Enough for You Remus Lupin x...

By Remus_Freakin_Lupin

41.4K 830 2.4K

Ella Barnes is quiet with a timid personality until she befriends the infamous Marauders. She starts to come... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chaper Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Six

1.2K 30 87
By Remus_Freakin_Lupin

It's Saturday and I'm just now getting to spend time with the boys. James, Sirius, and Peter were all "too busy" to hang out yesterday and Remus was sick still.

Thankfully they are all free today and Remus is feeling better. I'm supposed to meet them outside beside the lake to hang out for a bit.

I slept in and missed breakfast so I just get up and get ready. I put on light makeup and pull my hair up. I throw on jeans and a sweater and I head outside.

I walk around till I find the boys and take a seat in their little circle. They all greet me and I smile because I'm happy I get to see them again.

"These came for you at breakfast but you weren't there so we grabbed them for you." Peter says handing me two envelopes.

"Thanks....both of these are for me?" I ask taking them.

He nods. I shrug and look to see who they are from. The first one is from my sister. I almost scream with excitement when I read the name on the second one. It's from my cousin in the U.S, Jace Carter. Literally the most Basic American white boy name ever, but he is one of my best friends. He reminds me a lot of the boys actually.

I drop the other envelope and tear into his letter.

Dear Ella Claire,
I'm sorry I'm just now writing you. I've been meaning to but school is keeping me really busy. I've missed you, but I'm sorry to say our other friends have barely noticed you're gone. Anyway I wanted to write to let you know I'm doing well. I have some great news too! My mom is talking moving to the UK! I'm hoping we do because then Freya and I will be able to attend Hogwarts with you. It's not for sure yet but it is really exciting. I miss you and I hope everything is well with you. Write me back to tell me about how things are at Hogwarts.

Sincerely, Jace

I'm smiling like an idiot when I read that he might move here. I honestly thought he had forgotten about me because it took him so long to write. I guess I could've wrote him but I didn't want to be annoying. Him and I were great friends before I moved. His younger sister and I were really close too. Freya is a literal sweetheart.

"Who wrote you? You're smiling like it's someone important." James asks.

I roll my eyes at him and go to reread the letter but Sirius snatches it from me.

"Oooooooo it's a boy!" He says scanning it.

I get up and snatch it back.

"You're a boy!" I say back sticking my tongue out at him.

"That doesn't even make sense Ella." Remus mutters.

I roll my eyes at him because it does make sense. I pick up the letter from my sister and open it. Sirius steals the letter that Jace wrote me and all the guys start to read it. I don't even try to stop them.

Hey Chica,
I'm happy you've found friends! Tell me more about this James boy. Is he good looking? Do you like him? He sounds nice. Anyway mom is just being overdramatic as always. I'll talk to her and if she still doesn't want you home you can just come stay with me. I'm not letting my sister spend her week off in a musty old castle. Write back when you can.

Love, Lauren

I smile when I finish her letter. It's good to know I have somewhere to go for the holidays. I sigh and lay down on the grass.

"If you had to hook up with any magical creature or being what would it be?" Sirius asks out of the blue.

We all think for a moment and we all answer at about the same time.




James, Remus, and Peter answer. My answer comes a few seconds after theirs.

"A werewolf." I say not looking away from the sky.

The boys are dead silent for a second and there is a sudden tension in the air. I sit up and so do the other boys.

"Why a werewolf?" James asks.

I look at him weirdly and shrug, "Well they're still humans. I mean all of your answers are humans too, but I just didn't think of those. Werewolves are really misunderstood I think and I don't see why everyone thinks they are so bad."

All of the boys are silent.

I raise my eyebrows at them. "Do y'all have a problem with werewolves or something?"

All of them say no except for Remus, who says he doesn't care for them. James gives him a dirty look and smacks his arm. Remus just rolls his eyes.

I lay back down and close my eyes. I listen to the boys talk for awhile and I feel really calm.

"Shut up Prongs. You're going to wake her up."
I hear Sirius hiss.

At first I'm super confused but then I realize I fell asleep. I sit up to look at the boys, but I feel something move in my lap. When I look down there is a huge frog sitting on my legs. I scream and jump up.

I hurry and hide behind Remus because he is the person closest to me. All of the boys are laughing like my terror is hilarious. I am terrified of frogs and they think putting them on me is funny.

Sirius comes over and picks up the frog and I think he is going to take it away but he walks over to me and holds it close to my face. I grab the back of Rems sweater and bury my face in his back.

"Sirius I swear I'm going to beat you if you don't get that wretched thing away from me!" I yell at him.

Instead of going away he throws the frog at me. I feel it hit my arm and I press myself closer to Remus and scream. Sirius and the other boys all erupt into laughter. Remus pries my hands from his back and turns around and hugs me close to him. I can tell he is trying not to laugh but it's not working.

"Jerks." I huff before letting go of Remus and stomping back to the castle.

I head strait for our dorms and up to my bed.

"What's wrong?" Lily asks when I walk in.

"Oh Sirius thought it would be hilarious to throw a frog at me when he knows I'm terrified of them" I huff.

