Chapter Seven

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I'm an idiot! I finally agreed to go to Hogsmeade with the boys and I'm really regretting it. It's seven a.m and I'm awake getting ready to meet them cause they want to catch a carriage at 8. I don't know why they think we have to be there so early but I think it is crazy. All the girls are still asleep and I'm wishing I could be doing the same.

I decide to go in jeans and a sweater and only wear light makeup. I leave a note telling the girls where I went then I head down to the common room.

"Ellie-Bellie! You're looking absolutely spiffing this morning!" Sirius says as soon as I come downstairs.

"That doesn't even make sense." I point out.

He rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at me.

"Miss Barnes would you care to accompany me to the carriages and we can leave these daft boys to themselves." James say's coming over and hooking his arm through mine.

I roll my eyes but I don't argue. Sirius comes and takes my other arm and we start to walk out of the common room. I look back at Remus and Peter for help but they both just shrug at me.

It looks like I'm not getting out of this so I just walk awkwardly between the two all the way down to the carriages. All five of us cram into one and it's not very comfortable.

We ride to the little town and the boys lead me into a place called the Three Broomsticks. It turns out to be a little restaurant thing. The boys find us a table and I sit between James and Sirius. Remus and Peter sit across from us.

We all order butter beer and the boys settle into comfortable conversation. I'm not paying attention though. I'm off in my own world looking out the window. Hogsmeade is really a nice little place. I wish I would've came before.

"Ellie, I'm headed to the bookstore. Do you want to come?" Remus asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nod and drink some more of my drink before getting up and walking out with Remus.

"There is a really nice bookstore here and I think you'll like it." Remus says making small talk.

He walks with his hands in his pockets and holds his head high. He is literally a giant so he towers above me.

"Do they have muggle books?"

He nods in reply. We continue walking down the busy street and I begin having trouble keeping up with him. He has no trouble getting through the large crowd, but I am. It doesn't take long for me to lose him. I have no idea where to go because I've never been here before.

Instead of doing the smart thing and going to the nearest store to wait for him, or ask for directions, I try to push through the crowd. I keep looking up to find his messy brown hair but it's no where to be found.

I scan the stores trying to find a bookstore because that's where he's supposed to be going. I eventually make my way to a alley that's relatively empty, but it seems to be a pretty bad area.

I know I'm not where I'm supposed to be when a blonde Slytherin comes out of a shop and gives me a dirty look.

"Filthy mudblood." He spats.

I recoil and turn away from him, but I bump into another Slytherin that has puffy black hair. She is tall and has a wild look on her face. I turn away from her to walk the other direction but she grabs ahold of my arm.

Remus POV
Ella and I are on our way to the book store. I would have invited the other guys, but I know they would just act stupid. Plus I was wanting to hang out with Ella alone for awhile. I really like spending time with her. She's a nice girl.

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