Chapter Fourty Six

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When I wake up the next day Remus is gone. I get up and get ready and hope that he just left for work early. He didn't seem to be as mad last night. I'm hoping I'm right.


When I get home from work the house is still empty. I walk to the kitchen and set my purse on the counter. I notice a note sitting there as I do so.

Dear Ella,
I've decided I need some time to myself and time to think. I'm staying with Sirius tonight but I should be back tomorrow. I'm sorry to spring this on you but I need some space to think before we talk about this. If we talk now I'm either going to forgive you without talking about it or it will turn into a big argument.

I'm not leaving in case that is what you are thinking. I promise I will be back after work tomorrow. I think we both need space to think. If you have any problems like you did last night you can call over here. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean you should feel unsafe. Come over if anything happens.

Don't forget that I still love you and I think this one night away will be good for us both.

Yours, Remus

Fantastic, I get why he is doing it but I would have been nice to have a heads up. I sigh loudly and kick my shoes and pants off. I grab the phone and walk to the bathroom. Set the phone on the counter and start a bath. I strip down and set the phone on the top of the toilet lid. I sink into the tub and lean over and dial the number on the boxy part.

I put the receiver to my ear and wait for Alice to answer. I can't call Lily because they are on their Honeymoon.


"Hey Alice."

"What's up?" She asks.

I sigh and sink further into the tub. "Nothing much right now. Remus is staying over with Sirius so I'm home alone."

"Oh are they going out or something?"

"No we had a fight before the wedding yesterday and we are taking time to cool down I guess. He says he'll be back tomorrow and we'll figure things out." I explain.

"What are you fighting about?"

"Well first it was because he said something about having kids and I told him I'm not ready and I'm not sure if I want kids."

She interrupts me, "Wait I thought you wanted kids? I think Sirius wants some eventually and James and Lily are already having one and so are Frank and I."

"You're pregnant! How far along are you?" I had no idea.

"Not far behind Lily. I didn't tell everyone because I didn't want to take the attention from Lily and her wedding." She explains.

Alice is so selfless. I would have made a big deal out of it if I were pregnant.

"Finish telling me about the fight." She bosses.

So that's what I do.


After my bath I get dressed in one of Rem's shirts and a pair of panties. I decided to take a nap then catch up on some of the housework.

I deep clean the bathrooms and wash our bed sheets. I fold the multiple loads of laundry that I've been avoiding then go ahead and dust the house. I sweep and mop then I'm finished except for I have to put laundry away.

It wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to stand on one of our barstools to put some of the blankets away. I sigh and drag one over to the hall closet. I grab the basket and standup on the stool. I set the basket on top of my feet and start putting the sheets on the top shelf.

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now