She laughs at me too and roll my eyes and crawl in my bed and throw the blankets over my head. I hear Lily walk out of the room and now I'm all alone.

I sigh and stay under the blankets. I'm freezing from being outside and the dorm is cold too which doesn't help. I'm honestly half asleep when the door opens again. I assume it's one of the girls but the footfalls don't sound right.


It's Remus. I decide to stay under the blankets to make him think I'm mad or upset. I feel him sit down at the foot of my bed.

"I'm really sorry we did that. It wasn't funny. It was really mean for us to scare you like that." He says quietly.

I flip the blankets away from my face and look over at him. "That was a very nice apology. You should use it when I'm actually upset."

"He rolls his eyes at me and flips the blankets back over my face. I laugh and sit up.

"How'd you get up here? The stairs are enchanted."

He pokes me in the side and raises his eyebrows. "That is top secret info."

I decide not to argue with him so I lay back down.

"So is that Jace guy your boyfriend?" He asks quietly.

I scoff because the question is so stupid.

"He's my cousin Rem."


He stands up and ruffles my hair before walking out of my dorm. Weirdo.

Shorty after he steps out I hear him yelp as the stairs turn into a slide and he goes down with them. I laugh and get up out of bed. I may as well kill some time and do my homework.

I finish my homework around dinner time but I skip dinner because Lily wanted to show me around school some more and just go for a walk and hang out for a bit. We're walking down a random hallway when she bumps my side.

"So you and Remus?" She says raising her eyebrows.

I huff and roll my eyes. "Don't even start. I haven't known him long enough....and he is way out of my league."

She scoffs at that, "He is good looking but he's not out of your league. You're underestimating yourself."

"He is too way out of my league. Like he is the FINEST guy at this school. James and Sirius are good looking I guess but they aren't my type." I explain.

"So you're saying Remus is your type." She teases.

"Well yes, but I'm not crushing on him."

She just scoffs and keeps walking. We head back to the common room shortly after that because curfew is soon.

When we get to the common room Lily goes upstairs but I decide to stay. Normally the boys are down here causing chaos but tonight they are absent. I decide to take this time and read since it is the only peace and quiet I will get for awhile.

I read for I don't even know how long before I can't focus anymore. I'm starving and I'm really regretting not going to dinner. I remember Lily showing me where the kitchens are and how to get inside. I decide to risk it and go try to find them.

I sneak out of the common room and head down what I think is the right hall. I'm being very careful not to run into Filch or his wretched cat. I think I'm only a few halls away from the kitchen now. I relax a bit because I'm almost there.

Unfortunately I'm an idiot and I run right into someone as soon as I turn the next corner. I fall completely to the ground with a loud 'thump' and I'm pretty sure I just broke like 20 bones.

"Ellie? What are you doing?" The person says.

I proceed to stay on the ground and groan.

"I'm currently dying on the cold, dirty floor because you just tackled me." I remark.

Remus reaches down and grabs my arms and helps me up.

"I did not tackle you." He argues.

"Felt like it." I mumble.

I dust the dirt off my back and he just stands there awkwardly. I'm pretty sure this is the only time I'm the person that doesn't feel awkward.

"Where were you going?"

"Kitchens. I was almost there but then you tried to give me a concussion." I say sarcastically.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for being so outgoing and stuff. Or at least I am until Remus starts laughing.

"You realize the kitchens aren't on this floor right?" He says laughing.

Oh gosh, it's gonna be hard to make up an excuse for this. I'm literally an idiot.

"I'm taking the long way." I remark.

He nods slowly and crosses his arms. "So what floor are they on then?"

"The floor below us." I answer confidently even though I have no idea.

He shakes his head and grabs my shoulder.

"Just follow me, you're lucky I was the one who caught you and not one of the Slytherin prefects."

I roll my eyes and don't reply. He ends up leading me down several floors to the kitchens. He opens up the portrait and we both go inside.

Two house elves come over to us and ask what we want. Remus tells one of them what he wants. I feel bad making them get things for me when it's last dinner time, but I'm starving.

"A salad."

The elf nods and scurries off. Remus looks over at me disgusted.

"A salad? You can have anything and you get a salad?"

I shrug and he turns away to find us somewhere to sit down. He eventually finds a large crate and flips it over and sits on the floor beside it. Well that works. I sit down beside him and lay my hands on the crate.

"I'm tired." I say yawning.

"Go to sleep then." He remarks back.

I roll my eyes at him and yawn again.

"So have you heard from your mom any more?"

I want to slap him for even asking. He didn't do anything wrong but it's just not a topic I like to talk about.

"No." I say shortly.

I think he gets the message because he changes the subject.

"So the boys and I are going to Hogsmeade this weekend. Are you coming?"

I think about it for a second. I'm not really sure because I've never been and I don't know if I feel like going with all the guys.

"I'll think about it." Is how I reply.

After that we are silent till we get our food. I'm about halfway finished with mine when Remus breaks it.

"So what are your cousins like?"

"Jace is so hyper and crazy, but Freya a lot calmer. Jace is in our year and Freya is a year younger." I explain.

He nods and is silent again. We finish and head back to the common room. When we get there we head up to our separate dorms and I don't see him again till the next day.

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