Strawberry Blonde

By TheBlackSquidward

36.7K 1.8K 451

Ask what High School is like and you'll get mixed answers along the lines of Scandals, Cliche Teen Romance, B... More



137 7 0
By TheBlackSquidward

There was a deafening silence.

The only sound audible was the force of rain hitting the house.

" What kiss ?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Bryan stood still, eyeing Tanner down with a rage I've never seen in him before.

I looked over at Charolette and she shrugged her shoulders at me equally confused.

" Bryan kissed Hassan." Tanner said, now standing up meeting all of us eye to eye.

Everything stopped.

I couldn't react.

I felt the planet halt under my feet.

When ?

How ?

Why ?

He's lying.

But why is Bryan reacting like that ?

He's telling the truth isn't he...

Just then the lights came back on in the house and peering over at Bryan it revealed the full range of emotions he was wearing.

He really did...

He kissed him.

" Bryan..." The octaves in my voice fell lower than I've ever heard myself.

He was still standing close to me but looking at Tanner menacingly.

" Why Bryan ?" I asked him, the feeling of betrayal growing sadly in my heart.

He looked at me slowly.
" I-

" When ?" I asked calmly but interrupting him.

I could see Charolette wide eyed in the background. I could tell it was a shock to her too which was actually more comforting knowing it wasn't some big gossip that only I was unaware of.

Bryan peered over to me, his eyes watery and enraged.

The anger on his face ignited a ferocious rage of my own and it took every inch of restraint not to swing on him.

What the fuck was he mad for ? You kissed MY boyfriend and YOU'RE the mad one ?

" It was in the Locker room after I hit Tanner cause he was hurting Hassan...I just..." he was starting to stammer his words.

" Before I left I seen it happen." Tanner joined in.

Bryan's body looked like it was going to do a full sprint but before he could do it, I got in the middle of them.

I put my hand on both of their chests keeping them at bay, Bryan ready to attack and Tanner ready to defend.

" Calm the fuck down ! This is what's NOT going to happen right now, if you guys wanna fight take it outside or something but not in his damn house." I said pushing both of them away further.

Bryan looked around the room before bolting out.

He was out of sight and we heard the front door slam harshly.

" I umm, I think I should get going also." Charolette said awkwardly.

I looked at her and blankly nodded as she gathered her belongings and softly placed her hand on my shoulder before leaving.

It was just me and Tanner now.

" Do I have to fight you if I want to leave ?" He asked.

" Sit." I demanded while pointing at the coach.

He sighed and took a slow seat down, not once taking his eyes off me.

We just existed in silence for a while. Both of us glaring while trying to pick each other's brains.

What answers did I want ?

" Did he kiss him back ?" I started.

" No." he said, finally taking his eyes off of me to twiddle his thumbs.

I expected that answer but just knowing was enough reassurance to ease some of the weight.

" Do you like Hassan ?" I asked trying to sound as unbothered as possible.

" I don't know." He admitted.

" He's just...he's always been there for me even though I tried to make his life hell, even now I'm making his life hell and he'll probably still believe in me..." he said.

I put my hands into a fist but he put his hands up to me.

" Before you do that, I just want you to know that I envy you. No matter what, I know that he'll always chose you over anybody else, you'll always be his final level." He said.

With each heart beat my hands began to relax as I just stared at him and his confession.

" I don't know what it is about him, he's just so magnetic ? Everyone loves him, it's impossible to hate him, he's a genuine guy with great looks and advice." He continued.

I started to smile until he looked back up at me, hurt written within his eyes.
" So what about you Laurence ? What is it about you that's so great ? Cause the last time I checked, what is it that you bring to the table again exactly ? Any of us for that matter ? Hassan wasn't even meant to be here he's the new kid in senior year for god sake, how many times does that happen ? None of us were ever suppose to keep him cause he was never ours to keep. What makes you so special huh ?"


I went through every memory Hassan and I shared. Every word we've said, every touch we traded.

I looked back at myself. My life, my family, my past, my present, and my future.

Why was I so special ?

Tanner looked around grabbing some of his things before walking past me.

I was still too stunned to at his words to even acknowledge he was leaving.

When I heard the door close I blinked back into reality.

The grim and confusing reality which began to strengthen its grip around my lungs.

The house was ghost quiet but my thoughts pounded against my ears.

I started to walk back to Hassan's room with each footstep feeling heavier and heavier.

I got to his door, placing a clammy hand on the knob.

I took a deep breath opening it.

Hassan was still asleep and I couldn't help but to softly laugh at his geometric sleeping position.

I didn't know how to feel, just standing in his room. I couldn't help but to think about his confusion tomorrow with what happened tonight.

I checked the time and it was getting late, his parents would probably be home soon and Bee should be coming back from my house any second.

I pulled my phone out to text Michelle when a dry voice startled me.

" H-hey, did you guys have fun ?" Hassan said barely looking at me through tired eyes.

I could tell he was trying to smile but his pain medication was pulling him back to sleep.

I kneeled down and kissed his warm forehead.

" I had a great time." I said holding his hand sullenly forcing a smile.

He took a big yawn before laying more still in the bed now with his eyes now fully closed.
" That's great I was worried."

My smile faded upon hearing that...

He wanted us all together and tried so hard.

" Hey Hassan...actually-

I realized he was already back to sleep with the cutest smile stuck on his face. It was almost heart breaking to see it knowing how quick it'd vanish tomorrow.

I sighed tucking him deeper to his bed and sat on the floor with my back against it.

I was feeling tired and drained myself.

I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open and ended up falling asleep right by his side.

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