Sonic X x Male Reader

By blueworrier

294K 6.4K 7.2K

At a base in the middle of the night. The evil Dr. Eggman took the seven Chaos Emeralds and a hostage. Sonic... More

S1 Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks
S1 Chapter 2: Sonic and Y/n to the Rescue
S1 Chapter 4: Chaos Emerald Chaos
S1 Chapter 5: Cracking Knuckles
S1 Chapter 6: Techno Teacher
S1 Chapter 7: Party Hardly
S1 Chapter 8: Satellite Swindle
S1 Chapter 9: The Last Resort
S1 Chapter 10: Unfair ball
Mini part: A Talk Between Inventors
S1 Chapter 11: Fly Spy and Cool Guy
S1 Chapter 12: Beating Eggman Part1
S1 Chapter 13: Beating Eggman Part2
S1 Chapter 14: That's What Friends Are for
S1 Chapter 15: Skirmish in the Sky
S1 Chapter 16: Depth of Danger
S1 Chapter 17: A Regular Day
S1 Chapter 18: The Dam Scam
S1 Chapter 19: Sonic and Y/n's Scream Test
S1 Chapter 20: Cruise Blues
S1: Chapter 21: Fast Friends
S1 Chapter 22: Little Chao Lost
S1 Chapter 23: Emerald Anniversary
S1 Chapter 24: How to catch a Hedgehog
S1 Chapter 25: A Dastardly Deed
S1 Chapter 26: Countdown to Chaos
S2 Chapter 1: Pure Chaos
S2 Chapter 2: A Chaotic Day
S2 Chapter 3: A Robot Rebels
S2 Chapter 4: Head's up, Tail
S2 Chapter 5: Revenge of the Robot
S2 Chapter 6: Flood Fight
S2 Chapter 7: Project Shadow
S2 Chapter 8: Shadow Knows
S2 Chapter 9: Sonic's Big Break
S2 Chapter 10: Shadow World
S2 Chapter 11: Robotnik's Revenge
S2 Chapter 12: Showdown in Space
S2 Chapter 13: Defective Detectives
S2 Chapter 14: Sunblock Solution
S2 Chapter 15: Eggman for President
S2 Chapter 16: A Date to Forget
S2 Chapter 17: Mean Machines
S2 Chapter 18: Supersonic and Electrical Heroes Appear!
S2 Chapter 19: Prize Fights
S2 Chapter 20: A Wild Win
Mini Part: Sick Day
S2 Chapter 21: Map of Mayhem
S2 Chapter 22: The Volcanic Venture
S2 Chapter 23: The Beginning of the End
S2 Chapter 24: Running out of Time
S2 Chapter 25: Friends 'Til the End
S2 Chapter 26: A New Start
S3 Chapter 1: A Cosmic Call
S3 Chapter 2: Cosmic Crisis
S3 Chapter 3: H2 Whoa
S3 Chapter 4: An Enemy in Need
S3 Chapter 5: Chilling Discovery
S3 Chapter 6: Desperately Seeking Sonic
S3 Chapter 7: Galactic Gumshoes
S3 Chapter 8: Trick Sand
S3 Chapter 9: Ship of Doom
S3 Chapter 10: An Underground Odyssey
S3 Chapter 11: Station Break-In
S3 Chapter 12: A Metarex Melee
S3 Chapter 13: Mission: Match up
S3 Chapter 14: Clash in the Cloister
S3 Chapter 15: Testing Time
S3 Chapter 16: The Planet of Misfortune
S3 Chapter 17: Terror On the Typhoon
S3 Chapter 18: Hedgehog Hunt
S3 Chapter 19: Zelkova Strikes Back
S3 Chapter 20: True Dragoon (Part 1)
S3 Chapter 21: True Dragoon (Part 2)
S3 Chapter 22: The Cosmo Conspiracy
S3 Chapter 23: Eye Spy
S3 Chapter 24: Agent of Mischief
S3 Chapter 25: The Light in the Darkness
S3 Chapter 26: A Fearless Friend

S1 Chapter 3: Missile Wrist Rampage

8.9K 214 366
By blueworrier

In a sewer Amy and Knuckles were walking.

Knuckles: This whole thing is Sonic's fault.

Amy: All Sonic did was try to stop Eggman. He didn't mean for us to get sent here.

Knuckles: Even if Dr. Eggman is the one to blame, Sonic shouldn't have pushed him so far.

Amy stopped walking.

Amy: He's not afraid to fight back.

Knuckles: Sonic just likes getting into fights for kicks.

Amy: I'm not going any further if you talk trash about Sonic.

Knuckles: I don't have time for this.

He starts to walk again.

Knuckles: See ya.

Amy: You're not gonna leave me alone down here, are you?

Knuckles: Do what you want. That's your business.

Amy: Oh, this is gonna be impossible.

