "Uh Cass they don't have superpowers. It's called a world cup."

"Cup-O whatever." She looked back at Alexis. "So what do you think of the team?"

"No I'm sorry I can't speak with you now." He said and quickly left. "Okay uh whats with that?"

"She's never cared about soccer before." Conner told the others. "Atleast she has never wanted to interview me."

"Someone's looking A little green than red." Ethan said. Rhea nodded. "Yeah leave the green to me Conner." They laughed.

Conner smiled shaking her head. "I'm not jealous. It's just if he's that good. He should be in our club team. I'm going to go see if he's joined up with anyone."

Rhea nodded shouting before he left. "And while your at it ask for his number he's kind of cute."

Ethan and Kira chuckled nodding looking at him leave. "Jelous."

"So jelous."

The four were walking to the library and Conner explained to them how the new guy just completely ignored him and left. "Don't you think it was rude. I mean he doesn't even think about it. He just walks away."

"I'm sure he's got a good reason." Kira shrugged. "Why don't you just ask him again?"

"Nah his ego won't let him." Rhea shrugged. Ethan sighed and stopped. "Look I'd love to stay and hang this out with you guys but if I don't get to the library soon I'm totally going to fail this project."

He was about to leave but zeltrax came infront of them. "Then prepare to fail blue ranger."

They looked at him and Ethan sighed. "I knew I should have gone straight there."

Zeltrax raised his hand and snapped his fingers and a white blur came with full speed and attacked the four making them fall.

"Good work." The four looked to see a white monster and......Trent? "Didn't even break a sweat."

"Trent?" Kira asked. "This can't be real."

"Oh its real." Zeltrax told them. The rangers grunted and got up from the ground. "What are you doing Trent?"

"I don't know a Trent." He said. "I just know that you will soon be destroyed."

Conner shook his head. "I am so not in the mood for this." They removed their morphers. "Ready?"


"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

"Dino power."

They got ready to attack. Zeltrax came forward. "Wait allow me." He ram forward. "Let's get a better view."

"Right." The the two monsters jumped up and was in kne of th balconies watching the fight.

Conner blasted his blaster at zeltrax but he blocked it with his shield. He then sent lasers right back at Conner making him fall to the ground.

Rhea, Ethan and Kira jumped forward as zeltrax ran forward and they blasted him but he deflected it with his shield. He jumped and attacked them with his sword.

They tried to deflect it but he was yet able to hit them. He took Conner and flung him over his shoulder making him land on the ground. "Conner you okay?"

"Yup." Zeltrax then blasted the rangers making them scream and fall to the ground.

"Now your mine." Zeltraks ran forward to attack Conner. Rhea and Ethan threw their blasters at him. "Conner catch!"

"Got it." He jumped up. "Double trouble." He blasted zeltraks multiple times making him go flying to the ground.

The white ranger and the other monster came down landing in the middle of zeltrax and the rangers.

"So you stopped zeltrax." The white ranger said. "Try to stop my terasaraus." The terasaraus stepped forward. "Let me show you the extent of my powers. You will be defeated."

Then suddenly Trent came in with his bike blasting them. "Not on my watch." He stopped and got off the bike. "Hey guys thought I'd join the fun."

The rangers looked at the two white rangers in confusion. "Wait who's who?"

"Guys it's me." Trent said. Zeltrax and the evil white ranger and the terasaraus regrouped. "Enjoy your reunion while you can. Nothing you do can stop us now." They dissappear into an invisa portal.

"Okay power down." Trent demorphed and so did the other rangers. They walked towards him. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah I just gotta stretch a little. She arched her back back. Conner looked at Trent. "Great you have a twin brother that you never told us about."

Rhea furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Uh you do realize that he might not be his twin well he is but not really same because he isn't born." She sighed. "I literally just heard myself."

They were back at the Lab where Hayley was checking out the new evil white ranger. Kira sighed. "Okay so We barely get one white ranger under control then another one shows up."

She looked at Trent. "Any idea who it could be?" He shook his head. "I have no clue."

After scanning it Tommy turned in his chair. "My sensors shows its some kind of cloning energy force. It's no even a living being at all."

"Yeah he may no be alive but his kick show felt real." Conner told them. "I never said he wasn't real. He's a threat Allright."

Ethan nodded. "We'll now that's settled what's with that Terasaraus? Man he was raggedy." Tommy nodded. "He's given off some of the same readings as the other white ranger. It's almost like they were one in the same."

"I knew it." Conner said standing straight looking at Trent. "You should never have been here in the first place."

Rhea scoofed standing infront of Conner. "He didn't know okay. Relax." Tommy nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. "She's rught not now. We're going to need back up big time."

He looled at Trent. "Trent come with me let's go." They started walking away when Conner inturupted. "Why not me? Or one of the others?"

