Chapter Fourty

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Ella's POV
I'm so happy to be engaged. We are still really young but I think it's okay. I think we are going to wait a while to have the actual wedding. There is a lot going on right now and it just doesn't seem like a good time.

"Babe!" Remus yells from the hall.

"Yeah?" I yell back. I'm relaxing on the couch and I do not want to get up.

"A letter just came for you." He says walking into the living room. I take the letter from him and tear into it.

"Who is it from?"

I shrug and pull it from the envelope.

Meeting at the Order. Come alone.

I'm assuming it's from Matthew about the Jace situation. I groan and stand up.

"I'm being summoned to deal with my stupid cousin." I explain as I walk back towards our room to put on pants. I was lounging in panties and Remus's shirt.

"Which one?"


I grab a pair of jeans and put them on.

"That's what your wearing?"

I look down at what I'm wearing and nod. It's a huge Scooby Doo shirt and ripped jeans. (A/N- I had to google cartoons from this time and I didn't realize Scooby Doo was that old.)

He shrugs and gives me a quick kiss goodbye.


When I get to the Order it is fairly empty. There are a few people lounging around and Regulus is laying on the floor asleep by the door. I take it living here isn't the most comfortable.

I head back to the room we met in last time and no one stops me. I knock lightly before walking in. Matthew and Jace are standing above the table looking over a map.

"What's up besties." I say walking in.

Matthew looks up at me and shoots me a weird look but Jace doesn't seem phased.

"Well bestie I think it is time we take some action." Jace replies.

I walk over and look at the map. I realize it's not as big as I thought and they have a lot of recipes on the table.

"What are these?"

"Poisons." Matthew answers.

"Mhm and what's the map for?" I ask.

"Jace is showing us the layout of the main Deatheater hide out." Matthew answers.

"Yeah, Moldy stays here." He says pointing to a large box on the map.

"Oh and we have a hit list." I say excitedly while picking up a paper that was buried under the others.

I skim over it and dig around in their potion recipes. I have half the ingredients at home in my garden. By garden I mean the plants that decorate every window sill in the house and various other places.

"I can make these." I say.

"We already have a few and we are looking to sneak them in tonight." Matthew explains.

I look up at him curiously. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up because my entire body is telling me I'm not going to like the next thing he says.

"We need someone to sneak it in. It can't be Jace because he is going to be making sure people stay out of the way. There also has to be no way for them to trace it back to him." Matthew explains further.

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