Teaching The Bad Girl To Be G...

By Golden_RJ

88K 2.3K 153

"Is it a turn off?" She flashes a grin, revealing her perfect white teeth, inching her face closer to mine. O... More

Author's Notes.
Getting to know the characters
Chapterd 1: DOUGHNUTS! And Busy Mornings.
Chapterd 2: Jinx Vinx Café
Chapterd 3: We seriously DON'T need to talk
Chapterd 4: What? I am sobbber
Chapterd 5: I'm disgusted
Chapterd 6: Didn't expect you as a lesbian
Chapterd 7: N-no, I'm Not A Murderer
Chapterd 8: We're Going To California?
Chapterd 9: Jokey Joke
Chapterd 10: Wheres my bra?
Chapterd 11: No drunkie-slow your role
Chapterd 12: Women Love A man in Uniform.
Chapterd 13: Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?
Chapterd 14: You're a Legend
Chapterd 15: Laser Tag Kickass
Chapterd 16: Lesbo Phase?
Chapterd 17: Like Disappear
Chapterd 18: Infamous Ky
Chapterd 19: Why the shitty "Hmp"?
Chapterd 20: Slumber Party?
Chapterd 21: Wait, sex dreams?
Chapterd 22: It's My Cheat Week
Chapterd 23: Fuck Off
Chapterd 24: Aren't We All Curious
Chapterd 25: Does he fucking stalk me
Chapterd 26: Take me home
Chapterd 27: BAD-BOY-STYLE
Chapterd 29: Sad moments
Chapterd 30: Funday Sunday
Chapterd 31: Lactose intolerant
Chapterd 32: Laser Tag Kickass pt. 2
Chapterd 33: Dan the Man
Author's Notes
Chapterd 34: But you're not a girl
10k YOU SAY?
Chapterd 35: Boxing 101
Chapterd 37: Rocky Balboa
Sharing Love

Chapterd 36: Skin tight dress

978 23 2
By Golden_RJ


I don't know what makes me more nervous—seeing Jay in that skin-tight dress or the thought of facing my father after all these years. Jay pats more powder onto her cheek while I lean against the bed, waiting for her to say she's done so we can head out. I steal glances at her, admiring the way her pale skin glows under the soft light, her brown hair falling in loose waves, the curve of her lips and that beautiful, effortless smile. Even her stress lines seem to add a layer of strength, a reminder of everything she's fought through.

"You ready?" she chuckles, tossing the compact mirror into her clutch. She catches my grin as she turns to face me, and with one look, she knows exactly what I'm thinking. She steps forward to pull me up from my lazy stance, but instead, I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close.

Her face smashes into my chest, and she squeals, "Kyyyyy! My makeup!" She pouts, pulling away to inspect the damage.

"You're fine, you're literally perfect," I say, my hand trailing along her curves, lingering just above her ass. She catches my drift, and predictably, she stops me.

"Ky, we are *not* doing a quickie. We're already late for dinner with your father," she says firmly, but I can hear the playful undertone.

"Why'd you even make reservations?" I frown, shaking my head. "I told you we could've fed him animal crackers and apple juice. Save the effort."

She looks at me with that mix of affection and exasperation I've grown so used to. "Ky, he's a grown man, not a toddler. I know you have your... issues with him, but I really think after all these years, you need closure. Just hear him out."

I sigh, my mind torn between my desire to keep her away from my father and my reluctance to let her down. "He sure *acts* like a toddler," I mutter under my breath.

Jay leans in, narrowing her eyes. "What was that?"

"Nothing," I deflect quickly. "But seriously, how did you even get a reservation at this place? It's impossible to get in."

She shrugs, her lips curling into a sly smile. "A lady never tells."

Before I can press her further, she tugs me off the bed, her grip assertive yet teasing. I laugh, pulling her back into me. Her body presses against mine, and for a moment, I'm tempted to suggest we ditch the dinner altogether.

"You sure you don't want to, you know... rain check this?" I whisper into her ear, my hand caressing her waist. I feel her shudder under my touch, but before I can convince her, she's shaking her head with a small, amused smile.