"You'll have your role to play in this Conner. Trust me right now I need Trent keep an eye on the city and call us if that thing returns." He looked at Trent. "Come on."

Conner sighed looking at the rest. Rhea looked at him. "Relax he probably needed him because he is only one who can do it."

Conner nodded. "I'm going to go. There's a game going on." He started walking away. "Call me if anything happens."

They nodded as he left.

The monster was back, so they called Conner. He quickly came back running inside the lab. "What's up?"

"Our problem just got a lot bigger." They nodded to the screen as they saw the terasaraus grown big. Ethan typed a few things. "He's in the woods outside of town."

"So what are we waiting for?" Conner asked. "Our orders remember? Doctor O said to call him and Trent if that guy showed up again."

He nodded. "Yeah but why? I mean it's obvious they have got something important to do. We can handle this."

"Like we handled it last time?" Rhea asked. He sighed looking at her. "Come on."

The three looked at each other and nodded. "Okay but the minute things get ugly we for back up."

"Let's do it. We'll call the zords from her." Rhea sighed shaking her head. "I have a bad feeling about this."

They all walked to the center of the lab. "Ready?"


"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

"Dino power."

They formed the megazord and went to the place where the monster was. They looked around. "Where is he?" They looked ahead to see black clouds form.

"Somethings wrong." Electricty crackled and the rangers other zords appeared. "Lool our zords." Then suddenly bubbles appeared and captured the two zords.

"A trap." Kira said. The zords went flying into a now appearing out of thin air terasaraus. "And you fell for it."

The terasaraus ran at full speed and made the rangers loose their balance. He continued running and electricity sparkled on the megazord making it break away and the rangers were thrown out of it and went flying to the ground.

"Now your mine." The terasaraus made bubbles just like before appear and capture all four zords of the rangers.

The rangers got up seeing him capture the zords. "Our zords."


"He captured them."


Suddenly Conner held his head. Rhea looked at him worried. "Hey are you okay?"

"I'm getting a worried feeling." He said. "Somethings calling me." He removed his hand. "Woah nargly."

"Conner you okay?" He looked at them. "I think so."

Then suddenly the terasaraus disappeared. "Where'd he--" The terasaraus came down now in his regular size.

"Your head too big for your helmet?" He asked. "What have you done with our zords."

"You should be more worried about why I will do to you." He told them. "Your zords belong to me now. Prepare for your device."

He removed his wings and flew towards the rangers. "In your dreams." The rangers removed their blasters. "Fire."

They blasted him but it had no effect. "Look out." He slashed the four of them making them fall to the ground groaning.

The terasaraus came back towards them. Ethan got up. "Heads up." The terasaraus took Ethan by the colar and lifted him up from the ground. "Let me go."

"Have it your way." He let Ethan go making him go falling into the water. The others came running towards him.

"Ethan." They helped him get up. "Nasty."

They looked at the terasaraus. "What is up with this guy?" Rhea shook her head. "No idea but he's got some serious issues."

The terasaraus landed on the ground on his feet and looked at the four. "You are powerless against me." He laughed.

Conner looked at the others. "Let's try our sabors." They nodded. "Thunder max savors."

They removed their savor and attacked the monster from all sides. "Come on show me what you've got." They went to attack and the monster jumped up and the rangers hit each other instead falling to the ground.

The terasaraus then blasted them making them go flying and falling to the ground again. "Maybe we should have waited for Doctor O."

"You think?" Ethan asked. "Slightly." Rhea nodded. "If only someone would have told you it was a bad idea huh."

"Prepare to be destroyed." The terasaraus walked forward. "Fire." He blasted them making them fall over the cliff right into the water. "Your all washed up time to destroy your city." He disappeared.

The four of them walked out of the lake drenched. Kira looked at Conner. "That was a great idea Conner."

They tried to catch their breath when they go out. "Yeah got any more brilliant--" Conner inturupted him. "Wait it's happening again."

He held his head. "Something... something isn't right." They looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I can't explain it." He shook his head. "I just know Trent and Doctor O need me." He ran to them.

"Okag maybe he's completely lost it I guess." Rhea said with the two sighing.

After a while Conner came back and explained to the three of them that they needed to stall the terasaraus for a while, while Doctor O works on the shield of triumph.

They found the terasaraus on top of the building looking at the captured zords. They ran towards him. "Hey" He turned to look at them. They removed they sabors. "Charge."

They ran towards him and the terasaraus ran at full speed slashing them. They fell but got up instantly. "Guys pull it together."

"Terasaraus laser." He blasted lasers at them making them fall of the building but they landed on their feet.

"Here I come." The terasaraus came jumping down. "Tyranno staff." Conner attacked him but had no effect. He was then thrown to the wall on the floor.

