Chapter Thirty

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The next day I wake up to an owl pecking at my window. I open it up and take the letter before giving it a treat and sending it off again.

I take the letter in my hands and tear it open.

Dear, Ellie
I'm not going to be at breakfast and I'm going to miss my fist class today because I'm feeling absolutely awful. At first I thought it was the full moon but it's still three weeks away so I doubt that's the reason. I'm just going to nip by the hospital wing then hopefully I will be back to class.

I hope you have a really good day today. I know you've been really stressed and I just want you to know that you can always vent to me.

I love you and I can't wait to see your beautiful face again.

Love, Remus

I can't help but smile over how sweet he is. I hate that he's not feeling well though. I decide I shouldn't freak out about it and I need to just get ready for class. I get ready then wake up the other girls. I head downstairs and meet up with the boys in the common room.

"Hey is Remus here or at the hospital wing?" I ask James.

"He's at the hospital wing." James answers gruffly before sneezing,

"Yeah, he kept us up all night with his coughing. Then he was snoring cause his nose is stopped up. I ended up putting a silencing charm on him." Sirius adds.

"Please don't put spells on my boyfriend."

Sirius shrugs like it's not a big deal.

"He's gotten James sick too already. I bet you get sick too." Peter says to me.

"Don't jinx it." I tell him.

"I'm heading to breakfast. The other girls will be down in a minute." I tell them. I'm sure they are going to want to wait on their girls before coming to breakfast. Peter will probably go pick Mary up at her common room.

I walk down to breakfast and scan the hall for one of my friends. I've spotted Finn and I'm about to walk over there but then Jace runs over and pulls me back out into the hallway.

"I've messed bad." He says quickly.

"What do you mean?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"I may or may not have let it slip that Regulus is dating Freya."

"So? Didn't everyone already know that?" I ask.

"Uhh apparently not. When I said something about it to one of my friends they ran off and told someone else and now the entire Slytherin house is pestering Regulus about it. I'm worried they are going to find out he doesn't plan on joining." He explains.

It is taking all of my self control not to slap him for doing this.

"Well go fix things!" I snap at him.

He nods and walks back into the hall and over to his table. All these boys are going to be the death of me.

I walk into the hall shortly after him and go take a seat at the table. I eat quickly then walk on to class. I take my seat in the back and wait for James. He walks in a few minutes before class starts.

"Goodmorn-" He starts but doesn't finish because he starts sneezing.

"You good?"

He nods and comes over to stand beside me.

"So half the school is talking about how your cousin is dating the other Black brother." He says casually.

"Yeah that would be Jace's fault. Do you think it will mess things up?"

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant