Consequences ( Book 3 in the...

By Island12spice

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This is book 3 in the Hijacked of Innocence series. This is not a stand alone book and should be read in s... More

Chapter 2. Life Catches Up
Chapter 1. Loose Ends
Chapter 3. Life Happens
Chapter 5. Boom!!!
Chapter 7. War of The Willbrooks
Chapter 8. Eric 3.0
Chapter 6. Nothing But The Truth
Chapter 10. Willbrooks vs Willbrooks
Chapter 11. The Brawl
Chapter 9. Deal Or No Deal
Chapter 13. Some Sexual Healing
Chapter 14. Destiny
Chapter 15 Love or Control?
Chapter 16. Love is Not Enough
Chapter 17. Love Hurts
Chapter 18. The Limit
Chapter 19. What's Next?
Chapter 21. The Gala
Chapter 22. The Gala - Part 2
Chapter 23. Sunrise
Chapter 25. Poking The Bear
Chapter 20. Always Home
Chapter 26. Island Standards
Chapter 27. All About Jess
Chapter 28. Brotherly Love
Chapter 24. The Alien Visits
Chapter 29. Then Face to Face
Chapter 30. Unlikely Partnership
Chapter 31. The Pursuit
Chapter 32. Only Magic
Chapter 33. A little More Magic
Chapter 34. The Choice
Chapter 35. "Say Something"
Chapter 36. A Heart to Heart
Chapter 37. Spill It
Chapter 38. Are We Done?
Chapter 39. Perception
CHAPTER 41. Truth or Dare
Chapter 42. Truth
Chapter 43. THIS NIGHT
Chapter 44. This Night-Tanya's POV
Chapter 45. HOPE
Chapter 46. MY HERO
Chapter 47. Trick or Treat.
Chapter 48. Life Little Things
Chapter 49. Haunted
Chapter 50. Her Move.
Chapter 51. No She Didn't
Chapter 52. The Wish
Chapter 53. Help!
Chapter 54. The Big Reveal
Chapter 55. The Unravelling
Chapter 56. Under Their Noses
Chapter 57. The Secret Safe
Chapter 58. Silent Night
Chapter 59. Mila
Chapter 60. Only Jah Knows
Chapter 61. Fingers Cross All
Chapter 62. Her Father's Daughter
Chapter 63. Another Hiccup
Chapter 64. Love is Not Enough
Chapter 66. REAL is REAL part 2
Chapter 67. Paradise Lost???
Chapter 68. My Purple Pain
Chapter 69: Only You
Epilogue: All About Her

Chapter 12. Life - A GAME OF CHESS?

44 8 42
By Island12spice

Tanya sat out on the front veranda of her mother's house.  She hardly noticed the sun coming up beyond the horizon. She was deep in thought of how sweet her life with Eric was.  A car made its way  up the winding driveway.  

'Aunt Daphne?'

It was a while since she saw her aunt Daphne, and she was so happy to see her car pulled up  that morning.  Tanya ran out to greet her before she could even get out of her car.

As Daphne got from the car Tanya wrapped her arms about her aunt and clung to her just as she  did as a child; only this time there were tears.  She was just overwhelmed with happiness at seeing her aunt.   

Daphne laughed.  "What a welcome! you must really miss me and here I was thinking you forgot about your dear old aunt Daphne." 

"You don't visit me anymore and you don't call. What is going on with you chile?" Daphne asked.

"The drive up to the capital is hard for me alone at this stage but you are right I could call," Tanya said as she wiped the tears from her face. 

"Hmm, the drive to the capital is hard, yet I hear that you are ready  to go on a plane thousands of miles away," Daphne said. 

"I just need to get away from him ... from here," she cried.

"Shhh stop the crying, let's go inside and see what Edie has to eat, I am starving, afterward we will take a walk and talk," Daphne said. 

Tanya smiled and nodded her head.  

Daphne walked through the door and dropped her bags on the floor.  Edie did not look too please to see her.  She blamed Daphne in part for the situation Tanya found herself in with the Willbrooks, but Daphne paid no attention to her sister in law's sour face.  She was there to see Tanya not her. 

