Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Minor mentions of depression.

We get to go to school today. Yay. Jace and Freya are starting their first day today and I'm honestly nervous for them. They will ride with us on the train then they will go get sorted on their own before the feast.

They are starting to get back to normal a bit now. Jace is turning into the happy go lucky kid I've always known and Freya is getting back to her sweet simple self.

They were really tore up over their mom for the first week or so but they are doing better now. They are obviously still upset and grieving, but they are figuring out how to move on. If only I could do that.

"Ella! Where is my cloak?" Jace screeches from his room.

"Check the laundry!" I scream back.

I hear heavy footsteps run down the hall and I roll my eyes. I continue getting ready and eventually Freya walks in my room.

"I need a coat. Mines in the wash."

I point over to my closet and she walks over there and grabs herself one of my coats I had last year. I tell her that one is fine then she walks back out.

"Ellie we are leaving in five!" Lauren yells from the living room.

Chaos. That is what my life is. I have to go back and face all my friends that I ignored over break.

I'm finishing up packing when Jace walks through my open bedroom door. He walks over to my desk and picks up all the letters and packages I received but never opened.

"You should take these. I'm assuming these are the Christmas presents your friends sent. Maybe you can open them with them."

I nod and he puts them in my bag then sits on my bed, "I know you are going through something. We both are and so is Freya. Freya and I are doing better because we know that our mom would have stayed if she could."

He reaches out and grabs my hands before continuing, "You technically lost your mom too. The difference is she made the choice to leave you so you have every right to be upset. I know how you are and I know you feel guilty for being sad or.....depressed even if you won't admit it to us."

I pull my hands away from his and go back to packing.

"I was never good enough for her. I shouldn't care that she's gone." I mumble.

He groans and lays back, "It doesn't matter if she cared. You cared and you loved her, I remember how much you tried to make her happy. You don't try to make people happy if you hate them."

Immediately after he finishes Lauren yells for us because its time to go. I grab my stuff and follow Jace to the living room. Freya is already in there and I can't help but smile at her. She seems nervous but also seems happy. I'm sure she is ready to get out of this house and start moving on from what happened. It only I was too.

I grab her hand and ruffle her hair. "Are you excited to start school." I say putting on my best make smile.

"Yes and no, I'm happy to finally get to do something but I'm also nervous." She explains.

I nod and grab Lauren's hand and watch Jace grab the other. Lauren turns and next thing we know we land at the station. We pull ourselves together then I show Freya and Jace how to run through the wall. This time Lauren comes with us to see us off.

We are walking with our bags to get to the train entrance when all of the sudden someone yells and heavy footfalls thud on the ground behind us. We all turn to see the cause of the noise but as soon as I turn someone crashes into me and wraps me in a hug. It's Sirius. After Sirius I get a hug from James, Remus, and Peter.

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now