Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


313 21 4
By belleofmarvel

Opal POV

I can barely contain my excitement as soon as my alarm goes off. I may or may not have already been awake for the past two hours, willing and begging my brain to shut off to catch just a bit more sleep, but alas the butterflies swarming my belly kept me from doing so.

"Alexa, play my Officer Evans playlist," I call out as soon as my feet hit the floor. Immediately my feet start moving on their own accord along with the sway of my hips. I dance all the way into my shower to prepare for the day.

"Because I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Because I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Because I'm happy! Clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Because I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do!" I sing along as I squeeze shampoo into my hand working a thick lather into my hair.

There will be nothing that can wipe the smile off of my face today, I think to myself even as I almost slip in my tub. This only causes me to giggle. "Opal, how'd you break your hip?" I ask aloud. "Oh ya know just a bit of fun in the shower," I answer myself. Chris would just be sad he wasn't a part of it. I laugh at myself and my goofiness today.

I can't help it. Today is going to be a great day.

I take a little extra effort on my hair, bound and determined to not throw it up into a messy bun or ponytail before I get to the airport. Before I know it my hair wand has become a microphone. "I'd trade my soul for a wish, pennies and dimes for a kiss, I wasn't looking for this but now you're in my way. Your stare was holding, ripped jeans skin was showing, hot night wind was blowin, where you think you're going baby?"

"Hey!" I point to myself in the mirror. "I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe. It's hard to look right at you baby, but here's my number so call me maybe." I go back to creating the loose waves in my hair and some how manage to only burn myself once.

Another alarm goes off on my phone. I grab it to check and see that it's alerting me that Chris' flight has taken off and that I've got about twenty minutes left to get ready.

Dancing my way into my closet one of my favorite songs from college comes on. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow." I decide on a casual look, one that even though will give me comfort, will still stir a little something in Chris. I slide into my skinny blue jeans, scattered with a few rips and toss on the grey and maroon raglan t-shirt before lacing up my Converse tennis shoes.

I may or may not have danced like an idiot all the way to my car. And in my seat as I drove to the airport. I did however draw the line in the parking lot.

I bounce on the balls of my feet, patiently (not really) waiting to see that tall drink of water come through the incoming flights hallway. Those dang butterflies are still swarming my gut, relentless in their efforts of reminding me that months later this man still has complete control over my nerves.

"You waiting on someone?" a voice says near me. I turn towards it seeing a very pregnant woman.

"My boyfriend and his mom. You?" Small talk is a welcomed distraction.

"Husband. Haven't seen him in about seven months," she says as she rubs her belly. "His going away gift." She chuckles as my eyes look at her stomach.

"Military?" I ask.

She nods with a wide smile, looking so proud. "Marines."

"Well, thank you for yours and his service," I tell her with a genuine smile.

"It's anything but easy," she admits to me, a complete stranger. "But I knew what I was getting into when we got together. I'll deal with some distance if it means I get to have him."

Suddenly her face lights up as she spots her husband coming through. I watch as she goes to him, kisses him before he drops to his knees and places a kiss on her belly. Her words stick out to me as I think about the distance I have with Chris. I try my hardest to push it aside considering it's way too early to think about either one of us moving for the other.

Six months isn't long enough to decide your entire future, right? I can't dwell on this thought or I'll start to panic and that's definitely not what I want to do right now. No, I want my happy bubble back.

Thankfully, that's what returns as I see a NASA baseball cap bouncing down the hall coming forward in my direction. I wait until it gets bit closer before charging after him. Lisa sees me bounding towards them and steps off a bit to the side as I jump right into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, his hands offering support under my thighs.

"Ah, I've missed you," he bellows as my face finds its home in the crook of his neck. I squeeze him tightly before pulling back to pepper his face with multiple kisses. Lisa's laughter matching his own by the time I'm done.

"That is certainly a greeting," Lisa says as Chris sets me back on my feet. "I'll settle for just a hug," she tells me as I turn towards her before wrapping my arms around her neck.

"I can't help it! I'm just so excited you're here," I tell her as she releases me.


  "Oh, Opal! This place is even more beautiful than I imagined. And the pictures online do not do it justice," Lisa tells me as we walk into the foyer of Magnolia.

 I can't help but beam with pride. "It's my baby. Lots of blood, sweat and much more tears than I will ever admit, have gone into each inch of this place."  I usher them over to the check in desk.

  "AnnaBeth, you remember Mr. Evans?" I hear Chris groan behind me. I turn to face him. "Listen, this is still my workplace. I have to keep it professional." He rolls his eyes at me causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

  "Yes, Miss Lucas. Mr. Evans, nice to see you again," AnnaBeth welcomes him.

  "And this is his beautiful mother, Lisa. I have them set up with two rooms, correct?"

  AnnaBeth pecks a couple of keys on the keyboard double checking the booking. "Yes, ma'am. I've got them in rooms 4 and 5, both of which are already cleaned and ready for their arrival."

  "Great!" I exclaim, my excitement still pouring over from this morning. I walk behind the desk to grab their keys off of the holder. "Jeremy?" I call out, knowing he's just around the corner sweeping the hallway outside my office. "Can you take Mrs. Evans and Mr. Evans luggage up to rooms 4 and 5?"

  "Ope, that's really not necessary. I'm quite capable of carrying our luggage," Chris insists.

  "It would be my pleasure," Jeremy answers before hurrying over to the two suitcases. He begins to lead the way but I catch him speaking over his shoulder to Chris. "Job security." This causes Chris to bark out a laugh. 

  Music to my ears. 

  Once we reach the top of the stairs I take Lisa to room 4, stopping just outside the door I toss the other set of keys to Chris. "Wow, such service," he smarts back to me. 

  "You're not important at the moment," I sass back as I unlock Lisa's door. I push the door open allowing her to step in first.

  I hear her take in a deep breath, which causes my smile to get even wider. "It's just beautiful! These furnishings are exquisite."

  "Thank you!" Jeremy comes in to set her luggage on the luggage rack before leaving the room, headed back to his duties downstairs.

  I busy myself around the room, pulling back the drapes so the spring sun can shine in. "We have turn down service at 7 pm. Mila starts breakfast at 8 am. I'm not entirely sure what all you and Chris want to do, but I can schedule meals whenever you'd like them. Just let me know."

  I watch as Lisa walks towards me, wrapping her arms around me this time. "I'm so proud of you, Opal." Her words get me a little choked up.

  "Thank you," I whisper, knowing if my voice goes any louder it'll crack. 

  "I'll let you get situated then." I compose myself before leaving.

  Knock, Knock. I rap my knuckles against the door of room 5, somewhat surprised Chris had closed and locked it. The door cracks open only slightly. "Can I help you?" he asks through the slim opening. 

  "Just wanted to make sure everything was to your liking," I respond like the good business woman that I am. He opens the door wider letting me in.

  "Actually, there's something terribly wrong," he tells me, concern covering his face. He remains near the door, his arms crossed against his chest causing his biceps to bulge through the short sleeve tee.

  I look around the room, trying to see if I can spot what he could be referring to. The bed is well made. The closet doors open and ready to be filled with items. Walking into the bathroom I see everything in order there as well. "What do you mean?"

  "My girlfriend said I wasn't important," he pouts, poking his lower lip out. 

  "Aw, did the poor officer not appreciate the fact that the Inn Keeper wanted to make sure his mommy was well taken care of?" I walk, swaying my hips, back over to where he's standing, still near the door.

  Chris grabs my arm pulling me flush to him before capturing my lips with his own. There is nothing slow or sweet about this kiss. One hand pushes against my lower back while the other weaves it's way through the soft waves of my hair. The moment lasts so long that I become lightheaded from lack of taking full breaths. Reluctantly I pull away.

  "What was that for?"

  "I wanted a proper hello," he states. "And I didn't think Ma would appreciate me doing that in front of her."

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