She started to run after Knuckles.

Amy: Hey, come on, Knuckles! Don't be mad! Wait up!

At the Thorndyke residence Tails and Chuck were using the hose to wash the Tornado.

Tails: I like to keep the Tornado nice and clean.

Chuck: Tails, I'd love to study this plane's mechanics some day.

They noticed Y/n walking through.

Tails: Why, if it isn't Mr. Sunshine himself.

Y/n: And if it isn't an idiot that obsess over a plane.

Tails: Hey, this plane is the greatest there is!

Y/n: That plane couldn't even hold a candle to anything my Father could make.

Chuck: So, I'm guessing your Father is the one who made you those bracelets, correct?

Y/n: Correct.

Chuck: Well, I would like your bracelets mechanics sometime, too.

Y/n: Get even an inch close to these bracelets (extend them into blades) and it will be your final mistake.

Tails: Hey, you have no right to threaten him like that!

Y/n: I don't believe I was speaking to you, you worthless fox.

Tails: Worthless!?

Chuck: All right, calm down. We don't want Ella or Mr Tanaka to see you.

Y/n turned his bracelets back to normal.

Y/n: Whatever.

Tails: Fine.

Cream and Cheese were sitting at a small table not far from them and Cheese was snacking on some bagels.

Cream: Do you like that?

Cheese nodded.

Cream: I'm glad, Cheese.

Y/n leaned on the garage and Cream noticed him.

Cream: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Uh, hey, Cream was it?

Cream: Uh-huh. Would you like a bagel?

Y/n: A bagel? Sure.

She walked to him and gave him a bagel.

Y/n: I've never had one of these before.

Cream: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, all I had for the past eight years were fruit.

Chuck: Wait, you mean you had nothing but fruit for eight years?

Y/n: Not really sure how that's important, but yes.

Tails: Oh so, that "greatest inventor" Dad of yours can't even take the time to fix his kid some real food? I mean, he must be the worst-

Y/n held his right bracelet blade up to Tail's throat and that shocked everyone.

Y/n: Finish that sentence, Tails. It would make my day.

Cream: Y/n, please calm down!

Tails: Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Y/n retracted his blade.

Y/n: Yeah, that's what I thought.

He took a bite out of the bagel.

Cream: How is it?

Y/n: Not bad.

Chris: Hey, Tails.

Tails: What's wrong?

Chris: Where's Sonic?

Cream: He left this morning. He was going somewhere to explore. Downtown, I think.

Y/n: Yeah, he tried to invite me, but I didn't really care enough to leave.

Chris: If the police spot Sonic, they'll try to catch him.

Tails: Catch Sonic? I don't think so.

Chris: I just hope he's careful.

Y/n: But even if he gets captured, would that be the worst thing?

Chris: Y/n!

Y/n: I'm just saying, I certainly don't need that blue idiot around.

Tails: Idiot?!

Y/n: This conversation is over.

Tails: Hey wait-

He ran off.

Tails: Whoa, he really is as fast as Sonic.

Chris: We have to bring them back! Right away!

Tails: I understand needing Sonic back here, but why do we need that jerk?

Chris: Because even though he doesn't say it he's our friend.

Cream: Maybe we should go find him, Tails. He was a little bit nicer.

Tails: Ugh, fine.


Tails was flying above the city in his plane.

Tails: This is like trying to find a hedgehog in a haystack.

He continued flying until he saw Y/n laying on a tree.

Tails: Hey there.

Y/n: Hello.

Tails: So, not that I'm judging, but of all the places you could have ran to you decided to lay on a tree?

Y/n: Yeah, there's just something about trees that I find... Nice.

Tails: Look, now that we're alone I would like to talk to you about a few things.

Y/n: Okay.

Tails: I heard there was a serial killer in the the Forest. You're him, aren't you?

Y/n: And what if I am?

Tails: That would explain your jerky personality.

Y/n: Look, if you're just here to tell me I'm a jerk then I'm out of here.

He got up.

Tails: Wait, I'm also here to take you back to Chris's house.

Y/n: Why do you guys want to be around me so much?

Tails: I don't want you around that much either, but Chris, Chuck, and Cream would be upset if they found out I found you but didn't bring you back.

Y/n: Well, that really sounds more like a you problem then a me problem.

Tails: Look, just come back with me.

Y/n: (sigh) Fine.

With Knuckles and Amy.

Knuckles and Amy were still walking in the sewer.

Amy: Knuckles, can't we take a break?

Knuckles: You take one if you want, but I'm not stopping.

Amy grumbled.

Amy: (Thinking: A little casual conversation would lighten things up.) So, what do you think our chances are of getting back home, Knuckles?

Knuckles: We'll get back for sure.

Amy: How can we?

Knuckles: I don't know, but we will, somehow we will.


Knuckles was standing in front of a giant emerald that was on top of a Temple.

Knuckles: No matter what it takes, I have to get back. It's my mission to guard the Master Emerald. Nothing's gonna stop me from doing my job. You can count on it.

End flashback.

Knuckles: Until I do find a way back, I'm not going to rest or get sidetracked.

Amy: Although, don't you wonder about two nights ago.

Knuckles: What do you mean?

Amy: Come on, you know what I mean.

They thought back to that night.

Knuckles: You mean that big blow of wind?

Amy: Yeah, don't you wonder what that was?

Knuckles: Whatever it was, it had to be insanely fast, like Sonic.

Amy: But the only one I know who's as fast as Sonic is Sonic.

Knuckles: What or who it was isn't important, what's important to know about it is, was it Friend or Foe?

Suddenly, the sewer started to shake.

Knuckles: Huh? What's that?

They got out of the sewer and saw a giant robot walking towards a building.

At the Thorndyke house.

Eggman appeared on the TV screen.

Eggman: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Eggman, and I have some exciting news for you. Exciting for me, that is, and catastrophic for you. I have decided to take over your world and make it a part of the new Eggman Empire. Resistance is futile. You'll submit to my rule or be swept away like dust bunnies.

He laughed loudly.

Tails: So Eggman is here.

Y/n: Well, if he's looking for a fight he's found one. I'll go and fight him while you stay here.

Tails: Wait, we still need Sonic.

Y/n: Come on, you seriously need that blue idiot around for everything.

Tails: Look, Sonic could get hurt and I know that doesn't mean very much to you, but we need him.

Y/n: (sigh) Fine. It means that much to you I'll run off and find the idiot while you do whatever you do.

Tails: Really?

Y/n ran off without a word.

Tails: I guess that's a yes. Come on, let's stop Eggman!

Chris: I'm coming too.

Tails: Fine by me.


Tails was in the Tornado and everyone was out of the garage.

Tails: Come on, Chris. Let's go!

Chris: Ready, Tails.

He ran out with a football helmet and he put it on when he got in the plane.

Chuck: Good luck up there, and be careful.

Tails: We'll be okay.

Chris: We'll stop Dr. Eggman while Y/n looks for Sonic. Don't you worry.

Cream: Goodbye, guys.

Tails: Okay, Chris, hang on.

They took off in the plan.

With Y/n.

Y/n was running to the outskirts of the city.

Y/n: Where is that idiot?

He saw Sonic up ahead.

Y/n: Hey!

Sonic turned to him.

Sonic: Hey, can you come to enjoy the scenery of this planet?

Y/n: No, idiot. I'm here to get you.

Sonic: Get me?

Y/n: That Doctor with the ridiculous name is causing some chaos in the city, and although I don't really care about it that much the guy I want to get payback is there.

Sonic: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Sonic ran off and Y/n trailed behind him.

In the city.

Eggman got that same chill down his spine.

Eggman: Someone insulted me to some extant again.

Missile Wrist was fighting off Tails and Chris while they were in the Tornado.

Chris: Tails, look out!

Tails tried to dodge the attack but the propeller got hit and the plane went out of control.

Tails: This is what I call an emergency.

He pushed some buttons and pulled a switch and the plane turned into a jet.

Tails: We're in the jet set.

They continued dodging Missile Wrist's attacks and Amy and Knuckles were on the ground level watching it.

Amy: Tails is in trouble. We've got to find a way to help him.

Knuckles: I've got more important things to do.

Amy: Fine! Who needs you?

Knuckles: Don't go in there!

She ran in anyway.

Knuckles: She's only going to get herself hurt.

He ran in the building after her and while Amy went up in the elevator Knuckles went up the stairs.

With Sonic and Y/n.

They were both running back to the city.

Y/n: (running) So, you fight this guy on a daily basis?

Sonic: (running) Yeah, you find it quite fun after a while.

Y/n: (running) You won't find it fun after today.

Sonic: (running) What's that suppose to mean?

Y/n: (running) You'll find out in due time.

Back with the Eggman fight.

Knuckles: Finally got on the roof.

Knuckles: All right. I need a strategy.

The elevator door opened.

Knuckles: What took you so long?

Amy came out of the elevator with a giant hammer and swung it at the robot.

Amy: Leave Tails alone, you tin bully!

Knuckles: Don't do it, Amy!

She hit the robot but it had no effect then Missile Wrist grabbed her and started to squeeze her then Knuckles jumped into action.

Knuckles: Argh! Hang on, Amy!

Eggman got in the way.

Eggman: Hold it, knucklehead. One more step, and the girl's a goner.

He snapped his fingers and Missile Wrist tightened up his grip on Amy.

With the two hedgehogs.

Sonic: (running) We better pick up the pace if we want to be part of the action.

