Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


342 30 9
By belleofmarvel

  Animated conversation has hit a lull by the time hour three hits. Jameson, Rae and Anthony decide it's time for a coffee run and offer to return with snacks since everyone refuses to leave the waiting room, too afraid of missing any form of update.

Pops, Lisa, and Laura's mom focus on the television set as the afternoon news begins. Chris sits with Lily and Spencer off to the side, attempting to play a game of cards. He lets out a chuckle as he hears the sports reporter mention that the Jaguars were handed another loss over the weekend. What he wouldn't give to rag Opal about her horrible taste in sports teams.

  "Family of Miss Boxer?" a voice comes from the doorway, startling all of them. Imagine the surprise on her face as they all stand and move closer to her. "All of you?"

  "Some friends, some family," Lily says. 

  Spencer moves an extra step forward. "How is she?"

  "She's in recovery right now. Everything went well. If you follow me I'll lead you down to the waiting area where she'll be moved to shortly." The nurse stands and waits by the door as Spencer and Laura's mother gathers their stuff. 

  "Text me if you hear anything?" Spencer asks Chris before he follows the nurse down the hall. 

  "You can go too if you want Lily," Chris offers. "I can text you any updates. If we ever get any." He flops down into a chair as he exhales a large breath. 

  "I'm not going anywhere yet." She takes the seat next to Chris as Jameson, Rae and Anthony walk in, their arms laden with different items.  

  Pops can't help but laugh as he sees Rae empty her purse too. The table where Chris, Lily and Spencer had been playing cards now sits covered with candy bars, bags of chips, a couple of small salads, sandwiches, bottled waters and Cokes. "That's not a purse, girl. That's a suitcase," he teases the woman. 

  "It gets the job done." He wraps his arm around her waist pulling her to his side and kissing her cheek.

  "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" he asks as she grabs one of the salads.

  "We're making it," she tosses him a wink and a smile. "I can't wait for the baby to meet his Pops."

  "Honorary grandfather for everyone, huh?" Lisa questions.

  "Wouldn't have it any other way," he says with a kind smile.

  "I look forward to being a grandma one day," Lisa says with a sly look over at her son. 

  Chris lets out a scoff but yet his lips turn up into a small smile.

 "When you gonna give me a great grandbaby, Officer?" Pops question taking Chris off guard, he chokes on his Coke. "Easy son, I'm just teasing ya."

  "Gotta convince her to marry me first," Chris admits. "Once that happens I'll be sure we start working on that."

  "I bet you will," Pops laughs out, causing the rest of the group to join in the lively banter.

  Chris' phone goes off, a text from Spencer. "Spencer says Laura is in her room. She's groggy but pain level is low thanks to meds. Said she's asking about Opal." He gives a quick message back letting his friend know that they're still waiting for news but that he's happy Laura is doing well.


Chris POV

  Hour five hits and my nerves are shot. We were told five hours at most, but yet we still sit here twiddling our thumbs. I encouraged the girls and their husbands to go visit Laura, which leaves Ma, Pops and myself alone in the waiting room. 

  "You've raised an incredible young woman, Pops," my mother says, taking me by surprise. 

  "She's the reason I started going grey at 45," he chuckles. "I can't take all the credit. I didn't soften up completely until later in life, when Rosie passed away. Opal was an adult by then but I knew she'd still need me. I just don't think she realizes how much I need her." 

  I notice his bottom lip begin to shake. He's held himself together so well over the last week that I'm sure he's about to burst with emotion. But, as always, he takes a deep breath, crinkles his nose a bit and shakes his head side to side. "I know I need to let her go and live her life however she wants. I've never wanted to hold her back, but I know that's what's happening now."

  I hang my  head slightly, knowing that he's referring to our relationship. "It's not all on you, Christopher. I know my granddaughter better than anyone in this world. She's not holding back with you anymore because of herself, it's because of me. I'm afraid that even if I push her, she won't take that next step while I'm still around."

  "Pops, I'm not gonna take her from you," I attempt to assure him. 

  "Son, I know my days are numbered. This event alone has aged me five more years I know I didn't have." I look closely at him as Ma places her hand on his back, rubbing it gently. "I just don't want to keep her from the next step in her life."

  As I go to question him further, wondering if something has been going on with his treatments or if he just genuinely believes he doesn't have much longer, I'm stopped as Opal's doctor walks into the waiting room.

  I jump from my seat, forgetting the fact that I'm not alone. "How is she? Is she awake? Did it work?"

  The doctor gives a warm smile as he also holds up his hand asking me to slow down. "She came through the surgery very well."

  "Is she awake?" Pops repeats my question.

  "Not yet. But, remember she's been in a coma for a week. Her body has a lot of healing still to go. We should start seeing her come around by tomorrow."

  "Can she have visitors yet?" Ma asks.

  "They're moving her out of recovery and back into ICU. You're more than welcome to head that way and check in at the nurses station there."

  "Thank you," I tell him. We watch him leave as I pull my phone out and begin a group text to everyone just on the off chance some have left Laura's room.

  The three of us walk down the hall to the elevators, returning to the place we've called home the last week. I find that even though the doctor just gave us great news, I can't seem to breathe a sigh of relief. Until I see her beautiful brown eyes gaze into my own and hear her voice, I'll continue to hold my breath.

  "Mr. Lucas! How is Opal?" a kind nurse we've gotten to know well over the last week, Nina asks. 

