Chapter Three

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It's been about a week since the boys and I pulled the prank and we have detention. All the boys said that we wouldn't get caught but they were wrong. One of the paintings told on us.

I'm not too upset though because for one it took them a week to figure it out and secondly I've actually became friends with the boys. I hang out with them all the time now.

I've learned about James's huge crush on Lily and about how Sirius doesn't have the best home life. Remus loves books, chocolate, and is a bit of an insomniac. Seriously that boy never sleeps. Peter is a bit awkward but I can tell he is a sweet boy.

I've also became pretty good friends with the girls in my dorm and I'm pretty happy about it. I never make friends this easy and the boys are helping me come out of my shell a bit. I feel more confident when they are around. Especially Remus, him and I get along really well.

I'm on my way to the detention now. It's in the Great Hall. We have to clean till 9 and Filch is watching us. I can't stand that man but what can I do about it. When I arrive at detention all the boys are already there.

"Hey there Ellie-Bellie."

"Hi, El."

Hey, Ellie."

"Hello, Ella"

Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter all greet me. I'm happy until Filch comes over and hands me a broom. I give him a disgusted look as he walks away.

The boys and I all get to cleaning and it was honestly the most boring 2 hours of my life. As soon as we get to leave Sirius runs up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around.

"Thank Godric Ellie knows how to clean. If she didn't we never would've gotten out of there."

I snort and tell him to put me down. We all laugh and joke all the way to the common room. Once we get there I head upstairs to my dorm. It's a Saturday so I'm not planning on going to bed yet. I just want to change before going back downstairs. When I get to my room the other girls are in there too.

"How was detention." Marlene teases.

"Twas the most boring 2 hours of my life." I reply digging through my drawers.

"Well that's what you get for running around with James Potter." Lily remarks.

I roll my eyes, "He's not as bad as you think Lils. Besides I've learned my lesson."

I grab my clothes out and change right where I am. I don't care if the girls see me at this point. Privacy barely exists in our dorm.

"Oh Ellie, you had some mail come while you were gone." Lily says giving two envelopes to me.

I thank her and put them in my pocket, "I'm headed downstairs to hang out with the boys for a bit." I announce.

All the girls tell me bye and I shuffle downstairs. None of the boys are down here yet but I'm sure they will be soon. The common room is empty which is really uncommon at this time of night. I guess it's getting kind of late but it is a Saturday.

I decide to sit on the couch to read my letters since I don't have anything else to do. I take them from my pocket and one of them is from Lauren and the other is from mom. I decide to open Laurens first.

Hey Chica,
I heard you've been getting into some trouble lately. Mom is a bit fired up about it but I think it's pretty cool. I'm happy you've found some friends, just make sure they make good choices. It's fine to have a little fun every once in awhile but just make sure they don't change you for the worst. (I'm sure that won't happen but it's just a tid-bit of sister advice.) Anyway I hope all is well with you. Write me back as soon as possible. I miss you!

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