Chapter Fifteen

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I'm woken up to someone throwing back the covers and screaming. I open my eyes and sit up and my eyes meet those of a startled Remus. I immediately realize how weird this is so I hurry to explain.

"Look I just wanted to be alone and I was worried about you and I wanted to be here when you got back but I fell-"

He scoffs and runs his hands through his hair, "Move over. I'm too tired to care or question why you are in my bed at 5 a.m."

I nod and scoot over. He crawls into bed beside me and pulls the covers over him. I'm still sitting up unsure of what to do. He sighs and grabs my arm and pulls me down beside him. We are super close together but Remus doesn't seem to care. He is exhausted and looks like he just had the worst night of his like....which I guess it was...just that he goes through it every month.

He falls asleep quickly and so do the other boys. I know because I can hear their light snores. I relax and close my eyes to go back to sleep. I hope Evan doesn't find out because if he does Remus is good as dead.

When I wake up the next morning I'm squished up against Remus's chest. All the other boys are awake so I sneakily get out of bed and go over to them.

"Meet us in the common room." James mouths.

I nod and walk downstairs. I head up to my dorm and throw on some different clothes and scrub the pen off of me. I sneak back downstairs without waking the girls.

James and Sirius are sitting on the couch so I assume Peter went back to sleep.

"Why were you in our dorm last night?" Sirius asks.

I shrug and he rolls his eyes. I guess I should give them a halfway decent answer.

"I was a little upset after what Remus said and I wanted to be alone so I went to your dorm to avoid the girls. I wanted to be there when you guys got back but I fell asleep." It's partly a lie and I'm thankful that the boys seem to buy it.

"You know why he is so ticked at you right?" James says changing the subject.

I shake my head.

"It's cause he likes you and is jealous of the guy you're dating." James says.

My eyes widen.

"For real?" I ask.

Sirius nods and I face palm. I would 100% break up with Rosier if I could, but I can't unless I want my friends and family to get hurt.

"I like him too, but I can't break up with E-Thatcher."

Sirius throws his hands up, "Why not?"

My face must give my fear away because James's face drops, "Is he hurting you?"

I shake my head quickly. This is bad. They can't catch on. Thankfully they don't push further because a tired Remus walks down the stairs.

I wonder if they are right about him liking me. If they are it just makes all of this worse.

Skip forward a month
Get up
Go to class
Meet Evan
Go to dinner
Go straight to bed.

That's what my schedule has been for over a month now. Evan has gotten even more controlling and meaner as time has went on. He has moved up to hitting me in the face and giving me more rules. I can't wear a skirt if it is shorter than my finger tips. No sweatpants or hoodies because he can't have his girlfriend looking like a "bum". I can only wear my hair down because that's how he likes it. I'm not allowed to leave the dorm without makeup because my acne is gross to look at.

I don't know what to do. The boys are upset with me because I'm never around anymore. They hate how much time I spend with "Thatcher". Remus has been even grouchier with me and it hurts so freaking bad. The girls have been keeping their distance too and it sucks. I've had to avoid Jace and Freya because I don't want them hurt. I would avoid my friends too but I'm sure that Evan would go after my cousins first.

"Miss Barnes, if you can't pay attention in my class then you might as well leave!" The History of Magic teacher barks at me.

"Sorry sir." I mumble.

Sirius shoots me a mildly concerned look and but I shake it off. This happens almost every day now.

When class ends I rush to my next class without waiting for Sirius. I sit through that class but don't get much work done. The rest of my classes work the same way. I have astronomy tonight but I can't go because I have a "date" with Evan. I feel bad because I haven't spoken to Finn in a month and I'm sure he hates me by now. I just don't want to drag him into the mess I've gotten myself into.

I walk down to the lake to meet Evan. He is there already just like always. I check to make sure my outfit is okay before approaching him. He gets angry if I'm not dressed how he wants.

I go and take my usual seat beside him and he smiles at me evilly and asks me how my day was just like always. I answer him quickly because I've learned what happens if I don't.

"You are to stop hanging out with the marauders." He says looking out over the lake.

I whip my head towards him, "No way!" I shout without thinking.

I've messed up. He lifts his hand and smacks me hard across the face. I fall backwards and I feel blood start leaking from my nose.

"You don't tell me no! If you want your family to stay safe then you listen to me! I could easily make you leave Hogwarts now and stay at my home till I graduate and you are of age to marry! You don't understand what I can do to you." He growls.

I nod silently while trying to make my nose stop bleeding.

"You keep forgetting that I own you. You are getting awful close with some of those boys and I don't like it. You will not look at them, speak to them, or even acknowledge them." He demands.

I nod again and he reaches out and rubs my back.
"Good I'm glad you've come to your senses."

I just sit there trying to stop the blood that is still pouring from my nose. He continues to run my back gently and it makes me want to puke. How can someone be so violent then gentle the next.

By the time he lets me leave I'm covered in blood from my nose and I'm holding back tears. I sneak back to the castle and up to my dorm. I shower and clean the blood from my clothes. My nose is swelling already. I'm sure I can cover the bruise with makeup but the swelling will be hard to miss.

This can't get any worse.

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz