Chapter Fourteen

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I don't wake up until noon the next day and when I do I'm extremely sick. I have a killer headache and I'm sick to my stomach. I go to the bathroom and puke up everything I ate and drank yesterday. I'm the only one in the dorm so I assume the girls can hold their alcohol a lot better than I can.

I hop in the shower and try to recount what happened last night. I asked some guy out. I don't know his name, year, or anything about him. I've really messed up. I vaguely remember what he looked like but that's it. I lean my head against the wall of the shower and sigh. I'm an idiot.

I eventually force myself out of the shower and brush my hair and teeth. I get dressed and walk down to the common room. All of the boys are seated in their usual places so I go over and sit on the chair to their left.

"Rough night?" Sirius asks sarcastically.

I don't answer.

"How much did you have to drink?" James questions.

I lift my hand showing the number five. Five shots. No that's not right. I hold up the number seven then the number ten. That's not right either. I drop it down to four but then give up. I really can't remember. All the boys chuckle at me and I put my hands over my face.

"I'm going to kill Marlene." I remark.

"Why?" Asks Peter.

"Oh we were playing truth or dare and I was drunk and she dared me to ask out a random guy. I did it and now I have a date 4:00 by the Black Lake....I think. I don't know the guys name or how old he is or anything." I explain.

Sirius busts out laughing and James looks like he is trying not to laugh too.

"He shouldn't have accepted the date if he knew you were drunk." Remus states plainly.

I just shrug in reply. There's nothing I can do about it now.

"Do you know what house he was in?" Remus asks.

"He was in our common room so I assume he is a Gryffindor."

They all nod and go back to being silent. They eventually pick up a quiet conversation but my head is still pounding so I couldn't care less about what they're saying.

Skip to Friday
It's the day I have my date with the mysterious guy from last week. Lily helped me pack a small picnic to bring with but I'm still not prepared. How do you prepare yourself for a date with a guy you don't even know?

I make my way down to the Black Lake and the guy is already there. He stands up when he sees me coming and he takes the basket from me and sits down.

"So what's your name? I guess I should start with that." He says while taking things out of my basket.

"Ella, and yours?"


I nod. That's different. I finally notice that his robes aren't Gryffindor, but their Slytherin. I swallow thickly. Not all Slytherins are bad.

"So if you're a Slytherin then why were you in the Gryffindor Common Room?" I ask.

He shrugs and smiles at my mischievously, "I was visiting some friends."

Mhmmm, not creepy at all.

He hands me some food and we eat and make small talk for awhile. It's going surprisingly well compared to how I thought it would be. At least it's going well until we go to pack up our food.

"What's your blood status?"

I freeze. Okay not a question I expected on a first date.

"Halfblood" I mumble. Normally I'm not ashamed of my blood status but the way he is staring at me makes me nervous.

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