Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


405 22 3
By belleofmarvel

   A sharp noise, similar to an alarm, causes Chris to wake up startled. The light in the living room coming from his cell breaking through the dark.

   Briefing in 30.

   He huffs a sigh, noticing that it is just 4 AM. With a quick stretch of his aching muscles he gets up and ready using the half bath off the hallway.

   Chris sneaks quietly into his bedroom, making every effort not to wake the beauty resting in his bed. He places a note he scribbled onto the pillow next to Opal before leaning down to place a tender kiss to her temple.

Just as he reaches the door to leave he hears her shuffle in the bed. "Chris?"

He walks back to the bedside, crouching down. He uses one hand to brush the hair off of Opal's face as it splays across the midnight blue sheets. "Sorry, sweetheart. I've got to go in for a bit. Go back to sleep."

Opal's eyes falter, refusing to stay open no matter how hard she tries. "Okay," she mutters sleepily before her breathing steadies once again. Chris is relatively certain she won't remember this in a couple of hours.


"No!" Opal shouts back at her friend across the table.

"Come on! Could be fun," Laura responds wiggling her brows, watching Opal continue to shake her head back and forth.

"There is no time in my life in which playing 'Strip Poker' with you would be fun. No," she refuses. Opal crosses her arms in front of her chest, unwilling to budge on the dumb idea made by the gorgeous woman in front of her.

"Prude." Laura rolls her eyes before plopping down on Chris' couch next to Spencer.

Opal isn't a prude, at least she use to not be. But due to some decisions she's made for herself there are just some things she's not willing to be a part of. And having her friend strip down next to nothing in front of Opal's boyfriend is definitely one of them.

Spencer, thankfully, speaks up. "I'm with Opal on this one. I'd rather not have my friend here seeing my girl showing skin."

"Y'all are no fun," Laura pouts. "Come on, Chris. Convince them."

"Oh no, no, no," he says quickly. "Not gonna happen, Laura." He takes a swallow of his beer before speaking again. "Not to mention, I've not played since the Academy incident."

"The Academy incident?" Opal questions him. "Do share, babe."

"Let me think about it... Yeah, that's gonna be a no too," he laughs out.

Opal pulls out her cell from the back pocket of her jeans, opening it to Jameson's contact information. "That's okay, I'll just ask Jameson."

"No you won't!" Chris jumps up from his seat at the table, lunging towards Opal.

"Ah!" she squeals and attempts to run away. Chris grabs her waist from behind as Opal holds her phone as far away from her body as she can.

Chris tries to reach her hands to grab the phone but realizes her arms are a lot longer than he realized. He decides it's time for a different approach and begins digging his fingers into her waist, tickling her.

"Ow! Oh, ple- please stop," she laughs out, attempting to catch her breath.

"Give up the phone, Ope," Chris demands playfully as he continues his attack on her form.

"Tell me!" she huffs out between giggles.


"Chr-, Chris! You're gonna make me pee my pants!" Opal is laughing harder than he's ever heard her, and it's pure bliss to his ears.

"Good thing I've got a washing machine and a mop then," Chris teases back, continuing his tickling assault as she drops to the floor, unable to remain standing in her fit of laughter.

Opal attempts to roll onto her back thinking that Chris will stop since he's behind her. Unfortunately for her he's trained to change his maneuver quickly and before she can even say another word he's essentially straddling her on the ground. She continues putting up a fight, even kicking her legs. "Easy with the knees Ope! I'd like to have kids one day," Chris chuckles.

Spencer looks over at Laura. "Do you think we should be in the room for this?"

"Ya know, y'all could at least wait on the foreplay until you're alone!" Laura yells out attempting to be heard over all of the boisterous laughter.

Realizing the awkward position Chris has put Opal in he stops tickling her, and moves off of her, kneeling beside her instead. "You okay?" he asks.

Thinking he's talking about the pain from the tickles and laughter she gives an out of breath response, "yeah," before giving a small giggle. "I haven't laughed like that in forever."

"Glad I could be of service," he responds with a smile. Chris stands and offers his hands to help Opal get back onto her feet.

"Why don't y'all set up Monopoly? I'll be right back," she says before walking towards the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Laura asks.