Ethan came from behind. "Tricera--" but before he could finish the terasaraus threw him to the ground.

"Finished?" The two girls somersaulted infront. "Not even close." They blasted him but had no effect. "That tickled."

They kicked and dodged and the terasaraus threw the both of them flying to the ground. "You Allright?" They nodded. "Yeah."

"How about an oncor?" He blasted the four of them making them fall. "First I took your zords now I will destroy you."

The rangers groaned as they were yet laying on the ground in pain. "Come on Conner pull it together."

The four of them used all their strength to get up. "I'm not going to take it." They got ready again. "Attack."

Conner attacked him followed by the others but they were yet losing and were thrown to he ground. "Allright I think it's time for super Dino mode."

They morphed into super Dino mode. "It won't matter." The rangers shook their head. "Don't bet on it. Charge."

They jumped in the air to attack but the monster blasted them making the three of them fall to the ground. "What's his deal?"

"Power rangers let me be the first to tell you your doomed." He laughed. "We're not done yet."

"Oh no?" Conner got up and the monster tied him with an electric rope pulling Conner towards him. "I have you now red ranger."

He threw Conned to the wall. The three ran towards his aid. "Conner. Are you Allright?"

"This guy is bugging me ep.much now." Rhea said as they helped Conner get up. "You will learn respect my little pets."

Suddenly wind engulfed him and they saw Doctor O come. "Not so fast wild reptile."

"Lasers." He blasted them but Tommy deflected it with the artifact he had gotten. "Not this time." Hesent it right back at the monster.

This took a lot out of him as he fl to the ground. The others ran towards him.

"Doctor O!" Rhea held his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He nodded and looked at Conner. "Conner you know what to do."

He handed him the artifact. He nodded taking it. "Okay." He walked forward and the three followed. "Rhea, Kira Ethan I need your total trust. I need your dimo powers."

He looked at Rhea. "Do you trust me?" She nodded. "Totally."

"I do." Kira said. "I always did."

"You won't be sorry." They nodded and removed their Dino powers and put it I'm the artifact. "Triasic power engage."

His suit completely transformed into a new one. The other three smiled breathing heavily and they demorphed. "He did it."

He walked forward. "Your in deep trouble now." The monster nodded. "Bring it."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He held his shield forward. "Shield of triumph activate."

They both disappeared. After a small amount of fighting Conner was able to defeat him. They then came out of the world created by the shield. "Game over."

The monster groaned as he started electrocuting. "No." He fell to the ground and was destroyed once and for all.

They walked into the base laughing. "That shield rocks." Kira nodded. "No doubt."

"Tryst for trusting me with your powers guys." Conner told them. "It's only a loan don't forget that and everything to get our zords back."

He nodded smiling. "I just wish you could have felt what it was like the power is amazing." Tommy walked towards them. "The triassic power was always meant for you Conner all you had to do was treat in yourself then it was easy for others to trust in you too."

"See all that jelousy and look how great everything worked out." Ethan pointed out. Rhea nodded. "Yeah like amazing outfit. I mean it rocked."

She looked at Tommy. "And I'm still waiting for mine." She looked at Conner. "And then you rocked by destroying that terasaraus. With a little help from us ofcourse."

Conner sighed nodding. "Yeah almost everything worked out."

Rhea nodded realizing what he was talking about. "Go talk to him."

"I tried." He said. "It doesn't look like he wants to."

Rhea shook her head. "And there is a reason for that. Maybe he's scared. You can look kinda scary sometimes. He's a transfer student Conner he's new in town he doesn't really know much about it I promise you if you just approach him as a friend and not a soccer player he'll surely open up to you."

Conner smiled nodding. "You know what your right. I will do that. Thanks Rhea." He kissed her cheek and ran out of the base.

Ethan looked at her weirdly. "Since when do you give good advice?"

She shrugged. "What you talking about I am an excellent advice giver."

"Hey Doctor O you mind if I use the computer for sec? No okay thanks. She didn't even eait for an answer and sat on the chair facing the computer.

Trent walked up to her. "What you doing?" She looked at him. "Well there is a new bike model that has come out and I'm looking at it. It's awesome."

He nodded smiling. "Well I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me." She looked at him. "You know when the other clone evil ranger attacked and all."

"Well you don't need to thank me Trent. I was right Well as usual. Your on our side." He smiled nodding. "Your like a you know big brother to me."

He chuckled. "And your like a little sister to me." She nodded and continued searching up the new bikes picture. "Hey what do you think about this?"

It was a brand new bike, green in colour with a bit of black. Trent shrugged. "I dont know. Is green really your color?"

She looked at him and he looked at her and they both laughed enjoying themselves.

I have already decided the next two books after this one and I'm really excited for it wohoo!!

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