Chapter Fourty Eight

240 6 17

Large time skip

"Happy birthday!" I say running over and jumping on top of my sleeping husband.

I expect him to shove me off of him and go back to sleep but he wraps me in his arms and rolls us over pinning me down to the bed. I start giggling hysterically because I love it when he is in a good mood like this.

"Thank you, my love." He says pecking me on the lips.

"What has you in such a good mood?" I question.

"Well for one thing this is my first birthday with us being married. Secondly I had a great night last night and I'm sure I will again tonight." He teases while poking me in the stomach. "Lastly I know you have something fun planned for my birthday which means Lily and James will come and they will bring Harry."

Lily and James had Harry a few months after our wedding and he is about 8 months now. Remus absolutely adores him and so does Sirius. They're the best "uncles" Harry could ever ask for.

I love Harry too and he is definitely my favorite baby to like ever exist, but he gives me major baby fever. I really didn't think I would care much about Lily and James having a baby because I didn't really think I would want one. I was just going to give in because I know Remus wants one. When it actually came down to actually spending time with Harry I realized that I actually do want kids. Like really want kids.

I haven't told Remus yet because I don't know if he is wanting to wait or not. I'm also afraid he will not want to wait and we'll be having a baby in the middle of the war.

"What are you thinking about so hard." Remus says pulling me from my thoughts. He reaches down and tucks my hair behind my ear and lowers himself down so he is laying on top of me with his head on my chest.

I sigh and start playing with his curly hair, "Nothing important."

"It is important because you had your focused face on." He argues.

I roll my eyes. I do not have a "focused face".

"I made you chocolate chip pancakes." I say.

"Okay baby, let me hold you a little longer then we can go eat."


After we eat we start getting ready for the day. James is setting up a mini party at his place and Sirius is going to come and bring Marlene. Alice and Frank can't come because they're gone on a mission.

Remus is in the bathroom showering but I also need a shower so I just get in with him.

"Do you know what privacy is?" He asks while moving over so I can fit.

"I do but you don't get privacy." I reply.

He rolls his eyes and continues with his shower.

After we are both out I get dressed in black jeans and one of Remus's old Gryffindor jumpers. I grab my purse and we make our way out the door.


When we arrive at James house the first thing Remus does it steal Harry away from Sirius.

"You twat! I was spending time with him."

"Hey no fighting over my son!" Lily says walking into the kitchen.

I hope Remus and I can have a family like Lily and James do. They're all so perfect.

"I'm going to go help Lily cook." I say giving Remus a kiss on the cheek then baby Harry a kiss on top of his head.

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now