"To change. I peed a little," Opal answers which sends all of them into a fit of hysterics.


Opal POV

"Bye guys," I say once more as we move Laura and Spencer closer to Chris' apartment door.

We'd spent the last five hours having lunch, playing cards and board games. It was fun, and I enjoyed myself, but I'm glad to have Chris to myself. We had missed our time together this morning since he was at the station for several hours earlier in the day.

"Talk tomorrow?" Laura asks. I nod my head as she steps out of the door. "Bye."

I close the door and turn back to where I thought Chris was still behind me. I sigh as I see him start to collapse on the couch. I go to sit beside him, just on the edge. "Tired?"

"A bit," he admits, resting a hand on my leg.

"We can call it a night if you want?" I offer, but still hopeful that he'll decline my idea.

"What time is it?" he asks with a yawn as he rubs his eyes with his fingers.

I glance at my watch before answering. "4:00."

"Shoot." He sits up abruptly pulling his phone out quickly.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"We have a date, or did you forget?"

"Not exactly. I just figured it was like a movie date again. But you're exhausted. Let's just do an early dinner and call it a day," I tell him.

I watch as he continues to mess around with his phone, trying not to be nosey but it's a little difficult when he's sitting right there. I feel a little out of place all of a sudden and decide to move, giving him his space. I don't get far as Chris grabs my arm and pulls me back down onto the couch as he lays back, giving me his chest as a pillow; a very hard, chiseled pillow, but a pillow none the less.

"Okay. We're good for about another hour," he says setting his phone on the coffee table.

"I'll let you get some rest then." Again I attempt to leave him just to be held against him once more.

"I can rest with you right here," he admits. "Unless this makes you uncomfortable."

I turn my head slightly to look back up at him. "I'm alright, if you are?"

"Perfect," he whispers quietly as I can already feel his breathing even out, his chest rising and falling as my head continues to rest against him.

I listen to the little breaths as he exhales, afraid to move because I don't want to disturb him. I decide it's best to just snuggle up closer, in a more comfortable position. I rotate so that my cheek is now on his chest along with my right hand, resting my legs along side his as well. He moves slightly and I hold my breath, hoping this is okay. He reassures me without words, but places his arm around my shoulder and softly places a kiss on top of my head before I hear the faintest snores begin again.

It's been many years since I've been this comfortable with a male, and even now it wasn't accomplished overnight. I lay in his arms, thinking about how Chris actively pursued me ever since the Bachelorette weekend. Even during the two weeks between the trip and the wedding he continuously asked for my number through Spencer and Laura. Then all of his efforts during the wedding weekend. His attempts and successes of pulling me out of my anxiety ridden moments. Our conversations after he returned to Atlanta. Chris jumping in his car and coming to my 'rescue' after the break in. His patience in allowing me to open up my dark past to him. His acceptance of it.

He's been actively pursuing me this entire time and it's something I've rarely experienced. I've lived a life of feeling less than worthy of other's affection, with the exception of my grandparents. Chris' quest for my affection has opened up a whole new world to me. And man, is it an amazing one.

As my thoughts continue to be filled with moments over the last ten weeks I become startled when there's a knock at the door. "Babe," I say somewhat quietly but loud enough to wake him, hopefully without startling him.

"Hmm..." he groans.

"The door. Someone is here."

"Oh! Right." He shifts allowing me to peel myself from his side before sitting up as well. I watch him sleepily walk to the door and look through the peep hole before opening it. "Thanks, man."

Chris takes the package into the kitchen. I start to follow him but he stops me. "I'm gonna need to either trust you to cover your eyes and keep them that way, or you're gonna need to go to another room for a few minutes."

I give him a questioning look. "I guess I can go wait in the bedroom." I take a couple steps to the bedroom door before he's calling out to me. "No, not that room." I look around his small one bedroom apartment. "The only other option is the bathroom, Chris." He smiles back at me. "Fine." I trudge through the living room and into the half bath shutting the door behind me.

"Want me to clean it for you?" I call out through the closed door.

"Don't you dare, woman!"

"Am I gonna find anything condemning in this medicine cabinet?" I ask taking note of the glass covered cabinet. "Maybe some Rogaine? Old girlfriend's hairbrush? Or birth control," I mutter the last part more to myself.

