Chapter Fourty Seven

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Time skip
I always imagined myself older when I pictured my wedding. I imagined I would look beautiful and the wedding would be huge and everything would be perfect.

I didn't imagine it being in the middle of a war.

I don't think Remus pictured a wedding at all because what we are about it have isn't what I call a wedding.

We are going to the same spot he proposed then James and Lily are throwing us a reception dinner by the lake. I guess that's what we get since we're poor

Remus left early this morning to get ready with James and Sirius. The girls should be showing up soon and I'm still laying in bed.

I wonder if Lily had second thoughts before her wedding like I am right now. I love him but what if we don't work? Sometimes people just don't work well together and I feel like that has been proven time and time again with us. I'm afraid I'm going to make the same mistake my parents did and marry someone that I can't spend the rest of my life with.

Then again...we may not even have that much time together at all. The war is getting worse everyday and I feel like there is only a matter of time before it all goes wrong.

What can you do though? I can't call off my wedding because there is a small chance we won't work.

Remus POV
I never thought I would be getting married. I never thought I would find someone I would want to get married to. I always thought I would be alone because of my condition.

Here I am at 19 years old about to get married. I have a ton of amazing friends that will always stick by me and I couldn't be happier.

I feel bad because we can't have a big fancy service. We just don't have the money for it. James and Lily are planning the after dinner so we don't have to worry about that. If I understand correctly Lauren is helping them pay for it. Ella and I are paying for the food but that's it. James said that he, Lauren, and Lily have the set up handled so I'm trying not to worry about it. I just want everything to be perfect for Ella.

James is still working with set up so it's just Sirius and I at his house chilling and waiting for it to be time for us to get ready.

"So are you excited for your big day?" Sirius asks plopping down on the couch and tossing me a soda.

I shrug, "I'm just worried Ella's not going to like the reception. I was supposed to help with set up but James, Lily, and Lauren took over."

"Why didn't you guys just rent a venue?"

"Because were poor and the lake is a public place. It's pretty cheap to reserve a spot for weddings or parties." I say opening my soda.

"Who all is going?" Sirius asks.

That's a stupid question because the answer is pretty much no one. "You, Alice, Frank, Marlene, James, Jace, Finn, Lily, Regulus, Freya, Matthew, Lauren, James's parents, and my parents. Not a wide variety of people."

He scoffs, "That's a pretty good crowd still."

"Yes, sixteen people are attending. There was like 50 at James and Lily's wedding."

He just shrugs in reply. James walks in shortly after and plops down beside me. He is a sweaty mess and I hope he is planning on showering before the wedding.

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