  "Well, actually, we're hoping you can tell us." We gather at the nurses station, checking in. 

  Nina looks over another nurse's shoulder, searching the computer screen. "Looks like she's on her way back. We'll get her situated and then I'll come get you."

  "Thanks, Nina," I respond. I wrap my arm around my mom's shoulder before we start walking back over to the waiting room. 

  Within twenty minutes the group is back together, except for Spencer and Laura's mom. Jameson had pizza delivered to the lobby of the hospital, causing all of us to laugh. I just sit back in my chair, watching. Taking note of how my friendship with one person years ago, has led me to these new friendships and the love of my life. 

  "You want a slice, man?" Jameson asks, noticing I've not grabbed a piece.

  "No, I'm good." I actually haven't eaten much at all today, unwilling to put much on my nervous stomach. 

  "Mr. Lucas?" Nina waves from the door. "She's ready now."

  Pops puts his hand out, gesturing for me to go in first. I decline. "No, sir. You go."  He gives me a small nod of thanks before shuffling out the door, following the red head.

  "Ma, I need a favor." She turns towards me, waiting for me to continue. "Will you take Pops home tonight? Pick him up again in the morning? He needs a break from here. I promise I'll call him if anything changes but he needs some real rest."

  "Of course. In fact, I'll be the one to suggest it to him. He might receive it better from me." She winks at me. 

  About ten minutes later Pops returns with a smile on his face. "I believe I see a difference in our girl." I return his smile with a small one of my own. I watch as Ma goes to him and begins to whisper to him. I'm thankful and relieved when I see him give a nod before moving to grab his coat off of the chair he previously occupied. "I'll see you in the morning, Officer."

  "Yes, sir." I stand to give him a hug, willing myself to not break apart in his embrace.

  Once he and Ma leave I look back at the rest of the group. "Why don't y'all go in and see her. I'm planning on staying again so it's only fair I give all of you ample time."

  Lily and Rae waste no time at all and are already out of the waiting room door before any of the men can say a word. "That doesn't surprise me," Jameson says before sitting across from me. 

  "They have quite the friendship I've noticed."

  "The word sisters would be appropriate," he says.

  "Inseparable," Anthony adds. 

  "Can I ask you both something?" I go back and forth between the two men who nod for me to continue. "Do you think it was a mistake to let Laura be the donor?"

  They both take a deep breath but it's Jameson who answers first. "Laura has always been a wild card. She's always been about herself, so this was a big surprise."

  "I just don't want her to hold this over Opal's head when something doesn't go her way, especially with the wedding coming up."

  Anthony shakes his head. "I was there for the conversation Lily had with her. This seems genuine."

  "And Lily may  have threatened her within an inch of her life," Jameson interjects. 

  "Good to know," I chuckle. 


  "I think Pops was right," Rae begins to tell us as they enter the waiting room again. "She looks better than before the surgery."

  I had read up on donor surgeries in my downtime the last couple of days. You know, the times I wasn't sitting beside Opal's bedside. A live donor would have a quicker effect than the other alternative. But surely it wouldn't work this quickly.

  "We should get you home, Rae. You and the baby need rest," Anthony tells his wife, taking her hand in his own. 

  "I think we'll all sleep better tonight," Lily says to each of us. "Call us if you need anything."

  "Will do." I give each of them a hug goodbye and watch them walk down the hallway and out of the ICU. 

  After I've cleaned up the mess we made in the waiting room I take a deep breath and head for Opal's room. The lights are low, the small corner television on probably just for background noise. "Hi gorgeous," I say aloud since it's just she and I. 

Once again I grab my chair and pull it up to her left side. I look more closely at her face, wondering if I'm seeing things or if Pops and the girls were right. It appears there's a bit more color to her face. 

  I just sit and watch her for what feels like hours, willing her to wake up. 

  I think back to when our positions were switched and she was by my bedside. How is it possible that was barely four months ago. How far we've come just blows my mind. I remember when I woke up she had her phone playing. I remember telling her I love her for the first time while she slept next to my hand. 

  I decide to turn the television off while plugging my phone into the charging chord I've been carrying around with me from area to area all week long. Opening my phone I choose a station to just randomly play, finding comfort in the soft melodies that flow through the room.


  The strong feeling of grogginess envelops me more than I've ever felt in my life. It's so heavy against my head, chest and abdomen. I will my eyes to fight against the weight the bares down on them. I feel a tight squeeze against my left hand. My hand flinches causing my finger to jerk. before something grips my cheek softly.


  As tired as I am I still feel a twitch in the corner of my lip at the sound of his voice. It causes my body to fight stronger, causing me to blink quickly, a quiet moan escaping my lips. 

  I suddenly feel a heavy weight on my chest, causing another moan. I attempt to swallow, my mouth and throat dry, thick. Carefully, and very slowly, I move my hand to the weight I feel, only to find Chris' head on my chest, his head buried and body shaking as he cries. I rest my hand on his head, threading my fingers through his hair. 

  "I thought I lost you," he whimpers as he lifts his head to look at me. He sees me struggle to swallow, grabbing a cup with a straw, bringing it to my lips. I take a small sip, just enough to wet my mouth. 

  Unsure of where I'd heard the words, I say the first thing that comes to my mind. "This was just a chapter. We still have a story to write," I whisper as I gaze into his bright blue eyes.


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