Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


459 30 15
By belleofmarvel

Opal POV

I lazily stretch my body underneath the covers, keeping my stretching moans as silent as possible on the off chance Chris is still asleep. I don't hear any shuffling around the room so I assume he's still asleep. Rolling over towards the large windows of the hotel room I open my eyes, taking in the gloomy look from the sky. The sun appears to be wanting to spend the day in bed as well to welcome in the New Year.

Last night was by far the most exciting night of my life. The passion and joy that Chris exudes bleeds over to me anytime that I am with him. I hope eventually his confidence may do the same. But, if only for a moment last night, I felt like I was the center of attention in someone's life other than my Pops. And wow, was it incredible. It's a feeling I never want to forget nor lose, one I'd like to keep with me forever. Some how, I feel like with Chris I can make that happen.

My daydream becomes reality as a warm body climbs into my bed, wrapping his arms around me. The contented sigh that escapes my lips is all he needs to hear before pulling me even closer to him before his lips find my exposed neck.

"Good morning, beautiful," his voice still laden with sleep. A voice that stirs something deep within me, wishing I could hear it daily.

"Morning. Did I wake you?"

"No, I was waiting for you to wake up." Another kiss to my neck.

"What time is it?" I ask since I'm facing away from the alarm clock.

"It's just nine."

"Just nine! We didn't go to sleep til four," I laugh out.

"How are you feeling after last night?" he asks, concerned.

"My lips are a little swollen and could use some chapstick, but I'm okay. It's not everyday I get to have multiple hour long make-out sessions with my boyfriend," I say with a smile on my face as I shift in his arms, turning to face him.

"I can't say I'm sorry because I'd be lying," he rubs his nose along mine. "And I told you I'd always be honest with you."

"Mmhm. Speaking of, what's the plan for today?"

"I've got a couple of ideas, but is there anything you'd really like to do?" he offers.

"I would probably pass out if I got the chance to ice skate in Central Park."

"Lucky for you, that was on my list. But, you're not allowed to pass out," he smiles before pecking my nose with his lips.

"Okay, so I chose something, you choose something." I sit up in the bed but continue facing him as he rolls onto his back tucking a hand under his head.

"Deal. But mine isn't until this evening. So how about breakfast, bundle up and go ice skating. Maybe come back here, take a nap because let's face it five hours isn't gonna be enough for either of us after yesterday. And then dinner and my date tonight?"

"You have yourself a deal, Officer Evans." I climb off of the bed. "Give me fifteen minutes?"

Chris sits up and catches my arm as I walk past the end of the bed. He pulls me down to sit on his lap. "If you give me fifteen kisses."

I look at him as if he's crazy. "Morning breath."

"I do not care. Lips on mine. Now."

"So demanding, Christopher," I smile and roll my eyes.

He narrows his eyes, giving me his smug smirk. "You love it."

Yes, yes I do, I think to myself as I grant his wish.


Chris POV

"Sweet mercy! I can't feel my fingers or my toes," Opal whines as we walk into the hotel lobby.

"You're the one that wanted to skate."

She presses the up button on the elevator. "How often does on get to go ice skating in Central Park on New Years Day?"

"True. How about coffee or hot chocolate?" I offer.

"Only if it's a bathtub full. It's gonna take a long soak in boiling water to get the use of my fingers and toes back," she laughs out.

Once we're in the elevator I pull her as close to me as I possibly can, doing my best to give her whatever body heat I could. "You know this would work better if we were naked."

Her head pops up off of my chest giving me 'the look.'

"What? It's true."

"I suppose that's just another one of your random facts you wanted to share with me?" she questions, raising both eyebrows.

My eyes move to the ceiling as I chew the corner of my mouth. "Sure, we can go with that." Opal's hand moves to hit me in the chest as she pulls back causing us to both chuckle as I bring her closer again, this time our lips meeting sweetly. "Random fact, ongoing desire. You can choose which."

"What am I gonna do with you?" she asks looking up at me once more as the elevator stops on our floor.

"Love me forever," I tell her as we walk the rest of the way to our room. She doesn't notice that I see her cut her eyes at me over those words. I know the words haven't been spoken but her actions speak for themselves.

"I hear that bath calling my name," Opal says instead of acknowledging my comment.

Once the door is unlocked she heads in immediately going to the bathroom and running the water. "Would you like a cup of coffee too?" I offer as I start to take off my coat.

"I don't think so, maybe just a bottle of water."

"You got it." I grab a bottle from our in room fridge and take it into the bathroom, setting it on the edge of the tub. While Opal is grabbing clothes from her suitcase I decide to take her body wash and create a bubble bath for her before stepping back out.

I notice she's still digging through her suitcase so I give her a quick peck on the top of her head as I walk past her before flopping down on the small couch in the room. "Are you gonna nap?" she asks.

"I don't know. I need to make a couple of calls, so I'll do that while you soak."

