Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


319 23 11
By belleofmarvel


"I swear, Opal. I didn't think anything of it," Laura confesses for the third time.

"None of us did," Rae admits, putting her arm around Opal.

All four women were now on the other side of the street, preparing to continue their trek to whatever destination Laura had in mind before Opal's PTSD episode.

PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Opal remembered Chris mentioning it back when someone broke into her home, but she had no idea that it would creep up on her following the accident. She'd been completely fine, crossing streets without issue. But today, this was the exact street, exact spot she was crossing as she was struck by a car that decided to run a red light.

Why would they think anything of it? It didn't happen directly to them.

"It's fine now," Opal assures all of them. "Let's continue, shall we?" She knows she can't dwell on this or she'll become a frozen puddle of mush all over again in desperate need of her boyfriend once more.

"Maybe we should do this another time," Lily offers.

"Can't," Laura speaks up. "I go back tomorrow and this is a treat on me."

"Exactly, so, lead the way." Opal gives her best friend a nod, assuring her that she's fine to continue the adventure. She then puts her hand out in front of her for Laura to continue.

Rae walks alongside Laura as Lily hangs back with Opal. She feeds her hand through the crook of Opal's arm. "You scared me," she whispers only loud enough for Opal to hear.

"It scared me too," Opal admits, her eyes threatening to spill over once more.

"So," Lily starts, "Chris?"

Opal turns to look at her best friend. "What about him?"

Lily gives her friend a small smile. "I've been replaced." Her voice is sweet, nothing menacing in it.

"What do you mean?" Opal's brow furrows as she waits for an answer.

"He's your person now, Ope."

This thought has already occurred to Opal, as he's been with her through so many ordeals over the last seven months. But, she never thought of him actually replacing someone. "Lily, I'm so sorry."

Lily pulls on Opals arm for her to stop walking and face her. "I don't want you to be sorry. This is a good thing. You've let someone else into your life that you use to keep closed and locked away. I'm proud to no longer be that for you."

"That's such an odd thing to say," Opal giggles out, but yet still needing to wipe away the tears that have fallen during her friend's speech.

"Well, you know me. I'm blunt." The girls start walking to catch up with Laura and Rae who have reached wherever it is they were headed. "He's the one, ya know."

Opal doesn't say a word, she just looks next to her and let's a sweet smile play on her lips as she takes in Lily's admission.

"What are we doing here?" Opal asks once they reach the others.

"Outfits for the Bachelor/Bachelorette party. On me," Laura announces with a wink as she opens the door.

"That's really not necessary," Opal tells her, following the others into the shop.

"Yes it is. Now hush and shop."

Rae's eyes light up as she sees there is actually a maternity section. She makes a beeline straight for a beautiful deep teal wrap dress. "Me first!" she calls out over her shoulder taking the dress of the rack. A sales woman comes to join her, leading her to a dressing room.

Opal and Lily thumb through the racks seeing if something catches their eye. This will be simple for Lily, but Opal isn't use to showing near the amount of skin that these dresses reveal. "We need to find you something that will knock Chris flat out," Laura says coming up behind Opal.

"Have you forgotten it's a night of karaoke?" Opal reminds her friend.

"Didn't stop us from getting dolled up for my night," Lily reminds her as she grabs a couple of options.

"I could just rewear the jumpsuit I wore for yours. It managed to turn Chris' head that night. Why fix it if it ain't broken?" she asks her friends.

"Because, I am buying you a new outfit." Laura continues to flit through the racks waiting for something to catch her eye.

"Hey!" Rae calls to them from across the room. "What do you think?"

  "I think you look freaking amazing! No potato sack for you, my friend," Opal squeals.

  "And on the first try!" Laura exclaims watching her friend twist and turn in front of the mirror.

  "Yay!" Rae claps her hands together before skipping back into the dressing room.

  "My turn," Lily announces as she takes her options into another dressing room. "I'm only coming out in a real contender."

  Laura and Opal return to the racks picking up where they left off. "What color are you thinking?"  Opal shrugs her shoulders. "You always have looked great in black, oh and a deep red, like a burgundy." She moves sections to the darker colored dresses. "What about this?"

  Opal looks over her shoulder and quirks a brow. "Remember it's me we're talking about, not you." Laura looks at the dress once more seeing how it's open with a cutout across the chest. "I don't see what the problem is. You've got it, flaunt it."

  Opal pulls out a black dress to take a closer look. "I didn't have to flaunt it to get Chris' attention, so I'd rather not. He's not seen those parts of me and I'd rather him not witness it in a bar for the first time."

  Laura places the dress back on the rack with a huff, "I just don't see the issue with showing some skin."

  "Ugh!" the girls hear from the dressing room. Opal rushes over realizing it's Lily groaning from the dressing room. She taps on the door. Lily prys it open slightly. "I'm down to my last option," she complains.

  "I'm positive you look amazing in everything. Put it on and come out, don't let it just be your eyes telling you how great you look," Opal warns her. She walks over and takes a seat next to Rae.


Opal POV

  "Any luck?" Rae asks me as I rest my hand over her stomach.

  I give her that look. The look we all know when it comes to Laura and shopping. "That bad?"

  "I wouldn't say bad, she's just picking things that I'm not comfortable with. I don't see why I need to get all gussied up again. I'm not trying to attract any type of attention." Although I wonder if Chris would prefer me show a bit more skin for him, or would it bother him that I'm just out there for everyone to see? Too many questions begin to flood my brain and I don't want to know the actual answer to any of them. I'll choose what I'm comfortable with.

  "Is she still not finished?" Laura asks walking up to where we are waiting for Lily.

  "She can hear you!" Lily yells in response before opening the door. "Okay, do your worst."

  We all look back at her wide eyed. "That bad?" she asks as she moves in front of a mirror.

  "Not even close. You look amazing in that!" Rae exclaims.

  "That's the one!" The dress is red sequined with thin straps, hitting mid thigh.

  "Are you sure though?" Lily asks, unsure of herself.

  "Definitely," I tell her. "You're gonna come home from Atlanta with a souvenir."

  Lily looks at me through the mirror, confused. "She means you're gonna come back preggers," Rae laughs out as Lily's eyes grow wide.

  "Maybe I'll borrow that potato sack or garbage bag instead." Lily shakes her head back and forth. "Too soon. Too, too soon."

  "Alright, Miss Lucas. You're up," Rae says, standing from the seat offering me her hand. I pout at her. "Come on, I'll help."

  Reluctantly I get up, taking her hand, and follow behind her whimpering. I decide to just stand there and let them pick and choose, but they agree I'll have the last say. After just five more minutes they're shoving a stack of dresses into my chest. I take hold of them and huff my way back to the dressing rooms as Lily walks out. "Good luck," she whispers as I pass her.

  Hanging each dress up I can already tell I'm tossing out two of them. One of them is absolutely beautiful but it's looking more like something that should stay in a bedroom.

  "Try on the blush colored one!" Rae calls out from the other side of the door.  Lucky for her that's one I hadn't thrown to the side already.

  "You don't think the sequins are a bit much?" I ask while pulling the dress over my head. I straighten it out before opening up the door.

"That is gorgeous!" Lily blurts out.

I feel a bit self conscious in it even though I'm covered for the most part, the neckline a bit lower than I'd prefer.

"Doesn't really work with your skin tone though," Laura says bringing us all back to reality. Rae rolls her eyes at me while I shrug and turn to go back into the dressing room. "Do the dark red one."

I take a deep breath and pull the blush off. Grabbing the one Laura asked about I shimmy into the very tight short dress. I open the door, shaking my head no as I step out.

  "It's a beautiful dress but look," I say taking another step. "I have to waddle in order to walk." The look on my face and my actions send them into a fit of laughter. I just turn right back around and head into the dressing room once more.

  I stand there with my hands on my  hips, staring at what's left. I shake my head before yelling out. "I'm just wearing what I have at home."

  "No, ma'am, you are not," Laura calls out adamantly.

  "Why are you pushing this so much?" I hear Rae ask Laura. I have no idea what's being said as their voices have become hushed. All I hear is whispering.

  I pick up a black number. It looks form fitting but at least it's a bit longer, I wouldn't have to worry about showing my butt to anyone. "I've got one more. If this doesn't work, then I'm done Laura."

  "It'll be great, I just know it!" she shouts.

  "It better," I hear Lily mutter.

  I step into the black lace, pulling it up before zipping it in place.  "Ready?" I walk out of the dressing room and move straight to a full length mirror.

  No one says a word. This concerns me as these women have never been known to be speechless. I turn around to face them directly, trying to read their faces. "Well?"

  Laura looks like the cat that ate the canary. Rae looks like she's going to cry. Lily finally speaks up. "It's perfect."

"I do feel a bit more covered, even if it's just by lace," I admit, twisting and turning in front of the mirror.

"So, are you saying yes to the dress?" Laura asks with a grin.

"Good grief, woman. I'm not getting married."

I don't notice the funny looks they exchange with one another as I walk back into the dressing room to finally change into my street clothes.

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