Chapter Four

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Ella POV
I wake up the next morning and I'm shocked to see it's almost ten. I slept in really late which is unusual for me. All the girls are gone but there is a note on my nightstand.

Dear, Ella
The girls and I all went down to breakfast. We didn't wake you because we heard about how bad your day was yesterday. Hopefully your day will be better today. We are going to hang out by the late most of the day today. Join us if you feel up to it!

Sincerely, Lily Evans

I smile when I read it. All of my friends are so sweet. I get up and take care of my plants then get ready for the day. I wear light makeup and curl my hair. I wear skinny jeans and a oversized sweater. After I'm ready I head downstairs to the common room. When I get down there I'm met with two familiar faces.

James jumps up and hands me a large Tupperware container. I look at it and lift my eyebrows.

"I wrote my mum yesterday and told her that I needed some sweets for one of my friends that was having a bad day. These showed up shortly after breakfast." He says beaming at me.

My jaw drops and I just stare at him. He wrote his mom just for me.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that!" I gush while hugging him.

"It's no problem." He says brushing it off like it's nothing.

He thinks it's nothing but I think it is the nicest thing I've ever had a friend do for me.

"Where are you headed to?" Sirius asks ruffling my hair.

I swat his hand away, "I'm going to hang out with the girls if you will quit pestering me."

He throws his hands up in surrender. I smile at him and make my way out of the common room. I head towards the lake and it doesn't take long for me to find the girls. They are all laying out under a big tree.

I walk over to them and sit down Indian style. Lily sits up and looks at the container in my hands with wide eyes.

"Is that food?"

I nod. She sits up and takes the container from me and opens it. I snatch it back and she looks at me offended.

"Uhh excuse you, these are my 'I'm sorry your mother sucks snacks' that James had him mom make for me.

Lily throws her hands up in defeat and lays back down.

"Did James really have his mum makes snacks for you because you had a bad day?" Alice asks.

"Mhm." I hum while handing each of them a brownie.

"Maybe he has a crush on you." Alice says cocking her eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "No way, he is way too hung up on Lily for that."

After I say that she groans and everyone erupts into laughter.

"If anyone has a crush on her it's Lupin. He is always looking at her and you two hang out a lot." Marlene says.

I feel my face heat up but I don't try to hide it. I reach over and take Marlene's brownie. She shouts indignantly and I stick my tongue out at her.

"You're just mad because you know I'm right. You know he would do just about anything to get in your skirt." She remarks.

I gasp and smack her leg. Everyone erupts in laughter once again. I roll my eyes and throw Marlene's brownie in the lake. She gasps and this makes everyone laugh harder.

"Are you sure it's not Black that would be trying to get up her skirts?" Lily says looking at Marlene.

I can't even with them. I smack Lily on the leg too. This time and she just laughs. We eventually settle down and lay on our backs and watch the clouds while eating my 'I'm sorry your mother sucks snacks'. Everything is going great until Marlene opens her big mouth again.

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