Hello Darling - Ilianna Mikae...

Par LollyDreamer

137K 2.8K 451

Ilianna ,known as many other alias over the years, has been living by her vow "never look back" for the last... Plus

- Puppy Love -
- May He Rot In Hell -
- The Ripper -
- Elijah's Back -
- 1821 -
- Mikaelson? -
- Ding Dong the bitch is back -
- Chaos -
- Dangerous Liaisons -
- Reminiscing History -
- Save Annie -
- All My Children -
- White Oak-
- Killer at Large -
- Bonnie And Clyde -
- Burn to Ash -
- The Murder Of One -
- I lov....
- Bark or Bite -
- Back to Hell -
- The Cure -
- Cheater, Cheater -
- You made your bed, Now lay in it-
- Weed Killer -
- Death can't haunt us darling -
- What did you do? -
- Immortal Demise -
- You Better Have A Good Reason For Calling -
- Time to play the game -
- The Whole Town Will Pay The Price -
- Ilianna's Obsession -
- Mystic Falls Humanity Police -
Act II
- Family feuds settled with a pointy stick -
- All this bull -
- My City Too -
- I remember her a better poet -
- Silent Manipulation and World Domination -
- At the bottom of the ocean -
- he's a bastard -
- Prettiest urgent problem -
-Is there a word for total screaming genius -
- Chaotic Christmas -
- Last one you ever see -
- allow me to take the reins -
- Annie, are you okay ?-
- flying away -
- Not if I do it right -
- I submit to you -
- busy schedule -

- I'm the main man -

616 16 0
Par LollyDreamer

Freya was walking around the compound but was not expecting to walk into a blood blast. She sees several overturned wooden chairs, the chandelier pulled down glass shattered, puddles of blood and a broken chair leg that is soaked with blood. Freya picks it up arming herself. She hears the door of the dining room creak open, she sees Klaus and Elijah both covered in b blood and wearing tattered remains of their closing silently and calming sitting at the table as if nothing had happened. 

Annoyed Freya dropped the stake unimpressed at the show by the two brothers.May I ask what happened?

"We had a little chat about the past" Klaus answered. Freya rolled her eyes and Elijah sounded exhausted 

"I informed Niklaus I am not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion..."

"And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place..." Klaus continued 

"And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?" Freya commented

"That we expose and destroy our first sired." Elijah answered. Klaus smiled happily sliding the glass of blood across the table to his brother. 

"Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction." Klaus commented. Holding up his glass of bourbon to Elijah's blood clinking it with him. 


"Didn't think I'd see you again, thought I had scared you off" A voice spoke breaking Anna out of her whisky drinking daze. Anna was taking time to herself away from Mikaelson drama after getting barely any sleep listening to her uncles destroy the house. She turned around and was faced with Alex, the cocky band member from the other night.

"Oh it's you. Do you ever leave this place" 

"Well consider I sing here three times a week and my uncle is a chef here not particularly" 

"You should try and get a life Aston" Anna smiled sweetly 

"It's Alex" 

"Oh is it, so sorry" Anna chuckled even though she knew exactly who it was. 

"So what's got you nursing your sorrows?" 

"Family drama. Not that its any of your business but I'm drinking because I'm fed up of people trying to kill- kill my patience" Anna started ranted catching herself before she told this human something suspicious. 

"Well why do you stick around then" 

"Its not that simple. leaving family wouldn't go down well, its just not what we do" 

"Well if you want to take my advice.."

"I don't"

"Don't give people respect who don't respect you. Don't let people treat you like shit. You don't deserve that" Alex spoke sincerely. 

"I deserve more shit than I am given, you have no idea" 

"Well why don't you tell me, over dinner" Alex concluded. Anna went to protested smiling but turning away trying to think of an excuse, she was done with bad boys, she was done with relationships for a while now. "Come on, your drinking anyway the least I could do is pay for your liver damage" 

"Fine but on my terms and one drink" Anna succumbed. She downed her glass and left a smiling Alex in the bar before walking away. Alex reached over the bar and grabbed a spirit from the back taking a deep breath furrowing his brows and downing a shot of the spirit. He then sighed closing his eyes once his phone started ringing. 

"Yes it's done, you don't have to worry I've got it handled" Alex said over the phone, hanging up and continuing to sip shot after shot. 


Elijah had positioned himself at the bar in the study , freshly showered and replaced with a near identical suit he didn't have to look up to see how hungover Freya looked. He reached for a knife, cutting his thumb to drip blood into a glass for his sister. 

"Ah, yes. Drinking with Rebekah-- always an adventure." He commented watching as Freya took a sip of blood before turning to look at sketches of the prophecy visions that Klaus had drawn. 

"You seem more annoyed than usual."

"It's Aurora." Elijah commented "Her influence frightens me. And yet, our hideously-deluded brother seems to think that she may be the key to ending this wretched prophecy." "If she's aligned with her brother, what chance does Nik have?" Freya asked worriedly "None. And still, Niklaus believes that she can be swayed. Although... his perspective of family loyalty is schizophrenic at best. I'm surprised Ilianna is still tolerating his presence given their estranged history" "Do I want to know" Freya asked cringing at the thought of Klaus and Anna at head."Another time when I can tolerate a stronger drink" She dismissed before changing the conversation " One thing I don't get why Lucien and Tristan are working together. Aren't their sirelines direct enemies?"Well, their mutual lack of goodwill toward our family might not be entirely unjustified..." Elijah replied visibly embarrassed. "Hatred's a hell of a thing, Freya" He continued after a stern look from his sister"Why? All you did was sire them. They don't seem to be complaining.What exactly did you do?

"I compelled Lucien to believe that he was Niklaus, Aurora to believe that she was Rebekah, and Tristan, myself. After I sired him, of course. This was a period of mayhem for us! It was the 11th century, Father was hunting us mercilessly... So, I compelled them. And then, I told them to run.

"You made them bait." Freya sighed coldly "Not the kindest thing I ever did, if I'm perfectly frank with you, Freya. So, as we found respite in the sleepy, yet charming vineyards of Tuscany, Father hunted the decoy Mikaelson children to the far-reaches of Europe for the better part of a century. Then, we were inconveniently daggered. The compulsion was broken. Here we are. Freya, something you must understand about this family-- under threat, we take action, for better or worse. Whatever it takes to protect our own."So, you're telling me their days are numbered?""If indeed they're working against us, yes. Without question." Freya nodded her head at Elijah's comment before reaching for a glass of bourbon. Suddenly her hand starts to shake and Elijah jumps in concern. Freya suddenly whimpers dropping the glass to the floor 

"Something's wrong. We need to call Rebekah. Now." Freya scurries to write a note to her sister: "Call home, sister please" as she was about to send it magically over, Elijah hangs up the phone. 

"She's still not answering." Elijah comments, Freya mutters something in latin, suddenly Freya's hands and the note are covered and dripping in blood 

"There's nothing to connect to. She's gone."

"What do you mean, "She's gone?"

"I can't find her. Which means her witch body, her connection to magic... It's as if it's just vanished."


At the hostel in Morocco, Rebekah now in her true vampire body awakens in a coffin with a gasp opening the lid of the coffin and sitting up trying to get her bearings. 

"Bloody hell!" Rebekah jumps out the coffin and adventures downstairs where she crouches next to her witch body, Eva's now dead body. "Not only did you slit my throat, you stole my bloody phone." Rebekah tenses when she vamp-hears footsteps approaching, looking up to find a smug Aya entering.

 "Hello, Rebekah" Aya smiled

"Aya. Of course. Elijah's little protégé. Let me guess-- you were tasked with finding my Original body. You couldn't do your job, so you did this to my other one to lure me out." Rebekah spoke smiling fakely. Clever, but ill-advised. You see, I needed that body, and now you owe me a hell of a lot more than an apology.""I don't owe you anything. I'm here to claim the unattended Mikaelson. I only had chains enough for one of you." As Aya spoke at least a dozen powerful members of the Strix enter the room surrounding Rebekah causing her to chuckle to herself.
 "Is that all you brought?""I met your special friend... Marcel Gerard? It's been amusing getting to know him. Maybe I'll send him one of your heads as a souvenir." 

"Enough with the idle chit-chat! Are you gonna throw the first punch, or what?" Rebekah spoke defensively positioning herself ready to fit

"I respect my elders. You first." Aya responded fists in the air causing Rebekah to smirk before lunging at her. 


"You said he is punctual Lucus, I do not have the time and patience to wait on this bootlegger hand and foot" Anna groaned teeth clenched as she glared at Lucus. 

"Hey, he usually is. Maybe he doesn't trust you - perhaps preferring to do business with just me" Lucus spoke cockily trying to get a rise out of the original, which worked with great success as Anna growled lowly in disgust "oo it so fun and easy to get you annoyed!" Lucus laughed to himself

"Are you as good at negotiating as you are being a dick"

"Let's see" Lucas commented watching three tall bulky men walk into the abandoned warehouse.

"Mr Vincelli, it is a pleasure" Anna greeted turning on her charismatic smile, holding out a hand for him to shake.

