Chapter Twenty

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"LAUREN I'M GOING TO MEET LILY!" I screech hurrying out the door.

I wrote Lily last night telling her that I need to talk to her about something. She wrote back immediately and gave me her address and I'm on my way there now because she isn't hooked up to the floo network.

I could've had Lauren apprate me but I'm trying to avoid her because I still haven't went shopping with her for summer clothes. I was supposed to go yesterday but I left and went to James house instead. Today is the last day she has off this week so she was going to take me today. She is probably going to yell at me when I get home but I can live with that.

I wrote the address down and I'm searching for her street. I know she lives in the same neighborhood because we talked about it during this school year.

I've been out and about in the neighborhood before but I still don't know my way around yet. I scan the street signs as I walk down the side walk. I keep taking random turns and I realize how bad an idea this is because if I get lost I won't be able to find my way home.

"ELLA!" I hear someone yell.

I turn in a full circle looking for who screamed my name.

"Oh my gosh! You've walked past my street three times! I was watching for you out my window and you literally passed the street up every time you walked by." Lily says jogging up to me.

I look past her and read the street sign and she is right....I walked past it at least three times.

"Whoops." I says shrugging.

She rolls her eyes and grabs my wrist and pulls me to her house.

"Mum my friend is here! We're gonna head up to my room!" Lily shouts

"Okay honey!" A woman that I assume is Lily's mom yells back.

We get up to Lily's room and she flops down on the bed and I sit down on the end. Her room is a lavender color and it's really clean.

"Okay so what did you need to tell me that was so serious?" She asks.

She is going to freak when I tell her.

"Well I have a date." I say trying to drag this out as long as possible.

She smiles widely and pokes my side, "With who?"

"Remus." I say like it's no big deal even though it's a huge deal.

She squeals loudly and jumps up from her bed.

"When are you guys going out? Where will it be? What are you going to wear?" She starts.

I stand up and cut her off.

"I have no idea. He hasn't wrote me about it yet. He is still at James' house so I don't know what he has planned."

She nods and sits back down.

"Well tell me about it."

"Okay, I was at James house and I had to go outside to get something and Remus followed me. We started talking and one thing led to another and he told me he likes me and I told him I like him then we like kissed." I say excitedly.

"I can't believe you kissed!" She squeals poking me in the side.

I roll my eyes and lay back on her bed.

I end up heading home by noon because I know Lauren will kill me if we don't go shopping today.

Thankfully I make it home without getting lost and Lauren doesn't seem too upset with me.

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