"So a what breeze blow you down here this early in the morning?" Edie asked.

"Your husband did.  We played a game of chess and he won, so I agreed to come down here and check on you guys for him," Daphne said.

Tanya looked at her aunt in shock.  "Daddy asked you to come?!" 

"Ron? My Ronnie  ... you played chess with my dead husband?" Edie spit out in disbelief.

Daphne looked from Edie to Tanya.  "Why is that so hard for you to believe? My brother came to me in a dream, we played chess and he told me that I was needed down here, so here I am.  Now what yu cooking, I could smell it all the way from outside," 

Daphne pushed pass Edie and headed over to the stove.  "Hmm, roast breadfruit and Ackee and saltfish, my favorite."    

Edie opened her mouth to say something, but shut it when Jess walked in.  "Hi Aunty Daphne."

Daphne pulled the young girl into a hug.  "Oh my, you are growing up nicely and look just like your sister here."   

Jess smiled and asked Tanya for help with her hair.  The girls headed up the stairs leaving Daphne with Edie. 

"Just pull your hair up with a pony clip; you don't have time for anything fancy or you will be late for school," Edie yelled out to Tanya and Jess as she fixed Jess her breakfast. 

"You must be over the moon to have three of your kids home with you," Daphne said.

"With Ronnie gone it gets lonely even with Jess here, so yes it's good to have them home."  

"Does Jess take the bus to school or you still drive her?" Daphne asked.

Edie looked at Daphne.  "Yes I drive her anywhere she needs to be ... after what happened with Tanya, I am not taking any chances with Jess, and I don't want to hear your mouth about how strict I am in raising my daughter.  You  had enough say in Tanya's life and look what happened." 

Daphne shook her head.  "I know you miss him terribly; I miss him too,  but you need to let it go Edie and move on.  Stop blaming yourself  and ME for what happened to Ron and to Tanya." 

"How can I let it go when that monster is walking around free, married to my daughter is abusive to her and have kidnapped my granddaughter," Edie asked.

"Abuse? Kidnapped? What are you saying?" Daphne asked.

Tanya and Jess walked back into the kitchen and the conversation stopped.  "Go on, eat your breakfast  so  we can leave.  I don't want you late for school," Edie told Jess.  


With  Edie and Jess out of the house Daphne and  Tanya sat down to finish breakfast.  There was silence for a while, which was so unlike her aunt to be that quiet and Tanya wondered what  she was thinking.  

"You ok Aunty?" Tanya asked.

"Yea, I am thinking about what your mother said earlier.  "Did you tell her that Eric abused you? Why did you stay after his accident? He had no knowledge of being married to you.  Last time we spoke you said that you could not be happier, now all of a sudden he is abusing you and you want to run as pregnant as you are.  Talk to me Tanya, what in hell is going on?" Daphne went on and on.   

"Eric is a serial cheater Aunty.  He has an illegitimate child, and I can't accept that.  That is a red line for me," Tanya said.

"Oh, and how did you learn about this child?" 

"Sahita ... and Mila, the child's mother confronted us at the mall. The kid ran to Eric calling him daddy.  It was the worst day of  my life.  His betrayal was as devastating as the day Daddy died, " Tanya said as she tapped the tears leaking from her eyes.  

Daphne shook her head.  "You two have placed each other on this  pedestal of perfection but no one is perfect Tanya, not you and not him.  He behaved the same as you are now when  he found out about  you and Luke.   Sahita did her best to convince Eric that Ericka was not his child.  And who is front and center again? Sahita. She tried to turn Eric against you and when that did not work she turned to you ... turning you against Eric.  And it looks like she has succeeded finally.   

Tanya thought about what her aunt said for a minute.  "What are you saying Aunty? I should turn a blind eye to his cheating?" Tanya asked.

Daphne hissed.  "I am not telling you what you should do.    I am just painting you the picture here because you are not seeing it.  You should not let anyone make your decisions for you.  You think hard about what is best and right for you and your kids.  You know Eric  better than anyone else."  

"You know him more than he knows himself, so only you can make the decision of whether to stay or leave, but don't let me or your mother or your brother  make that decision for you." Daphne preached. 

"But the kid Aunty." 

"I wouldn't worry about the kid.  I can't say more; it will have to come from Eric," Daphne continued.  

"Are you saying that Eric is not the father of  this child?"

"I am saying there is a lot more to the story than Sahita exposed.  Eric is desperately trying to put the pieces together and I believe that he will tell you everything when the puzzle is complete," Daphne said.    

"How do you know all this?"

Daphne laughed.  "Is there anything that happens on this island that your aunt doesn't know?"


Kenny walked into the kitchen and headed over to pour some coffee.  He walked over to Daphne and Tanya.  He kissed Daphne on the cheek.  "Hi Aunty, what brings you down here?" he asked as he took a seat at the table.

"To see you of course.  I heard that my favorite nephew is visiting but has not bothered to come see his aunt," Daphne said.  

"I am here to help Tanya out  and get her away from that monster," Kenny said.  

"I am not sure what help Tanya needs now ... she needed help when she was eighteen and just lost her father, but none of yu was there for her.  She was turned out on the street  to fend for herself  if you remember, and it was that monster you mentioned that  took her in and cared for her," Daphne  said.    

"I cant believe you Aunt Daphne,  whose side are you on? Dad was your brother for heavens sake.  THAT MONSTER KILLED YOUR BROTHER AND OUR FATHER," Kenny shouted.  

Daphne cleared her throat.  "Don't raise your voice at me.   I know what happened to Ron, and I know HOW it happened, I was there,  but what I am talking about is your sister here.  She needed you then  but you were no where to be found." 

Kenny looked at Tanya.  "I am sorry  that I let you down,  but you chose him over us ... after what he did to Dad, but  now you get another chance to choose and do right by your family.  I hope you make the right choice this time," Kenny warned. 

"Backside, why  she ha fe choose? Why can't she have all her family? Are you asking her to give up her kids too?  Because  Eric will never give up his kids;  he will always be a part of Tanya's life whether yu like it or not." 

"I don't give a shit about Eric.  Don't ask me to care about what that bastard wants or needs.  I don't give a shit about any Willbrooks," Kenny said and stormed out of the room.  

"Open your ears chile, did you hear that? He cares nothing for any Willbrooks ... that include your children.  Him and Edie don't care if yu children become collateral damage in their quest for justice."  Daphne pointed out.  

"Did I tell you the story of my life ... about how Sahita ruined things for me and Rick, Eric's father?" 

"Yes you did," Tanya answered.

Daphne smiled reflectively, "You know I feel responsible for the turn your life took and for what happened to your father."

"Why would you feel responsible?"

"Well If I had not let Sahita ruin my future with Rick, there would be no Eric." 

Tanya reflected on that  for a moment.  'life is like a game of chess'  Who said that?   A different  move would have resulted in a totally different outcome  for everyone, but most of all for Eric.  

"Eric wouldn't exist?"

The baby moved inside her and she held onto her overly large belly.  'My kids wouldn't exist'

Daphne gently patted  Tanya's hand.  "No he would not exist.  Dont let Sahita ruin your future like she did mine.  Now let's  take that walk." 


Tanya drove up to the house and parked in her usual spot. She walked up to the front door and rang the bell.  She had no keys since Eric changed the locks.

Dee came to the door and Tanya pushed passed her and enter the house.  "Where is my daughter?" Tanya asked.  

Dee folded her arms defiantly.  "You should leave before I call Eric; he told me not to let you in the house." 

"You better get out of my way; don't let me have to move you... out the door."  

Tanya yelled out for Becky and Ericka and they both came running out.  Ericka fell twice before she got to her mother.  "Mommy! it's Mommy!" she screamed.   

"Ericka, Ericka come over here," Dee called but  Ericka was so excited to see her mother, she heard nothing that Dee said. 

"Becky  you know what Eric said about letting her into the house," Dee said.

"She is the misses of this here house; I would shut my mouth if I were you," Becky told Dee.

"You have no idea what  or who you are up against.  Stay in your lane." Tanya told Dee.