"Okay. I'll be quiet just in case," she says as I hear the door to the bathroom close. I count to three in my head before I hear, "Chris!"

"You're welcome!" I call out as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Opening it up I locate the number I'm looking for before typing out a message.

Me- Thought you might like to see this. <attachment>

I rewatch the video from last night, still in utter awe of Opal. I don't know much but I know the performers last night were not just blowing smoke. She truly was amazing. I can't possibly begin to understand what her theatre teachers in high school were thinking. She is no understudy. She is the main character.

Right on cue my phone rings. "Hello?"

"How's my girl doing?" Pops asks.

"Did the video come through?"

"It sure did. Incredible, I only wish I had been able to witness that myself," he adds.

"She's been on Cloud 9 since," I admit. "How are you feeling, sir?"

He pauses and gives a small chuckle. "I'm hanging in. Trying to gain as much strength as I can since that girl of yours has me taking on another round of treatments this month."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Officer, you keep doing exactly what you're doing. Keep that smile on her face. My Ope deserves to be this happy, I just want it to stay that way."

I nod my head even though he can't see the action. "Yes, sir. I want nothing more than the same thing."

"Let her know I love her, and I can't wait to hear all about this trip when she gets back."

"Hang on just one second." I mute the call and mover over to the bathroom door. "Hey Opal? Are you decent?"

"Never," the Lucas family answer.

"Do me a favor? Pull the shower curtain across the tub, I need to open the door."

"You aren't serious?" she asks sounding panicked.

"I'm not gonna look, just trust me." I hear the shower curtain slide across the bar. "Okay?"

"I guess."

I take one hand and turn the knob but don't push it open yet. I cover my eyes with my hand to give her more assurance. I use my hip to push the door open slightly, unmute the phone and stick my arm in the bathroom that's holding the phone. "Okay, go ahead Pops."


"Pops! What are you doing on Chris' phone?"

"He sent me that video from last night. My sweet girl, you did so good! Looked like an angel on that stage," he tells her, his voice cracking slightly.

"Don't tease me, Old Man," she laughs.

"No teasing, Ope. I mean it. Now you enjoy your trip and tell me all about it when you get back."

"Yes sir. I love you Pops!" she calls out from behind the curtain.

"Love to both of you," he says before disconnecting the call. I pull my arm back out of the bathroom and shut the door back. "You're in the clear, Opal."

I kick off my shoes and lay down on my bed this time. Grabbing the remote I flip through a few channels before landing on reruns of The Office.

Not five minutes later the bathroom door opens. I turn my head to see Opal walking right over to me. She jumps on the bed, grabs my face and kisses me. My hand finds its way into her hair making the kiss more urgent. When she pulls back she's not the one that's left breathless, but me. "What was that for?"

"For you being you, Chris. You sending it to Pops, it means so much to me." Her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

"I've told you. I'll do whatever I can to make you smile, love," I remind her as she rests her head against my chest. "Mm...you smell good."

I feel her body shake a little as she giggles. "Somebody turned my soak into a bubble bath. Thanks for that too by the way."

"Babe, you don't have to thank me for every thing I do. I know you appreciate me. I just want you to be happy."

I wait for an answer but instead I'm met with light steady breathing, making me realize Opal has fallen asleep. I stroke her back and hair until my eyes finally give in as well.


Opal POV

"That pasta might be the best I've had outside of Mila's," Chris says as we step out of the restaurant and back onto the streets of NY. Once we're through a small group of people he wraps one arm around my waist as I do the same to him. "Ready for the second half of my choice?"

"Yep. Where are we going?" I ask.

"Just a block up that way," he says pointing in the direction away from the hotel.

We walk in a comfortable silence, wrapped around one another in an attempt to stay warm as much as possible. Once we make it through the crosswalk Chris changes direction to the left and abruptly stops. "We're here."

I glance up and see that we are at a bar. "If you wanted a beer all you had to do was say so."

"Not just a beer. Come on," he pulls me through the door.

"This is not what I expected a bar in New York to look like." I notice the wooden pallet walls and unfinished round wooden tables. "This looks like something from the South," I chuckle as Chris finds an empty table.

"I'll be right back," he tells me before heading to the bar to order a drink. I continue to look around, taking in the decor.

"A Shirley Temple for you," Chris says as he reaches our table once again. "And a beer for me."

"Chris, I really didn't expect you to choose a bar for part of our date. I mean if you wanted a beer you could've gotten that at any meal."

He slowly shakes his head back and forth with a smirk across his face. His gaze changes and he points at something behind me. When I turn around I see a stage. He's chosen a karaoke bar.

"Planning on singing again, Maverick?" I ask as I sip on my drink before twirling the straw.

He continues to shake his head and smile. "Don't be smug with me right now, Evans. I'm not singing again." The motion of his head changes as he begins nodding. "No. Putting my foot down."