"Miss Mikaels, I have not had the pleasure but my dear grandfather said that you were the best of the best" The middle man greeted back

"Donatello was always a flirt." Anna chuckled to herself. "So you are aware of my business and who I am, that makes things easier. Have you met my colleague Mr Cole" Anna continued reaching out to Lucus bringing him forward

"We have done business dealings in the past." Vincelli mentioned suspiciously

"All good I hope" Anna smirked winking trying to easy the tension. Lucus stood his ground glaring at Vincelli and his men. In utter silence Anna was trying to work out what the hell was going on, but had little time to think as soon enough the lights of the warehouse wen toff and her throat felt on fire. "Vervain! Vincelli you bastard" Anna screeched through her throat was sandpaper. She tried to use her vamp hearing and heard Lucus struggling. She vamp sped to him and riped the man who had Lucus in a death grip aware, biting into his neck and ripping his throat out leaving him on the floor to bleed out.

Soon the lights were on and Vincelli and his men terrified walked back out the door. Anna looked over at Lucus making sure he was okay and apart from a piece of wood sticking out of what was properly his liver he was good. Anna pulled it out, without warning causing the young vampire to grunt before vamp speeding appearing in front of Vincelli and his men.

"Going somewhere?" Anna asked sweetly wiping a stray drop of blood from her lips seductively

"We don't want any trouble" Vincelli stuttered

"That would have been appreciated Vincelli if you didn't plan an attack on me"

"It was an attack on him" He defended

"An attack on him, is an attack on me. And going up against an original. Stupid Stupid move" Anna protectively answered. There were only two guys left Vincelli and his bodyguard so it wasn't difficult for Anna to rip out their hearts quickly and neatly letting their bodies drop to the floor. "Guess I've got to find a new seller" Anna sarcastically concluded. "What to tell me why the hell he wanted you dead?"

"I slept with his brother" Lucas clarified looking like a sad puppy, but Anna clearly didn't believe this was the story so Lucus continued smugly. "and his nephew...nepwhews plural" 


After different attempts at trying to reach Rebekah and Marcel informing Elijah that he and Hayley were busy too, dealing with the Strix they astral project to Rebekah's house in Monaco. 

"It's good to see you, Elijah, even if you're not flesh and blood."Rebekah  smiled 

"It's time to come home, Rebekah." Elijah replied smiling weakly 

"No! I'm too close to bringing Kol back!" Rebekah started complaining. "Look Annie's back now and more than ever she needs her father, I'm not giving up for her, for all of us" Rebekah continued. "You're even closer to bringing about your own destruction. Ilianna needs her aunt alive: "I'm not leaving without that spell." Rebekah said determinedly "Kol will have to wait, sister. The Strix are making their move." Elijah replied gently "What happened?""Hayley had an encounter with Shen Min. She and Marcel are dealing with this matter accordingly." 

"What the hell are you doing here? Go and save them before that lunatic gets free!"

"Give me your word. Come home now. No detours." Elijah orders. Rebekah looks at freya for a moment whose expression tells her that she agrees with Elijah 

"Fine. But, my niece's mum and that handsome fool better be alive when I get back"

"You make certain she returns.I'll see you tonight.


"So now what do we do, the buyers are wanted 20 pounds of cocaine tomorrow and we have no cocaine!" Anna said aloud pacing the floors of Lucus's apartment. 

"I'm sure we can appease them and delay it" Lucus said simply walking around and busy himself around the apartment getting rid of his bloodied shirt 

"We need to find a new seller Lucus because this may have escape your comprehension but I killed the last ones! For you! God I should have just let them stab you" 

"Well I'm glad you didn't" Lucus replied.  "Look I have a lot more friends then enemies Annie, I will sort it okay" 

"Then sort it!" Anna shouted 

"So I'm back in the business?" Lucus questioned cheekily "Because to be honest, as Vincelli displayed you've been out of the game for a while, I know the new guys and you knowing their ancestors 100 years ago is not going to be helpful when they want simply direct business." 

"I'm the main man you are the lap dog, you got it!" Anna stated 

"So we can work together?" Lucus smiled. "Yay, we will make a great team Annabells just you wait" He continued, smiling widely before kissing Anna on the cheek and pulling her into his arms to jive around the room. 

"okay okay, as great as a dancer you are Lucus we need to discuss this business. You can take over the majority of it whilst I'm dealing with Mikaelson, Strix, Lucian crap but ultimately it is my business I made it from the ground up, capice" 

"capice!" Lucus said saluting

"Get in contact with some sellers and I'll play interference with the buyer they are an old friend" Anna clarified, grabbing her stuff and getting ready to go. "Oh Lucas, your a good tracker right?"

"The very best, got a nose for these things" Lucus joked putting one finger to his nose and imitating a sniffing action 

"Would you be able to track someone for me" 

"Say the name?"

"Davina Claire. She's a witch part of the French Quarter" 

"No need to track she's best friend with a hook up of mine, one of Marcel's vampires, Josh. She shouldn't be hard to find usually in the cemetery. She has weird hobbies" Lucus spoke. "Why do you want to find her?"

"We have mutual friends" Anna said smiling swaying her hips as she walked away. 

"Oh hey Anna, What do you say you and me out in town, you're a party girl right" Lucus shouted down the corridor as she left, Anna walked away thumbs up thinking about her old partner in crime. 


"You and me on the town. Now it's a party" Ruby cheered holding up her glass of wine and smiling at Anna.  Anna smiled and lifted her glass to meet her friends. 

"We just made five thousand pounds" Anna cheered referring to the deal they made of selling cocaine out of the city 

"Like taking candy from a baby" Ruby hummed smirking at Anna and she brought the glistening glass of red wine to her red lipstick stained lips. 

"You know this could be something. A way to make our name in this world" Anna thought. 

"What is being an original not good enough for you" Ruby chuckled. Anna brought her index finger to ruby's lips glaring playfully. 

"Shushhh no one knows about that expect for you and that's only because of a tequila induced night." Anna finished. "I mean it could be something, something to rival Marcel's little kingship" 

"Well not to say I wouldn't want to stick it to Marcel, having to be on edge every time I walk into the quarter cause I don't know what vampire is going to try and kill me is not fun but this was a blip. Who is going to trust two women to run drug deals" 

"All the men are gone Ruby, they are fighting  for their country its our duty to step up" 

"Well when you put it like that" Ruby chuckled. "Ooo I love this song. Let's dance!" Ruby spoke standing up and grabbing Anna's hand

"Without suiters, what will people think" Anna spoke wide eyed. 

"Lets give them a show of it" Ruby spoke dusting down her silver sparkly dress and walking to the dance floor with Anna and bringing her close and dancing seductively with the original

...End of Flashback 

At the Mikaelson compound Klaus was perfectly still with his back to Aurora listening to his voicemail. He slowly pulls the phone away in horror as Aurora laying in his awakens with a smile on her face. 

"What are you doing over there? Come closer." She seductively chimed 

"I think it's best you remain out of arm's reach." Klaus muttered coldly glaring at the red head. Aurora signed and rolled over wrapping his sheets around her body. 

"So I take it you've heard about the busy day everyone's had. Let me take away that scowl. I'll tell you everything I know."

"I suggest you speak quickly." Klaus growled "There is a weapon in play-- a dangerous, cursed device called the Serratura.It is capable of producing an unbreakable boundary. My brother and Lucien want to use it to lock you and your siblings away forever so that no one may harm you. But to do so, they need all three of you in one place. But to do so, they need all three of you in one place."Which is why they sent a legion of Strix to collect my sister." Klaus confirmed. 
"But, not to worry, my love. I took measures to ensure that Rebekah isn't held by those nasty Strix for long." Aurora smiled sweetly"What measures?"
Aurora then begins to recall what had happened earlier, how as Aya and her associated were landing Rebekah's magically staked body into the back of the car. "While they did acquire Rebekah's body, I wasn't about to let them keep it! So I enacted a plan of my own. Unbeknownst to my brother, two of the men sent to retrieve her were from my sireline-- loyal to me." Klaus is staring at Aurora with wide eyes " And on my behalf, they procured your sister's body. So don't worry, my love-- Rebekah is perfectly safe. You have my word. Now... Come back to bed. "


"And what do we have here little Hope" Anna cooed lying on the floor next to the infant who was fiddling with books and stuffed animals. "Whats this" Anna continued picking up a stuffed bunny and placing it in front of. her face playing with it causing Hope to let out a little smile and giggle. "Hello Miss Mikaelson" Anna spoke in a deep voice minimising the stuffed animal. Little Hope was giggling at her cousin smiling widely and playing with the things around her. 

"Should we read a story" Anna suggested, reaching for the book to her left and opening it in front of them and begin gin to start the story but Hope grabbed it out of her hand and started chewing the end. "Hey are those tribrid fangs sore Hopey?"

Hope was obviously in distress now, tears pricking in her eyes and the teething starting to get to her. Anna saw this, reaching over and picking up her cousin. Standing up and making faces at the baby to try and comfort her. Hope was having none of this and Anna resulting in bringing Hope to her chest, nestled into her neck and humming a nursery rhyme. 

"You are okay hopey. We are all a little upset and scared right now but we are all good" Anna started to murmur, whether she was talking to hope or to herself. "But the big bad men are not going to get us, your daddy will save them cause that's what dads do, they protect us" Anna continued kissing Hope on her temple, the young tribrid had finally started to calm down. "and not just your dad, we have a big fiercely protective family who will stop at nothing to make sure we are safe. Always and forever" 


Anna was walking around the compound into one of the parlour rooms before she came across a bouquet of flowers on the side table. She picked them up smelling them sweetly and looking at them from a distance to work out who they were from. She picked a small label that was tied to the flowers. 

Welcome back 

The label said, Anna's brain wrapped around who could say this and who was glad she was back in New Orleans, but I suppose that was for another time. 

A/N: Who do we think the flowers are from??????

Continuer la Lecture

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