Y/n: (running) Now that's the first thing you and I can agree on.

Back with the others.

Knuckles: Leave Amy alone or you'll be sorry.

Eggman: Sorry? I'm already sorry that you and your friends have survived. My consolation is that it seems Sonic and that other hedgehog didn't.

Knuckles: Other hedgehog?

Eggman: It's hard to explain.

Tails: What is Sonic and Y/n don't make it?

Chris looks and sees the lights that trails behind the two hedgehogs.

Chris: It's okay. Help is on the way.

Eggman: Huh?

Tails: Get him, Sonic!

Chris: Hey, where's Y/n?

They got closer to Sonic and Chris gave him a ring.

Sonic: Thanks.

Eggman: There he is. Get ready to fire.

Missile Wrist tossed Amy but Knuckles caught her while Sonic was using the rings power to use that roll ability from two nights ago and he used it to roll up the building.

Eggman: Hurry. Fire!

Missile Wrist fired missiles at Sonic and they made a big explosion off smoke.

Eggman: Finally.

But Sonic rolled out of the smoke and went high up in the air.

Eggman: Fire away!

Missile Wrist was firing his rocket fist at Sonic but Sonic was dodging them all while taunting Dr. Eggman.

Eggman: Wise guy! I'll show you!

Knuckles: Sonic, try the old-

Before he could finish the arm that Sonic was on got cut off my Y/n and Sonic started to fall.

Sonic: Ah!

Amy: Sonic!!!

Eggman: My. I had no idea the Hedgehog's were going against each other.

Tails and Chris caught Sonic before he hit the ground.

Y/n: Now we get to you.

He turned to Eggman.

Y/n: It's time I pay you back for what you did.

Eggman got terrified.

Eggman: Take him out!!!

He flew away and Missile Wrist tried to hit Y/n but Y/n climbed him and jumped to try to slash Eggman.

Y/n: Now you're mine.

But he missed him.

Sonic: Take me back down.

Tails: Right.

They took Sonic to the roof and he jumped on it.

Sonic: What was that about, Y/n.

Y/n: I did what I had to do try and get the stupid named doctor.

Eggman: So it was you who's been insulating me! Missile Wrist!

Missile Wrist had his sights on the two hedgehogs but they hit him with the spin move at the same time and the robot exploded.

Sonic: Woah. You can use spindash too?

Y/n: What does it look like?

Chris: All right, Sonic and Y/n.

Sonic looked up at Eggman.

Sonic: You lose.

Eggman: Hmm, this isn't over, blue boys.

Y/n: I think you better get lost before things get ugly.

Y/n put his left bracelet blade in a stabbing motion and Eggman flew off terrified.

Sonic: You know. You can be a tiny bit intense sometimes.

Amy: Oh, Sonic! Sonic!

Amy ran at him and hugged him.

Amy: You're okay!

She gave Y/n a death glare.

Amy: And who do you think you are risking his life like that?

Y/n: I don't believe giving you permission to speak to me.

Amy: Why you little... I'll show you-

Y/n: (intimidating look) Show me what?

Amy stepped back a bit.

Y/n: That's what I thought.

He looked at Knuckles and walked over to him.

Y/n: Knuckles.

Knuckles: Y/n.

They both smiled at each other and shook hands.

Y/n: Great to finally see someone I can get along with.

Knuckles: Same here.

Sonic: Wait, you two know each other?

Knuckles: Yeah. And?

Suddenly, a bunch of man with guns ran up to them.

Man: All right, nobody move.

Knuckles: Oh, great. Now what?

Y/n: I say we rip their throats out.

Knuckles: You know. That doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

Man: Don't try running away.

Knuckles growled as Violet Aura surrounded him.

Knuckles: Knuckles never runs from a fight.

Y/n had a dark blue aura around him as he had his blade and shield out.

Y/n: Yeah, let's get them Knuckles.

Man: Hey, easy, pals.

Y/n ran at the men but when they fired at him he used to Shield the block.

Y/n: Now, Knuckles!

Knuckles punched three of them while Y/n slashed the other two and two men were bleeding pretty badly.

Sonic: Hey, Knuckles and Y/n, come on!

Y/n: Let's go, Knuckles!

Knuckles: Right.

They ran and grabbed the ladder that Sonic and Amy were holding on to.

Chris: We'll go back to my house, guys.

Tails: Cream and Cheese are already there waiting for us.

Amy: Wow, them too? So we're all here together with this new guy.

Knuckles: Count me out. This is where I get off.

Y/n: Good luck, my friend.

Knuckles: Thanks.

Knuckles let go and he started to fall.

Amy: No, don't go!

Knuckles: See you around.

Amy: He's not coming with us? Why not?

Sonic: That's Knuckles. He does things his way.

Y/n: And I think that's the best part about him.

They flew off into the sunset.

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