Chapter Twenty-Three

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The week after Remus and I start dating is interesting. The girls all scold him for ignoring me and he may or may not have cussed out a Slytherin that called me a mudblood in the hall. The boys have been around more again and I love it.

"Hey love." Remus says kissing me on the cheek then sitting beside me at breakfast.

I blush even though he has done this everyday since we have started dating.

"So I have detention tonight." He says stacking food on his plate.

That would be his punishment for calling a Slytherin a lot of words I can't say. Cussing doesn't bother me normally but the things that came out of his mouth were....psychologically damaging and I felt like I needed to go pray after hearing them. It was BAD. I don't think that Slytherin will pick on me again though so that's great.

"That's okay I'm gonna hang out with Finn." I tell him.

Remus nods and grabs a piece of toast, folds it in half, then shoves the entire thing in his mouth.

"I gotta head to class." He says but I can barely understand him.


"James I think we are the best match makers. Look at how happy they are." Sirius gushes.

"Shut the fuck up for a second I'm trying to hear what Lily's saying." James says smacking Sirius on the arm.

"I know what she's talking about." I say. That gets his attention real fast.

"She's saying how much she doesn't like arrogant boys with messy hair and brown doe eyes." I remark before getting up and hurrying away.

I only make it a few feet from the table before I get hit in the back of the head with something. I turn towards them and I get nailed in the forehead with a strawberry.

"Potter detention!" McGonnagal yells from the teachers table.

I stick my tongue out at him and flip him off. Take that James.

"Barnes you detention for you too."

Well I guess I won't be hanging out with Finn after all.


"I hate detention." James

"Shut up and listen I have a plan." Sirius says plopping down in his seat.

"Sirius leave you don't have detention." I huff.

I turns towards me and crosses his arms. "I do have detention. I tried to push Remus down the stairs and McGonagall caught me."

I turn towards my boyfriend then look back to Sirius, "Please don't try to push my boyfriend down the stairs...I would appreciate it he stays alive."

After I say that McGonagall walks in and sits at her desk, "Since you all managed to get detention tonight you can all sit and write your essays together. You are to write about why you shouldn't do whatever it was to get you here. I have things to do so I will be leaving but checking up on you regularly." She says before handing us parchment to use and walking out.

"She is leaving us in here alone?" I ask.

"Yeah she always does." James says getting to work.

I just nod. These boys are going to be the death of me. All of us got detention today except for Peter.

Speaking of him he walks into the classroom shortly after McGonagall leaves.

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