Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


321 20 15
By belleofmarvel

Chris POV

"How about dinner on the back patio?" I ask Opal as she finishes putting her purse away. "Mila came over and stocked the fridge and freezer of all your favorites." I continue guiding her through the door until we reach her living room and I lead her to sit down on the sofa.

Opal had finally been released from the hospital a week and a half post surgery. Doctor said everything was healing well and as of right now there was no sign of rejection. He encouraged her to take it easy for the next several weeks, keep on top of meds and keep up with all of her follow up appointments.

"Sure," she sighs as she gets comfortable on the couch. She's been moving around more, but it still takes a lot out of her.

I drop her hospital bag in her bedroom but don't unpack it, unsure that she'd be comfortable with that. "Spencer text me last night," I mention as I walk down the hallway. "He said the doctor cleared Laura completely so she's going to go ahead with the move Saturday." I stop in my tracks once I reach the living room again, seeing Opal whimpering silently against the couch. "Opal?"

She waves me off but also knows me well enough to know that won't work. I take a seat next to her, resting my hand on her thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. "What is it, babe?"

She takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm her tears before wiping at her tear stained face. "I missed so much time with her because of the accident. We had plans for a girl's night, helping her pack. I've missed it all."

"Not all of it, love." I pull my phone from my pocket opening it up to a text conversation Lily, Rae and I had been having with Laura. "Look." I pass her the phone and watch her expression change as she scrolls through the messages.

"Really?" she looks up at me, her brown eyes a bit happier. I realize at what point of the conversation she's reached.

I nod my head. "Of course. They'll be here tomorrow night. All of them, for a good old fashioned Girl's Night In."

"What about you?"

"Guy's Night Out," I smirk. "Spencer will be back to help Laura move so he's gonna join us too."

"Just behave yourself," she teases me. I look at her, shocked. "A friendly smile is a welcomed form of flirting, Sergeant. Did you not learn anything from your last night at Decker's?"

I hold her close to me, guiding us both to lay back onto the couch. She tucks close into my side, resting her head on my shoulder, just at the crook of my neck. "I'll be sure to not smile. I'll remain smug the whole night."

Opal pops her head up a bit. "That's worse than a smile, Chris."

"What?" I chuckle out, completely confused by what she's telling me.

"What happens when a girl doesn't give a guy the time of day?"

"He chases the girl." I point a finger between the two of us. "Case in point."

"Right. Now, when a guy remains smug, the girl will try a lot more things to get his attention."

"You aren't serious," I question her.

"Dead serious, Christopher." She lays completely beside me now, resting her head on her hand, held up by her elbow on the couch. "That smug smirk of yours is what kept me questioning whether or not I was a fool for turning you down all those times."

"Wait, wait, wait." I mimic her stature, turning towards her. "I thought you hated the smug smirk."

"Only because it made me want to jump your damn bones," she barks out with a mile wide smile, causing me to fall back on my back again laughing uncontrollably. I feel her hand grasp my chin tightly, turning my head back towards her. "So, no smugness with other women. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." She pecks my lips with her own. "I'll leave it at smirking." I smirk at her with a wink.

Opal groans at my joke. She waves her hand in front of my face. "This, all this, is mine. Don't be trying to share it with the women of Jacksonville."

"What if I look like this the whole time?"

  "Are you crazy? I don't want them falling in love with the big meatball you are either."

  "So, let me get this straight." I pause, thankful for this banter to be back in full swing. "I can't smile. I can't smirk. I can't be smug. And now I can't look goofy." My brows furrow together. "So, I should wear a paper bag over my face."

  Opal honestly looks like she's contemplating my joke. "Maybe shave down to just a mustache, get rid of the beard. That would have to make you less attractive."

  I shift to sit up on the couch. "Where are you going?" she asks.

  "I guess I'm headed to buy a razor and shaving cream."

  She yanks my arm pulling me back onto the couch. "Who am I kidding? That might bring out the cougars in the bar too."

  I lay back once more, bringing her close to my chest. "I love you, ya crazy goober."


  Opal POV

  Looking around the living room and kitchen I try to tell whether we've forgotten anything or not. Chris hasn't really let me lift a finger, but I can't help but feel like we've missed something. The doorbell rings, bringing Chris out from the guest bedroom. "I'll get it," he says before pausing in front of me. He places a sweet kiss on my forehead. "You sit." I grumble a bit but obey, more so because of my body screaming at me than his request. 

  I take my place in the recliner, figuring it's best to claim a spot now. "Ladies!" I hear Chris call out as he opens the door revealing my closest friends. I hear all the girls gush over him with sweet words and hugs before I hear him once more. "Men." His voice changes deep and gruff causing me to laugh from my seat as the guys drop their voice an octave as well. 

  After hearing several footsteps I finally see them all round the corner. I move to stand but get a look from Chris along with a finger pointing at me telling me to stay. "They come to you," he shouts from the back of the group.

  "Yes dear," I say with an eye roll and a wink at my friends.

  The girls all crowd around the chair at one time attempting to hug me at once, only to realize that Rae's belly has gotten a bit bigger at this point making it difficult. She huffs before standing up straight again. I can't wrap my arms around her neck but I hug her belly instead as she puts her hand against my hair. "Auntie Opal's here, little one." I feel the sweetest nudge against my cheek. I pull back with tears in my eyes. "He was worried about his Aunt Ope," Rae says with a small smile.

  "He?" I ask, my voice quiet. She nods excitedly. "We're having a boy?" I cry out louder now.

  "Yep! It's a boy!" she tells the room as everyone breaks out in cheers. I watch everyone congratulate Rae and Anthony as I continue to feel myself grow emotional. 

  I stay put, just watching the scene in front of me. This group of people that have surrounded me with their love and concern over the last couple of weeks. I always wondered how things would be in an emergency, more so if that emergency included me. Worried that I wouldn't get the same kind of love or devotion that I'd give the rest of them. The Lord certainly allowed me to see the opposite of what I thought it would be like. 

  Chris catches my eye amidst the excitement and offers a warm smile as he walks over to sit on the arm rest of the chair. I lean into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

  "First round on me, in honor of the new addition," Chris shouts to the guys. He leans over towards me as I lift my head to meet him. "Stay out of trouble," he warns me before placing his lips on mine. 

  I furrow my brows. "Shouldn't I be telling you that?"

  He moves to stand, tucking his hands in his pockets. "We're officers of the law, Ope. We know how to behave." 

  "I beg to differ," Laura says as she plops down in front of my chair with a wide smile. "Keep Spencer out of trouble. We're leaving early in the morning and he's got to drive the U-Haul." 

  Chris nods his head. "Get Spence rip roaring drunk. Got it." He gives her two thumbs up as she sticks her tongue out at him. "No worries, Laura. We'll see ya in a couple hours." Chris leans down once more, kissing my lips before kissing the top of my  head. "Love you."

  "Love you too." We watch the men file out the door, one after the other before hearing Chris turn the key, locking the door behind him. 

  "So," Lily starts, looking directly at me. "How's married life?"

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