Tanya hugged Becky.  "Where is Eric? I need to talk to him." 

"He is not here ... he left  about an hour ago after dinner.  He was with Lloyd," Becky said.

"You coming back home?" Becky asked.  "Please come home, he needs you and so does Ericka."

Tanya nodded "I will decide after I talk to him," Tanya said.

"You hungry? You look tired," Becky said.

Tanya smiled.  "I am not hungry but I am tired.  I haven't been sleeping well."

"Your room is ready.  Mr. E asked that I keep it ready for you," Becky said.

"He did that?" 

"Yes maam, so go up and get some rest.  He should be home soon," Becky said.

Tanya took Ericka by the hand.  "Come baby, Mommy needs your help," 

"I  have lots of new toys ... I show you Mommy," Ericka said overjoyed at seeing her mother. 

"I can't wait to see them," Tanya said.

"It's her bedtime.  She should be in bed," Dee said.

"I am her mother, don't  you ever tell me what she needs," Tanya told Dee. 

Becky and Dee stood and watched as Tanya and Ericka made their way up the stairs.  Dee  folded her arms and pouted.  "Should we trust her with Ericka ... what if she sneak her out of the house?" Dee asked.  

Becky pushed Dee.  "What did I tell you? When she comes back, she will be your boss.  Mind your business and come with me, I need help in the kitchen."  


Ericka took her mother's hand and led her into her room.  Tanya's eyes popped open.  She could not believe all the new toys Eric bought.  Ericka picked up a new doll and fed her a bottle.  "Yook Mommy she pees," Ericka giggled.  Tanya played with Ericka a bit  before getting her ready for bed.  They headed back to her suite.  

There was a vase of  beautifully, freshly cut flowers sitting on her dresser.  'Did he put this here everyday for me?'   She could not deny  that she missed him, missed the life they had since his accident.  'Should I give him a pass this one time?'

Tanya was exhausted.   She wondered how much longer before Eric came home.  She lay across the bed and Ericka playfully poked at her mother's stomach.

"When is my baby bwather coming out?" She innocently asked.

"Or sister," Tanya injected.  "He or she will be here soon."

Tanya yawned. "Mommy is so tired," 

"Let's sleep den ... can Ewicka sleep in your bed?" The little girl asked.

"Ericka sure can sleep in my bed.  Can you get up there?" 

They both got into bed and snuggled up together.  Ericka sang to her mother  "Jesus loves the little children"  a song Tanya often sang to her at bedtime.  Her voice faded away as she fell asleep.  Tanya smiled and kissed her daughter.  'I miss this so much, I miss him'  she thought  before she too fell asleep. 


As Eric drove up to the house, he saw Tanya's car parked in its usual spot. His heart skipped a beat. 'She is home! She is finally home' was all Eric could think, but then he was brought back down to earth by what Lloyd said next.

"Do you think she is here because of Kenny?"

Eric's heart dropped. "I doubt it," Eric said anxious to get inside to see Tanya.

"Wait! How you going to face her with her brother's blood all over you?" 

"Go around the back to the pool house and take a shower  before you go inside.  "I will bring you some clean clothes; they may be a little snug," Lloyd teased.

"You think this is fucking funny?"

 Eric was startled by Dee as he walked through the back door.  'What the fuck?'  

"Your face! what happened?" she asked reaching out to touch his face.  

Eric pulled away from her. "DONT, I am fine." 

"Where is Tanya?" He asked.

"She is upstairs.  I couldn't go to sleep knowing that she was in the house.  I was afraid that she would take off  with Ericka," Dee said.

"Thanks for looking out for Ericka.  You can go to bed now." he said and walked away.    

'Eric stopped for a moment and looked up the stairs.  His life was up those stairs.  

'Is she here to give me ... us another chance?

He was afraid that  he had just blown it again.  'I miss her so fucking much.'  

He wanted to go to her so bad but he was nervous as hell.  How could he face her after just beating the shit out of her brother? He wondered.  




"Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with insight and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way. We become  each and every piece within the game called life." 

by Allan Rufus  

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