"Quit your snooping, Opal and be patient."

I find myself just sitting on the closed toilet seat with nothing to do, waiting for the all clear.

Just as I'm about to question him whether or not I can come out there's a soft knock on the door. "You decent, gorgeous?" he asks with a chuckle remembering what I ask Pops before entering his room.

"Always," I answer, swinging the door open wide.

"Now, normally I would be picking you up for a date and it would certainly not be from a bathroom, but would you accompany me tonight?"

I find myself blushing at his silliness. "I would love to."

"Come with me." Chris offers me his hand. I place my own hand in his just in time for him to bring it to his lips causing my heart to flutter.

He leads me past the kitchen and dining area. I notice the table is empty. I'd expected to see take-out sitting and waiting for us. We continue to walk through the apartment, going through the living room and to his bedroom where I see a closed door. "Close your eyes," he asks of me.

With a smile on my face I comply. For good measure he releases my hand and places his over my eyes and moves behind me before I hear the sound of his door handle turning. He nudges me a couple of steps into the room. He leans into my back, bringing his lips close to my ear, "Open your eyes, sweetheart." He removes his hand and my eyes flutter open.

I take another couple of steps into the room, moving towards the wall of windows. My breath hitches at the sight of the sunset in front of me. The room aglow in various hues of orange and purple, mixing both together in places creating differing pinks as well. "Chris..."

"I promised you a sunset date." I feel his arms wrap around my waist, bringing his hands to rest on my abdomen.

"This is incredible. I can't believe you didn't tell me about this when I called you from the river."

"I'd hoped that I'd get to show you in person." He rests his chin on my head, holding me closer to him. "Thought I'd hold onto that hope. The hope that we'd be right here, together."

  Feeling at a complete loss of words I just enjoy the tender moment  before whispering a hushed, "thank you." 

  "I also have this," he motions to where he's set up two TV trays at the edge of the bed, facing the windows. I notice he's gotten Mexican food as one tray holds a large stack of nachos, and the other cinnamon empanadas.  "I know it's not very romantic, but-"

  I turn in his arms, interrupting him with a kiss to his soft lips. "It's perfect." 

  We sit in a comfortable silence, eating and watching as the sun says good night to this side of the world. We watch as the city lights come alive, taking the place of the warm glow. 

  Chris' cell goes off and I can already feel myself getting disappointed again, knowing he'll have to leave to go back to the station. I'm surprised when he presses the screen and tosses the phone up onto the pillows of the bed.

  "What was that?"

   "An alarm. Time for the next part of the date," he says with a confident smile. He stands up and removes the nacho plate, taking it back into the kitchen. When he returns I see him fiddling with a plug behind the door. Once he's finished he moves to the bedside table, pulling out a small remote, pressing a button the room lights up with a faint glow from white fairy lights. 

  My mouth drops just a bit. "How did I not notice those earlier?"

  "Thankfully, the sunset was spectacular tonight and kept your attention away from my ceiling," he chuckles. I watch as Chris moves the pillows on the bed to rest up against the headboard. "Now, sit up there," he directs me.

   I scooch as close as I can, taking my place, but not feeling very comfortable without him. "Are you joining me?"

   "In a minute." Chris grabs a second remote, turning the television on.

   "I knew it was a movie night," I insist as he sits next to me.

   "Nope. Not a movie."

   I look quizzically between Chris and the television set. "Close your eyes one more time, babe."  I huff but oblige his request. I listen to the beeps his TV makes as he attempts to locate whatever it is he's looking for. I feel his arm reach around my back, allowing me a place to snuggle into his side now. "Can I open my eyes now?"


   Opening my eyes back up, I look straight at the TV. A banner scrolls across the middle of the screen. I shriek in excitement as I read it: The Goo Goo Dolls LIVE Concert.

   "I know it's not the same as being there in person, but I thought you might still enjoy it."

   I sit up on my knees, turning my body towards him. In my elation I grab his face with both of my hands and kiss him hard. I guess I was a little abrupt because Chris is just laughing into the kiss. I pull away, smirking at him. I notice it's like looking in a mirror as he matches my expression. "How many other girls have you watched a concert with in your bed, Maverick?"

   "You're the first, Shirley. And the last."

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