"No, Ky. We're going. Your father's probably on his way already."


The restaurant is stunning—low lights, elegant decor, and a view of the city that's breathtaking. I pull out the chair for Jay and Joe, trying to focus on the setting instead of the pit in my stomach. I still don't understand why Jay insisted on this, why she's so determined to play peacekeeper. I told her, we're better off with the distance between me and my dad.

"They have lobster!?" Joe's eyes light up as she looks over the menu, the excitement radiating from her.

Jay chuckles softly, glancing over at her sister. "Joe, you've never even had lobster before."

"I know, but I've always wanted to try it!" Joe beams, her enthusiasm infectious.

"We'll get it," I announce, catching Jay's eye as I flash her a grin. "I'm paying tonight."

Jay's expression falters for a moment. "Babe, I told you I've got it covered."

I raise an eyebrow. "Jay, these prices are insane."

Before we can continue, the host appears, leading my father to our table. My stomach tightens as I stand to greet him, the years of unresolved tension making the air feel thick. He's the same—rigid posture, a firm handshake with that familiar aggression behind it. I glance at Jay, who's smiling up at me, and I feel her presence steady me.

"This is my girlfriend, Jay, and her—"

"Daughter?" My father raises an eyebrow, his expression unreadable.

"Sister," Joe corrects him politely, earning a small nod from him. Good. At least she knows how to handle herself.

My father barely acknowledges the exchange before sitting down, scrolling through his phone like the world revolves around him. I sit across from him, trying to suppress the old feelings bubbling up. He's already judging, already analyzing. This is exactly why I didn't want to do this.

Before I can speak, the waiter arrives. "Ms. Guery, would you like to start with our special crafted drinks? And apple juice for the young lady," she asks, but her focus is entirely on Jay.

Confusion flickers in Jay's eyes before she quickly brushes it off. "I think you meant to address Ky," she says, motioning to me.

The waiter stammers. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Ms. Deck...?"

"Ky," I correct, frowning. "Why is my sister's name down for the table?"

Jay shoots the waiter a quick look. "It's fine. The drinks are perfect. Thank you."

But the waiter's slip doesn't go unnoticed. My father doesn't even glance up from his phone as he mutters, "Your sister's paying for dinner? How nice of her."

I glare at Jay, trying to keep my voice low. "Deck is paying?"

Jay chuckles nervously, leaning in to whisper, "It's fine, Ky."

"Jay, a word, please." I rise from my seat, leading her toward the restrooms, my mind racing. Deck? Seriously?

Once we're alone, I try to keep my voice even. "Why did you go to Deck for help with this?"

Jay crosses her arms defensively. "I knew you wouldn't want to spend money on this dinner, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I thought Deck would understand."

"Understand?" I echo, my frustration growing. "You didn't need her help. I would've paid for this, even if it's for *him*."

Her eyes narrow. "Wow, Ky. You think I needed her to support me? That's what you're saying?"

I instantly regret my words. "No, that's not what I meant—"

"Sure sounds like it. I wanted to do something nice for you. For both of you."

"Jay, I told you, he's not worth it. You don't know what he's like. He's not some dad you can 'fix.' He's... he's a narcissist. He's cruel. I've given up trying to make peace with him."

Jay's face softens, but I can see the pain in her eyes. "I just... I wish I had time with my dad. I'm trying to give you that chance."

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I get that, but this isn't something you can fix. It's not your responsibility."

She shakes her head, her jaw set. "Whatever, Ky."

Jay storms back toward the table, leaving me standing there, helpless. When I finally return, I hear Joe giggling at something my father's saying.

"... and I just couldn't believe it. Zip-lining and losing my pants all at once," he says, chuckling.

I freeze. He's talking? Cracking jokes? He's never been this... relaxed. Who the hell is this guy?

Jay catches my eye, her expression unreadable, but I know exactly what she's thinking: *Is this really the man you hate so much?*

I narrow my eyes, suddenly wary. He's playing a game. He has to be. There's no way he's going to sit here and make me look like the crazy one, as if I made everything up about him being a monster.

This is just another one of his manipulations. And I'm not falling for it.

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