Chapter Thirteen

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Ella's POV
The day after Remus found out about me hurting myself is the best day I've had in awhile. He stayed with me almost the entire day. We are currently in the library working on getting me caught up in my classes. I'm having to do a ton of extra credit work to bring my grades up. Surprisingly I'm actually in a good mood even though we are doing homework.

"Okay so the date was November 13th 1670." Remus says.

I write down one last sentence and my History of Magic essay is done. Remus and I high-five. If only I didn't have five more essays due in a week.

"So how did you feel today?" Remus asks from where he is sitting across the table.

I furrow my eyebrows at him not knowing exactly what he means.

"How did you feel today, like we're you really sad, was it okay....?"


"I felt.......decent. Not happy but not sad either. It's progress" I say shrugging.

He nods and we get back to work. This is going to be an interesting week.

A week later
It's only been a week and I feel a lot better. I'm not back to where I was but I'm finally getting better. I have been hanging out with friends more and I'm almost caught up in school. I Remus and I are extremely close by now and I'm positive I would still be where I was if he hadn't have helped me.

It's Saturday and I've decided I'm going to use today to catch up with my friends. I'm going to spend the morning with my cousins then I'm going on a walk with Finn. After that I'm going to hang out with the boys then the girls and I are going to have a girls night.

I'm on my way to meet Freya and Jace. We decided to meet up in the Hufflepuff common room. Freya is going to let us in. When I get there Jace is already there so I walk in and flop down on the couch with the two of them.

"So you and Remus have been hanging out a lot recently." Freya says poking my leg.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Well that's only because they like eachother." Jace says like it is so obvious.

I smack him but don't deny it.

"How's school been for you so far?" I ask him trying to change the subject.

He shrugs, "It's been good, I've found some friends that seem to be nice. I've also talked to that Regulus guy. He seems nice enough but you were wrong about him not being a Deatheater. He seems to run right with their little crowd."

I furrow my eyebrows. That doesn't make any sense.

"Keep an eye on that for me. I want to know why he helped me if he is a Deatheater."

He nods and I turn to Freya.

"So how's your week been?" I ask.

She shrugs but doesn't say anything.

"She's been talking to this Ravenclaw boy a lot recently." Jace butts in.

I sit up and gasp. After that we spend the entire time talking about this boy Freya likes.

After I get through visiting with them I meet up with Finn and we go on a walk around the black lake. We catch up and he tells me that I need to open the Christmas present that he sent me last month. I agree then head up to hang out with the boys.

When I get up there they are all bunched up on James bed. I cock my eyebrow and squish into their little circle. I'm smashed between James and Sirius with Remus and Peter across from me.
The usual happy mood is replaced with a tense nervous one. 

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