Chris knows he can't take me serious and that's exactly the look he's giving me. "Chris," I whine.

"For me?" he pokes his bottom lip out at me pouting.

"Ugh. We'll see," I concede knowing that I'll do my best to not let that happen.

"Pops mentioned he's starting treatment again soon?" he mentions after taking a pull from his drink.

"Yeah. I actually struck a deal with him. I told him I wouldn't come to Boston without him agreeing to it."

"Opal." Chris says my name somewhat sternly.

I shake my head no once more. "You can't fault me for wanting more time with him, Chris. You can't."

"I don't blame you, Ope, truly I don't. I just wish you hadn't held this trip over his head to get what you want. If you didn't want to be here, then you shouldn't have come."

"What?" How did this conversation take this turn. "I wanted to be here, but I didn't want to lose time with him. That's all Chris."

Oddly enough, he doesn't look overly angry from his statement, or mine. Maybe a little agitated. "I don't ever want you to feel like you have to be with me by pushing away time with your Pops. I'm not going anywhere, baby."

"I'm sorry. But I did what I felt like I had to in order to have more time." Chris just nods his head at me before taking another drink. "Can I change topics?"


"You know how much Pops impacted my life. Who is that for you?" I ask, genuinely curious and completely shocked that we've not talked about this before now.

He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms against his chest. "Somewhat similar to you, I guess. For me it was my grandma. I was the first grandchild so she took to me, I suppose. I spent as much time with her as I could, even as I got older. We'd watch sports together, we'd cook together, I told her everything."

"I thought you did that with your mom?"

"That only started after Grandma passed," he admits quietly. I see him crinkle his nose and sniffle.

I reach my hand across the table, turning my hand palm up begging for his own hand to find mine. "What happened, Chris?" He leans up, giving me his hand.

"Drunk driver ran her off the road, she hit a tree head on and the person kept right on going. They never caught the person," he says sadly.

"How old were you?"

"Seventeen. Start of my senior year of high school." He rubs my knuckles with his thumb, effectively comforting me when it should really be the other way around. "It's when I decided I wanted to become a cop. I knew that I didn't want other families going through what we went through. Figured if I could catch even one then it would be worth it."

I just stare back at him, my heart wanting to burst. So much makes sense now. Him coming to see me after the break in. Letting me cry over my past heartaches. Making me feel wanted. The man in front of me is a good man.

"She'd be proud of you," I assure him. "For the officer you are. For the man you've become. The way you treat others."

"Can I tell you something?" he asks as he leans up to the table.


"No one except my mom knows, but she left me her ring. Well, her engagement ring. She wanted my grandfather buried with her wedding band," he admits, shifting a bit in his seat.

And just like that it hits me. "Can I tell you something?"

He gives me a strange look, trying to figure out how I have nothing to say about his previous comment. "Okay."

"That night, when we were cleaning out your closet and you got called into the station, ya know before the whole getting shot thing?" He nods. "Well, I kept cleaning and I found a navy ring box on the floor under some clothes. I tried not to open it but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it. Was that it? Or were you previously engaged?"

Chris offers me a tender smile. "That was it. I forgot I had actually thrown it in my closet months ago when I saw it sitting on my table. It had been a rough day at the station, one of those reminders of the accident, and when I saw it I threw it."

"Can I be honest?" He motions for me to continue. "I thought you'd given it to a girl and something had caused you to get it back."

"Can I be honest?" This time I'm the one nodding. "There's only been one girl I want to wear that ring." His eyes gaze deep into me, working their way into my soul. He lifts my left hand from where it was resting on the table. "And one day it'll sit right there," he says as he strokes over my left ring finger.

My breath catches and I'm speechless. "Excuse me," I say before slipping out of my seat.


Chris POV

"Excuse me," Opal says as she slips out her seat, heading for the restroom.

I take a deep breath and begin to let my mind wander, reevaluating if I just made a lasting impression or pushed her away. This trip has been wonderful in bringing us closer together. What if my admission just changed it?

I begin tediously pulling off the wrapping from my beer bottle, letting my mind run rampant. I don't lift my head until I hear a familiar voice.

Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself
That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again
Oh, I'm a mess

When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again
When I look at you, that's the end
And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love
And I love the way
You can never find the right things to say
And you can't sit still an hour in the day
I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough
And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
And butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one
Come close, let me be home for anything
Good or bad, I know it's worth it, whoa
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love

  My heart quickly escalates as I realize what she's truly saying through the words of the song. Words that I knew would come in time, if only I'd give her what she needed. 

  I watch as she returns the mic and quietly steps off of the stage. My feet move on their own accord, heading straight towards the stage. My chest feeling like it may literally burst at the amount of love I feel for this woman. Uncaring of who or what is going on around me, I crash my lips to hers immediately. Opal pulls back first, her lips still practically resting on mine as she says the words I've longed to hear. "I love you, Chris."

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